HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/7/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCity of East Wenatchee Council Meeting Dec. 7, 1987 ' Council Members present: Paul Cassel, Tery McKee, Les Young, Dawn Collings and Richard McGraw. City Attorneys Robert Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Pro-Tem Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were approved as sumbitted. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Chief Harold Kirby informed the Council that the Civil Service Commission is in the process of updating its eligibility list for the newly created police officer position. The Council granted permission to Chief Kirby to order a Chev Celebrity police car through the State Contract. Chief Kirby said it would take approximately three months before it would arrive. The City Attorney passed out a Right of Way Ordinance for the Council to review and it will be put back on the agenda for the Dec. 21st meeting. In the meantime the Council should direct any questions or concerns in regards to the Ordinance to Mayor McGraw and he will discuss it with the Attorneys. Paul Cassel made a motion to extend the City Hall project to include the City Clerk's Office and the amount to not exceed $30,000.00. Motion was seconded Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Mayor Pro-Tem Richard McGraw referred to a letter from the Douglas County Commissioners requesting a continued contribution of 41,000.00 for the Eastmont Recreational Service Dist. Mayor McGraw read the following for the record: 1. The City has cooperated with County on the Park - Citizens voted to join parks service District - City made a good faith payment of 40,000.00 in 1987 2. Interlocal Agreement provided that the Eastmont Park Service District would be responsible for ongoing funding. 3. Citizens rejected the levy - That is telling the District (City & County) there is concern and it seems imprudent to allocate funds until that is understood. 4. Park Service District has made no specific proposal as to how their operation would change and how long-term funding will be achieved. 5. Long-term - City will assume responsibility if the people and financial resources are there - i.e. Annexation over 5,000 people + Commercial, ' etc, plus levy. Tery McKee referred to item 6 of the Interlocal Agreement between the City and the Eastmont Recreation Service Area that stated "beginning in 1988 and each year there- after for the furation of this agreement, the Eastmont Recreation Service Area shall be financed by tax assessments upon real property situated within the Eastmont Recreation Service Area" aq4 10 00'000'EL AaJSUPJ4 04 SL a3UPULpaO aqq ;o asodand •RLsnowLueun passed pup 6unoA sal Rq popuo0as 'LassP3 Lned Fq apew seM UOLIOW •a}Pp 8AL40aj}a ue 6UL4sLLgelsa pue saan;Ipuadxa anoadde pup spun] uaam3aq saLuow aa;sueaI 04 aapao UL `bLb *ON 80ueutpaO pup ja6pnq L86L aq4 6ULPuawe Oct? 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' The Council directed the City Clerk to change the sales tax and property tax ratios to 73 percent to current expense and 27 percent to street for the final budget and put approximately 23,331.00 into a current expense contingency fund and reduce the capital outlay figure in street by that amount. Mayor McGraw announced that the final budget hearing is set for December 21, 1987. Bob Sumbardo said he still would like the City to consider helping Douglas County with its park and recreation problem. Mayor McGraw asked that the Council go into executive session to discuss litigation which would take five minutes. Mayor McGraw called the regular meeting back into session. Mayor McGraw introduced John Pflugrath. Mr. Pflugrath said he would appreciate being considered to fill the vacant position on the Council in January. There being no further business, Paul Cassel made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. M or ro-Tem Richard McG aw 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT DEC. 7, 1987 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young Nov. Salary 55.71 2. Paul Cassel Nov. Salary 55.71 3. Tery McKee Nov. Salary 55.71 4. Richard McGraw Nov. Salary 55.71 5. James B. Morris Nov. Salary 55.71 6. W. Valley Humane Society Dec. Dog Control 333.00 7. Book Publishing Co. 1987 Revised Code of WA. 210.41 8. Security Bank of WA. Nov. Social Security 3 025.98 9. Cascade Janitorial Service Nov. Janitorial Services 45.00 10. General Telephone 1 Months Service & Long Distance 350.07 11. Standard Ins. Co. Dec. Disability Ins. 102.12 12. AWC Emp. Benefits Trust Dec. Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 1 734.00 13. Do. Co. Auditor Primary Election Cost 1 484.13 14. General Supply Co. Poly Liners 101.33 15. Ma Cristina Buak Translator Fee 15.00 16. Postmaster 6 Months P.O. Box Rent 26.50 17. The Wenatchee World 4 Publications 72.54 18. Shell Oil Co. Credit Card Charges 18.76 19. Chelan -Douglas Health Dist. 4th Quarter Payment 1 531.00 20. Dick's Heating Electric Furnace Repair 147.76 21. Dependable Disposal 1 Month Sanitation Service 33.10 22. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Oct. Inv. S. Billing & Prosecution 4 148.58 13 657.83 STREET 1. Shell Oil Co. Credit Card charges 11.35 2. Forsgren-Perkins Engineering Services 152.59 3. Palmer Supply Co. Truck Wash Brushes 38.59 4. AWC Emp. Benefits Trust Dec. Medical, Dental & Vision 425.96 5. Cascade Gas Corp. 1 Months Service to Shop & Garage 53.00 6. WA. St. Treasurer Signal System Grant Road & Eastmont 2 517.34 7. Oak Harbor Frt., Lines Freight on Snow Plow 49.50 8. WA. Auto Carriage 3 Snow Plow Cutting Edges 355.74 9. Standar Ins., Co. Dec. Disability Ins. 39.76 10. Security Bank of WA. Nov. Social Security 784.62 11. WA. St. Weed Assn. Registration Fee (Breckenridge) 45.00 12. Platt Electric Supply Traffic Signal Bulbs 86.58 13. Harrison Auto Parts Oil Filter Truck #7 9.69 14. Quality Concrete Inc. 94.73 Tons Gravel (alley) 560.13 15, Grant Road Hardware Power Painter & Supplies 123.28 16. General Supply of Yakima Maintenance & Operating Supplies 76.77 5 329.90 I I 1 ZZ'LbE W L9 E9'99L 99' E Z L 96'ZL9 6b 69'999 00'009 L9'8 h*Et? 86'£ 96'SE5 00' Et? 0 L' bZ 00'b6 00' 9E L VE'6LZ b6'9ZE EL'b9L 00'OL 99'8Z EE'OLL 90'OZ9 8L'ON uagwe43 LL3uno3 uol SLaued 446L1 u6 LS L LeH 44 LO s6elj Z 4sa.Aa4ui snLd s44uoW Z FueLeS s_4aL43 uL 90UOAaj;bO u4eH PJ04MO AO; A'de.Aa44043Rsd saLLddnS 6uL4eaad0 eauy punodwl uo; SLeL.A04% 6uL4SLUL10404d aaj 6uLsnoH AOU0sL-Ad •AoN aLOL48A punodwl saLLddnS a3L;d0 A'q,A LN P LO-AeH sluaw4eaul 6uLueOL3 wuo;Lug 'AoN 6uL4uLad 9 saLLddnS aOL;;O s,Ae3 aOLLod AO-4 auLLose9 uewun4l '£ 03 meug3W a41 'Z aPeM I sLLaM 'L 0Nnj 9NIOlIns 1ltlH AlIO SA00-A9 '9 'WM '8L '0'W 'SPUeS '3 4uago2l LL auemp.AeH peoa 4ueu9 '9L '00 400)1 'M 'l '9L Se,Aawe3 S4L)j 'bL .Aa,Ansea,Al '00 uela43 'EL 6uLmo1 auLl-aa8 'ZL 44,Ad-uI 'LL OLuLL3 0L4oeud0uL43 A'aLLel1 'OL u0L4u8nu03 sjaL43 aOLLod I s,l;Laa4S punj sa4seM AP) aOLLod 'AoN saLLddnS 6u14e,AadO �3943 'AoN uO 4ou awL4.Aan0 •400 E aaj 6uLsnoH ADUOSL.Ad '400 Lb 40eA4u03 auLj s44uoW 9 PUZ suaueaLO 94e4S-PLW '6 •00 me,AODW 941 '8 A'LddnS a6ue,A0 •L 'Aaa •dx3 LanaAl 'APV '9 4sum Je3 s,oA'e)l •9 94L1-a;Ll 'b A'algaM LLePUe21 'E jaunsea.A1 '•03 ueL843 •Z Z# '4sL0 a.ALJ '00 '00 'L 33I10d