HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/6/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes (2)COUNCIL MEETING
' APRIL 6, 1987
Council Members present: Dick McGraw, Tery McKee, Les Young and Paul Cassel. Attorneys
Robert Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur.
Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Pro Tem, Dick McGraw.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by
Paul Cassel, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were discussed and it was determined that a billing from McConnell
and Burke be deferred until the next meeting so the Council can review the invoices.
Paul Cassel made a motion to accept the bills with the exception of McConnell/Burke,
seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously.
Tery McKee said he had no update on flood control at this time but said Bob Burke would
be over next week and may have more information.
The Council enacted to adopt Resolution No. 2-87, Establishing an Overtime, Holiday
and Training Pay Policy for City Employees.
Sergeant Randy Harrison said the police department had its first block watch meeting
and it was very successful. Randy also said the deadline for applications for filling
'the position vacated by Mike Cattin is April 17th with the exam to be given April 18th.
He stated that the police vehicles are in and will be picked up next week.
Sergeant Harrison said the deparmtent would be purchasing approximately $440.00 worth of
ammunition which expenditure was appropriated for in the 1987 budget.
Sergeant Harrison said Shannon Wilsey would be attending a Records Seminar in
Kennewick, April 7 through 10th.
Sergeant Harrison said Four Reserves would be graduating from the Wenatchee Police
Department Reserve Academy and graduation services and banquet will be held April
18, 1987 at the Wenatchee Golf & Country Club at 6:00 P.M. He asked if the City
could pay for the Reserves and their spouses dinners which would cost $112.00.
Attorney Bob Kiesz said the expenditure was permissible and the Council unanimously
approved the expenditure. Randy said a warrant would be needed by the 13th of
April. He said the Mayor and Council were welcome to attend.
The Council enacted to adopt the Contract for Plan Checking Services between the City
and Hammond Collier & Wade - Livingston Associates, Inc. Motion was made by Tery McKee,
seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Chuck Zimmerman stated the original
contract would have to be signed by the Consultant and he would take care of that
and return the original to City Hall.
After reviewing a Cabaret Dance License Permit, drafted by the City Attorneys,
' Tery McKee made a motion to allow the Cabaret Dance License, with conditions set forth
in the draft and that Mr. James Blevin, owner & operator of the Draft Room Tavern
pay the $300.00 Cabaret fee before allowing any dancing. Motion was seconded Paul
Cassel and passed unanimously. The City Clerk was instructed to attach a copy of the
draft and police department investigations to the minutes.
Councilman Tery McKee read the following Statement for the record concering reorganization:
April 6. 1981
' Statement for the Record
Subj: Reorganization
There is current legislation (House Joint Resolution a21) making it possible to
disincorporate our city. There is also a provision to organize a new city. The
problem is that we can not disincorporate and reorganize on the same ballot. There-
furu, we would disincorpurate the OLy and go back in La file coun Ly and remain cuuaty
until the next election. At that time, there would be no guarantee the people would
vote to have a city.
We must know if the people want this to take place. We don't know this at this time.
We need to have a Citizens Advisory Committee to address this issue.
We are not a rich enough pity to take on the responsibility of the whole county. We
must know no. much area is feasible from an economic base to include in a proposed
city. Much study and planning most be done to keep from bankrupting the city by
assuming more liability than we are capable of servicing.
If a new city were formed, its form of government, consolidation of taxing districts,
and setting of boundaries would be mandated by its citizens, not by politicians.
Many officials have worked long and hard to build a spirit of cooperation with
Douglas County. There are many important issues before us. It is to our benefit
to protect the interest of both the city and the county. All the people will gain
if we have stable, healthy city and county government. I hope we can contribute
to the solution rather than the problem.
In my opinion, based upon research and the complexity of reorganization, we would
be ill advisied to begin a -reorganization campaign this year. This issue will
require much thought. It will require legislation to be passed to solve some of
these problems. It is important that we work thru our legislators and the people
of this county.
The Mayor has made statements to the media misrepresenting the fact: and implying,
if not stating, that he has the backing of the council. To my knowledge, he has
not discussed this issue with the council at any length and we have not authorized
any action on this issue.
Councilman - East Wenatche
Attorney Bob Kiesz said Mayor Crain asked him to remind the Council that they had
backed the Mayor's reorganization plan through a letter sent to Planning Consultant
Bob Burke on Jan. 21, 1987. In the letter, Mayor Crain stated that he and the Council
wanted to implement the Comprehensive Plan and suggested reorganization.
Mayor Pro Tem, Dick McGraw said the letter was handed out but there was no discussion.
Bob Kiesz stated that the Mayor was not trying to create conflicts.
Dick McGraw said the Mayor has a problem of doing the right thing wrong and suggested
that the issue be put to rest for the time being.
Lisa DeChenne, represting the Wenatchee Valley Jaycees was granted the third fireworks
stand permit. Paul Cassel made a motion to allow the stand, stating they would have
to comply with the rules and regulations as set forth by the fire department. The
motion was seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously.
'Dr. John Gahringer, representing the East Wenatchee District Chamber of Commerce
said the Chamber was planning a Classy Chassis Parade to be held April 26th at 1:00 P.M.
and requested $1,000.00 for advertising and trophies. Dr. Gahringer said the car parade
will be the day after the Apple Blossom kiddie parade. Tery McKee made a motion that
the funds be allocated from Stadium Fund Monies and asked Dr. Gahringer to fill out
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