HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/4/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesMEETING TAPED CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING May 4, 1987 Council Members present: Paul Cassel, Brian Taylor, Tery McKee, Dick McGraw and Les Young. City Attorneys Robert Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Chief Harold Kirby gave a brief rundown of the police activities during the apple blossom weekend. He said it was relatively quiet in East Wenatchee with only a few minor problems. Chief Kirby said Chet Virnig would be attending a training seminar in Spokane the week of May llth and asked if Officer Virnig could be advanced $150.00 for the school. Chief Kirby said the City would be reimbursed but it would probably be a month before it would be vouchered. Dick McGraw made a motion to approve the expenditure, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Chief Kirby said they did a background check on the three police applicants that took the oral exam and have hired Randy Webley. He comes from Brewster and is on LEOFF Plan I. He will starting May 15, 1987, Nick Wiltz handed out a landscape draft for the park at the foot of 9th Street. The plan was drafted by McConnell and Burke and was an increase from plans submitted to the Department of Transportation last Fall. After some discussion, the Council asked Nick to submit the proposed plans and a letter to the Department of Transportation and if they approve the plan it can then be presented to the Planning Commission for their input as suggested by Bob Burke. Nick said he would like some direction as to what procedure to go through when he or Bob Goodman feel a need for engineering services with Forsgren-Perkins. The Council said anything over 200.00 should first be brought before the Council for approval. Nick said he has some concerns aoubt Simon Street. He wants Simon Street surveyed so as businesses go into the area, the City will be able to tell the business owners where they want curbs and gutters. Also, Nick said he would like a cost estimate of pushing Baker St. through to Third Street and possibly to Grant Road. The area would have to be survey and the cost of right of way purchase. Dick McGraw made a motion to authorize the Engineers to survey Simon St. and Baker and that the information be brought back before the Council. Motion was seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Beautification at the foot of Hamilton St. was discussed Councilman, Dick McGraw. He had final plans and some cost figures of approximately $33,000.00 drafted by McConnell/ Burke. Bob Goodman said possibly the project could be scaled down as some of the shrubs etc. were layed out on private property and the project cost did not include ' any purchase of right of way. 1 'pauanoCpe aq 6uLAadra41 4p44 PUP AP0 S,a043Pa1 LPUOL4 ALsnowLueun passed pup bunoA sal Aq papuooas P a W MPagOW IOLQ 'ssauLsnq Aaggn; ou 6uLaq aaagl / •g4aaan0 aLggy woa; aLddp up ggLm paguasaad spm 449 APW 6uLaeLoap UOL4PwPLooad P pau6Ls uLPao JOXPW ALsnOWLueun passed pup bunoA sal Aq papuooas seM uoL40W •pP LeuL; agI anoaddP 04 aLgp aq LLounoo agg 4P44 pue AID agg uL44Lm wsLanog a4owoad 04 auLzP6eW dool appospo agg uL pe up ao; aagwego aag04PuaM Ise3 agg o4 00.5Z8 a4nq La4uoo 04 UOL40W P apPw MPa90W loLO •apeaPd SLSSP40 AssPLO agg pup LPAL4s93 6uL446L1 SPW4SLa40 agg agowoad pLnom g3L4M al" OPW dool apPOSPO 9q4 uL pp a6pd Aagaenb a ao; spun3 wnLpP4S woa; 00'9ZB$ pagsanbaa 'aoaawwoo ;o aagwP40 aag34PuaM IsP3 aq; 6uL4uas8adaa '44L;;Lag Laol •uoL4 '-ona4suoo do pLo4 IOU Mm 4L os awL4 ;o AluaLd uL IoLN 04 wag4 gab oI aans aq LLLm Aagl os APMP 4uas aq 04 paau Mm sueLd a4g ;L Aog3p1AjuO3 agg aSLAPP pup awns aq oI IoLN pLo4 LassPO LnPd 'spoof dol Ao; sueLd a4g eap 4no guas aq o4 9AP4 LLLm 4PggP aWLI SLg4 4e ;o 1uL44 ueo a4 4P44 sueLd ALuO a44 PCPs aH anAa Uag uL 090I og guas aq ueo sueLd Rue os ALLeooL SLg4 ao; aLgPLLPAP as La auo ou sL aa9g4 pies z4LLM IoLN •sloago uPLd ao; awL4 SLg4 IP 3 NPLLPAP auo ou aAPg Aa44 aao;aaagl PUP UOLIPLOOSSd aLa44 44Lm a96uOL ou sL AauoLPW PLawed -SW 4P44 Wa44 6uLWao;uL 'OUI '•ossy aUOjS6ULALl -apeM pue aaLLLO3 puowwPH woa; aag4aL P paALaoaa pe4 a4 PCPs uewaawWLZ longo •ALsnowLupun passed PUP MPagoW IOLO Aq papuooas seM UOLIOW •6ULlaaw 4xau aq4 4P LL0uno0 a44 oI 4L 4uasaad 04 PUP ILWLL aq-46uLaq 00'000`0L$ ;o aan4LPuadxa a44 g4Lm do umpap sueLd awns aAPq pue saaauLbu3 S,A Q 944 4op4uoo oI qog PUP IoLN 9ne4 04 uoL40W a apPw aoLAPl uPLJS 'UOLssn0SLp aaoW aal;y •Alaadoad ALa4I ao; sueLd Se4 PaaP 4e44 uL aaumo A4aadoad a44 4pg4 sAauaol4y a44 Aq paSLApe aaam LLounoo 941 'awL4 SL4I IP auop aq o4 spaau 6UL44DWOS pue aaosak@ ue sL •4S u04LLWPH 4P44 P94P4s aH •laPd aqg ;0 6uLpun; a4g ueLd o4 awL4 aLdwe A4L0 a44 aAL6 pLnoM goL4M pa4aLdwoo aq pLnom 4L aao;aq SaeaA om4 asPaL 4P aq Mm IL 'Iou dL PUP UOL4PgaodsuPal ;o 4uaw4aeda0 a44 Aq ao; pied aq ALgpgoad LLLm 'IS 446 do wo44oq a44 4p lied pasodoad agg pips aallow Aaai •spaap aa44o aq4 ao; do AaUOW a44 apLALp sde4aad ua44 pue 4e palooL aq ueLd 8ALsua4aadwoo a44 UL441M sPaae ago ;o LLP LLIun Item 04 alU PLnom ag PCPs LassP1 Lnpd ' •aan6L; ISOO Aa44OUP 44Lm do awoo sdegaad PUP aano 4L AOOL saaauL6ua pagopa4uoo ano Ieg4 pa4sa66ns pup PaaP LLPws P 4ons o4uL Ind 04 40L Ln;me up sem 00'000'££ 4La; a4 pies aoLAel uPLag •a4Pp aa4pL a gP aaAoLdwa LPUOL4LppP up uo Ind o4 aAP4 pLnom A4Lo aq4 sdp4aad pips aaloW Aaal •aWLI SL44 4P Moul IOU pip aq pips qog •sueLd aALsuagaadwoo a44 uL papnLOUL shed LULw a4g ;0 LLP ;o aaPo alP4 04 g6noua aamod uew ppg aq ;L qog palse LassPO Lned BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MAY 4, 1987 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young April Salary 55.71 2. Paul Cassel April Salary 55.71 3. Tery McKee April Salary 55.71 4. J. Brian Taylor April Salary 55.71 5. Richard McGraw April Salary 55.71 6. Shell Oil Co. Credit Card Charges (McGraw) 52.93 7. Inland Empire Chapter of ICBO 1987 Dues 25.00 8. ICBO UBC Application Interpretation Manual 18.76 9. Cascade A-1 Janitorial April Janitorial Service 45.00 10. W. Valley Humane Society May Dog Control 333.00 11. AWC Employee Benefits Trust May Medical, Dental & Vision Insurance 1 639.52 12. Grant Road Hardware Pipe Fittings, Fertilizer, Sprinkler and Parts 57.03 13. Security Bank of WA. April Social Security Deposit 2 850.70 14. Ted Bryan Witness Fee & Mileage 16.64 15. Ma Cristina Buak Translator Fees 60.00 16. Judy M. Johnson Witness Fees & Mileage 19.92 17. Hobart B. Baily Witness Fees & Mileage 15.21 18. In -Print Printing & Copier Paper 125.81 19. The McGraw Co. Inspection Reports 67.46 20. E. W. Water District 2 Months Service City Hall 15.35 21. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace March Special Billing & Criminal Prosecution 1 512.54 ' 7 133.42 STREET 1. Grant Road Hardware Chalk, Chalk Line & Ind. Enamel 36.93 2. Zellerbach Paper Co. Paper Towels & Restroom Supplies 107.21 3. Security Bank of WA. April Social Security 688.02 4. AWC Employee Benefits Trust May Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 391.21 5. Chamberlin Dist. Co. Roundup & Simazine 202.37 6. WA. St. Treasurer DOT March Traffic Signal Maint. 331.51 7. P. U. D. Douglas Co. 2 Months Service to Shop & Garage 32.00 8. Grange Supply Co. Gasoline 419.88 9. Nendels Four Seasons Inn Citizens Advisory Meet., Room Rent 14.84 10. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service to Shop & Garage 34.83 2 258.80 POLICE 1. Ernst Car Mats & Cleaners 67.51 2. Kits Cameras Photo Env. & Polaroid Film 12.82 3. Zellerbach Paper Co. Restroom Supplies 35.74 4. Clifford Hahn Prescription Drug 11.00 5. Blumenthal Shirt and Tapes 58.00 6. Kayo's Car Wash April Police Car Washes 70.00 7. Paul H. Lyons, M.D. John Harrison Physical 141.50 8. Capitol Chevrolet 2 1987 Chevrolet Caprice Police Cars 23 723.54 9. Trim -Line of Wenatchee Stripes & Letters 2 Police Cars 308.84 10. Eastside Paint & Glass 32 x 20 x ', Plex Clear 18.71 24 447.66