HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/10/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesTaped COUNCIL MEETING Sept. 10, 1987 Council members present: Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, James Morris and Les Young. City Attorney Chuck Zimmerman and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain proclaimed the week of Oct. 4th through loth as Fire Protection Week. Chief Harold Kirby announced the unclaimed bike sale was a success and netted $268.75 and also stated that approximately 200 children turned out for a Kids day at the Fire Station. Les Young said the police department would like a carport behind City Hall for police vehicles so they will be protected during the winter months. After some discussion, the Council asked Bob Goodman to bring in an estimate of what it would cost to build a pole type carport. Bob Goodman said Basin Asphalt are willing to come back and repair the asphalt on 9th St that buckled during the last hard rain. Bob Goodman said the Department of Transportation is taking under advisement cost and design of the traffic signal light at Grant and Valley Mall Parkway and he should know more in a couple of weeks. Tery McKee asked if it wouldn't be to the City's advantage to hire a traffic design consultant to put a design together. Bob Goodman said the Street Dept. has the money and he felt it would be a good idea. After more discussion, Tery McKee made a motion to have Bob Goodman contact a traffic design consultant or engineer and have a design drawn up. Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Nick Wiltz said he felt the City should work with the Department of Transportation on the light. Tery McKee said the City needs someone to represent the City. An independent professional design traffic Engineer. Nick Wiltz said he had attended a meeting in Olympia August 26th along with the Douglas County Planner and Douglas County Engineer. He said it was an informative meeting and he would get information on the meeting to the Council as soon as time permits. Joel Gordon with Top Foods spoke with the Council. Mr. Gordon said he had been working with Nick and Bob. He stated he realized the impact top foods will have concerning traffic on Grant Road and wants to work with the City but is concerned that the project may be held up. He asked for some direction from the Council. Nick Wiltz showed a sketch of a plan he had put together to the Council. Tery McKee said the Council had all agreed that they want a view point. Tery suggested that Dick McGraw and Bob Burke get together and negotiate a plan on the City 's behalf Tery also stated that the City may have to pick up a portion of the cost but felt that 'Nick, Top Foods should share in the cost of the viewing area. Paul Cassel asked why Top Foods should be expected to pay for a beautification project. Paul said the didn't feel the City could legally hold up Top Foods or should to make improvements for the City. Chuck Zimmerman said Top Foods should be allowed to go ahead with their plans and could work around the Comprehensive Plan. Nick Wiltz said Top Foods ;o 6uluuow ay; uL apeouy ay; pa;oadSUL uewpoog qog pue ay ;e44 LLounoo a4; pasLnpe JOLN •;uaw;uedaO 43LeaH pUe d9L43 auLj 'aoLLod 10 SaL40 'uaoL;;O aoueLLdwoo apoo ay; won; sua;;aL uo FLuo pa;oe ay 4e4; pa;e;s uLeuo uOFeW ' P HO auLj pue ;aL40 aoLLod `uaOL;;O aoueLLdwoO apoo sLy o; do SUOL;oadsuL a4; ;;aL pey ay pLes aH o; pua;uL Sou plp pue apeouy ay; uL uaaq 40u pey ay pies uLeuo uoFeW •ZZb aoueuLpuO y;LM aoueLLdwoo uL auaM F04; 'uoL;oadSUL uodn ;ey; pup „Zq o; ;;o ;no uaaq pey scoop a4; ;ey; 6uL4e4s L86L 'OL ';daS ;o 6uluuow a4; z;LLM JOLN won; panLaoau pey ay ua;;aL a peau ULeuO uoFeW •palOOL Pup pasOLo auam 43L4m swoon aS044 apLsuL suawo;sno auam quay; 'pa;e;s u86eueW ay; se aneaL 04 paIse seM ay 4e44 Pug p813oL pue paSOLo auam Fay; Pug „Zq a4; o; ;So ;no uaaq 40u pe4.UOL;sanb uL snoop aauy; ay; pue puey;suL; aes o; 6UL;caw LLouno3 ay; auo;aq sa;nuLW 9L apeouy ay; o;uL ;uaM ay pLes sMaupuy MOLO •asuaoLL ay; panssL 0uo;au84; os 9SU03LL ay; Fuap 04 ;ou uoseau ou pey ay FLLe6aL pa;e;s aH 'sasuaOLI aOLnaO WeUOUed PUP asuaOLI suo4euad0 weuoued 'asuaOLI sasLwaad weuoued a44 anssL 04 MuaLO F;Lo 844 pa;oauLp pey ay auo;auay; Pug ZZb 'ON 93UPULPJO uL pauLe;uoo s;Uaw -auLnbau ay; ;0 LLe law pey apeouy apls;se3 ay; ;ey; 6UL;e4s wnpueuowaW a peau ULeuO uoFeW •ULeuo uoO uoFeW Fq uoLssas ueLn6au 04UL Moeq paLLeo seM 6uL49aW ayl •FLsnOWLueun passed pup aalloW Fual Fq papuooas sum UOL40W •sa;nuLW 5L 04 OL @Me; pLnoys ;ey; UOL4e6L4LL LeL;ua;od e 6ULssn3SLp ;o asodund ay; uo; uoLssas anL;noaxa o;uL uunoCpe o; UOL4OW a apew LasseO Lned •FLsnowLueun passed pue sLuuoW saweC Fq papuooas 'LasseO Lned Fq apew seM sasuaoLL ' aoLnap ;uawasnwe uo; saa; asuaoLL ay; a;euoud o; UOL40W •ueaF asuaoLL ay; ;o s44uow xLs ;suL; ay; ua;;e pose4ound dL aa; Lenuue ay; ;Ley-auo uo; pauLe;qo aq ueo sasuaoLL aa410 LLe se sasuaoLL aoLnap ;uawasnwe ao; sasuaoLL ueaF ;Ley a;euoud pLnom y3L4m OL£ *ON 90UPULpu0 puawe 0; Skauuo;;y F;Lo 84; pa;oauLp LLouno3 ay; 'suawe43S aal ;o ;sanbau ay; ;y •6UL49aW ;xau ay; ;e passnosLp aq ULe6e Mm ua;;ew ay; pue aWL; sLy; ;e apew seM ;uaW;LwwoO ON •s;La ay; pue e;UeS 41LM 06 04 SUOL;euooap LeuoL;Lppe aney 0; aoLU aq pLnom ;L 446no4; ay pup aun;eu ;ey; ;o swa;L aseyound 04 pamOLLe ;ou aae s,F;Lo ;ey; pauueaL ;nq auaoS F;LnL;eN a ase43und o; paLu; pey ay pLes uLeuO uoFeW 008'Z 'uewmous ay; ''00'8LE'E 4s0O pLnom uaLpLos 641 •F;Lo ay; U144LM uoL;eooL aLgLSLn a uL paFeLdsLp aq 04 uaLpLos 904 a uo uewmous a se 4ons au[unBL; a uo; spun; wntpe;s LeUOL;Lppe 6uL;sanbau aouawwoo ;o uagwego 43LJISLG 88434euaM ;sea ay; won; ua;;aL a peau ULeuO uoFeW •uoFeW ay; pasLnpe pu£ uagwanoN anssL 4e4; uo a;on o; F;Lun;udddo ue BAey LLLM ;oLu;sLO auLj ay; 04UL xauue 04 6UL4SLM s;uaplsaa F;Lo •xel a4e;S3 Leaa ;uao ua;uenp ay; uo papLoap uaaq pey awL; ay; ;e SUH40N 'passnoSLp auam sanssL ;oLle9 •uapuo ;o ;no UOL;senb ay; paLnu pup ;uawow ay; ;e ua;;ew ay; ssnosLp o; 4SLM ;,uplp ay pLes ULeu3 aoFeW •apeouy apls;sea ay; o; panssL sum asuaoLL a 94m p81se sLuuoW saweC •FLsnOWLueun passed pup aalloW Fual Fq papuooas 'LOSSUO Lned Fq apew sum uoL;OW (a;ep anL;Oa;;a ue 6UL44as Pug apoo LedLOLunW aayO;euaM ;sea ay; 10 OEO•ZS'LL uoL;oas 6uLpuawe oeud aoueLaen a 6ULgSLLge;sa 'apoo u6Ls wuo;Lun ay; ;0 UOLSLnoud a 6uL;aLap 'saa; ;Lwuad u6Ls 6ULZ19s 'apoo u6LS s,F;LO a4I bZ'SL ua;deyo 6uLpuawe aoueuLpuO UV 53q 'ON 80ueulpup ;dope o; pa;oeua LtOunoO ayl •uagwanoN uL jaaM ;suL; ay; ueuLwaS 093I a PU944e 04 LLounoo ay; Fq UOLsSLwuad U9nL6 sum z;LLM )OLN •FLsnowLueun passed pue sLuuoW saweC' Fq papuooas seM UOL40W •6uLpuLq aq ;ou LLLm do awoo Fay; suOL;eL406au Fue ;ey; pue panLonuL saL;ued ay; 44LM �uoM MeugoW JOLO PUP z;LLM �OLN 4e4; UOL40W a apew nay; as)IoW Fual •s;soo ay; ;o LLe puosge o; aney pLnoys Fay; Laa; ;,uop Fay; ;nq ;no dLay o; 6ULLLLm sL Council meeting Sept. 10, 1987 of September 10, 1987 and that the three doors had been cut to 42". Only one door he said on room four remained full length and that room contained a refrigerator etc. and was not used for a viewing room. Mr. Andrews again stated that at least two rooms on the South wall had full doors and in fact, he was advised that customers were in those rooms at the time he was there. Paul Cassel said prehaps another inspection should be made. Mr. Andrews then asked if the Arcade has been found to be in compliance, have they dropped their lawsuit. Mayor Crain said that was a legal question and asked that the attorneys address that issue. Chuck Zimmerman said as of Sept. 10, 1987 NO and he did not wish to discuss the litigation, at this time with the public. Chuck said all four points in the Ordinance had been met. He stated the Ordinance speaks and the Mayor complied. Mr. Andrews said if he had looked at the wrong doors, he would apologize. Since there were doubts, he would like to request another inspection. Chuck said there will be periodic inspections down the road and if its found there is a door that is not cut off to 42", then appropriate action under the Ordinance will be taken. Paul Cassel said if an error was made during inspection, then another inspection should be made. He said it was his understanding that they (the Arcade) had been very cooperative. He said he did not mean that another inspection be made right away. Mr. Andrews said he and the others in attendance were concerned about a health problem 'and referred to a letter from Health District Administrator John Garmany. Mr. Andrews read a portion of Mr. Garmany's letter. Chuck Zimmerman said Mr. Garmany's letter stated that there are no medical records confirming that there is a definite health problem. Hartley Beeler asked what Attorney Firm was handling the Arcade suit. Mr. Beeler then stated that the Attorney for the Arcade is an American Civil Liberties Attorney. Chuck Zimmerman said he would not continent on that and would not discuss the lawsuit further. Howard Bradley asked Mayor Crain why he had not inspected the Arcade himself. Mayor Crain said he had confidence in his employees and their reports and had no reason to go into the Arcade himself. Two other gentlemen spoke concerning the Arcade. Paul Cassel stated that the Council has no intention on closing the Arcade as long as they comply with the Ordinance. Mayor Crain the ed for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Paul ssel an pissed Urt pusly. City cltft BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT SEPT. 10, 1987 ' CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young August Salary 55.71 2. Paul Cassel August Salary 55.71 3. Tery McKee August Salary 55.71 4. Richard McGraw August Salary 55.71 5. James Morris August Salary 55.71 6. James B. Morris File Cabinet 8.06 7. Ma Cristina Buak Translator Fee 15.00 8. Evelyn Parks Translator Fees 30.00 9. L. B. Stone Translator Fees 45.00 10. Cascade A-1 Janitorial August Janitorial Services 45.00 11. W. Valley Humane Society Sept. Dog Control 333.00 12. AWC Employee Benefits Trust Sept. Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 1 734.00 13. Standard Ins., Co. Sept. Disability Ins. 102.12 14. Security Bank August Social Security Deposit 3 013.94 15. E. W. Water District 2 Months Service 30.25 16. Northwest Bearing Belt for Lawnmower 14.25 17. Shell Oil Co. Gasoline Charged on Credit Cards 27.64 18. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Billable Services & Criminal Prosecution 4 301.84 19. Dependable Disposal 1 Months Service 33.10 20. Sears, Roebuck & CO. Drag Link for mower 26.33 21. Nelson Office Machines, Inc. Toner for Copier 118.25 22. Rio Mirada Motor Inn Room Charges Yakima (Tery McKee) 64.50 23. Employment Security Dept. Administrative Expenses 18.28 24. The Wenatchee World Publication (Dillon Greenhouse) 24.72 ' 25. Grant Road Hardware 30' Tape & Flapper Tank Ball 23.09 26. McConnell/Burke August Invoice 360.00 10 646.92 STREET 1. Dales's Cement Finishing Retaining Wall (167 9th St., N.E.) 430.00 2. Security Bank of WA. Aug. Social Security Deposit 779.87 3. Standard Ins., Co. Sept. Disability Ins. 39.76 4. AWC Employee Benefits Trust Medical,Dental & Vision Ins., for Sept. 425.96 5. Safety Signal Systems, Inc. Traffic Control Device 2 500.00 6. Southpark Industries, Inc. 2 Sets of Brooms for Sweeper 235.68 7. WA. St. Treasurer Dept. Traffic Signal Maint., for June & July 188.63 8. P.U.D. No. 1 of Do., County 2 Months Service to Shop & Garage 35.00 9. Lloyds Auto & Truck Parts for Flusher 277.46 10. Grant Road Hardware Parts for Storm Drain & 2 Hoes 28.48 11. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co. Hot Mix & Cold Mix 140.34 12. WA. St. Treasurer Dept. 9th Street Project 7 837.13 13. Harrison Auto Parts, Inc. Parts for Shop & Equipment Repair 35.67 14. E. W. Water District 2 Months Service 49.55 15. Forsgren-Perkins Engineering Engineering Services (Simon & Baker) 2 316.62 ' Engineering 9th Street Project 252.87 15 573.02 r SZ' L L L 00'009 £S' b9 OO'S9 9Z'OL£ LE'OZ bZ'LL 09' £ L W V L V3,VE 9 L' LS 05'L Ob' 6 L Z OO'OL LPAL4s8j 6uLjg6Lq sew4sLA4g/,a9gwe40 aa403euaM 4sE3 'L ONnj wniav1S A4 L0 g LassP3 Lnpd ,Ao} sao LA.AaS u4eH P.A0JJ L LO Ao} (dP.Aa44o4oA'sd s6n.A0 uoLjdLAosaud sloo,A9 •wM FdeAa41 auLLos29 6uL4sLuLj 0404d g wLH saLLddnS 6uL4e.AadO saLLddnS @DL_44O saLLddnS 6ul}ea@do s,aa6.Ae4g A'.A944PO 446LL4spLj Z s4ued w,Aodm `'-Ad L sanoL9 '.Ad L jdaO aoLLod Aol Aogel •3daO '3S sagSPM APO aoLLod 4sn6ny saoLA.AaS aAL4e6L4sanul Le6aq 'bL '0'W `sPUPS '3 3,Aagq 'EL u4eH Paod36L0 'ZL 'O'ASd asa.Aj uaLg ' LL o0 A'LddnS abue.Ag • O L se,Aaweg s,1 0 •6 A.Aas.AnN 9 awoH 4su.A3 •g 4uL,Ad-uI L A',4unoO 4ewoulLnw g 'ouI s,LLp9 'S swuo} Lug Le44uawn L0 ' b kOPu uqd ;uow4sE3 '£ aa434euaM •3 0 4413 •Z 4seM ae) s,OXRN • L 3O�a