HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/16/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING March 16, 1987 ' Council Members present: Paul Cassel, Tery McKee, Dick McGraw and Les Young. City Attorneys Robert Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Chuck Zimmerman said an invoice for services provided for Bill Brooks by Christos Dagadakis, M.D. appeared to be for treatment and recommended that it be vouchered for the next meeting. Sale of City property located at the corner of Ninth and Baker was discussed and it was agreed by the Council that the matter be tabled until it is decided which building site the City chooses for a City Hall. John Rolfs, representing the Eastmont Swim Team, was granted permission to have a fireworks stand within the City limits. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain said that McDonalds would be going in soon and that Nick Wiltz wanted ' to address the Council about a change in zoning across the street between Third and Fourth Streets on the East side. That property is now zoned light Industrial and Nick said he felt it should be commercial in the event the property at a later date is sold. After some discussion, the Council advised Nick to go ahead with the proper paperwork necessary to bring the requested rezone before the Planning Commission. Nick Wiltz also said they were looking into the possibility of pushing Baker St. through to Third Street and possibly to Grant Road. Dick McGraw said 3rd Street might possibly be widened at a later date. Dick said a Citizen's Advisory Committee has been meeting comprising of local business people in the area of Valley Mall Parkway and Grant Road. They are also looking into the signal light problems at Valley Mall and Grant. Mayor Crain commended the police Dept on the excellant job they did on last week's drug bust. Chief Kirby thanked the Council for allowing him to set up a drug fund and gave a short report on the arrest and what had been confiscated. Les Young said a letter of resignation had been received from Patrolman, Mike Cattin. He stated March 27th would be Mike's last day with the Department. Mayor Crain said Mike's resignation was accepted with regrets and he wished him well in this future endeavors. He stated the Police Dept. is in the process of finding someone for the position vacated by Mike. I Mayor Crain announced that he would be speaking to the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday at their noon meeting. He said he planned to go over his year end report and how he sees the future of the City. 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Mayor Crain called the meeting back into regular sessi and there being no further business, Dick McGraw made a motion that the meeting be journed. nded by Les Young and passed unanimously. IX' ' ' c BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MARCH 16, 1987 ' CURRENT EXPENSE March Salary 297.90 1. Don Crain 2. Peggy McArthur March Salary 1 041.85 3. Dannie Kinsel March Salary 991.51 4. Ron Lannoye March Salary 487.39 5. Lennie Breckenridge March Salary 503.09 6. Nick Wiltz March Salary 456.50 7. Do. Co. District Ct. March Court Services 2 905.50 8. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace March Legal Retainer 1 625.00 9. Jeffrey C. Barker March Public Defender Retainer 499.92 10. Pedco Credit Union March Payment 900.00 11. Dept. of Retirement Systems March Payment 787.51 12. Radio Shack Calculator & Tape 18.21 13. Grant Road Hardware Paper Towels & Extention Cord 7.44 14. In Print Office Supplies & Printing 48.57 15. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Jan. Legal Services 3 811.61 16. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures 136.14 17. Security Bank of WA. March Withholding Deposit 3 128.40 18. Do. Co. Sewer District 2 Months Service 14.00 17 660.54 ' STREET 1. Bob Goodman March Salary 1 390.57 2. Ron Lannoye March Salary 963.59 3. Lennie Breckenridge March Salary 1 128.96 4. Security Bank of WA. March Withholding Deposit 494.00 5. Do. Co. Road Dept. 2 Signs 115.77 6. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service 122.16 7. Pedco Credit Union March Payment 300.00 8. E. W. Water District 2 Months Service 14.00 9. P. U. D. of Do. Co. 2 Months Service 35.00 10. Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc. Liability Insurance 9 033.28 11. Grant Road Hardware Handle & Rosin Cloth 9.65 12. Harrison Auto Parts, Inc. Parts & Supplies 32.07 13. Petty Cash Landfill Fee 4.71 14. Do. Co. Sewer District 2 Months Service 32.59 13 676.35 POLICE 1. Harold Kirby March Salary 1 757.74 2. Michael Cattin March Salary, Feb. Overtime & Vacation 2 517.70 3. Michael Schulz March Salary & Feb. Overtime 1 526.54 4. John Harrison March Salary & Feb. Overtime 1 828.56 5. Chet Virnig March Salary & Feb. Overtime 1 617.80 ' 6. 7. Bruce Nash Shannon Wilsey March Salary & Feb. Overtime March Salary 1 681.69 887.24 8. Katie Jaspers March Salary 46.42 9. United Way Payroll Deduction Harrison 10.00 10. City of East Wenatchee St. Dept. Labor 856.00 1 ££' LLZ ZZ £8'LL a3ua.A0}uo3 eLdWXLO-sLeaW 6Z'66 a3ua.aa}uo3 eLdwFLO pauanoul sasuadx3 09'8L6 eaAV aoLLod uL 4ad.Ae3 MN L9' SL L LZ bs'S£ 8Lb *ON •p,AO 30 uot3eotlgnd L6'LL 6n,AO uoLgdLJDsa,Ad L8'bZ 6uLgsLut}o3o4d I saL,Aa3;e8 O8'£bL saLLddnS 6upEm ado 06'LLO s 'qaj AOj 6uLsnoH sAauosLAd LO'LZ gauLgeo Aoj Aaqwnl Z6'Lb saLLddnS aot�.�O 9b'LL s,aLedab ,Ae3 Ao; slued Os'Zs£ ugeH Rdeu043o43Rsd Z9'L8L 6uLueaL3 •qaj 00'£b ZL'Z6 goueW uq} aoLnAaS auogdaLLgoW }u9wa9u6y a3ueua3uLeW 40JPW 91'8£S L 3uawL'ed goAeW S6'96L 6uLg33edsL0 goueW Me,AgoW pAegoLb 'LZ uuI .aa:jengsaM s,eLdwkLO '9Z slad,Ae3 aPLs3se3 'SZ P p oM aagogeuaM aql 'bZ ugeH p,ao}ILLO '£Z se.Aagweo sgtN 'ZZ swao} Lug Lepuawn L8 ' LZ .Aaanse,mi 94uno3 ueLa43 'OZ •o3 Aagwnl uos3nuN •6L saLuedwo3 ueoL,Aawy 43.AoN IMAO •8L s3.Aed olny uosLJAeH 'LL spueS '3 3uagod '9L s.aasueaL3 a4e4S PLN 9L 1saMg3.AoN auo;aLLgoW bl 'ouI 'suoLleoLunwwo3 Le,4ua3 '£l swels4s 3u8waAL30b 10 *}dap •ZL •}daO s,jjpagS o3 seL6noo •LL '1.NO3 33I10d