HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/5/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Jan. 5, 1987 a Council Members present: Les Young, Tery McKee, Dick McGraw, Paul Cassel and Brian Tayor. City Attorneys, Robert Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted with the following correction. That 1,500.00 be added to the planning Misc. budget for maintenance and operations and change over of a vehicle when it is transferred over by the police department to be used by City Officials and the Code Compliance Officer. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Chief Kirby announced that he will be attending an administrative seminar in Seattle the 19th through the 23rd of January. He also stated that Officer Bruce Nash is attending a two week narcotic school. Dick McGraw made a motion that the City accept the Wenatchee World bid for leagal advertising for the year 1987. Seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. The Council enacted to adopt Ordinance No. 415 (amending East Wenatchee municipal Code Section 3.48.070 Subsection A, establishing holidays abserved by all departments; recognizing the anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther King, Jr. as a holiday and setting an effective date. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. The Council set the next regular meeting date to be held Wednesday, January 21st at 6:30 P.M. as a holiday falls on the regular meeting date. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Paul Cassel made a motion to amend the bills and accounts and withdraw payment to Dr. Hugh Clark for services rendered to Bill Brooks until the City Attorneys have time to review the invoice. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Chuck Zimmerman asked that it be put on the Agenda for the 21st of January. An Amendment to Employment Agreement between the City and Nick Wiltz was discussed. Nick explained that he can work only 69 hours per month if the City employees join the State Retirement System as he is already receiving State Retirment and would loose those benefits if he works over 69 hours per month. Paul Cassel said in no way would he approve of anything that would attempt to defraud the Retirement System. After mops discussion, Mayor Crain said if it did not work out for Nick or if it appeared more hours would be required for the position, Mr. Wiltz would have to be replaced. Les Young made a motion to accept the amended agreement, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. k1, 1 F 2 -XLsnowfueun pass d pue AOLXI?i UPLJq L'q papuooas 'pau.AnoCpe aq 6uL4aaw gegq uoLgo a apew sseo Lned 'ssauLsnq Aaggan,,L ou 6uLaq aaagl •guawguLoddP a43 pagdaooe gnq pauLegsge MeagoW AoLo •sak pagon aoLRPl UPLJ9 pue Lassen Lned •aalloW Vaal L'q papuooaS 186L -AP@k agg aoJ wag-oad JORPW se MPaooW JoLO quLodde oq UOL40W P apew 6unoA sal •uoLgLsod aqg aoj UOLgoa LDS ayq a4ew oq aoA'PW ayq quPm PLnom qnq 'aognoasoad L'g Lo agg ao} suoLgeoLLdde aaagg ayq MaLnaa pLnom pup quawquLodde sLq ggLm waLgoad ou pPg ay PCPs Lassen Lned •6uL49aw gPgq uo LLounoo aqq og loeq gaodaa pLnom pup gggZ pup yggZ A'aenagaj 'PLdwkLo UL 6uL4aaw P Pua44P og 6ULuuPLd sem aq pLes pup AgLo ayq pup satgLo -PM ;o ossV ayq uaamgaq uosLeLL aq og aALL M is pLnom aq pLes MPJgDW JoLo PUP sguawquLoddP ayq pagdaooP saagwaw LLounoo LLV •aaoLJJO uosLeLL s,JORPW aqq sP guawquLoddy - aoLFel UPLae •S •quawgaPdao aaLLod ayq Pup LLounoo ayq uaamgaq aaoL;Io uosLeLL se anaaS - 6unoA sal •V •quawgaPdao gaaagS Pup LLounoo aq; uaamgaq aaoL}go uosLeLL sP anaaS - MeagoW AOLO •C •aaoLJ�o aouLPLdwoo apoo PUP LLounoo ayq uaamgaq aaoL;go uosLeLL se anaaS - aalloW L'aal •Z •swaL} LP6aL LLe pue LLounoo ayq uaamgaq aaoL;Jo uosLeLL s,fi4 Q aqq sP anaaS - Lassen Lned •L :sMoLLOJ sP L86L aPaX aqg aoq aagwawaW LLounoo goea oq L'gLLLgLsuodsaa pup RjLaoggnP LPdLoLunw pagPbaLap uLPao aoFeW •AagwaW paeoe:P sL ag sP pauLegsgP bunoA sal •saL' agon AOLRPi ueLaB pue as)IoW Laal •MeagoW JoLo A'q papuooas 'aagaPnb aad 00.05L'L ;o sguawLLPgsuL RLaagaPnb uL pLed aq oq neaano uoLquanuoo saogLSLA ayq oq 00'000`L agngLaquoo og UOL40W a apPw Lassen Lned •L86L a03 00.05L`L do squawLLegsuL A'LaagaPnb uL pLed aq oq spun] wnipPgS uL 00.000`L pagsanbaa pue saLginLgoP aangn; pup gaodaa ssaa6oad 'wea6oad gnLo aoLnaas neaang aogLsLA agq uo uoLgequasaad guogs P anP6 aaowagLgM •aW •neaan8 uoLquanuoo PUP aogLsLA Paay aagogeuaM }o quapLsaad 'aaowgLyM anPo paonpoaguL opaPgwns qoo