HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/21/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE
April 21, 1986
Council members present: Les Young, Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, Dick McGraw and Brian
Taylor. Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. Planner
Bob Hughes and City Clerk Peggy McArthur.
Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by
Les Young, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously.
Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded
by Paul Cassel. Brian Taylor and Tery McKee voted yes. Dick McGraw abstained.
Mayor Crain gave a short background of Harold Kirby's years in law enforcement and
stated that he admired him professionally and liked him personally and then announced
he was appointing Harold Kirby, Chief of Police. Dareljean Price asked if she could
call for a question. Mayor Crain said "No" and then administered the Oath of Office
for the position.
Chief Kirby said the City had received the check in the amount of $1,150.00 for the
surplus police car from the Town of Rock Island.
Bob Goodman said it will be the middle of May rather than April before the Department
of Transportation calls for bids for the 9th Street Project.
Bob Kiesz said he wasn't quite satisfied with the agreement with TCI, but felt being
'without an agreement could lead to problems and any additional negotiations would be
costly plus take a lot additional time and still might not be productive. Therefore,
he felt the agreement should be signed. Brian Taylor made a motion that the agreement
be signed, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously.
Mayor Crain said the Contract with the City of Wenatchee for Planning and Building
services had been signed. Mayor Crain also stated that Bill McKenzie would be retained
for the rest of the month to finish up some loose ends.
Bob Hughes advised the Council that the City of Wenatchee started work on Friday, April
18th and some one from their office would be available from nine to ten each day at
City Hall and at other times they can be reached at their Wenatchee Office.
The Gackstetter rezone was again discussed. Art Rohde of 23 S. Georgia asked if the
rezone could be put off until McConnell & Burke complete the comprehensive plan.
Attorney Chancey Crowell, representing Curwood & Betty Gacksetter said he could see
no reason to put the rezone on hold. He said ducking the issue was not in the best
interest of the City or to the property owner.
Tery McKee said he had talked with Bob Hughes and had three suggestions for consideration.
Declare a moratorium, give contractual approval with stipulations or break up the property,
putting in a 120 foot buffer between low residential and medium commercial.
Bob Hughes showed a map of the area as it now exists and what might be acceptable to
'all concerned. That being a 120 foot deep buffer strip of residential zoning on
Gackstetter property along Georgia Ave., leaving the rest of the eight acres to be
zoned C-M Commercial.
After some discussion and it appeared that there was not too much objection to the
proposal from the neighboring property owners and Mr. & Mrs. Gackstetter accepting the
proposal, Paul Cassel made a motion to adopt the Declaration of Environmental Determination
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I. Wm. McKenzie April Salary 324.97
2. Peggy McArthur April Salary 1 242.85
3. Virginia Kinzel April Salary 1 013.63
4. Don Crain April Salary 308.90
5. Jeffrey Barker April Public Defender Retainer 499.92
6. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace April Retainer 1 844.00
7. Len Breckenridge April Salary 525.07
8. Ron Lannoye April Salary 506.07
9. Pedco Credit Union April Payment 500.00
10. Do. Co. District Court April Payment 2 614.62
11. Joel Goplin Probation Services 20.00
12. The Wenatchee World Advertising 221.21
13. AWC Emp. Benefit Trust May Medical Insurance 1 393.59
14. Security Bank of WA. April Withholding 3 053.70
15. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1st Quarter Ind. Ins. 1 657.96
16. McConnell/Burke Comprehensive Plan 6 957.72
17. Chevron U.S.A. Gasoline charged on Credit Cards 15.22
18. In Print Office Supplies 210.52
19. P. U. D. 2 Months Service City Hall 218.00
20. Four Seasons Comprehensive City Plan Meeting 61.87
21. Sig'n Such Printing Comprehensive City Plan Meeting 306.54
22. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures 128.37
23 624.73
1. Robert Goodman April Salary 1 471.30
2. Len Breckenridge April Salary 1 068.55
3. Ron Lannoye April Salary 877.54
4. Forsgrem-Perkins Engineering Services from 1/26/86 to 3/25/86 -
5. Grange Supply Gasoline 105.28
6. Pedco Credit Union April Payment 300.00
7. AWC Emp. Benefit Trust May Medical Insurance 371.36
8. Security Bank of WA. April Withholding 676.30
9. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1st Quarter Industrial Insurance 758.17
10. WA. St. Treasurer Fed. Aid Project -Preliminary Engineering 450.95
11. Wells & Wade Hardware 1 Cylinder Acetylene 20.52
12. General Telephone 1 Months Service 55.11
13. P. U. D. 1 Months Service 1 744.00
14. Modern Machinery Parts for Sweeper 243.80
15. Norris Paint Co. Paint for Traffic Control 719.17
16. Harrison Auto Parts Parts & Supplies 13.95
17. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures 25.6f
8 901,66
1. Harold Kirby April Salary 1 647.74
2. Michael Cattin April Salary 1 594.06
' 3. Bruce Nash April Salary 1 710.75
4. Chet Virnig April Salary 1 474.70
5. John Harrison April Salary 1 699.35
6. Kelli Keefe April Salary 917.63
7. Mobilfone N. W. April Mobilephone Service 43.00
8. Dept. of Retirement Systems April Payment 1 275.42
9. Grange Supply Gasoline 190.01
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