HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/21/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Jan. 21, 1987 I Council members present: Dick McGraw, Tery McKee, Brian Taylor, Les Young and Tery McKee. City Attorneys, Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were approved as sumbitted. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. The Council reviewed City Police Court prosecutor/recommendations regarding cost savings and legal fees. It was Paul Cassel's recommendations that the City continue its court services with Ogden, Ogden, Murphy and Wallace rather than contract with another firm and presented some suggestions in order to keep costs down. Tery McKee said, as elected officials, he felt the Council members have the ability to ask responsible questions when they call for advice from the attorneys and didn't feel it was necessary to get Council approval at all times before contacting the Attorneys. He did agree however, that there should be more communication between Council Members. After more discussion, Dick McGraw made a motion to appoint Odgen Odgen, Murphy and Wallace as City Police Court Prosecutors rather than bid out the position. Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain announced that Odgen, Odgen, Murphy and Wallace were officially appointed as Court Prosecutors for the City. 'The Council enacted to adopt the Humane Society Contract for Services for 1987. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain gave each Council Member a copy of a letter he had written to McConnell/ Burke thanking the Planning Commission and Mr. Burke for the time and effort in pre- paring the Comprehensive Plan and suggested some recommendations. Mayor Crain suggested the City and the County retain McConnell/Burke for future planning and work out equable financing. Tery McKee said he would meet with County Officials and report back to the Council at the next meeting. Bob Burke said minor changes had been made in the Comprehensive Plan Draft from the Planning Commission's meeting of January 12, 1987 as recommended by the Planning Commission. Bob Burke said all changes had been made in the Revised Draft including detailed maps. Tery McKee made a motion to adopt the revised comprehensive draft as presented and have the necessary Ordinance prepared by the Attorneys to be approved at the next meeting. Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bill Millett said it was his understanding that the City had to have a public hearing before making a final adoption of the Plan. The City Attorneys said the Council could act without any further public hearings. Mayor Crain said the Comprehensive Plan had been adotped by the Council and there would be no further input. ' Dick McGraw said the Street Department Employees were doing a great job and added that, a pickup truck is badly needed. The Council granted permission to Bob Goodman to check into what is available through the State Contract. Dick McGraw said he did not have a report on placement of fire hydrants at this time. 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L. B Stone 2. Marilyn E. Cook 3. J. Lee Daniels 4. De Lores L. Davis 5. Bryan F. Day 6. Barbara L. Dungan 7. Terry A. Edmondson 8. Elsie H. Moser 9. Janine P. France 10. Trudie Gensigner 11. Margaret A. Lyons 12. Leslie V. Young, Jr. 13. Ginny R. Morris 14. James P. Nolan 15. Beverly J. Robins 16. Shirley A. Smith 17. Lynnette K. Lantzy 18. David L. Harrington 19. Andy Samples 20 The Wenatchee World 21. Grant Road Hardware 22. McConnell/Burke 23. Building Maintenance Supply Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace '24. 25. ICBO 26. Dept. of Labor & Industries STREET - 1986 1. Grant Road Hardware 2. Building Maintenance Supply 3. Totem Pacific Corp. 4. Kar Products 5. Wells & Wade Hardware 6. Ind. Electric Co., Inc. 7. Dept. of Labor & Industries POLICE - 1986 1. Chelan County Treasurer 2. City of East Wenatchee 3. Robert E. Sands, M.D. 4. Grange Supply ' 5. Central Communications Inc Translator Fee 15.00 Jury & Mileage fees 15.41 Jury & Mileage fees 15.41 Jury & Mileage fees 15.41 Jury & Mileage fees 16.64 Jury & Mileage fees 17.05 Jury and Mileage fees 15.41 Jury & Mileage fees 15.21 Jury & Mileage fees 17.05 Jury & Mileage fees 15.62 Jury & Mileage fees 15.41 Jury & Mileage fees 15.82 Jury & Mileage fees 17.05 Jury & Mileage fees 16.23 Jury & Mileage fees 17.87 Jury & Mileage fees 18.28 Jury & Mileage fee 15.41 Witness Fee 15.00 Witness & Mileage fees 137.59 Ord. #413 & 414 106.38 Light Bulbs Christman Decorations 3.85 Statement #10 Dec. 1986 3 315.72 Supplies for Restrooms 107.29 Professional Services Dec. 1986 2 641.00 Code Book -Building Conservation 11.29 6 612.40 4th Quarter Industrial Insurance 1 870.03 8 482.43 Misc., Parts for repairing 10.32 Restroom Supplies 53.64 100 80 Lbs Sachs Course Salt 312.00 Misc., Parts & Supplies 53.98 Cylinder Acetylene 21.34 Hoist Repair, 15.04 466.32 4th Quarter Industrial Ins. 689.92 1 156.24 Prisoners Housing Fee -Dec. 1 476.15 St. Dept. Labor on Police Cars 553.50 Psychotherapy for Clifford Hahn 475.00 Gasoline 207.43 Labor, Parts & Battery - Radio 479.81 3 191 .89 1 1 I b9'£S 9 L' 99S 96'96L 9£'Z8 06' LEZ ZL'Z6 00'Eb 00* SE 00'9Z 00'9Z OS'Lb 00'OL Z b' 9b 06'Z8S LO' 9L6 E£'8Z9 88'bOL 98'06S bZ'L88 bL'LSL LL'9Z9 8 SZ'£L9 W L96 Z LS'EL b0'sb 6S'ZE 00' b L b9'OS 00' 00£ 8L'06Z OL' L8S ££'ZZZ L L8'6b6 L9'06E L 6L'LL8 SL Lb'98L 00' LES 6Z'ELL 00'bL 8 L' £OZ S£'£L b8'SLE OS'906 00'006 OE'OZ6 00'SZ9 Z6'66b 09'99b 60'£OS 6E'L8b L9'LL6 98' Lb L 06'L6Z a6eaLLW luawXed 'ueC 6uL4o4edsLO •uep XquLN •sUI 4 M gPSLO S44UOW 9 6UL4SLULd0l04d I wLH 'PAawe3 4uawaa,a6V •luLeW -UPC aoLnaaS auogdaLLgoW uep L86L - san0 SS8L43 6uL43eu4u03 UOLSLALpgnS LPoLlLLod @del 6ULuteul oaPIA u4PH Xde.aa4l043X'sd uotlonpaO LLouXed •uep X,aPLPS aoLnaaS LLALO 'ueC X,aeLPS •ueC kAP L P S 'UPC X,APLPS 'UPC X.APLPS 'uPp X.APLPS 'ueC X,AeLPS •uPp X,AeLPS •uep luawa,Atlaa 'UPC 4000O.Ad PLV P@j saLLddnS aOLJdo aoLnaaS Sq;UOW L aoLnaaS S44UOW Z aotn,AaS S4lU0W Z sosLO AadPdpuvS lu@wXed •uep RJ930JO XeM LH-geLS ala.Aouo3 gLsodaO 6ULPL04P W 'UeC X•APLeS 'Uep X,aeps 'Uep X.APLPS 'UPC 4SPN aoug 'OZ swalsXS luawa.ALlaa ;o 4dap '6L •ld@O s,dd4-A@4S 'o3 'o0 '8L •00 •SUI adLl UPLpueng 'LL SPJawP3 S40 '9L suoLleoLunwwo3 Leu4ua3 'SL •M•N auo4@LLgoW 'bL aOLLod I sJ4[.A@4S ;o •ussV 'tlM 'EL 'VM 10 'IS 'ZL 'V '3'1'S'M *LL '0'W 'SPuPS '3 3uagoa 'OL XPM Pao Lull ' 6 s.Aadsep •W aLIP)4 •8 zLnVS LaP4oLW 'L uosL.aaPH ugop '9 6LUuLX 3a43 'S UL44P3 Lae4oLW 'b 4sPN aon.a8 E X@SLLM uouue4S 'Z XquLN PLwPH 'L L86L - 33IlOd swalsXS 4UMW Ll@21 ;o 4da0 'EL .Aa,Anseaul 'iS 'VM 'ZL 4UL,Ad uI ' LL 'o3 auo4daLal 'uag •OL l3LulstO Aamas 'o3 •o0 •6 loLuls10 ,aaleM 'M '3 '8 ssPL9 8 IULPd aPLs4se3 'L UOLun ltpap oopad •9 6uL4SLULH 4uawa3 s,OLPO •99 'VM }o jue8 fi4pnoaS •t abpL.Au9109a8 Ual 'E aXOuuel UGH •Z uewpoog qo8 •L L86L - ARiS luaUJ@JLlatl 'UPC luawa,ALl921 JO lda0 '8L L saotnuaS 44Le@H oLLgnd u@luenb IS lotulS60 4lLPaH seL6no0 uela43 'LL saLLddnS g a6P4sod 4se3 Xllad '91 aoLn.A@S S44UOW Z '4SLO JaMaS '03 '00 '9L saLLddnS a3L}l0 4ULUd uI 'bL 6utsL4aanpy pLAoM aagolPuaM a41 'EL aoLn.AaS s4luoW L auo4daLal LP.aauag 'ZL saOLn.AaS 4,Ano3 'UeC '40 40L.A419 '03 '00 ' LL luawXPd •ueC UOLun 4Lpau3 OoPad 'OL 3 4LsodaO 6ULPLo444!M 'ueC VM }o Nue8 XltunoaS •6 L Aautelab LP6al ueC aoeLLPM g X4d.anW luap60 'uap60 •8 .AOU[elaa Aapua4@G oLLgnd •uPC Aa3,AP9 •3 Xa.W aC 'L LeLPS •ueC z4LLM )OLN '9 XueLPS •ueC 86pL,auaJOWG Ual 'S X,Ae LPS 'UPC aR0UUPj U08 ' b X,APLPS 'uPp L@zUL)l PLUL6.ALA •E L RJP LPS • uPC un4l.aVoN X669d 'Z RJPLPS •uPC uLeU3 Uo0 -L Z86L - 3SN3dX3 A3dKO POLICE CON'T. 1987 21. Advance Travel Expense Revolving Fund Travel Expenses Nash STADIUM FUND - 1987 1. W. Area Visitor & Convention Bureas 1st Quarter Payment 337.52 14 521.12 1 750.00