HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/19/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesTaped CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Oct. 19, 1987 ' Council members present: Tery McKee, Dick McGraw, Les Young and Paul Cassel. City Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting Was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Chief Harold Kirby said Jail Bail day at the Mall Oct. 7th was a success and grossed approximately 5,000.00 for the Heart Association. Bob Goodman said they had started, and would be working on the loops on Grant Road and Eastmont signal lights and would be working on the signal lights all week. Nick Wiltz said the planning commission is going ahead with the zoning on No. Ashland and the hearing will be the 2nd Monday in November. Debra Bell, representing the Wenatchee Visitor's and Convention Bureau passed out an Applicant request and a 1986-87 annual report for the Council's review. The Wenatchee Visitor's & Convention Bureau is requesting 1,700 for the year 1988. Councilman, Dick McGraw asked to be excused during the discussion as he is Board Member and said he felt there might be a conflict. Mayor Crain advised Ms. Bell that he is working on his 1988 Budget and would include the request in his Stadium Budget for review by the Council. Tery McKee said the Council would like to look over the request and if there are questions, they can be addressed at a later date. Jim Barker, Director of Douglas County Parks, stated that he was in attendance to answer any questions concerning the Douglas County Parks Third Quarterly Report. Mr. Barker thanked the Council for the new hot water heaters and said he was happy with the city's vote to become a part of the Eastmont Recreational Serice Area. Joel Gordon and Mike Barthol, representing Top Foods were in attendance to answer any questions the Council might have concerning their store next to Four Seasons Inn. Bob Burke, Planning Consultant for the City of East Wenatchee gave out to the Council, copies of the Top Food Site Plan and the proposed conditions for public improvements which included 1. Improvemnt of Riverview Drive and West Grant Road related to Top Foods 2. Improvements on West Grant Road related to Four Seasons Inn 3. Develop- ment of the street and viewpoint on West Grant Road overlooking the Columbia River 4. Valley Mall Parkway/Rock Island improvements. Bob Burke said there was a need 'for drainage improvements required due to Grant Road and SR 28 run-off East at an estimated cost of 18,000.00. He stated the construction should be engineered by the City. Bob Dahmer said the drainage problem should be taken care of as soon as possible. The Council approved the proposed project plan and authorized the Mayor to Sign Developer/Local Agreement once the final plans are approved. 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The problem is that this could have been done at an earlier date and everyone could have had a chance.' Mayor Crain said "the subject is closed". Tery McKee said he would like made a motion. Mayor Crain stated "Your motion is out of Order". Paul Cassel said "Is it out of Order because you disagree with the procedure or is it out of Order because there is legitimately some rule or ordinance or statue as far as conduct of the business that has been violated". Paul said that he understands and respects the mayor's position, but he said there has been no raises for years as far as the mayor or council positions and they all spend a lot of time on issues. Paul said he had no reservations about participating in a salary increase on the council or mayor positions. Paul said the City has elections at lease every two years and at the next election, if there are people out there who did not run this time because of the salary they could file at the next election. Paul said he was opposing the Mayor's ruling that the Ordinance is out of Order unless the Mayor can point to some rule or statue thatfoints out that it is out of order. He said he would not drop the subject until he had an answer. Paul stated that just because the Mayor said he doesn't like it, the Council can still go forward with it. Mayor Crain said that he in good conscience could not go along with the Ordinance as he felt the pgblic was being "ripped off". He said everyone who filed for office know what the pay was. Mayor Crain said his ruling the subject out of order was because he could not be a party to it and so he said "I will leave the meeting". Bob Kiesz said the matter was on the agenda and was properly presented so the Ordinance could be voted on if the Council so desired. In the absence of Mayor Crain, Mayor Pro-tem, Dick McGraw took the Mayor's seat and the meeting continued. Tery McKee made a motion that Ordinance No. 428, amending the previous salary Ordinance No. 413 be adopted as written. Seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Dick McGraw did not vote on the Ordinance. There being no further business, Paul Cassel Seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously E made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. M ,-, ' fiell Crain �„`,r Mayor Pro-tem, Dick McGraw City Cler eggy McArthur BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT OCT. 19, 1987 CURRENT EXPENSE ' 1. Don Crain Oct. Salary 297.90 2. Peggy McArthur Oct. Salary 1 041.85 3. Virginia Kinzel Oct. Salary 976.75 4. Lennie Breckenridge Oct. Salary 502.64 5. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Oct. Legal Retainer 1 625.00 6. Nick Wiltz Oct. Salary 456.50 7. Jeffrey C. Barker Oct. Public Defender Retainer 499.92 8. Do. Co. Dist. Court Oct. Court Services 2 905.50 9. L. B. Stone Translator Fee 15.00 10. Pedco Credit Union Oct. Payroll Deductions 950.00 11. Dept. of Labor & Industries 3rd Quarter Industrial Ins. 1 245.84 12. Security Bank of WA. Oct. Withholding Deposit 2 811.30 13. McConnell/Burke Sept. Invoice 3 021.45 14. Nick Wiltz Reimbursement Registration Fee 45.00 15. Dept. of Retirement Systems Public Employees Retirement Oct. 593.45 16. N.C. WA., City Clerks/Treas. Dues 15.00 17. General Telephone 1 Months Service & Long Distance 380.45 18. In Print Office Supplies 66.08 19. P. U. D. of Do., Co. 2 Months Service 84.00 20. Helen Schultz Translator Fees (2) 30.00 17 563.63 STREET 1. Robert Goodman Oct. Salary 1 389.00 2. Ron Lannoye Oct. Salary 1 360.80 3. Lennie Breckenridge Oct. Salary 1 005.15 4. Pedco Credit Union Oct. Payroll Deduction 300.00 5. Dept. of Labor & Industries 3rd Quarter Industrial Ins. 562.16 6. Dept. of Retirement Systems Oct. Retirement Payment 603.17 7. Security Bank of WA. Oct. Withholding Deposit 593.70 8. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co. 12.53 Tons Hot Mix 356.93 9. Travel Expense Revolving Fund Expenses for Spokane School 94.84 10. General Telephone Co., 1 Months Service & Long Distance 49.32 11. P. U. D. of Do., Co. 2 Months Service 1 857.00 8 172.07 POLICE 1. Harold Kirby Oct. Salary 1 757.74 2. Bruce Nash Oct. Salary and Sept. Overtime 1 600.85 3. Randall Webley Oct. Salary 1 473.88 ' 4. John Harrison Oct. Salary and Sept. Overtime 1 793.20 5. Michael Schulz Oct. Salary and Sept. Overtime 1 525.92 6. Chet Virnig Oct. Salary and Sept. Overtime 1 587.31 7. Shannon Wilsey Oct. Salary 886.40 8. Katie M. Jaspers Oct. Salary 46.42 9. Do. Ct. Sheriff's Dept. Oct. Dispatching Services 796.95 1 89'lbb L 09'£06 4.aoda) uo Aogel •4S 80'8£S 4uodaeO aoLLod SLPLua4eW •6PL9 00'09L L 'Sed 40e,e4uO3 aa4.aeno 44b L6'06£ bL 9agO4eu9M 4se3 10 A Q •Z PON 'M 'l 'L ONnJ ONIOlIna lltlH AlI3 neaung uoL4uanuoO 9 uo41SLA aa404euaM 'L ONnA wniav1S L8'L s6nu0 uoL4dLuosaJ d ££' SE L kqu LN P LoaeH aoj sasuadx3 Lane,al 10'ZE saLLddnS euaweO Ob'OE sueO aoLLod uo angel '4da0 '4S 00'96 SJO(MO •wM S4uaw4eaJj 3L4oeado.AL40 OS'£ L Xqu LEI P loueH ao} Leo LPaW Z9'88L 6uLueaL3 w.ao}Luq •4daS 69'£E£ auLLoseO 00'68 6uLddL4S 9 xe1 'saLl 9 'S4uL4S Z 00'£b aoLAJeS auogdaLLgoW •4o0 96'£Z LZb# 'Pu0 uoL4e0LLgnd 00'OL uosL,aaeH ugoP uo14onPaO LLoaAed ZL'Z6 4uawaaa6y a3ueua4uLeW •430 LE'9Z8 L 4uawL'ed 4uawa.AL4aa •430 u4eH Pu04}LLO '£Z punj 6uLALona8 asuadx3 Laneal aoueAPV 'ZZ se,aaweO s4LN ' LZ 9a4o4euaM 4se3 Jo R4L0 'OZ 'O'O 'oLLaALuO 'd sawep '6L •O•W 'suORI 'H lned '8L s,aaueaLO a4e4S-NW 'LL •o3 A'LddnS a6ueug '9L suuo-4m Le44uawnL9 'St 4s@mg4uoN auo;aLLgoW 'bL P LuoM aaV4euaM a41 'Cl seM Pao Lull ' Z L suoL4eoLunuuoO Le.A4uaO LL swa4SLS 4u8waaL488 }o •4da0 0L '1,NOO 33IlOd