HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/3/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE
March 3, 1986
Councilmen present: Brian Taylor, Dick McGraw, Paul Cassel, Tery McKee and Les
Young. City Attorney, Bob Kiesz and City Clerk, Peggy
Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by
Dick McGraw, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded
by Brain Taylor. Mayor Crain asked if the City must continue paying doctor and
psychiatry billsfor Bill Brooks. Bob Kiesz said the City must pay all bills not covered
by Insurance. There being no further questions concerning the bills the motion to pay
the bills was approved unanimously.
Bob Goodman said construction on 9th St. should start about the middle of June or
the first of July and should be completed by the time school starts.
Mayor Crain thanked Bob Goodman and his crew for doing a good job handling snow conditions
this winter.
Acting Chief Harold Kirby asked if he could get some quotes for new carpet for the police
' department. He said the current carpet has been taped together in several places and
is not tight and someone might trip and get hurt. Also he said they would like paint
for some of the walls.
Brian Taylor suggested that it might be possible to have the carpet stretched & glued as it
doesn't appear to be worn too Much.
The Council suggested that Acting Chief Harold Kirby get some quotes and if it appears
they are reasonable, he can contact the Mayor for permission or bring the matter back
before the Council.
The Council authorized Acting Chief Kirby to declare a vheicle the department no longer
uses as surplus and also to take out the radio and transfer it into another vehicle
the cost to be approximately 150.00 for the transfer.
Attorney Bob Kiesz said Group "W" Cable is in the process of selling its assets.
He said they are looking at a O.K. from the Council to give the Mayor authority to
sign the consent to transfer.
Bob also advised the Council that it is permissible to charge a franchise fee up to
5% with no special showing. The fee collected by the City at this time is 3%.
The Council said they could see no reason at this time to increase the franchise fee.
After more discussion, the Council gave Bob Kiesz the authority to negotiate with the
company and increase the indemnification to the satisfaction of the Attorneys.
Tery McKee said McConnell and Burke still have a few more interviews and will then
start to appoint committees.to collect data,etc.
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1. Les Young
2. Paul Cassel
3. Tery McKee
4. Brian Taylor
5. Richard McGraw
6. Do. Co. Treasurer
7. E. W. Water District
8. Tery McKee
9. McConeel/Burke
10. Vance Tyee Motor Inn
11. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace
12. W. V. Humane Society
13. Emp. Security Dept.
14. Wenatchee World
1. WA. St. Treasurer
2. Cascade Chevrolet
3. Harrison Auto Parts
4. Grange Supply Co.
5. Emp. Security Dept.
6. Cascade Natural Gas Corp
7. Grant Road Hardware
1. Kayo's Car Wash
2. Cascade Chevrolet
3. Cascade Janitorial Service
4. Grange Supply
5. In Print
6. Jack Miller's
7. Randi Morrell
8. James Harum
9. Robert Hale
10. Territorial Supplies
11. Hurst Chiropractic Clinic
12. Glen Frese, PSY. D.
T.-Consolidated Electrical Dist
2. Marson & Marson
Feb. Per -diem
Feb. Per -diem
Feb. Per -diem
Feb. Per -diem
Feb. Per -diem
Irrigation Assessment
2 Months Service
Long Distance Telephone Calls
Professional Services
2 890.65
Room & Food AWC Meeting
Professional Services Jan.
2 720.53
March Dog Control
Feb. Social Security
3 438.24
10 246.19
Engineering 9th St. 310.41
Seal Kit for Dump Truck 13.05
Parts for Snow Plow 19.44
Gasoline 860.02
Feb. Social Security 764.81
1 Months Service Shop & Garage 172.00
Supplies for Repairs & Maint. 75.01
2 214.74
Feb. Police Car Washes
Parts for Police Car Repairs
Feb. Janitorial Service
Office Supplies
Feb. Wages
Feb. Wages
Feb. Wages
Operating Supplies
Treatments Wm. Brooks
Therapy Jan. 1986 Brooks
Bldg. Materials Second Rink
Bldg. Materials Second Rink