HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/3/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE
Aug. 3, 1987
Council Members present: Tery McKee, James Morris, Dick McGraw and Les Young.
City Attorney Karen Wiggum and City Clerk, Peggy
Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by
Les Young, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded
by James Morris and passed unanimously.
Councilman Dick McGraw said there is a problem with the traffic light loop at Eastmont
and Grant Road. The problem appears to be with the light and not ground loops which
were discussed at an earlier meeting. The cost to repair the light will be approximately
$2,500.00. The Council unanimously approved the expenditure.
Karen Wiggum handed out a preliminary sign code ordinance for review by the Council
and Nick Wiltz and asked that it be put on the agenda for July 17th.
Karen Wiggum said she had talked with Laurie Evenhus, Douglas County Auditor, trying
to get a feeling concerning the Flood Control Issue. She stated it was too late to
get it on the Sept. Ballot and after talking with Jerry Litt, Douglas County Planner,
'his consensus was that the County may not put the issue on the ballot as there will
be two other levies on the ballot and they don't want this flood control issue competing
with those levies. Karen said there is another alternative. Counties and Cities can
impose a Real Estate Excise Tax. Mayor Crain said he was not in favor of imposing more
Tery McKee said if the County and City do not do something soon concerning the flood
control issue, the County will lose its funding and the City can not put the issue on
the ballot if the County doesn't. Tery also said the County and City can get a 1 percent
Int. loan through the public works trust fund if the quarter cent excise tax is in place
and the flood issue was defeated by the voters three years ago and could possibly go down
in defeat again. He said the projct would cost over three million and the County and
City can not afford to bear the cost. Mayor Crain again stated that the City residents
do not need any additional taxes and stated that the City is not going to be blackmailed.
After it was learned that the Council has until Sept. 19th to finalize the issue,
the Council agreed to discuss it again at the next meeting and in the meantime asked
Karen Wiggum to research it further.
After reviewing a Resolution, repealing Res. No. 84-4, limiting department head
expenditures, it was agreed by the Council that the Resolution did not need to be
repealed as it did not limit elected officials to stay within the $250.00 expenditure.
An Ordinance stating an intent of the City to initiate the annexation process necessary
to join the Douglas County Fire Protection District No. 2 was reviewed by the Council.
Mayor Crain said the city cannot continue to pay the 80,000.00 to 100,000.00 since losing
Federal Shared Revenue money.
Karen Wiggum said the City would be committed for three years at a time if annexed into
the Fire District, so at a future date, the City could still have its own Fire Protection.
Mayor Crain explained that the City has no problem with the service provided by the Fire
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1. Les Young
2. Paul Cassel
3. Tery McKee
4. Dick McGraw
5. AWC Employee Benefits Trust
6. Standard Insurance Co.
7. W. Valley Humane Society
8. Cascade A-1 Janitorial
9. Security Bank of WA.
10. The Wenatchee World
11. The Specialty Tool Co.
12. Chelan -Douglas Health District
13. L. B. Stone
14. In -Print
15. Grant Road Hardware
16. Dependable Disposal
17. The Keyhole Security Center
18. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace
19. Petty Cash
20. McConnell/Burke
' 1. Security Bank of WA.
2. Standard Insurance Co.
3. AWC Employee Benefits Trust
4. North Central Petroleum, Inc
5. Do., Co. P.U.D. No. 1
6. Traffic Safety Supply Co.
7. Grant Road Hardware
8. High Country Batteries
9. Harrison Auto Parts
1. Kayo's Car Wash
2. Ernst
3. Grange Supply Co.
4. Dave's Typewriter Service
5. Kits Cameras
6. St. Joseph Hospital
July Salary
July Salary
July Salary
July Salary
August Medical, Dental & Vision Ins.
August Disability Insurance
August Dog Control
July Janitorial Services
July Social Security Deposit
Ordinance 423 Publication
Book & 2 small tools
3rd Quarter Public Health Services
Translator Fees
Office Supplies
July Services
Service Call 2 Kays
Billable ervices Criminal
July Statement
13 999.04
July Social Security Deposit 779.87
August Disability Insurance 39.76
August Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 425.96
1 55 Gal. Drum Hydraulic Oil 151.36
Electric Service for 3rd St., N.E. 715.00
10 Traffic Signs 164.40
Paper Towels 12.91
Battery for Flusher 39.66
Hand Cleaner 8.25
2 337.17
July Police Car Washes 70.00
Operating Supplies 15.88
Gasoline 340.10
Part & Labor Typewriter Repair 64.24
Film & Photo Finishing 40.45
Clifford Hahn Medical 10.00