HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/21/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCity of East Wenatchee COUNCIL MEETING Dec. 21, 1987 ' Council persons present: Dawn Collings, Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, Les Young and Richard McGraw. City Attorneys, Charles Zimmerman and Robert Kiesz. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Pro Tem, Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Permission was granted by the Council to allow Chief Harold Kirby to purchase mobile radios. Chief Kirby said if he placed his order along with Chelan and Grant Counties, he could save 32 percent. The Council authorized Mayor Pro Tem Richard McGraw to sign a contract for communication services between Douglas County and the City for police dispatching at a monthly sum of 797.00 which is an increase of 5 percent over 1987. Chief Kirby said he had interviewed two applicants for the part time position of records clerk for the police department. One applicant was willing to work part time and was Pentad qualified and was asking 5.00 per hour. The other applicant wanted a full time position and 6.00 per hour and was not Pentad qualified. Chief Kirby explained that Nick Wiltz would like to use her part of the time in his office and they would like to have her about six hours per day. He stated that Pentad would pay half,up to 600 hours. Chief Kirby explained that the City would pay the person and Pentad would reimburse the City. Paul Cassel made a motion to extend the 4,000.00 budgeted amount to approximatly 10,000.00 and the additional 6,000.00 could come out of the contingency fund when needed. Motion was seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Richard McGraw said he would leave the hiring up to Chief Kirby and Nick Wiltz. Nick Wiltz again reminded the Council of a meeting January 12, 1988 with the Douglas Soil Conservation District and said he would address it again at later date. The Council enacted to adopt Ordinance No. 431 (Adding a new Chapter 15.48 to the East Wenatchee Municipal Code Establishing Requirements for Dedication of Street Right - of -Way and Improvements of Right -of -Way Abutting Property Improved by the Owner of Property) Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. The Council enacted to adopt Ordinance No. 432 (Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City to Change the Zoning Designated on Certain Property Located in Grand Staff's Sub- division within the City from "R-M" Residential Dsitrict and from "W-I" Warehousing - Industrial Dist to "R-L" Residential Dist, plus Exhibit "A") Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. 'The Council enacted to adopt Ordinance No. 433 (Final Budget to the City for the Fiscal Year Commencing January 1, 1988.) with the changes from the Dec. 7th budget meeting. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Dawn Collings and passed unanimously. ' MJ@La/ua.Ansea,A ',An W F66ad wal-o.Ad •AOXP `ME.A90W Ae40 *RLsnowLupun passed pup aalloW R.Aal Rq papuooaS •pauunoCpe aq 6uLjaaw ayj }Ey} uoLJow p apew s6uLLLOO uMea 'ssauLsnq uayj,An; ou 6uLaq auayl •waLgo,Ad ALayq o; puLw uado up daa� LLounoo ayq geyj palse pup •}daa SA.APd ayl ;o swaLgoAd LeLoupuL; ayq 6uLu,Aaouo0 s,aauoLssLwwo3 44unoa ay4 wo,A; panLaoau uaaq pey sisnaba.A Aa44un4 ou gpyq pasLnpe spM op,AegwnS qo8 pasL,addp LLounoj ay; daal pLnoM pup a.An4n; .apau a44 uL as;gLwwoo .aay puE Aay y4LM 6UL488w aq pLnoM ay }eyq pajp4s ay qnq LLod pue s),AEd Rjunoa seL6noa aq; ssnosLp of 6uL3aaw LLounoa ayj pua4,4p of aLgeun seM uosL.aea f44a8 4e44 paIe4s MPJO014 PupyoL21 wal-OAd JOAPW L86L PLEB 6uLoueLeq ;o asodund ay} .ao; pun; asuadxa 4uauuno aye uLyjLM suoLgeLudoiddedoudde LpnpLALpuL uaaM4aq ua;sueu4 o} AJaLa kqq o ayj pazL,Aoygne MEugoW MOLa wal-o,Ad JOSPW •acLsnowLupun passed pue Lasspa LnEd kq papuooas 'aa)IoW acual kq appw sEM UOL40W •8861 JP@k ayl 6uLunp L'11a a44 ;o sa@ft Ldwa pue sLELoL};o uLe;,aao of pLpd aq oq uoL}esuadwoa pup saLaeLeS a44 6uLw.AL;uoa pue 6uLxLd puE £Lb 'ON aoueuLpuo 6uLpuawtl) b£b 'ON aoueuLpuo gdopp o4 pa4opua LLounoa aql BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT DEC. 21, 1987 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Don Crain 2. Peggy McArthur 3. Virginia Kinzel 4. Lennie Breckenridge 5. Nick R. Wiltz 6. Jeffrey C. Barker 7. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 8. Do. Co. Dist. Court 9. County Treasurer 10. Chevron U.S.A. 11. IBM Corp. 12. WA. Courthouse Supply 13. Do. Co. Augitor 14. In -Print 15. The Wenatchee World 16. Evelyn Parks 17. Ma Cristina Buak 18. Four Seasons Inn 19. McConnell/Burke 20. Grant Road Hardware 21. Consolidated Electrical Dist. 22. General Telephone Co. 23. P.U.D. of Do. County 24. Pedco Credit Union 25. Nelson Office Machines, Inc. 26. Dept. of Retirement Systems 27. Security Bank of WA. STREET 1. Pedco Credit Union 2. General Telephone Co. 3. In -Print 4. Platt Electric Supply 5. Harrison Auto Parts 6. P.U.D. of Do. County 7. Robert Goodman 8. Security Bank of WA. 9. Dept. of Retirement Systems 10. Ron Lannoye 11. Len Breckenridge 1 Dec. Salary 297.90 Dec. Salary 1 241.85 Dec. Salary 976.75 Dec. Salary 502.64 Dec. Salary 456.50 Dec. Public Defender Retainer 499.92 Dec. Legal Retainer 1 625.00 Dec. Court Services 2 905.50 List of Property Owners 35.12 Credit Card Gas Charges 10.94 Typewriter Supplies 57.73 Segregations of Receipts Sheets 57.39 General Election Costs 302.04 Office Supplies 84.04 Publications 66.44 Translator Fee 15.00 Translator Fees (3) 45.00 Room Rent -Budget Workshop 20.00 Nov. Invoice 1 619.27 Operating Supplies 11.56 15 Sylvania Lamps 129.00 1 Months Service & Long Distance 374.32 2 Months Service to City Hall 188.00 Dec. Payroll Deduction 650.00 Toner for Copier 118.25 Dec. Payment 593.46 Dec. Withholding Deposit 3 387.30 16 270.92 Dec. Payroll Deduction 300.00 1 Months Service & Long Distance 50.35 Office Supplies 14.99 Bulbs for Traffic Signal Lights 87.04 Parts & Supplies 45.27 2 Months Service 1 867.00 Dec. Salary 1 389.00 Dec. Withholding Deposit 593.70 Dec. Payment 605.62 Dec. Salary 1 360.80 Nov. Overtime & Dec. 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