HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Nov. 17, 1986 Council Members present: Brian Taylor, Dick McGraw, Les Young, Paul Cassel and Tery McKee. City Attorneys, Robert Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as sumbitted. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Chief Harold Kirby was granted permission by the Council to attend a mini conference in Kennewick concerning mutual aid with the cost be approximately $100.00. Chief Kirby said the transmission on one of the newer vehicles was about to go out and the cost would be between $500.00 & 800.00. He said it might be alright until the new cars are ordered. The Council directed Chief Kirby to work with Chuck Zimmerman on some of the parking ordinances that he feels need to be revamped. Several people were in attendance asking the Council to please reconsider and allow parking on 9th St. Lonnie DeCamp said he had two rentals on the South side of 9th with steep driveways and the property next to his also has a problem. Dick Higgins said his rental on 9th & Hamilton now has no parking since Hamilton St. was barricaded. Mayor Crain said,ithe cost of the improvement was $180,000. and you don't spend that kind of money to provide parking". Paul Cassel asked if property owners have any alternatives 'to develop more parking. Mr. DeCamp said "No". After more discussion each Council member agreed to look at the situation and discuss it further at the next meeting. The question was also raised as to the plans of the vacated portion of Hamilton. Dick McGraw advised that the City had some plans for beautification, but have no direct plan at this point. Nick Wiltz said he met with Larry Becker of the Department of Transportation and discussed with him some of his concerns about the landscape plan submitted by D.O.T. Nick pointed out his recommendations. The Council said they approved of all of the comments and recommendations he submitted so he could draft a letter to the Department of Transportation. Dick McGraw told Nick to be sure to reaffirm the fact that the Department will absorb the cost of the project. Nick announced that the Board of Adjustment was short one member and that Mayor Crain had appointed Colleen Kelley to fill the position. The Council reviewed a Resolution to join the Eastmont Recreation Service Area of Douglas County, and adopting an interlocal agreement pursuant to the same. Mayor Crain said he still had some concern that the seven man board did not consist of any resident from within the City. Jim Barker said there was no openings at this time on the Board but that the next two vacancies would be reserved for City residents. 'Paul Cassel said he was not content with No. 7 under the interlocal agreement "The parks and services offered by the Eastmont Recreation Service Area shall be offered to residents of Chelan County without surcharge", as the County had earlier stated that if the City did not join the Service Area, City residents would be charged to use the parks and an extra charge to use the pool would be assessed. 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CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Donnell 1. Crain Nov. Salary 308.90 2. Peggy McArthur Nov. Salary 1 242.85 3. Virginia Kinzel Nov. Salary 1 013.63 4. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Nov. Legal Retainer 1 844.00 5. Jeffrey C. Barker Nov. Public Defender Retainer 499.92 6. Ron Lannoye Nov. Salary 506.07 7. Lennie Breckenridge Nov. Salary 525.07 8. Nick Wiltz Nov. Salary 437.50 9. Security Bank of WA. Nov. Withholding 3 008.70 10. AWC Employee Fenefits Trust Dec. Medical Insurance 1 628.33 11. Pedco Credit Union Nov. Payment 900.00 12. Do. Co. Dist. Court Nov. Payment 2 614.62 13. Norman L. Kime Jury Fee 15.00 14. WA. Courthouse Supply 100 Distribution Sheets 107.71 15. In Print Office Supplies 30.49 16. Wenatchee World Publications 48.76 17. Ma Cristina Buak Translator Fee 15.00 18. Lisa Harmon Witness Fee & Mileage 45.63 19. Patti Mikelson Witness Fee & Mileage 45.63 20. General Telephone 1 Months Service 309.42 15 147.23 ' STREET 1. Robert Goodman Nov. Salary 1 471.30 2. Lennie Breckenridge Nov. Salary 1 050.15 3. Ron Lannoye Nov. Salary 877.54 4. AWC Employee Benefits Trust Dec. Medical Insurance 371.36 5. Pedco Credit Union Nov. Payment 300.00 6. Security Bank of WA. Nov. Withholding 625.30 7. Harrison Auto Parts Parts & Supplies 10.61 8. E. W. Water Dist. 2 Months Service 55.85 9. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Battery 75.24 10. Wenatchee World Publication 22.90 11. Chevron U.S.A. Gasoline 6.62 12. General Telephone 1 Months Service 50.88 13. Lloyd's Auto & Truck Parts 144.30 14. Adv. Travel Exp. Revolving Fund Lennie Breckenridge School -Yakima 119.92 15. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. #1 2 Months Service 14.00 5 195.97 POLICE 1. Harold Kirby Nov. Salary 1 647.74 2. Michael Cattin Nov. Salary 1 655.70 3. Chet Virnig Nov. Salary 1 516.47 4. Randy Harrison Nov. Salary 1 836.39 ' 5. Bruce Nash Nov. Salary 1 627.12 6. Mike Schulz Nov. Salary 1 495.74 7. Shannon Wilsey Nov. Salary 795.50 8. Katie Jaspers Oct. & Nov. C. S. Salary 65.00 9. Dept. of Retirement Systems Nov. Payment 1 554.80 r, L 09'ZZ9 ' LL'06£ £Z £Z'Lbi Si b5'EbZ 8 90'ZZ 6£' LL Z8'96Z E ZS'ZLZ SL'Ob9 b 8b'8SZ 39'OLL 89'96 L8'OZ 6Z'9V3 90'b9Z bL'bI 00'Eb L8'6 09'ZL8 ZE' LOL 00'69L s,Aauueq •ouI •uoL;onpo,Ad 9 u6LsaO aaS 'L ONN WniaviS PM� ' Le8 aotnuaS S44UOW Z I# '4SLO uaMaS '00 'o0 'SZ s4uaw4saijaa g woq uuI suoseas Anoj 'bZ saoLn.AaS Le6al •gdaS aoeLLeM g 44d.AnW •uap60 `uap60 'EZ z3LLM JO LN-LooPS uewLLnd punj 6uLnLonaa •dx3 LaneAj 'APV 'ZZ quawkud •400 1 •4daS 9I.An8/LLauuo3oW 'LZ SJQ aoLLod uo .10gel 4aai3S 6uLppn3S q saALl Z u 04 e.A a6 L,A j as s,ABILLj 18 LLO 6uLueaL3 •100 swaLgw3 aoLLod OOL auLLose9 aoLn.AaS auogdaLLgoW •noN RL J aaj 6uLsnoH sJauosLad '400 4u9waaJ6y •4uLeW •noN 6uLg34edsLO •noN '1,NO3 3SN3dX3 1N32bno aa40leuaM '3 10 4 Q 'LZ aoLn.aaS s,13LO 'OZ L'a.A44nB '6L 53.Aed o3ny uosL.aaeH '8L s.AaueaLO 94e;S PLW 'LL quawdLnb3 g swao}Luq Leg4uawnLO '9L ooexal qu0w4se3 s,nA0 'SL 'M'N auojaLLgoW 'bL s AMPO s4 LEI ' E L aa.Anseaal •00 ueLagD 'ZL suoL4eoLunwio0 Lea;ua0 'LL •;daa s,ddLua4S '03 '00 'OL *i.NOD 33IIOd