HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/21/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Sept. 21, 1987 Council Members present: Dick McGraw, Les Young, Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, Les Young, James Morris. Attorneys Chuck Zimmerman and Karen Wiggum. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Chief Kirby spoke regarding a Anti Drug program to be held Oct. 3rd at the Mall from between 1:00 and 3:00 P.M. The Council instructed the Attorneys to amend the Drug Ordinance so the drug fund can be used for drug education. Chief Kirby said the City's cost will be between 240.00 and 340.00. Bob Goodman advised the Council that his crew will be putting in the manhole on 9th rather than contracting it out as they can do it much cheaper and within the next two weeks, Basin Asphalt will be coming back to repair 9th. Bob Goodman said he didn't feel comfortable about coming up with a design for a carport for all city vehicles. After some discussion the Council asked that Bob and his employees construct a two vehicle carport which Bob said would cost approximately $1,000.00. Dick McGraw said he met with Bob Burke and Top Foods Friday the 18th of September and its their plan to go ahead with their project. Dick said they have some concern with City runoff water and our Engineering firm will be looking into that problem. Dick said within the next 30 days, they should be back with some postive plans. The Council enacted to adopt Ordinance No. 426 (Amending Subsection C of Section 5.04.100 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, providing for prorated amusement device license fees. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain asked the Council about Christmas decorations for the Chamber. Colleen Kelley, Treasurer for the Chamber said they would like either the snowman or toy soldier to tie in with their lighting festival. She said perhaps the Council could purchase one this year and maybe the other next year. Tery McKee said the City had already spent a great deal of the Stadium Fund money this year. Les Young said he felt the City should wait until next year. Mayor Crain said perhaps Jim Morris would like to check into a Nativity Scene. Jim said he has a hard time spending that kind of money on those kinds of things. Mayor Crain said to forget the subject. Dick McGraw said he would be glad to work with the Chamber and discuss it next October. Mayor Crain said he wished to drop the issue. Mayor Crain said when he became Mayor, the City switched its Municipal Court out of the 'City and combined it with the County Court. He said he is happy with that situation but the City has to give 90 days notice prior to the end of the Calendar year and this would be the last meeting to act and if the County requests an increase at budget time the City has no way out of the Contract and asked for a feeling from the Council. Paul Cassel said he is interested in looking at the Contract every year to determine whether the City can save money, but felt the timing was a little late to analize the situation. The City would have to find a Judge and the case load appears to be heavy he stated. He said he had no idea what the County was going to do as far as a4l ;L pup anssL 944 doap Isnp of ao aoaaa ay; do 6uLaeaL3 ;o gem Rq aaylla 6ULop aaP Ray; Ie4m ssa33P-aa IOU pLnom saaUOISSLWwo3 94uno3 ay; pup 94S ;I pup uoLgnLosaa ay; ;o saoaaa ay; gno gULod PUP XaLnpooW Rpnp LLPO sgauao;Ie ano Ie4I pa4sa66ns LassP3 Lned uoLgnLosaa a4l ut pasn aq a6en6uPL Iuaaa;;Lp ;e4I Isanbaa pup Rauaolltl 94uno3 94I 4I1M Leap og aq pLnom UOLldo puooas 941 •40LLRO ay; uO It 6ULoeLd woa; Rauaolly 6ULlnoasoad aq4 6uLUlealsaa ao/pue aagwanoN UL 4OLLe8 ay; uo uoLgnLosaa sL4I aoeLd Iou aogtpny a4l Ieyl 6ULjaas sn4l 'UOL4Igl4oad ;o II -AM y :suoL;do oml sey Ltouno3 aq4 PIPS uaaeN -;no paLaaeO aq IOU Woo Ie4I 6uL4lawos Uo IOLLeq gaosLnpe up 6U[4sanbaa eap Fay; ua4m spun; OLLgnd ;o asnsLW a sL St4I aaylayM POUOLgsanb ays pue ;no Faapo I,upinoo Fay; 6UL44awos op oI aldoad ay; 6uLj*sp aae Fay; aao;away; os 'suosaad aso4l So Rltao44ne ay; UL IOU sL ;I 'a9y34PuaM ISP3 ;o RIt3 ay; ;o apls;no woa; aLdoad 6uL;sanbaa aae saauoLSSLWWo3 ay; aouLs PIPS UaaPN •upaw pLnom 840A ou ao sag a ;eqm Ae@Lo aq ;,upLnom It PIPS ayS •pawao; aq pLnoys aalltwwoo P aNlaym pup ageaodaoouLsLp pLnoys Ra4I aay;agm sjsP RLLPLluassa ;nq Iua4UL sII 04 se aeaLoun gaan SUM 'PIPS ays 'uoLgnLosaa a41 •sanSSL OMI anP4 04 a M 4 ;oLLeq a UL aadoadWL osLP sL It Ptes uaaeN 'PIPS ays ;OLLeq aagwanoN a4I uo It Ind og uoLgnLosaa aleLadoaddP ue aLI; o; aapao UL passed sey pOLaad Rep St? aq4 'Roue6aawa up sem IL WaaP l,uplp Ray; a3ULs 'IULod SL44 4V •UOLIoaLa a44 ;o sXPP gy uL44lm paLl; aq o; sey IL UOLIOaLa Letoads ay; aney 04 pue Roua6aawa up SL It IP4I Waap 04 aney Sa9uoLSSLWWO3 R;uno3 aq4 'uoL;38La LPLoads P aney o; aapao uI •4OLLeq UOL409LB LPaau86 a uo p83eLd aq LLP4s It 'Pa;P;s UOLI% osaa ay; 'aanam04 'UOL408La LPLoads e aney o; Raessa3au aq pLnom It 'IOLLeq P ;o putj 4e44 aney of :aae swaLgoad LPOLU4381 ayl PIPS ayS ;t oI uado suoL;do omI spy g4t3 aqq swaLgoad asog4 ;o asmaq pup swaLgoad LeOLu43a; awns pauLPlu00 uoLgnLosaa a4l PIPS ayS •R;uno3 SPL6noo gq pa W ' sem 4e44 uoLgnLosaa ay; 04UL JOOL 04 ULea3 aogeW Rq P9439atp aaam gaol PIPS UaaeN 'gLoLLgnd sanLaswa4; ssaadxa og Iuawaaa6P UL aaam Ltouno3 aµ4.4nq It ssnosLp o; UOLssaS anLlnoaxa 04UL o6 of UOLldo up Ltouno3 944 ane6 UaaeN •anssL a4I ssaappe pLnom wn66LM UaaPN ptes l3n43 •;OLLPS RaosLnpy s,44uno3 se16noa uo suoL;do s,RIt3 ayl uLPLdxa o; uewaawwLZ jon43 pajSP uLPa3 aogeW „•aUL; 6UOLe 496 LLCM auoRaana ua44 pup aa40IPuaM ZSP3 ;o 9;13 ayg ;o RIIa6aIUL 944 ;oadsaa oI 44uno3 ay; PUP aLLtnaaZPM JOS PUP aLLlnaa4eM ;e IeaS R;uno3 944 ;o R;IA94UL 844 loadsaa oI„ sL eapL sty PIPS ay PUP SUOLldo ay; ;o aaeme aq oI Ltoun03 a44 Paguem Isnp ay PIPS uLea3 UOReW 438aao3 sem ;e41 PIPS UaaeN •saeaR 8 JOS ULP6e auop aq IOU ueo It SLIP; It pue SL44 S90P 9It3 ayg dL 6ULpue;saapun SLy sem IL PIPS Utea3 aORPW •dn gas sL UOL13aLa UP uayl PUP S6u144 OLspq ay; aae aso4; PIPS ays •saakoLdwa s4l pup IeaS Rluno3 a44 a;eooLaa o; 91e4 pLnom It ;e4m uo Iuawalels IOedWL LPLOUeUL; P @B ; 04 aney saaUOLSSLuwo3 R;uno3 ay; UOL40aLa a4j ;o sgep og UL44lm PIPS ays •aeag SL44 JOS UOLlsanb aq4 ;o Ino RLLe;o; sL pue UOLltlad Ie44 UO UOLI3aLa a44 ;o Sg4UOW g UL4IIM PaLt; aq of sey II •sa9uoLSSLuwo3 44uno3 a4I 44Im paLl; aq og spaaU ;P44 UOLIIIad a St aa844 `Ie4; Op 04 aapaO UL PIPS wn66LM uaaeN •auop aq Woo IP4I moo moul og auoRJaAa paluem ay Inq '4e44 84PDOAPU IOU PIP ay PIPS aH •aa434euaM ;sP3 04 aLLlnaalPM Woa; umop IeaS Rluno3 a4; 6uLaq 04 40LLe8 RaosLnpy up Ltouno3 aqq y;Im passnoSLp uLPa3 aoRPW '886L aO; I3PalUo3 ;ano3 ay; ao; 4onw ool Isanbaa of sapadde Rluno3 a4l }t UOLgeOL;LPOW Rue a;ndslp UP3 ' RIO ay; PIPS OSLP uaael '4I9L ,agoloo Rq 6uL;laM UL Rltj a43 R.4tiou oI sey g4uno3 844 'SIS03 pasPaaouL ;O SWa94 844 ;o UOLIe3t;lpow JOS Isanbaa a sem aaa4l 41 PIPS wn66LM uaaeN 996L ao; a6ae4o of 6uL06 sem R;uno3 a4g ;Pqm ;nogp pauaaouoo sem ay PIPS Mea93W JOLQ •jopq ;ano3 ay; 6ULIPI JOS LLP aq pLnom a4 'IL OP 04 RIt3 04I JOS aadea43 S4I dL PUP SUOL408foad awos alew 'saagwnu awos 49 AOOL P ale; 'gauaoggtl 9413 844 4IIM aa44a60; lab pLnom ay 886L ;o 4SL aunp pup mou uaam;aq ;e4I palegs aH 'PIPS LnPd 686L do 'L Raenuep UL6aq upo IL ua44 'IL OP LPLDUPUL; UP3 RIt3 a4I saeaddp It A '686L do Raenuep Rq op oI slupm It Ieym aptoap upo x4jo a4; ua4; pue apaR Ixau ao; It 04UL lOOL of pealunLon ay Inq aoLnaas Ieyl 4ILm anuLZU03 oI R;L3 a4; oI Isoo City gets no results within a short period of time, then go forward with any action it would take to keep the resolution as now presented from going on the November Ballot. Paul said he was sure if this was pointed out to Judy McCauley, she would advise the Commissioners that what they have, is not appropriate. Chuck Zimmerman 'pointed out that there is nothing the County can do at this late date to fix the wording of the Resolution in time for the November Ballot. Tery McKee said the County is well aware of what the Governance Commission is doing. He said he doesn't believe that the issue has to be put on a ballot to form a Committee. He stated that it could be an interlocal agreement to form a committee to look at the issue of a larger government enity, city or whatever. Tery said he would be in favor of saying "You are in error and he is not in favor of having the resolution reworded" He said the City and the County should be able to sit down and discuss the issue in a responsible manner but he does not want to put it on the Ballot. Mayor Crain said he was interested in what the voters want. He said the City has spent 55,000.00 of tax payers money, paying McConnell/Burke for this project and before one cent more is spent, he would like to know if the residents in the urban part of Douglas County are interested in the project or if it is just a fantacy of the City Government. Tery McKee said 80% of the people that worked on the development of the Comprehensive Plan were County residents and they said they wanted to see a larger city and were in favor of what the city is doing with the comprehensive plan but they want it done in a professional planned manner. Karen Wiggum said since the Commissioners did not deem it an emergency, that should keep the issue off the November ballot anyway. Mayor Crain said he thought the people should be able to vote on whether they want 'self government or to continue to be ruled by rural county commissioners. Mayor Crain said he was not opposed to people voting on the issue, he just didn't like the way it was worded. He said the people need to know what they are voting for. Paul Cassel said he agreed with Mayor Crain, that the City should get the feeling of the people that live in the county, close to the city area, to see if they would be interested in becoming part of a larger East Wenatchee and if that is postive, the the city can start taking some steps to fullfill their desires. Dick McGraw said there has been no cooperation in the past from the County and he thinks the issue should just be dropped. Tery McKee then made a motion that the Council take necessary steps to remove the issue from the ballot. Motion was seconded by Dick McGraw. Paul Cassel asked, "What are the necessary steps" Tery said, "if we have to litigate, then we will litigate, if by telling them the errors in their resolution and they see that it is not a proper resolution and they drop it, then that fine." Paul said he was totally opposed to a litigation. He said all of the city is a part of Douglas County. Although the city is a seperate enity, he stated that he did not relish the idea of litigating with Douglas County. Paul Cassel said if Tery McKee's motion is to give Judy McCauley a call and give her the opportunity to review the problem and to make the decision, then he would be all for it. If they don't want to do anything, then he stated that our attorneys can discuss the alternatives with the Council. Dick McGraw asked Karen Wiggum to again give the two options. Karen said those options are: Writ of Prohibition or to try and negotiate. Karen said she would recommend talking with the other party before filing suit to see if a solution can be worked out and she thought Paul's point was well taken, that Judy McCauley be called and see what she will do when the problems of the resolution are pointed out to her and at that point the Council can decide whether they want to go with a Writ of Prohibition. 1 -ALsnOWLueun passpa pup bunoA Sal Xq papuooas 'uanoCpe og UOLJow P apeW MPagOW JO LO 'SsauLsnq aag4an; ou 6ULaq aaagl '91Pp aaIPL a 4e IP MOLLod pLnoM UOLIPwaO}UL aaoW PIPS pue uo 6ULIaoM sL UOLsSLWWo3 (pngS @0Ueuaanog 044 1pgM So kapwwns JaLaq a ane6 aaNOW Vaal 'puooas a So IOeL of anp paLp UOLJOW 'dnoa6 a sp laoM 44unoo pup kjLo aq4 3eq; 'ansSL SL44 jnogP op og ;eqM uo �pnjs k4unoo 'k4Lo gULOC P ;P44 sa8uoLSSLWwo3 k;uno) aq; o4 asodand 01 UOL40W P apeW SLaaoW sawep 'paLaaeO UOL40W 'PauLp}sgP MPagOW )OLQ 'Sak Pa4OA as)IoW Vaal pue sLaaoW WIC '6uno% sal 'Lasse3 LnPd 'a40A a44 JOS pajse ULPa3 JORPW '6unoA sal kq papuooas seM UOL40W 'passnosLp aq upo saALIPuaa4LP aagjo 'asuodsaa aAL426aU P s;a6 LLounoo aqq dL pup saoaaa asogg k}L4oaa o4 6ULLLLM aaP k@44 ;I IsP pup UOLgnLosaa ay} uL saoaaa aq4 oq spae6aa UL aae SUOLULdo s,LLounoo aq; 4pgM aaq o4 a4e0LpuL Pup kaLnp3oW kpnp 4opquoo skuaao44V k;Lo aqg }Pqg UOL40W P apPw LassPJ Lned 'PEU PJ UOLIOW 'oU Pa4OA SLaaoW WLC pup 6unoA sal 'LassP3 Lned 'UOLJLgLgoad 10 gLaM P OguL aa4Ua og sad' Pa4OA MPa9OW!j3LQ PUP aalloW Vaal 'UOLJOW s,aaNDW Vaal Uo a4OA aqj JOS pajse uLPa3 JOkPW '}P43 6ULop So UOL4U94UL OU pPq aq PUP puooas SLq Meapq}LM oq aneq uaq} pLnoM aq PCPs MPagOW AOLQ 'UOL40w SLq a4P4Saa PUP UOL40W SLq MPaP44LM 04 pagsLM ay }I as)IOW Vaal pajSP uPWaawwLZ )ongo BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT SEPT. 21, 1987 CURRENT EXPENSE ' 1. Don Crain Sept. Salary 297.90 2. Peggy McArthur Sept. Salary 1 041.85 3. Virginia Kinzel Sept. Salary 976.75 4. Lennie Breckenridge Sept. Salary 502.64 5. Nick Wiltz Sept. Salary 456.50 6. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Sept. Legal Retainer 1 625.00 7. Jeffrey C. Barker Sept. Public Defender Retainer 499.92 8. Pedco Credit Union Sept. Payroll Deduction 950.00 9. Do. Co. District Court Sept. Payment for Services 2 905.50 10. Ma Cristina Buak Translator Fee 30.00 11. Security Bank of WA. Sept. Withholding Deposit 2 774.30 12. Do. Co. Sewer District 2 Months Service 14.00 13. Dept. of Retirement Systems Sept. Public Employees Retirement 593.45 14. General Telephone 1 Months Service & Long Distance 371.93 15. The Wenatchee World Publications (2) 68.45 16. Helen A. Schultz Translator Fee 15.00 17. Richard McGraw To replace lost check (6/16/87) 89.71 18. Inland Empire Chapter ICBO Registration Fee for Nick Wiltz 165.00 19. In Print Office Supplies 29.06 13 406.96 1 STREET 1. Robert Goodman Sept. Salary 1 389.00 2. Ron Lannoye Sept. Salary 1 398.63 3. Lennie Breckenridge Sept. Salary 1 048.97 4. Security Bank of WA. Sept. Withholding Deposit 599.70 5. Pedco Credit Union Payroll Deduction 300.00 6. Do. Co. Sewer District 2 Months Service 32.59 7. Dept. of Retirement Systems Sept. Retirement Payment 614.20 8. General Telephone 1 Months Service & Long Distance 50.55 9. Safety Signal Systems Sales Tax Due on $2,500.00 Invoice 195.00 5 628.64 POLICE 1. Harold Kirby Sept. Salary 1 757.74 2. Bruce Nash Sept. Salary & Aug. Overtime 1 549.93 3. John Harrison Sept. Salary & Aug. Overtime 1 758.55 4. Chet Virnig Sept. Salary & Aug. Overtime 1 531.15 5. Shannon Wilsey Sept. Salary 886.40 ' 6. Katie Jaspers Sept. Salary 46.42 7. Michael Schultz Sept. Salary 1 460.04 8. Randall Webley Sept. Salary & Aug. Overtime 1 485.85 9. Central Communications Sept. Maintenance Agreement 92.72 10. Do. Co. Sheriffs' Dept. Sept. Dispatching 796.95 11. Mobilefone Northwest Sept. Mobilephone Service 43.00 00'6ZL 6 A9'eaH Ja;eM oL.A43aL3 •;dap sued SqunoO seL6noO LL'bE6 9L 09' 0£ u4eH P 041 L LO .Ao} LeOLpaW 08'ZLZ '3da0 a0LL0d Aol Aogel •3da0 '4S ZL'OL .aaueaLO xeM J eO ZO'ZZZ 6uLueaLO wuO.4LuA •6ny 08'98L L ZuBUOd •3daS ' Z8'££ 4 DI PLaLd uoL;e:)LLddy 9Z'b0E uoL;Lunwwy Sb'bL6 Z aa3 6uLsnoH .AauoSLJd •6ny 00'OL uosLJJPH uoL30npa0 LLO.Aked 0Nf13 WflIOylS uyeH p.Ao;ALO 'OZ aa404euaM 4Se3 do A Q '6L k.aas.AnN g awoH 3suu3 '8l s.AasueaLO a3e3S PLW 'LL swa'4SRS 4uawa,AL38a 30 •;da0 9L •00 L'anead uuR3 'SL '0uj °s:podS ;sam.Ae3 'bL .Aainseail ° • 0O ueLaQ 'E L oO seL6no0 B 1 UeLa4O 10 keM Pa3tun 'ZL TNOO 30IIOd