HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Nov. 16, 1987 Council Members present: Richard McGraw, Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, James Morris and Les Young. Attorney Chuck Zimmerman and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Pro-Tem Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting and budget meetings were approved as presented. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by James Morris and approved unanimously. Bob Goodman said he contacted the Department of Transportation concerning SR-28 and said it might be awhile before they know if the project will be accepted. He stated that it is still being reviewed by the Department of Ecology. Nick Wiltz thanked the Council for allowing him to attend a recent seminar in Spokane. He said it was a very informative course. Nick Also advised the Council that a Public Hearing in reference to the zone change from Industrial to Low Density Residential was set for December 7th before the City Council. The Council declared a M.P.H. brand radar unit and a cheetah brand light bar surplus. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Paul Cassel made a motion to sell the surplus radar unit for 150.00 and the light bar for 100.00 to the Town of Rock Island for their patrol car as per their written request. Motion was seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. The Council enacted to accept a legal advertising bid for 1988 from the Wenatchee World. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Larry Whiteman, Executive Director with the Cascade Loop Assn. gave a short presentation, explaining what the Association's plans are for 1988. He stated that over 100,000.00 copies of the guide are printed and distributed each year. Mr. Whiteman said the Association is requesting 5,000.00 for 1988. After much discussion, the Council agreed to give 3,500.00. The same amount for 1988 as was given by the City's Hotel/Motel Tax in 1987 and requested that the Cascade Loop Association provide the City with a copy of its financial statement and breakdown of their 1988 budget. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Mayor Pro-Tem Richard McGraw stated that Dec. 7th has been set for Public Hearing on the uses of $671.00 in Federal Shared Revenue Funds. Mayor Pro-Tem Richard McGraw introduced Dawn Collings who was in attendance and will take office in January of 1988 for Council Position No. 3. I 'Tery McKee read a letter he had received from McConnell/Burke requesting that their 1987 contractual fee of 18,000.00 be increased to 20,000.00 as their firm was asked to participate in other services not projected in their original contract, such as the 9th St. and Hamilton beautification and Grant Road viewpoint and their assistance with top foods. The Council agreed to extend the contract. Motion was made by Tery McKee 'kLsnowLueun passed pue LasseO Lned Xq papuooas 'pau.Anofpe aq 6uLgaaw ay; ;eyg uoLgow a apew aaNOW LJOi 'ssauLsnq ,Aay;.an} ou 6uLaq aua41 •awL4 gey; ;e ,Aay;,An} passa.appe aq ueo anssL ayg pue s,aaUOLssLwwoO L'guno0 844 44IM Rignuep uoj pauueLd sL 6UL;aaw a PIPS Me.AgOW p.aeyoLb ' san,aasa,A e,Agxa ou sey pun} ay; 4e44 pup anuana.A asuadxa ;uaa,ano 44IM 886L .a0} uolgOagoAd aaL} ao} 00'000`b8 }o 43PJ4UO3 aJLgua ay; ,fed og sey mou R;LO ay; anuanaa pa.aeyS Le.Aapaj }0 6uLpua ay; 4jtM pue g3LJ4S Lp auLd ay; 04UL uoL;exauue UMOp P940A sguaplsaA RM 844 PLes aaNOW RJ al •gsed ayg uL uaaq sey a.aa4; ;e4; anuanaa an.Aasaa ayg 4ou sem a.Aayg pup ;96pnq umo s;L 6UL3ueLeq awLg gLnOL}}Lp a pey R;LO ayg PLes LasseO Lned -k4uno0 aq; anL6 og anuanaa eagxa Ou sey RgLO ayg geyg pappe gnq R;uno0 ayg }0 swaLgo.ad ayg pazLLeaa 9844 PIPS LLounoO 941 '886L 6UL,Anp uado ULewaA 04 sL Lood ayg }L UOL;BdL3L4,Aed k4IO uo} paau ayg ULeLdxa pinoo JDAaPq wLp }L pals? zguol uaUOLssLwwoO *X4IO ayg 04UL anuanaa xe; saLes 6uLaq o4 dLay aLdoad asogj pup sweag wLms uL s6UL,Aq Lood aq-4PIPSzguol JaUOLssLwwoO •196pnq L86L s A IJ ayg uL pa4a6pnq Simgeyg ;unowe awes ayg 'SAJed 94unoO seL6no0 -101 00*000`Lb 6uLpun_4 aapIsuo0 pLnom Ra44 }L LLounoO ayg passe z;uol U40p uauOLssLwwoO *kLsnowLueun passed pup eaNDW kjal kq papuooas seM UOL40W •4a6pnq ;aa.ags ayg 6uL3ueLeq }o asodand ayg ,ao} ReLgno Le;ldeo gaaA;s oguL 00'EE5`65$ Ind o; VaLO Rg60 ayg pagoaaLP pue s6uL4aaw doysl.Aom puooas pup ;suL} ayg WOaj sa6ue40 yglm g96pnq kj euLwLL0Jd ayg ;da0oe o; uoLgow a apew LasseO Lned ' kLsnowLueun passed pue sLJJOW sawep kq papuooas seM uoLgow '00'000`5L Paaoxa 04 you 'pa4updn aq s,Aagwe40 LLounoO ay; geyg uoLgow a apew as)IOW kJ ai 'uolsssnoslp awos aa;}y sagonb .Ao} ssauLsnq guaaa}}Lp Leaanas pa;oeguoo pey ay PLes aH •punj LLeH Fg60 ayg }o gno awoo pLnoO saanglpuadxa ay; PLes aH •oqa gad.aeo 'SULegD 'aLge; LLounoO mou 'pa;uLed •dn paonads aq pLn04s s,aagweyO LLounoO ayg 446nogj ay PLes aalloW F,aal 'RLsnowLueun passed Pup LasseO Lned Fq papuooas uoL;OW -spun} 4aaa4S ay; }o ;no papuadxe aq 00'000`Z LeuoLglppe ayg geyg pue g3eJ4UO3 ay; asea.AOUL 04 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT NOV. 16, 1987 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Don Crain Nov. Salary 297.90 2. Peggy McArthur Nov. Salary 1 241.85 3. Virginia Kinzel Nov. Salary 986.01 4. Nick R. Wiltz Nov. Salary 456.50 5. Lennie Breckenridge Nov. Salary 502.64 6. Jeffrey C. Barker Nov. Public Defender Retainer 499.92 7. Pedco Credit Union Nov. Payroll Deduction 650.00 8. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Nov. Legal Retainer 1 625.00 9. Do. Co. District Court Nov. Court Services 2 905.50 10. Richard McGraw Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet 18.50 11. The Wenatchee World Publications (3) 49.44 12. Advance Travel Expense Revolving Fund Travel Expenses -Spokane, Nick Wiltz 166.60 13. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Sept. Criminal Prosecution & Special Billing 4 667.99 14. Leticia M. Finley Translator Fee 15.00 15. Security Bank of WA. Nov. Withholding Deposit 2 904.30 16. In Print Office Supplies 48.61 17. Do. Co. Serer District 2 Months Service to City Hall 14.00 18. McConnell/Burke Oct. Invoice 1 958.00 19. Dept. of Retirement Systems Nov. Payment 594.60 20. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures, Postage, Supplies, 179.53 19 781.89 ' STREET DEPT. 1. BobGoodman Nov. Salary 1 389.00 2. Ron Lannoye Nov. Salary 1 360.80 3. Lennie Breckenridge Nov. Salary 1 034.36 4. Harrison Auto Parts Parts & Supplies for Repairs & Maint. 37.40 5. E. W. Water Dist. 2 Months Service 51.80 6. Pedco Credit Union Nov. Payroll Deduction 300.00 7. Adv. Travel Exp. Rev. Fund Travel Breckenridge Weed School 34.17 8. Chevron U.S.A. Credit Card Charges -Gasoline 30.78 9. Lloyd's Auto & Truck Buzzer bar for Truck 26.82 10. Security Bank of WA. Nov. Withholding Deposit 593.70 11. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 2 Months Service 32.59 12. General Telephone 1 Month Service & Long Distance 57.50 13. Dept. of Retirement Systems Nov. Retirement Payment 606.85 14. Holiday Inn Motel Charges -Breckenridge Weed School 85.16 5 640.93 POLICE 1. Harold Kirby Nov. Salary 1 757.74 2. Bruce Nash Nov. Salary & Oct. Overtime 1 493.77 3. Chet Virnig Nov. Salary & Oct. Overtime 1 503.83 4. John Harrison Nov. Salary & Oct. Overtime 2 033.89 5. Michael Schulz Nov. Salary 1 460.04 ' 6. Randall Webley Nov. Salary & Oct. Overtime 1 488.73 7 Shannon Wilsey Nov. Salary 886.40 8. Katie Jaspers Nov. Salary 46.42 9. Robert E. Sands, M.D. Psychotherapy for Clifford Hahn 275.00 I £b'Z9L 4.AodaeO aOLLOd JO-4 LeLAa4eW 6uLS00a 68' 9S8 6L asuadx3 4ua,A,AnO Le401 68'LL8 6L 'pMJ aoueLeg 00'SL 00'9L aaj xO4PLsue.Ai 00'9L aa3 AO4PLSUP.Aj 00'Sb (£) Saaj AO4eLSUPAi 09'6LL SL 99'6L8 L 4uawa.AL4aa •AoN 00'09 A'de.Aa41 slooug •wM AOJ 6ULLLLB '400 9S'Lb wood punodwl SLeL,aa4eW '6PLS LS' £ L Sano L9 FIOd xOg L bs'££Z 6uLuea10 w,A03Lug •400 00'SL 4quLN PLOAeH-aa3 UOL4e.A4sL6aa 06'b£ swaLgw3 6u14004S Lb'09 saLLddnS � 6UL4SLuLd0404d `wLL3 Ob'Z9S '4da0 aOtLOd Ao3 .aogel '4da0 '4S ZL'Z6 4uawaaa6y 90ueua4uLeW 'noN S6'S6L aoLAJaS 6uL4o4edSL0 •AoN L8'6 saLLddnS 6uL4e,AadO 00'£b aaLA.aaS auo4daLLgoW •AoN W VU auLLose9 8Z'LL saLLddnS 6uL4e.aad0 ' 00 400N ' M 'I ' L ONfl3 '9019 11F/H AIIO z4ln4oS uaLaH '£Z auo4S '8 '1 'ZZ leng euL4SLa0 eW ' LZ 3SN3dX3 1N32RM SW04SAS 4uawa,AL40a do •4da0 'bZ 'O'ASd `asaA3 uaL9 '£Z a,AeMP,AeH peon 4USAg 'ZZ •00 6eg pa4eLOOSSV 'LZ S.AaueaLO a4e4S-PLW 'OZ aoua.aaJuo0 OdSVM '6L •ouI °4onpOad A'4t,AnoaS B k1a.4eS u,AalsaM '8L se.aawe0 S,4Di 'LL aa4o4euaM 4se3 40 4L0 '9L UOL4eOtunwwo0 LeA4ua0 '9L '4da0 s,ddpa4S 'o0 'o0 'bL L,Aes.AnN 9 awOH 4sua3 '£L 4saM44JON auOJ@LtgoW 'dL •00 A'LddnS a6ue.ag 'LL 4oewae4d 4uowlse3 'OL '1,N00 33POd