HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/19/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting Feb. 19, 1986 Council Members present: Paul Cassel, Dick McGraw, Brian Taylor, Terry McKee and Les Young. Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Pro-tem, Paul Cassel. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved with one modification. Ron Duncan, an adjacent property owner to the proposed Gordon Giesen annexation stated he had no problem with the annexation if the property was annexed into the City with the same zoning as it is now, R-2 or equivalent which would be R-M in the City's zoning ordinance. Brian Taylor made a motion that the minutes be approved with the above modification, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Terry McKee. Paul Cassel said a voucher to Steven Clem in the amount of 450.00 was for work done on prior cases that went to Court in January of 1986. There being no further questions on the bills, the vote was unanimous. Acting Chief Harold Kirby said the light bar came in and had been installed. Chief Kirby also said Officer Mike Cattin would be going in for surgery Feb. 26 and would be off from 4 to 6 weeks. He said he would be filling in for Mike. Paul Cassel thanked Acting Chief Harold Kirby for his letter informing the Mayor and Council of his inquiry into a request by Ben Wilson for a liquor license. Paul 'said the final decision would be up to the Liquor Control Board and Mayor. Permission was granted to Bob Goodman to purchase traffic paint. The cost to be approximately 1,200.00. Paul Cassel explained a Supplemental Agreement he was asked to sign, extending the number of calendar/working days for Engineering completion for Forsgren Perkins Engineering for the 9th St. Project to 150 calendar/working days. The additional time allowance was at the request of the Department of Transportation, State Aid Engineer. Dick McGraw questioned the terminolgy of an Ordinance vacating Adams Street. After it was agreed to remove (a portion of Street) from the Ordinance, the Council authorized the execution of Ordinance No. 396. The request from Gordon Giesen to annex into the City and a change in zoning was again discussed. Dick McGraw said he did speak with Bill Millett, who is representing Mr. Giesen about the annexation in private but felt there was no conflict of interest. Bill Millett read information from an Environmental Checklist and stated the property was contiguous to commerical property. Ron Duncan, an adjacent property owner again voiced his concerns, if the property was zoned light commercial. It was brought out that the City's Comprehensive Plan requires a four acre parcel for light commercial. Ron Duncan also stated that the residential area was not notified of the hearing and that a rezone of the property was denied when presented to the County because of public objection and also that commercial property might create a drainage problem. After more discussion, the Council agreed that they were not ready to make a decision as much more information is needed. The Council asked Mr. Millett to supply them dwso �qb0 D I wal-OJd uo W 'LasseO d •A'LsnOWLueun passed pup aalloW Rial A'q papuooas 'pau.anoCpe aq 6uL4aaw aqq gegq UotgoW a apew MpagoW IOLQ 'SsauLsnq .aagq,an; ou 6ULaq a.aagl 'UOLSLoap s,LLounoO aqq gjLm paji nouoo pue SUOLgtsod OMq aqq }o UOLgeuLgwoo pasodoid aqq ;o pasLnpe uaaq peg aq ptes aULL.AadS a6,Aoa9 • A'eW 10 4SJL4 agq JOI qaS A'LanLgequaq seM agep 6UL4aegs aqq pue pasLgaanpp aq LLLm uo4Lsod aql 'kLsnOWLueun passed pue JO LA'el UeLUG Xq papuooas seM UOLgoW squeoLLdde aqq }o asLquadxa pue SUOLgeoL}LLenb aqq A'q paULw,Aagap 00'000`SL 04 00'000`ZL aq oq RJPLes A'LueaX e ggLm Rup 4ad sinoq anL; pup .Anoj uaamgaq papuedxa aq uoLgtsod mau aq; ,Aol s.Anoq aq; gegq pup uoL4jsod auo 04UL ,Aogoadsul 6uLpLtng pup AogoaJLa 6uLuueLd aqq auLgwoo pLnom gpyq uOL4Lsod }}pqs Mau a ageauo kjQ aqq gpyq UOL}OW e apew aalloW A',Aal 'uoLgtsoddo ou aq oq pawaas a.aagq se pup passnosLp seM JaggeW aql •,Aogoadsul 6uLMn9 pue uogoaALQ 6uLuueLd aqq }o sgoC auLgwoo pLnom 'Pees aq 'UOL4Lsod SLgl 'uaOLdbO aoueLLdwoO apo0 a Aoj q;eap a .Aagga6oq qnd aNUno 9 LLauuOOOW gegq pagegs aalloW A'aal '6uL4aaw gxau aqq a.Aojaq aoueuLp.Ao 6uLuueLd ,ano 04UL NooL oq pa�Se seM zsaLN qog A'au,Aoggy 4110 •epuabe aqq uo qnd aq oq squem pulp sg0e-4 aqq 10 LLe ggLm ,fpeaa sL aq uagm W[O k4q 0 agq g0e4u00 oq ggaLLLW 'uW p81Se pue ggaLLLW *JW ggtm IJOm oq paaa6e 6unoA sal pup LasseO Lned •ageaJO 146LW auoza.a agq gegq waLgoad 86PULPJP AUe pue auozaJ a JOJ sLseq aqq 'UOLgeWAOSUL avow ggLm I BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT FEB. 19, 1986 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 2. Pedco Credit Union 3. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 4. Nelson Office Machines 5. AWC Employee Trust 6. Steven M. Clem 7. Helen Schultz 8. Security Bank 9. Wm. McKenzie 10. Jeffrey C. Barker 11. Don Crain 12. Peggy McArthur 13. Dannie Kinzel 14. Ron Lannoye 15. Len Breckenridge 16. George Sperline 17. Telephone Co. 18. In Print 19. Do. Co. Dist. Court 20. Chelan -Douglas C. on Aging 21. Advance Travel R. Fund '22. IBM 23. P. U. D. 24. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 25. Petty Cash 1 STREET Feb. Legal Retainer 1 844.00 Feb. Payment 500.00 Bond for Treasurer/Clerk 250.00 Maintenance Agree., & Toner 370.88 March Medical,Dental & Vision Ins. 1 359.34 Professional Services for Jan. 1986 450.00 Translator Fee 15.00 Feb. Withholding Deposit 3 807.30 Feb. Salary 324.97 Feb. Public Defender Retainer 499.92 Feb. Salary 308.90 Feb. Salary 1 342.85 Feb. Salary 1 013.63 Feb. Salary 506.07 Feb. Salary 525.07 Feb. Salary 324.97 1 Months Service 332.98 Office Supplies & Printing 189.36 Feb. Court Payment 2 614.62 Per Contract 1 807.00 Registration Fee AWC Conference 60.00 Maint. Agree. 2 Typewriters 253.70 2 Months Service City Hall 295.00 Dec. Legal Services 2 327.36 Postage & Traveling 155.82 21 478.74 -!-Security Bank Feb. Withholding Deposit 741.30 2. Forsgren-Perkins Engineering Services 4 187.72 3. AWC Employee Trust March Medical 371.36 4. Pedco Credit Union Feb. Payment 300.00 5. Northwest Bearing Bearings for Shop Grinder 5.13 6. Ron Lannoye Feb. Salary & Jan. Overtime 1 084.99 7. Len Breckenridge Feb. Salary & Jan. Overtime 1 225.37 8. Bob Goodman Feb. Salary 1 471.30 9. In Print Office Supplies 8.25 10. General Telephone 1 Months Service 48.29 11. P. U. D. 2 Months Service 1 757.00 11 200.71 1 1 L9'990 9 S9-5U6 l 9S'SLZ L 6 L' LSt LO'9tL Z S9'L9E L9't9 £L'86Z LL 8L'LLt 80'£t Zt' 9£ L OL' L9 Lt' LSZ L OO'Et O L' 98 Z6'9L 00'69L 98' LSS L tZ' 8£ L tS'OL 00'SE 6L'ZL Lt'09C 60'8 E9'LL6 69'LLt L L6'ZZ8 L t8'tES L LL'LOB L tL'Lt9 L 46 �p F SZ't£0`99 SllIB llV j0 1V101 ealltwwo3 aqj Lq pled SM9 SLet.AB4PW 6ULPLpS SLat,AaleW Leotal3aL3 sLetaaleW 6ulPLing aptaoL43 wntoLe3 s6eg 'g108 8L sMaaoS Pooh aegaltl sae3 aotLod uo Aogel *Idea '1S -qaj Iu9w0aa6V •luteW B shed slued 'ad L luawkPd "qaj aotnaaS auo4daLtgoW qaj s6naa uotldlaosaad spae3 ltpaa3 uo pa6ae43 autLose9 6uL4oledst0 'qaj aaj 6utsnoH saauoslad •ueC satedaa 16utueaL3 Raa wLtj dLgsaagwaW 986L a I and olo4d laodssed autLose9 uotleoLPaW Xd ,6PLeS *qaj L'aeLeS qaj awt4aan0 •ueC I FaeLeS •qaj awt4aan0 •ueC I L'aeLeS *qaj L'aeLeS *qaj L'aeLeS qaj Red uotle3PA Q aouPmOLLV 'qaj aalltwwo3 Juts Puo3aS •g a,APmP-APH g �.AoMpooM etgwnLo3 •S Le3t.aloeL3 Pe4ePttosuo3 •t uosaeW g uosaeW •£ saaolS auolsaatj 'Z saaualsej ADLLiW -L aNni wnfav1S satLddnS Leta(ltaaal 'EZ aa404euaM lse3 do RIt3 'ZZ suot4e3tunuwo0 Lea4ua3 -LZ swao tua L)g4uawnLB 'OZ swalsRS Iueweatla'd do •ldaa •6L 'M'N auo}aLtgoW '8L slooag 'wM 'LL ooexal '9L 'Idea sddLaa4S 'o3 'oo 9L aaanseaal '03 ueLa43 tL saaueeL3 a4e4S PtW £L seaawe3 SM 'ZL sdat43 •d I sddtaa4S •ussV 'VM 'LL s,aaLLIW IoeC 'OL fiLddnS a6ueag •6 L'gat)l PLOJPH '8 adaa)l tLPN 'L 4seN aonag •9 uosLaaeH fiPuea 'S f LUJLA 1@40 't u tll e3 Lae4o tW ' £ Sgat)l PLOJPH 'Z s3ooag wM 'L 33IIOd