HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/17/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCity of East Wenatchee Meeting Taped Council Meeting Aug. 17, 1987 Council Members present: James Morris, Paul Cassel, Dick McGraw and Les Young. City Attorneys Robert Kiesz and Karen Wiggum. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were adopted as submitted. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman said he had no report on the signal light at Grant Road and Valley Mall Parkway at this time. Bob said the street problem on 9th appeared to be caused by heavy rain and a manhole that was not properly installed. He said apparently an inspector was not present at the the time the manhole was placed or it went un-noticed and he is still looking into the matter. Bob Goodman was given permission to attend the annual Road & Street Maintenance Seminar which will be held in Spokane the end of Sept. Registration fee is 120.00 plus Motel charges. Bob also said he would like some guidelines from the Council on what they want concerning 'the signal light at Grant & Valley Mall Parkway. Dick McGraw told Bob that he and Nick Wiltz will meet with him. Bob Dahmer said Top Foods will be bringing an Engineer over the Council may want to discuss the light with him as they have been doing a study on that intersection. Bob Goodman said the Department of Transportation has ordered the controller for the signal light at Eastmont and Grant and in the meantime will put in an old one until the the new one arrives and they will be putting in the ground loops soon. Ron Combs said he would like to be contacted any time there is a change being made with a signal light as they would like to be plugged in at the time of construction as the lights have a great impact on the Fire Dept. The Council reviewed an ordinance for signs and suggested that there should be some height restrictions and Paul Cassel said there should be a variance section included. He said if someone wanted to do something a little different they should be able to go before the Board of Adjustment. The Attorneys said they would discuss it further with Nick and have it prepared by the next meeting. The Council approved a miscellaneous fee schedule prepared by Chief Kirby for certain services performed by their department such as accident reports, certification of copies and notary service, etc. Ron Combs, Douglas County Fire Chief for District 2 gave a progress report for the ' City joining the Fire District. Ron said the Fire Dist Commissioners have passed a resolution and the matter will now go before the County Commissioners August 24th. If the County Commissioners are in favor of the annexation, it will then be put on the Nov. Ballot. Karen Wiggum said the City will have to continue to pay the fire contract if the annexation is not voted in by the residents. i •A'Lsnow[ueun passed pup meagoW Iota Sq papuooas °pau,anoCp aq 6u aaw ay; 3e44 UOL40W a apew LasseO Lned °SSaULsnq ,aa43,an; ou 6ULaq a,aa44 pup u0L s JeLn6aU 04UL jopq W L3aaW aqj paLLpo ULeao aoReW ' •sa4nULw SL 04 OL lseL pLnom 6UL49aw a43 p91e4S pup k4t0 aq4 ;SULe6e uOL43e Le6aL ssnoSLp 04 6UL49aw anL4noaxa up J04 paLLeo ULe.ao JORPW -;no paliom 6ULaq St jeyj swaLgoad aq4 }o auo SL 146LL Leu6LS a44 Pees aH •UOLlnLos a Ino J,aom of 6ULA'al uaaq sey ay pup swaLgo,ad ayj ;o aUeme SL ay Pies meigoW )PLO •auop aq o3 sey 6uty4awos 3eg4 saeadde 31 pup lueg R@ LLeA aJaw4se3 Pup spLeu0OoW Rq UOL3Sa6U0o a44 6ULUJaoUoo SLL20 OMJ pey sey 84 ptes LasseO Lned •a4ep 6UL38aW ,aeLn6aa ayl uo SLLe} A'eptLOH a se 0£:9 4e 440L •3daS Fepsin4l ,aol ;as sem 6ULlaaw L[ounoo lxau ayl •suoseas .anoj a44 4e 3SL •4daS U084ounL ,aagwe4o 3xau a43 01 aoLISO JOJ sa;pptueo pup s,aagwaW Ltounoo aq4 ;o LLe pa;lnUL ,aagwe43 9ay34euaM ISe3 ayl .40 luaptsaJd `aLIuaH eysUeW •A'LsnOWLueun passed pup Lasseo Lned Fq papuooas °meJE)OW Iota A'q apew sum uoL4oW •punj wn[pelS ay; w0JJ MOD Mm RRUOW a4l • LenL;Saj BUL446LI sew;StJgo Jtayg J01 ao.aawwoo ;o aagwego aay33euaM }sea aye. o3 00.00£`9$ a4ngt.a:tuo3 04 pa;oeua Llounoo a41 •j[ 4noge X.AJOm wa43 49L pup p.ae0g LOJ4uo3 .aonbL3 ayj 04 SUOL4en,aasa,a 44tm uotyeotLdde a43 u,an;a.a pLnom a4 ptes ULeJ3 JOReW `UO[ssnostp a,aow ,aa;;y •swaLgoad 4uasa.ad Woo 3l ILa; osLe SL.a.AOW WLC pup bunoA sal •Lo04osg6Ly ay; 04 asOLo 001 sem It ;La; ay pup asuaoLL UJanel a aItL aJOw sum It ILa; a4 ptes ULeUO JOReW passnosLp sem 4UeSSLOJ3 a4j Uo; uot4eotLdde aSUaoLL aULm pup .aaaq y •a3ep JaleL a 4e Llounoo a43 o3 joeq U0L;eWJ0jUL a,aow 6utuq LLtm pup ain3nj Ueau aq} UL 6UL4aaw aq LL[m J3LN pup XJaaC •xel aSLoxa 8jp4sa Leaa ay; 6ULU.aaouoo UOLIPJap[suoo SaaU0LSSL0003 94unoo a44 .ao} 44bZ •6ny •saa a 4uasaad Mm Ra43 ptes A'JJBP •xe4 aSLoxa ayl :�o .aone3 UL a,ae S-A04eLeaa jo p,aeog a4; pup ,aagweyo 9a434eu8M }sea 44oq Pees Rijap •ansSL L04LIOo poOL3 944 6ULUUa3u03 Rg4ede 4o ;oL a uaaq sey aJayl Se a40n a J04 30LLeq ayj uo ansSL ayj and 03 you paploap sey A3unoo aye pies aH xe4 asloxa a}p;sa Leaa }ueouad Aajjenb 844 paULeLdxa AauueLd k4unoo seL6noO 143tl Rijap •passnosLp ULe6e sem LO-AW03 pooLJ BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT AUG. 17, 1987 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Don Crain August Salary 297.90 2. Peggy McArthur August Salary 1 041.85 3. Virginia Kinzel August Salary 976.75 4. Lennie Breckenridge August Salary 502.64 5. Nick Wiltz August Salary 456.50 6. Pedco Credit Union Aug. Payment (Payroll Deduction) 950.00 7. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace August Legal Retainer 1 625.00 8. Jeffrey C. Barker August Public Defender Retainer 499.92 9. Do. Co. Dist. Court August Court Services 2 905.50 10. Chevron U.S.A. Gasoline Charged on Credit Cards 13.78 11. Grant Road Hardware Parts & Supplies 5.08 12. Dept. of Retirement Systems Aug. Payment Public Employees 593.45 13. Security Bank of WA. Aug. Withholding Deposit 2 809.30 14. In -Print Office Supplies 45.78 15. Do. Co. P.U.D. 2 Months Service City Hall 81.00 16. General Telephone Co. 1 Months Service & Long Distance 366.78 13 171.23 STREET DEPT. 1. Bob Goodman August Salary 1 389.00 ' 2. Ron Lannoye August Salary 1 360.80 3. Lennie Breckenridge August Salary 1 005.15 4. Pedco Credit Union August Payment (Payroll Deduction) 300.00 5. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co. Hot Mix 122.81 6. Cascade Natural Gas 2 Months Service 6.11 7. Dept. of General Admin. Membership renewal 25.00 8. Norris Paint Co. Paint for street striping 1 887.16 9. Dept. of Retirement Systems Public Employees Retirement Aug. 603.17 10. Security Bank of WA. Aug. Withholding Deposit 593.70 11. General Telephone Co. 1 Months Service 48.41 12. P.U.D. No. 1 of Do. Co. 2 Months Service 1 790.00 9 131.31 POLICE 1. Harold Kirby August Salary 1 757.74 2. Bruce Nash August Salary 1 527.11 3. Chet Virnig August Salary 1 561.84 4. John Harrison August Salary 1 827.84 5. Michael Schulz August Salary 1 460.04 6. Randy Webley August Salary 1 531.76 7. Shannon Wilsey August Salary 886.40 8. Katie Jaspers August Salary 46.42 9. Central Communications Aug. Maint. Agreement 92.72 10. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept. Aug. Dispatching 796.95 ' 11. Cascade Chevrolet Rotate tires 10.75 12. Dept. of Retirement Systems Aug. Retirement 1 800.59 13. 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