HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/6/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Jan. 6, 1986 Council members present: Terry McKee, Paul Cassel, Brian Taylor, Dick McGraw and Les Young. City Attorneys, Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Mayor Crain administered the Oath of Office to Terry McKee, Paul Cassel, Brian Taylor, Dick McGraw, Les Young and Peggy McArthur. Mayor Crain called the meeting to Order. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Terry McKee, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Terry McKee and passed unanimously. The Council asked Bob Goodman to contact Cascade Natural Gas and see if there is something that can be done with the furnaces to make them more efficient. Les Young said he thought the bill was considerably high for one month. Mayor Crain appointed Ray Duncan to the Planning Commission as Brain Taylor can no longer serve on the Board. Acting Chief Harold Kirby said the oral examine for a police officer was given Friday and Saturday and he was very pleased with the applicants. He stated it would be Feb. before someone could be hired and asked if the two reserves could be paid at the trainee 'salary until an officer Terry McKee, seconded by is hired. The Council granted this request. Les Young and passed unanimously. Motion was made by George Sperline advised the Council that the Planning Commission will be meeting Monday and invited the Council to attend. George also stated that the Fire District would be meeting before the Board of Adjustment for a Conditional Use Permit to build a Fire Station on property South of Grant Road. Dick McGraw said the water problem there should be checked out. A Contract for Ice Rink Funding was discussed. Bob Kiesz said he was having some problem with it. He said if the City entersinto a joint contract with the City of Wenatchee, he could see no problem. Rick Olson said he highly recommended keeping Wenatchee out of it. After more discussion the matter was tabled until Bob Kiesz can talk with Rudy Mueller, State Examiner to see if Stadium Fund money can legally be used for the rink and said he would be happy to discuss the matter further with Rick Olson after the meeting. A letter received from Steve Clem's Office to the City Clerk was not discussed by the Council. Paul Cassel said he would discuss the matter with Mr. Clem. The Council authorized the Mayor to sign a contract with McConnel and Burke for services. Motion was made by Terry McKee, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain said he would support the project 100 percent and would gladly participate. He said he wants the study to be a success. 'The Council authorized Mayor Crain to sign a contract for services between the City and Wenatchee Valley Humane Society. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. •pauunoCpe aq 6uLlaaw ay} Je44 •A'LsnowLueun passed pup 6unoA sal kq papuooas e apew a@XOW kJAal 'ssautsnq aa44.Anj ou 6uLaq a.aayi •paL,a.apo UOL40W •pauLegsge L9sse3 Lned 'LasseO Lned .ao} S8X pa}on 6unoA Saq pup Me,agoW JoLO 'aaNOW SAJal 'JOLA'el ueL.Aq '040n 844 JO_4 paJse uLP.A3 JORPW •a@NOW R.A,aal 4ULoddp o; panow 6unoA sal %AOLA'el ueLJG Nq papuooaS '986L 'JPDR ay} ao} wal oad AOReW LasseO Lned OuLodde o; UOL;ow a apew as)JOW F.aaal •.anoy awes ayq 4e 4L aneaL o-4 LLounoO ayq Sq paa,a6p seM 41 'S6uL4a9w LLounoO uod 'W'd 0£ 9 4e 6uL4aaw 41Lm Fddey aaam saagwaw LLounoO lLe ;L paIse ULeaO JORPW •aL%suodsa.a sL R4Lo a4; }L moul uewpoog qo8 4aL pup Ono 4L Va4o pLnom ay lk4aadoid a}enLid SL 4L se pLes zsaLN qo8 'LLeW aql _4o ;no 6ULWOJ S4aaJ4S 449 pue 449 3p suo1308s,aalUL 6uLpues ,ao} aLgtsuodsa.a sum kjj o ayj dL palsp Spauua'A .aagaH *Xepsanl 'uuL s,uoseaS .ano3 ayj JP 6uL4aaw .aagwe40 uoou a 04 .aouoH 40 s;sang se LLounoO pue AoReW aye. pa4LAUL 'ao,aawwo0 4o ,aagwe40 aa4o4euaM }sea '4uaVsaJd 6uLwoouL 's43LdbLug IJOI I BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JAN. 6, 1986 1985 Bills CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ed Rich 2. Ray Duncan 3. Les Young 4. Paul Cassel 5. Terence McKee 6. Cascade's A-1 Janitorial 7. General Telephone 8. P. U. D. 9. McConnell/Burke 10. Douglas Co., Auditor 11. Peter Adelsohn 12. Wenatchee World 13. E. W. Water District 14. Ogden, Ogden & Murphy 15. Employment Security Dept 16. Chelan Co., Treasurer 17. Grant Road Hardware STREET DEPARTMENT 1. General Telephone 2. Forsgren-Perkins 3. Cascade Gas 4. WA. St. Treasurer 5. Swallowline Printing 6. Employment Security Dept. 7. Valley Tractor 8. Equip. Mfg., Co. 9. Harrison Auto Parts 10. Grant Road Hardware 11. WA., Auto Carriage 12. Silver Eagle Co. 13. P. U. D. 14. E. W. Water District POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks 2. Kayo's Car Wash 3. Grange Supply 4. Ted Finkbeiner Motors 5. Cascade Chevrolet 6. Whiteman Tire ' 7. Robert E. Hale 8. David Corn 9. Clifford Hahn 10. In Print 11. Harrison Auto Parts 12. Chelan Co. Treasurer 13. Internal Revenue Services Dec. Per -diem 55.77 " 55.77 " 55.77 " 55.77 " 55.77 " Payment 45.00 1 Months Service 310.47 2 Months Service 234.00 Professional Services 450.00 Election Costs 361.00 Translator Fee 15.00 Publications 108.58 2 Months Service 14.00 Legal Services for Nov. 577.85 Dec. Social Security 3 356.46 4th Quarter Liquor Tax 87.91 Supplies 15.32 ;. � 1 Months Service 50.20 Engineering Services 8 790.80 1 Months Service 282.47 Nov. Traffic Signal Maint. 209.05 Record Forms 36.01 Dec. Social Security 677.30 Parts for Sander 15.09 Snow Plow Repair 92.46 Parts & Supplies 69.78 Cables & D-con 5.11 2 Cutting Blades 194.04 Freight 44.20 2 Months Service 1 754.00 2 Months Service 14.00 12 234.51 Retirement Refund 618.37 Dec. Police Car Washes 70.00 Gasoline 349.88 Parts Car #6 30.49 Parts Car #6 41.56 4 Tires 227.47 Dec. Wages 505.67 Dec. Wages 911.63 Medical Expenses 38.39 Office Supplies 4.35 Parts Cars #6 & 7 120.91 Dec. Prisoners Housing Fee 984.10 Dec. Withholding 297.00 9 8 1 ZO'9Z6 00'OL Sena 00'OOE Loj4uo0 600 -UPC 00'OL uOL,4dLaosgnS ae9X L 6L'ZOb aa3 aoLAJaS 986L £8'88L 'VM 40 apo0 pasLnab 986L 00'9L Sena LenuuV uawoM 'VM Pa3oaL3 '9 443 LOOS auewnH aa404eueM •S Ssa.ad a.ALdw3 aLLLnuaZeM 'V SaL;LO 'VM do •ussV •E 6uL4sLLgnd �008 'Z sLeLaLddO '6PL8 do ` ussV `•VM 'L 3SN3dX3 1N3MnO