HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/18/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCity of East Wenatchee Council Meeting Mar. 18, 1986 Councilmen present: Paul Cassel, Dick McGraw, Les Young and Tery McKee. City Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Dick McGraw. Mayor Crain asked what account the voucher for advertising for a Code Compliance Officer was to come out of. Tery McKee suggested the contingency fund. After more discussion, Mayor Crain directed the City Clerk to pay the cost of advertising out of the contractual fund that was budgeted for services provided by McConnell and Burke. Mayor Crain stated that the advertising should come out of that fund as Tery contacted them and the attorneys and was advised by them to run the entire ad. Tery McKee claimed it was not their fault and that it was a misunderstanding. Also, Mayor Crain said that Paul Cassel would have to sign the warrant to the Seattle P.I. as he did not approve of the expenditure. There being no further questions concerning the bills and accounts, the vote was taken. It was unanimous to pay all bills submitted. 'Mayor Crain said the test for Police Chief would be given the first week of April by the Civil Service Board. The Council enacted to adopt Ordinance 397. Motion was made by Paul Cassel to adopt said Ordinance relating to Civil Service Certification of eligible and temporary appointments extending vacant positions, due to disability leave to 300 days. Motion was seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Attorney Chuck Zimmerman said an Ordinance will need to be drafted for the position of a Code Compliance Officer and that several ordinances will need to be amended that have reference to Planning, Planning Commissions, Building Officials and Board of Adjustment. Mayor Crain questioned why the City needed someone to work four hours when in fact, only 56 permits were issued last year. Dick McGraw said he felt four hours could be well spent and the person could be kept busy. Mayor Crain asked the Council what fund they would use for the additional salary for the Code Compliance Officer. Paul Cassel suggested that it come out of the contingency fund. Mayor Crain said he thought it should come out of the McConnell and Burke fund. Tery McKee said the position had nothing to do with McConnell and and Burke. Bob Kiesz said they will be a little hard pressed, but would try to have the ' necessary Ordinances prepared by the April 7th meeting. Paul Cassel said he would like to review the applications received for the Code Compliance Officer. Mayor Crain said he would like to consider local applicants first. Tery McKee said they should consider all of the applicants and then try to choose the best possible person for the position. •saaUOLssLwwoO loLjgsIG aageM ayl 44Im anssL a4l ssnosLp Ol 4UBM 4y6Lw LLounoj a4l pLes sgwo0 }aL40 pue saauoLSSLwwoO goLjgsLO aaleM 944 yltm passnosLp aq of aney pLnom `janamoy 1e41 '00'000`9L RLagewLxojdde aq pLnom 4014m lsoo le s4ueapR4 ayq LLegsuL Rew 40La4sLO ayq aLglssod sem 4L PaULelgo aq pLnoo R8uOW ayl }L pLes ay Pup uo4su4OC I aLLae40 aa6eueW goLalsLO aaleM 9a434eu8f1 4s.3 4ltm paM el ay pLes sgwo0 }aL40 aalem a4l aLpue4 qou pLnom pup youL ano} 9 oml aae sUlew s,j0IJ4SL0 jaleM ayl }o RUM `palels ay `aanamOH •s4ueJPX4 0£ se Suew se ao} paeu a sem away} pLes sgwo0 }8L40 'R410 ay; ULg4IM squeapgy aaL} }o 13eL ayq oquL AOOL ay 4e4q palse pue wL4 pa43eojdde pey ao,(eW ayq pLes sgwo0 UGH }aL40 ajL3 •spue4 JLa44 uL mou sem 4L pue SRDUJO14V ayq Ol aano anssL ayq paujnq pey ay pLes ULejO JOXPW •LeLquaplsaa pauoz sL eaje a41 •4Iwjad asn LPUOLIIPU03 a 4n044LM 6UL4ejado laeals 446 uo ssauLsnq e 6ULUa9000O auLLjadS a6joag of quas pey ay jallaL a 04 aoUaaa}aa apew as)IoW Rjaj •auo lsnC ueyq qoC aaggaq a op ueo aLdoad omq lLa} ay le44 palels ulea0 JORPW •13LO 44IM JJOM oq Rjaj al[L pLnom, ey ay ll pageqs aH •saLgnp asog4 wouj aalloW Faaj 6ULnaLL9a snyq `AID ayq ao} ueLd anLsuayaadwo0 ayq u0 @lung g LLauuO33W ygLM JaOM Ol MejgoW 13LO palULOdde ULea3 JORPW •4aj6aj ygLM uOLgeu6Lsaj sLy pagdaooe ULPJ3 JORPW •6uoL geyq Reis qou pLnoo ay qLa} ay `446LU •paM lseL 6UL19aw anLlnoaxe ayq Aaq}e lnq lsL ReW Lllun Reis oq pauueLd pey ay pLes pup alods allLLJads 96joag •aoLLew lno4gLm apew ajam ¢a4l`apew aaam s.aoa.Aa }L pLes ULejO joReW •986L `L£ gojeW anLgoa}}a uOLgeu6Lsaa SL4 ane6 auLLjadS a6joa9 `pageqs ay `aanamOH •6uLFe4s 04 uL wagj pal Leg se4 ay qnq u6LsaJ 04 paquem quawlsnCpy }o paeo8 pup pjeog 6uLuueLd aq; ygoq uo saagwaw Leaanas pLes ULeaO JORPW 'XgaLN PLoaeH }aL40 6ULgotl g4Im RLgoajLp 6uLjaom aq LLLm ay se •4da0 aoLLOd ayq JOS UOSLeLL se saLgnp sLy woa} LasseO Lned 6ULnaLLaa seM ay pLes uLeaO aoReW peod queag 9ZL le pageooL Rljadoad sLy Uo LeLojaww00 446L3 04 L-a woa} a6ue40 auoZ e JOS aallagsloeg •�q•0 So lsanbaa ayq aeay 04 gas sum L Lljdy }o agep 6uLaeaH oLLgnd V •aouepuagge uL IOU sum Uosdwoyj •jW se paLgeq Sum Xemlaed LLeW RaLLeA 026 le pageooL seoeds 6uLlaed £ jo Z anowaj of uosdwo4j gjagoa •j0 woj} lsanbaj y •pagjegs laom jaded Xjessaoau ayq qa6 Pug ggaLLLW •jW yllm ja4la6o4 qa6 pLnom ay pLes zsaLN qog •SLsnowLueun passed pup MejgoW JOLO Fq papuooaS •paxauue aq of eaje ayq Fq ssaupalgapuL k4ID 6UL4SLxa 40 UOLgdwnsse ayq aaLnbaj LLLm LLounoO ayq ayg pup LeLluaplSad W-a aq of 6uLUoz ayq 41LM uasaLg uopaog kq SII0 ayq OquL xauue og UOLgL3ad ayq gdaooe of UOLlow a apew LasseO Lned •awes ayq paulewaa 6uLUoz ayq se 6uoL se gsanbaa uoLgexauue ayq og uoLgoaCgo ou pey ay pLes jo946Lau quaoeCpe up `ueoun0 uoa •aW •gsanbaa uot4j4ad ayq do pLoy 04 Uoseau ou aes pLnoo ay Pup swaLgojd ou og pajeadde ajayl pup ggaLLLW LLLB 44Im law pey ay pLes LasseO Lned •aLgejedwoo ao 94uno0 ayl uL SL lL se awes ayg ULewaj Ol 6uLUoz ayq qj[M Fg10 ayl oguL paxauue aq of palse uasaLg •aW •LLounoO ayl ajo}aq gy6nojq ute6e sum gsanbaj UOLgexauue uasaLg uopjog W'd 00:9 ge `bZ 40JPW `RepuoW ao} 6ULlaaw LeLoads ayl 4as of paea6e LLouncO ayj •sjagwaW paeog R113 4lLm gaaw of alLL PLnom Ray; uayg pup jnoy auo JOS LLounoO ayq 44IM 6ULlaaw LeLoads a LLeo of alIL Plnom pup SMaLnaalUL aLayq pagaLdwoo aney aging 9 LLauuOOoW pLes BON Rjaj 'LLounoO ayg pue }LaswLy yILM SUOLloaLas dol ayg ssnosLp uayg pue SUOLleOLLdde a44 MaLAaj 04 McJ90W JOLO PUP OSSEO Lned p91se ULeaO aOReW Chief Combs said he would like to see the City adopt a hydrant ordinance so developers would know what the city requires and who is responsible for fire hydrants in the future. Mayor Crain said the City should upgrade the City's hydrants and it was suggested that the fire hydrant issue be made a part of the discussion with McConnell & Burke at the meeting March 24th. Ron Combs said he would be happy to work with a committee to upgrade the hydrants. There being no further business, Dick McGraw made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously.