HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/3/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING
Feb. 3, 1986
Council Members present: Tery McKee, Brian Taylor, Paul Cassel, Les Young and Dick
McGraw. City Attorneys, Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman.
City Clerk, Peggy McArthur.
Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les
Young, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded
by Tery McKee. Chuck Zimmerman explained to the Council that stop payment had been made
on a warrant issued to Ted Huls and Goodfellow Brothers as the warrant was inadvertently
sent to Mr. Huls and he was holding it as a bargaining unit. The reissued warrant Chuck
explained, will be held by the City Clerk until both parties pick it up and endorse it.
There being no further questions concerning the bills they were approved unanimously.
The Council granted permission to Bob Goodman to purchase a deck for the lawn mower
for approximately 575.00. Also, the Council granted Bob permission to gather information
for a radio system so he can get the notice to call for bids prepared.
Mayor Crain said the Street Department employees made brackets for the street poles
thus saving the City a lot of money. The brackets will be used for banners during
special events. The Council thanked Bob for a job well done.
'Acting Chief Harold Kirby introduced the new police officer, Bruce Nash to the Mayor
and Countil.
Chief Kirby stated the wages for using reserves went over the trainee salary wage for
Jan. as Dave Corn spent 10 hours in Court. Also, Chief Kirby said Dave Corn had resigned
from the Dept. Dave was thanked by the Mayor and Council for his many years of service
with the City.
The Council approved a request from Acting Chief Kirby to purchase a light bar for
approximately 650.00.
Tery McKee said the consultants had been collecting maps and has a list of people to
contact. He said Mr. Burke would be contacting those people within the next few days and
would get some committees set up. The Committees will then meet with the Council and
Planning Commission.
Brian Taylor said he had nothing to report on streets at this time.
Dick McGraw said the Chamber had decided against a fun festival this year but hoped to
plan something for East Wenatchee. Perhaps something could be planned to tie in with
the Apple Blossom Festival Dick stated.
Paul Cassel said there was nothing major to report on in the Police Department.
Mayor Crain said any Council member interested in serving on the Disability Board should
request their desire to serve on the Board to him in writing. He said he hesitated to
nominate someone from the Council as the hearing for Chief Brooks will be coming up
and it could be a conflict of interest. He said Acting Police Chief Harold Kirby is already
on the Board and probably will disqulify himself from hearing the case. Chief Kirby said
that the position would only be for two months as a whole new board will be appointed for
a two year term.
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Les Young
Jan. Per -diem
Paul Cassel
Tery McKee
Brian Taylor
Dick McGraw
W. V. Humane Society
Feb.Dog Control
Cascade Janitorial Service
Jan. Janitorial Service
Wenatchee World
2 Publications
Western States Arts Foundation
Employment Security Dept.
Jan. Social Security
2 976.25
Grant Road Hardware
Operating Supplies
Q E-1.1 VAIK
12. Huls Construction & Goodfellow
STREET Brothers Inc. Demolition of School 26,000.00
1. Grant Road Hardware Markers & Chain 28.05
2. Miller Fasteners Parts for Plow 6.44
3. Cascade Gas Corp. 1 Months Service 200.29
4. Sears Roebuck & Co. Battery 64.49
5. Standard Steel Co. Bracket Material for Banners 143.23
6. Emp. Security Dept. Jan. Social Security 755.30
7. Harrison Auto Parts Parts 57.23
1 255.03
1. Kayo's Car Wash Jan. Payment 70.00
2. Blumenthal Uniforms Uniforms 99.25
3. Computerland Part for Typewriter 20.64
4. Harrison Auto Parts Parts for Repair 42.58
5. Independent Telephone Service Call 59.13
6. Keyhole Security Center Code Key 3.76
7. In Print Office Supplies 5.19
8. Lake Chelan Community Hospital Wm. Brooks Therapy 270.00
9. David Corn Reserve Officer's Wages 668.53
10. Robert Hale 144.10
11. James Harum 216.15
12. Randi Morrell " " 278.21
13. Gary Thomas 72.05
1 949.59
1. Wenatchee-Eastmont Head Start Contract (Bldg. for Buses)
9 782.50