HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/3/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Nov. 3, 1986 Council Members present: Les Young, Tery McKee, Brian Taylor and Paul Cassel. Attorneys, Robert Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. An Ordinance amending parking of vehicles on 9th Street was discussed. Bob Goodman said he had received a few complaints but he felt the Council should pass the Ordinance as it would create a problem for snow plowing if parking was allowed. The Council agreed to discuss the matter later in the meeting. The Council again discussed joining the Douglas County Eastmont Recreation Service Area. Mayor Crain advised Jim Barker that money was included in the 1987 Preliminary Budget to cover the residents share of the levy but that the Council had not reviewed or passed on the budget to date. Mr. Barker suggested that one or two Council members get together with him and discuss what the money will be used for so an Inter Agency Agreement can be drafted if the Council so desires. Tery McKee and Les Young agreed to meet with Mr. Barker and bring the information back before the Council November 17th. A Public Hearing was held on the proposed Zoning of the Michael K. Story et al Annexation into the City. The Council determined the Zoning to be R-L, Single Family Low Density Residential. One couple asked if the City planned to widen 13th St. The Council assured them that there had been no discussion about widening 13th Street. There was no other public input. The next Public Hearing will be held to consider annexation into the City, Nov. 17, 1986. Ordinance No. 107 (Obstruction Of Visibility At Intersections) was not discussed and will be put back on a future agenda. The Council enacted to adopt Ordinance No. 410 (Establishing and Regulating Parking of Vehicles on 9th Street N.E. within the City Limits. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Several tavern operations and owners were in attendance to discuss their objections to the City's Gambling Tax. Most felt the 2% charge should be on net rather than the gross amount of gambling. Bob Hughes, owner of Minn's Tavern, said that Wenatchee no longer collects a gambling tax because they did not net any money after paying administrative costs associated with collecting the tax, plus the funds could only be used for limited purposes. 1 0Lkel UeLJS Fq papuooas 'pauanoCpe aq 6UL4a9w aq4 4eg4 UOL40W a apew LasseO Lned 'ssaULsnq aag4an; ou 6ULaq aaayl 4a6pnq XJPU LwLLaad a44 uo doys3aom a a0} g4LL aagwanoN ;o a4ep a44 48s ULea3 JORPW '6u14aaw 4xau ay4 4e ULe6e passnosLp aq pLnom 41 pup uoseas LDS aq4 U04 sew4sLag0 aa4-4e do 4nd aq pLnoo 4eg4 saauueq ao} sa4onb 4a6 o4 uLeaO JORPW passe LLouno3 ayl 'kLsnowLueun passed pup Lasse3 Lned Rq papuooas 'saOLAaas 6ULaaOUL6ua ao} as14aanpe 04 V8 0 k460 a44 mOLLe o4 aa�AoW Vaal Xq apew sem UOL40W •4Uaw4aeda0 489a4s ay4 ao; saOLAaas 6uLaaaUL6ua Leaaua6 pue u6Ls9p 16uLuueLd ao; saOLAaas 6ULaaauL6ua JOS OSL4aanpe 04 LLOunoO ay; Xq uanL6 sem UOL4zLaoy4ny •ZL pue Z uaam4aq Lauueyo kaewLad a uo 1MON aneaL '4s9aa4UL oLLgnd ay; UL pue UOLsLoap aL944 aapLsuooaa kayo 4eg4 6uLJse 'uo44ns LaLUeO 'aa6eueW Leaauag •aLgeO „M„ dnoag o4 Ua44LaM pey ay a9448L a pauoL4uaw ULea3 aokeW •aaI0a8 'aW Pup IOLN uaam4aq Ono palaom aq pLnoo 4eg4 SUOL4e3L;1pow Mal e g4Lm 4oaCoad a yons }o aOAe} UL aaam saagwaw LLounOD LLe se 6U4LaM UL ueLd ade0s -pueL pasodoad a44 waL}uo0 Pup a830ag 'aW 4Lm sueLd aq4 aano 06 `ULe6e pLnoo ay pup aoL};o sty UL Ioeq SL z4LLM 13 LN LLlun Aaam e JOS 4Lem 04 aA U PLnom ka44 pLes LLOuno3 agl •z4LLM A3LN 441m swaLgoad a44 }o awos passnosLp pey ay 4e44 pLes aaj0a8 'aW '00'009`bL 'XLa4ewtxoadde aq o4 4oaCoad a44 ;o 4soo ayl •eaae 4eaa aLokoLq ay} ao; ueLd adeospueL R.APULwLLaad a 'LLouno3 aq4 44LM passnosLp 'uo14e4aodsueal So 4uaw;aedaa aq4 ao; aaauL6u3 4uawdOLanaa 40aCoad 43La4sLO 4Ue4SLssy 'aaJ0a8 Raael •auo 04 89a44 paLaaeo UOL40W 'oU p040A aoLRel uetae 'xel ay4 a44 a4euLwLLa 04 pa4oA 6unoA sal pup aalloW Vaal 'LasseO Lned •aalloW Taal Xq papuooas 'xe4 a44 a4ewLLa 04 a3ueULpaO Ifaess008U 844 43eap 04 RaUao44V 44L0 a44 ao} UOL40w a44 apew LasseO Lned '986L 10£ aagwa4das o4 aAL40e -o,a49a xel bULLgweg 4uaoaad oml a44 doap 04 paaa6e LLounoO aq4 '4nduL oLLgnd aaow pue 'UOLssnosLp awns aa4;y 'aay04eu9M d0 R4Q aq4 g4LM saxe4 s4L a4euLpa000 pLnogs R410 a44 4Lad 4nq 16ULOLLod aol pasn eae spun; a44 4e44 dnoa6 ago paansse ULea3 JORPW •pun3 4uaw4aedap aoLLod a44 ue44 aa44e.A asuadxa 4uaaano OJUL sa06 LCauow a44 4eg4 pup saxe4 aso44 ao} pun; Le Loads a aney 4ou saop 4463 a44 poo4saapun a4 pLes sa46nH •aW 1 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT NOV. 3, 1986 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young Oct. Per -diem 2. Paul Cassel Oct. Per -diem 3. Tery McKee Oct. Per -diem 4. Brian Taylor Oct. Per -diem 5. Richard McGraw Oct. Per -diem 6. Emp. Security Dept. Oct. Social Security 7. W. V. Humane Society Nov. Dog Control 8. Cascade A-1 Janitorial Oct. Service 9. E. W. Water District 2 Months Service 10. L. B. Stone Translator Fees 11. Wenatchee World Publications 12. In Print Office Supplies 13. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures -Postage STREET 1. Empl. Security Dept. Oct. Social Security 2. Shell Oil Co. Credit Card -Gasoline 3. P. U. D. 2 Months Service 4. Basin Paving 15% Retainage llth St. 5. Greatland Exhaust Mufflers 6. Petty Cash Cash Expenditure -Propane 7. Cascade Gas 1 Months Service 8. WA. St. Treasurer Sept. Signal Maint. 9. Grant Road Hardware Sheetrock & Nails 10. Harrison Auto Parts Parts 11. Grange Supply Gasoline POLICE 1. Chelan Co., Treasurer Prisoner Housing Fee Sept. 2. Pay'n Save Microwave & Extension Cord 3. Kayo's Car Wash Oct. Police Car Washes 4. Steven Skystad & Steven Lacy Lawsuit Settlement 5. Grange Supply Gasoline 6. Kits Cameras Film & Photofinishing 7. Clifford Hahn Prescrition 8. Blumenthal Uniforms Uniforms 9. CPR Hygienics Inc. Breathe E-Z for Training 10. Cascade Chevrolet Co. Parts 11. Life-Lite Operating Supplies 12. Harrison Auto Parts Parts & Tapes 27.85 55.71 55.71 55.71 55.71 3 209.51 300.00 45.00 14.00 45.00 62.06 121.84 152.69 4 200.79 688.02 5.86 40.00 1 303.05 52.68 14.75 15.59 74.83 6.23 22.16 242.82 2 465.99 5 147.60 110.50 70.00 4 000.00 246.14 23.79 16.17 184.10 19.79 250.31 35.50 32.97 10 136.87