HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/7/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING April 7, 1986 1 Councilmembers present: Les Young, Dick McGraw, Paul Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Clerk. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Cassel, Tery McKee and Brian Taylor. Zimmerman. Peggy McArthur,City Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain said Bob Finley was unable to attend Board of Adjustment meetings and wished to resign from the position. He also stated that he had appointed Steven Clem to fill the vacancy. The Town of Rock Island asked to purchase the surplus 1980 Chev Malibu from the police department. After some discussion, Paul Cassel made a motion that the City sell the car to Rock Island for 1,150.00. Seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Acting Chief Harold Kirby asked if the limit on his accrued vacation could be extended as he was unable to take vacation at this time because his office was under staffed. Paul Cassel made a motion to extend his vacation to a limit of 30 days. Seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Acting Chief Harold Kirby said two applications had been received for Chief of Police and the exam would be given April 17th at 9:00 A.M. He said the list would then be submitted to the Mayor. The Council granted Bob Goodman permission to order 100 gallons of stripping paint and also permission to have the trees in the park sprayed. The Council said they would leave the decision up to Bob Goodman concerning planting grass at the school site and putting in some type of sprinkler system. Bob said he would keep the cost down as much as possible. Bob Goodman said the 9th street plans have been completed and should be advertised for Bid by the middle of April. Bob Goodman advised the Council that the street department is now on four ten hour days. Bob Kiesz said TCI - Group W. Cable has no problem with the indemnification provisions However they don't want to indemnify for something the City or someone else might do. The Council said it would be nice if the company would assume liability for everything but that would be asking a lot. They advised Bob to proceed with the negotiations. After discussion about a letter recieved by Robert Thompson requesting that three or four on street parking places in front of the Celebration Lutheran Church be removed, Paul Cassel made a motion that that the church be permitted to put out cones and signs in those spaces during church hours, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. 'The issue of fire hydrants was again discussed and it was agreed by the Council that they would like to see a map showing locations where fire hydrants are need and where lines are adequate and what the Water District would charge to install them. Brian Taylor said he would have the necessary information by the next meeting. The Council authorized the expenditures of 600.00 to 700.00 for inserts in the Wenatchee ' •ALsnowtueun passed PUP aOLFPl UeLJO fiq papuooas •wsLanol ao4 •ussy dooq apeose0 ay; 04 papuadxa aq L£'LE8`£ 4P44 Uo;ow a apew MPJ90W JoLO wsLanol alowoad o; saxes 040W/040H w0a} L£'LE8`£ palsanbaa •ussy dool apPOSPO ayl 6UL;uasaadaa 'y;LwS LLegwL� •ALsnowLueun passed pue Meag OW JOLO Aq papuooas 'aa�oW kcal Rq apew seM UOL40W •;sanbar a4; pazLroy;ne LLounoO ayl o£:0L le y;ti RPW 'FPpunS pLay aq LLLm apered ayl •aPaF seL apeaed LPAL4sa3 unj ayq se a;nor awes ayq 6ULsn aa4O4euaM ;SP3 uL „aPPJPd SLSSP43 fissPLO„ P aAPy 04 UOLSSLwrad palsP ussy LenL;sa3 wosSOLS aLddy a;e;S uol6ULysPM a43 yILM ao3oaaL0 anL3 maxi 'apeM uarPA •FLsnowLueun passed pue LasseO LnPd kq papuooas 'MergOW IOLO Rq apew SUM UOL40W •apo0 96aau3 a;P;S U046ULySPM ayq 10 4uawaDro;u3 UP 6UL4dopy - 66C 'ON aoUPULprO ;dope of pa;oeue LLounoO ayl •kLsnowLueun passed pue aoLkel ueLre Fq papuooas 'aa)lOW Baal Xq apew seM UOL40W •SUOL;Owoad luaw;redaO aoLLod a0LAaaS LLALO of 6uL4PLaa saLnd aOLAaaS LLALO buLPuawy - 86C 'ON a3uPULPJ0 ;dope 04 pa;OPua LLOunoO ayl •LPAoadde LPUL} ro} saauOLSSLwwoO k;LO ay; aao}aq 06 04 aney pLnom ;L ;nq ;uawa6uerre ley; 44lm waLgord Rue aas ;,UpLp ay PCPs 'aOlOaaLO 6ULuueLd aayo;euaM 'sa46nH qo8 •raoL;}o a3UPLLdwoo umo s;L 6ULAPy uo Aaom M 4S R4L3 ay; ;Py; PUP sLseq y;uow o; 4;uow P uo lOealuoo X;LO ay; ;Py; palse saagwaW LLounoO aay;o ayl •aaOL};O aOUPLLdwoO apOO PDLdLLPnb P ro} 6ULMOOL aLLW step OZL 44lm waLgord ou pey ay pLes JOFPl ueLJS aagD4PuaM y;Lm ;Oer;uoo of (4Lrog4ne ay; sey aORPW ay; ley; LLounoO ay; pastnpP zsaLN qo8 6uLPLtnq pup 6ULUUPLd y;oq uL aOuaLradxa ay; pey XPeaaLe 04m auoawoS aney ;snw ay ;La; ay aao;ara4l pue way; ULPr; ro uosaad mau P 44Lm Ir0m 04 aLgPB PAP au0 0u sPm away; pa;P;S ay 'OsLy •qoC awL;red P ao} aray SLLwe3 P aAOw ;OU pLnoM ay ley; pup UOL;Lsod ay; JOI paSU90LL seM aUO OU ley; pLes ULPrO rOkPW •JORPW ay; 04 S4UPOLLdde P9LdLLPn6 awos pa;;Lwgns pey pue SUOL;POLLdde ay; 6ULMaLAaa awL; }o 40L P luods pey ke4; ;P4; pa;Pls y;oq as)13W final Pup MPa93W JOLO •RLa4PLpawwL papaau SL auoaWOS pue awL; Rsnq FraA P ;P aauueLd P ;noy;Lm SL k;LO ay; Mou PUP ;se; oo; panow pey LLounoO ay; ley; P84e4S ULeaO JOSPW •Aaom pLnom lno BUL43er;UOD Moo Uo uOL;PULwaalap e 6ULlPw aLLym SRPP OZL ao; aayoleuaM }o k;LO ay; y;Lm ;OPa;UOO pLnoO X;LO ay; 4e4; aLglssod SPM 11 pLes zsaLN qo8 •passnsLp sPM aaoLj}O aOUPLLdwoO apo0 a }o UOL;Lsod ayl •ueLd ean;n} ay; 3o lied P apew aq Mm auozaa as;la;slOPO ay; se y49L LLady 6uLlaaw 6ULuueLd ay; pualle of srogy6L9U pauraouo0 ay; pa;LAUL LLounoO ayl -aline pue LLauuOOoW 'saauuPLd g4Lm passmsLp aq ueO ra4lew ay; 0s 6uL4aaw 4SH LLrdy ayq LL;UL 6ULreaH ay; anuL4u00 04 Paaa6P LLOunoO ay; 'uoLssmSLp aa0w aa'}y •SULed 6ULMor6 awos rajjns Mm ra;eL ro rauoos 'peon ;uPag ley; paaa6e y;oq JO VPl UPLJS pue LasSPO Lned saLlaadoad rlay; of osoLo os SaSSOULsnq 6ULAey 04 posoddo aaam lay, UosugOc ydLPH sjW Pup uasualsLa40 aLUUOO 'apyoa ;ry •auozar ayl 4SULP6e pareadde suosaad aaayl •(LeLOrawwo0 446LJ) 1-3 pauoz aq saa;;a;slopq ay; Rq pauoo F;radoad jo same Z•8 ley; pajse ral;alsloeg Flag pup pooman0 6uLluasaadar 'LLamoaO 490uP40 kauao;;y •;uno00P Len;Oeiluoo asuadxa luarano ay; ;o lno SaLuow DS04; puadxa o; Pa;oar LP SPm lraLO X'4Q ayl 'RLsnowLueun passed pup 6unoA sal Rq papuooas 'aalloW Faal Rq apew sPM UOL40W '449L LLady buL;aaw 6ULuuPLd e ao_� suoseaS rno3 ay; ;e a6aP4o wooa 6UL49aw P PUP 6uLSL4ranpP awns 10 ;soo a44 'pLnoM Kris Pomianck representing the Wenatchee Area Visitor and Convention Bureau requested 2,000.00 from Hotel/Motel taxes to promote tourism. Motion was made by Tery McKee that 2,000.00 be expended to the Wenatchee Area Vistior & Convention Bureau for tourism. Seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain asked Bob Hughes if he would contact the Douglas County Planner and see what needs to be done concerning a Shoreline Hearing for the proposed SR2/SR28 Highway. Bob Kiesz asked that the Council recess into executive session to discuss a litigation which would take approximately twenty minutes. Meeting was reconvened and there being no furth busin$ss, Brian Taylor made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Second by Dick/McGraw and_passe" nanimously. gy 1 C. BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT APRIL 7, 1986 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young March Per -diem 55.71 2. Paul Cassel March Per -diem 55.71 3. Terence McKee March Per -diem 55.71 4. J. Brian Taylor March Per -diem 27.85 5. Richard McGraw March Per -diem 55.71 6. Emp. Security Dept. 1st Quarter Unemployment Compensation 1 044.03 7. Chelan Co. Treasurer 1st Quarter 2% Liquor Tax 78.45 8. W. V. Humane Society April Dog Control 300.00 9. Cascade Janitorial Service March Service 45.00 10. McConnell/Burke Jan. Comprehensive Plan 2 119.01 11. General Telephone 1 Months Service 317.16 12. Emp. Security Dept. March Social Security 2 921.12 13. Shell Oil Co. Gasoline Charge on Credit Card 39.83 14. In Print Paper for Copier & Office Supplies 41.45 15. Wenatchee World Advertising 620.35 16. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Legal Services for Feb. 2 334.27 17. The Spokesman -Review Code Compliance Officer Publications 960,00 18. Chelan Douglas Health Dist. 2nd Quarter Health Services 1 498.50 12 569.86 STREET DEPT. 1. Norris Paint Co. Paint for Traffice Control 2 127.96 2. Standard Steel Co. Materials for equipment repair 22.33 3. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service 76.73 4. Emp. Security Dept. March Social Security 760.46 5. Emp. Security Dept. 1st Quarter Unemployment Compensation 303.01 6. General Telephone 1 Months Service 49.00 7. Harrison Auto Parts Misc. Parts for Repairs & Maintenance 53.17 8. Grant Road Hardware Paint and Square 18.83 3 411.49 POLICE 1. Kayo's Car Wash March Police Car Washes 70.00 2. Calibre Press, Inc. Enrollment for Seminar 75.00 3. Robert E. Sands, M.D. Psychotherapy for Clifford Hahn 925.00 4. Whiteman Tire 8 Tires 433.27 5. Cascade Chevrolet Switch Car #7 13.59 6. Mid -State Cleansers March Cleaning 126.96 1 643.82