HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/20/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Meeting taped April 20, 1987 Council Members present: Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, Brian Taylor, Dick McGraw and Les Young. City Attorneys Robert Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Paul Cassel seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were adopted as submitted. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Dick McGraw. A voucher to McConnell and Burke was again discussed. The Council agreed to pay the entire billing including $650.31 expenditure from 1986 and if it appears McConnell/Burke will go over the $18,000.00 contractual contract for 1987, the issue can be discussed at a later time. Mayor Crain also questioned the 1,000.00 to the Chamber of Commerce for the Classy Chassis Parade as he felt 1,000.00 was a lot for trophies. The Council assured him that part of the money was for advertising which can be rather costly. There being no further questions concerning the bills, they were approved unanimously. Chief Harold Kirby said Five Reserve Officers graduated from the Training Program and would be assisting with the car parade and apple blossom festival. He also stated that the Civil Service Board had their oral exam Sat. and he was given an eligibility list with three names so by the 1st of May, he would probably have a officer hired to fill the position vacated by Mike Cattin. Chief Kirby said he and Bob Goodman were working together on traffic control for the upcoming car parade Sunday at 1:00 P.M. Kirby said the new police cars would be ready by Friday. Councilman Tery McKee spoke of some problems regarding flood control. He stated that with McDonalds going in there could be a water problem if there was ever a cloud burst. Water coming down Third Street would go through their parking lot. He said it might be of benefit to the City at this time to put in a dry pipe which would cost approximately 30,000.00. He said it was possible that the cost of the pipe would be reimbursed if funding is granted for the flood control program. Nick Wiltz said there wasn't much time do anything as McDonalds is moving right along but he added, excavation after McDonalds is in, would appear prohibitive. Tery said something would have to be done in the future evern if a flood control program is not voted in and no grant available. Bob Dahmer said this would be the last shot for the flood control program to be on the ballot. Mayor Crain said there are going to be so many things on the ballot that will raise taxes that he doesn't think it will go again. He said he thought the water problem was also a County problem and they should take some responsibility. Councilman Dick McGraw said it was his understanding that the City has an easement through McDonalds property but doesn't feel that it will be a cost free easement. Chuck Zimmerman said it is rather debatable as it doesn't appear to be a firm easement. The Council directed the City Attorneys to ,look into the matter further. 1 •RLsnowLueun pass Rq papAooas 'u,anoCpe oq uoLgow a apew Lassen Lned paMoLLo; quawn6ap pagpa4 aaygea y •gsaL; geLoaadde pLnom ay PLpaw ao ssaad ayq oq buL06 WLq 44tM AaAO 4� ILP; PLnom Xa4I k ueyq aa43ea 'anSSL UP uo wLy 44tm 89a6e Sou saop LLounoo ayq ua4M geyq pLes ULpao aoReW 6UL489w LLounoo gseL ayq qe panoaddp aaam spun; yoL4M 4uawaaa6y apeaed sLSse40 AM D aoaawwoo ;o aagwe43 aayogeuaM 4se3 ay} agnoaxa oq ULeao aoReW p9zLa04gne LLounoo ayl •ou pagon aoLRpl ueLJO •sag pagon MeagoW JoLa pup aalloW Vaal 'Lassen Lned Rq papuooaS •aagwaw LLounoo aad 00.00Z$ paaoxe Sou pinoo 6UL4aaw ayq ao; saanjLpuadxa geyq UoLgow a apew 6unoA sal 'UoLssnosLp aaow aaq;y •gas JLWLL a aq pLnoys aaa44 pLes Lned •X;Lo aq; Rq pLpd aq pLnoys sasuadxa LLp pue s6uLgaaw asayq puaggp oq pamoLLe aq pLnoys LeLoL;;o pagoaLa RUE pLes 6unoA sal •puagge pLnoys saagwaw LLounoo LLe geyq 4y6noyq ay pies Raal •sLeaw pup se6 UMo aLayq ao; Red pLnoys Ra44 4eyq pue Raessaoau qou aaam swoon Lagow ge44 46noua asoLo seM ewLIPA qLa; qnq 'aa; U0L4PJ4SL6a,a ay} 44Lm waLgoad ou pe4 ay pLes aH •suoLquanuoo 9s943 ao; Rpd oq saaRed xeq ayq goadxa qou pLnoys LLounoo ayq qLa; a4 pLes AOLRel UPLJ9 •uoLquanuoo ayq ao; saan4Lpuadxa ;o Lenoadde ao; palsp pup 4-46L ayq 46noa44 449L aunp ewLjeA uL uoL;Uanuoo oMV a 6ULpuagge aq pLnom as)loW Raal pup ay pLes meagoW JoLa uewLLounoo I RLsnowLueun passed pue aoLRpl ueLae Rq papuooas 'aa)IoW Raal Rq apew seM uoLgoW 'IS 449L oq gaaagS 44ULN w04 ReMaed LLeW RaLLeA 6UoLe wagsRs uoLgeuL= LLL ue Pup SILemaN s ;o uoLsnLouL 941 ao; OSZ8 og quawaaAV RemAaed LLeW A LLPA 8Z HS 3dopp oq pagoeua LLounoo ayq 'UoLssnosLp 4onw aaq;y •LLounoo ayq Rq pagdopp se ueLd anLsuayaadwoo Sjjq o ayq ;o suoLgequawLLdwL ayq ;o awns uo paeMao; 6uLnow aq gsnC LLLm uotssLwwoo 6uLuueLd a4q pLes aH •uaddey q,upinoM geyq wty paansse Raa,L •UOLSSLwwoO 6uLuueLd ayq ao; suoLSLoap ajew oq Raq ReMRue uL qou pLnoys LLounoo ayq pLes uLeao aoReW uoLssLwwoo 6uLuueLd ayq won; LLounoo ay; aao;aq awoo ua44 LLLm suoLgppuawwooaa pue uoLgewao;uL paLLegaa •ueLd anLsuagaadwoo ay; uL pauLLgno se 6ULuoz uL sa6up4o pasodoad awos aea4 oq 6uL49aw aq LLLm uoLsSLwwoo 6uLuueLd ayq pies aa)oW Raal •pae08 sued ay; uo RoUeoen ay; LBS oq paggLwqns aap saweU geyM awLq ;o ppaye moul oq 9U L osLe pLnom ay pLes uLeao aoRpW •aangn; ay; uL 6uL48aw LLounoo ayq aao;aq LLounoo ayq oq sgaodaa RLaagaenb sL4 4a6 pLnoo Aa�aeq •aW dL Ln;dLa4 aq pLnom qL pLes ULea3 aoReW •quapngs 96aLLoo a se yons 'uoL4Lsod ayq uL uosaad 6unoR a aas oq a�Ll pLnom ay pLes uLeao aoReW quapLsaa RgLo aa440ue Rq paLLL; aq pLnom gpyq agep SL4q qe 6uLuado queoen auo sL 9aa4q Pup quONsaa A Q a 'uaLLV ag4oLae43 Rq paLLL; uaaq sey paeo8 uoLgeaaoab q sued ayq uo RoUeoen auo geyq LLounoo ayq pasLnpe aaAaeg •aW •aouaLuanuoo J 044 le aagwaw LLounoo Rue 441m ALeq oq peL6 aq pLnom ao suoLgsanb pe4 LLounoo ayq ;L 6UL499w aaygoue oq awoo oq Rdde4 aq pLnom ay pLes aH •L86L do aagapnb qsL ayq Ao; aangoLd LeLoueuL; s,quawgaedap sued ayq ;o agepdn ' ;aLaq a LLounoo ayq 9ne6 •gdoa sued Rqunoo seLbnoo ayq ao; aogoaJLO 'aajae8 wLC •RLsnowLueun passed pup Lassen Lned Rq papuooas 16unoA sal Rq apew seM uoLgoW •Lenoaddp pLes ;o uoLgewaL;uoo aaq;e 402JZUoo ayq u6Ls oq pasLnpe seM a042W ayq '4 LLM JO LN pup upwpoog qo8 'MpagoW JoLO ;o Lenoadde ayq uodn '6uLgaaW LLounoo ApLnBa.A gxau ayq aao;aq uoLquagge ageLpawwL paau geyq saoLnaas aae aaayq se pue sa89UL6u3 6uL4Lnsuoo •y•d 6Uiaa9uL6u3 SULVad-uaa6saoj ygLM saoLnaas 6ULaaaUL6Ua LpuoLssa;oad ao; goeaquoo aagsew 2 04UL aaqua 04 pagoeua LLounoo ayl BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT APRIL 20, 1987 'POLICE 1A. Wen. P. D. Reserve Graduation banquet 112.00 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Don Crain April Salary 297.90 2. Peggy McArthur April Salary 1 041.85 3. Virginia Kinzel April Salary 977.61 4. Ron Lannoye April Salary 487.39 5. Lennie Breckenridge April Salary 503.09 6. Nick Wiltz April Salary 456.50 7. Grant Road Hardware Cabinet & Restroom Supplies 48.98 8. Chelan Douglas Health Dist. Services for 2nd Quarter 1 531.00 9. WA. Finance Officers Assn. 1987 Dues 40.00 10. Dept. of Retirement Systems Public Employees Retirement April 785.48 11. Security Bank of WA. April Withholding Deposit 2 542.30 12. Pedco Credit Union April Payroll Deductions 900.00 13. Jeffrey C. Barker April Public Defender Retainer 499.92 14. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace April Legal Retainer 1 625.00 15. Do. Co. Dist. Court April Service 2 905.50 16. General Telephone 1 Months Service 404.02 17. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 1 Qt. Oil Charged on Credit Card 2.10 18. Grange Supply Gasoline & Fertilizer 329.80 19. In Print Office Supplies 10.47 20. WA. Assn. City Planning 1987 Membership Dues 15.00 ' 21. P.U.D. of Douglas Co. 2 Months Service to City Hall 197.00 15 712.91 STREET DEPT. 1. Ron Lannoye April Salary 874.78 2. Lennie Breckenridge April Salary 1 006.05 3. Bob Goodman April Salary 1 390.57 4. Pedco Credit Union April Payroll Deduction 300.00 5. Dept. of Retirement Systems Public Employees Retirement April 615.86 6. Security Bank of WA. April Withholding Deposit 515.70 7. Grant Road Hardware Knee Protectors & Router Bit 17.82 8. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co. .92 Tons Cold Mix 25.22 9. General Telephone 1 Months Service 51.78 10. Northwest Bearing Parts for Street Flusher 19.40 11. P. U. D. of Douglas Co. 2 Months Service 1 785.00 =*Y.1 N POLICE 1. Harold Kirby April Salary 1 757.74 2. Michael Schulz April Salary & March Overtime 1 547.58 John Harrison April Salary & March Overtime 1 944.64 4. Bruce Nash April Salary & March Overtime 1 622.69 '3. 5. Chet G. Virnig April Salary & March Overtime 1 561.44 6. Michael Cattin March Overtime 94.78 7. Shannon Wilsey April Salary 887.24 8. Katie Jaspers April Civil Service Salary 46.42 1 Z£'69£ Lb LS'ZZI oLa4OaL3 PO4PN LOSu0O Sb'917Z Lb L8'89L 4SPO 4439d 8S'LLO Lb saanjLpuadx3 LIP 17401 00'OSL Z spunj wnLPP3S LP301 L8'LZO LL aOLLOd Le4ol 8L'Z09 9 4aaalS LP301 65'L69 OZ asuadx3 }uaaunO LP401 00'09L Z 00'09L L 00'000`L$ do ualuenp puZ eaang ' uoLIuanu03 19 a04LSLA Paay aaP4 PuaM 'Z 00'000 L apeaPd SLSseyO FsseLO a0aawwoO jo aagwe43 '4SLO 'M '3 'L SONnj WflIOylS L8'ZZL wooalanoO uo; s4y6Ll LeOLa4OaL3 P@;PPLLosuo3 'LZ L8'89L saan,4Lpuadx3 ysPO 4sP3 444ad '9Z 9'960 S L86L 40aeW 'AuI •qaj q *UPC •nuI `986L ao; pa3sanbaa •4wy a�anOA Lauuo30W '9Z 3SN3dX3 1N3aA3 IS' SL6 9L 60'L8I a0uauajuo3 M31 IOLMauua)l - sasuadx3 punj 6uLALonaa 80uenpy LaAPal 'bZ 00'SZ u42H PaoddLL3 a0,} 4ua4Paa1 O•W 'uaapunl '1 3aago2l '£Z 98'bS sbnu0 uOLldLaOsaad uyeH pao}}LLO 'ZZ Sb'LLL yseN aonu8 aoj LPOLsNd OLuLLO R8LLPA •uaM 'LE Ob'8SL SaLa0SSa00y q Swao3Lug swao}Lup LPg4uawnLO 'OZ OL'SSZ E aaj 6uLsnOH aauOSLad 40,APW Aaunseaul •03 uPLa43 •6L Ob'b£9 4daa aaLLOd ao; uogej •ldaO lS a8404euaM 3sP3 bo L313 '81 00'OSZ u4PH PaoddLLO 4uaw3sPaa1 RdeaayloyOL'sd •0'W `sPuPS '3 4aago2j 'LI EL'8£ LILdad g wngLy 0404d 'wLH sPaawP3 s,4L)l '9L 0£'Z9L 6uLueaLO LaO V.APW SaauPaLO a3P3S-PLW 'SL 99 SZ uoLOwnwwy sung jo asnOH SA00d 'bl 00'Eb S6'96L aOLAuaS auoydaLLgOW LLudy 6uLy3lPdsLO LLady 3saMyluoN auOJBLLgoW •OdaO s,}}LaayS •03 '00 'EL 'ZL ZL'Z6 4uawaaa6y a0ueua4ULPW LLady SuoL4POLunwwO3 LPa}ua3 'LL Z9'LbS L ;uawkPd 4uawaaL3aa LLady swajSL'S 4uaw9aL99a 10 •jda0 'OL 00'OL uOSLuaPH - u0L4onpaP LLoaL'Pd /CPM pa31up •b '1,NO3 33IlOd