HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/5/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING MAY 5, 1986 Council members present: Les Young, Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, Brian Taylor and Richard McGraw. Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. Planner Bob Hughes and Deputy City Clerk Dannie Kinzel. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and amended to read (second page paragraph 2), "Paul Cassel made a motion to expend up to 60,000.00, for fire hydrants. With this correction motion was made by Les Young to accept minutes as written, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made and seconded by Paul Cassel and Les Young and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman reported the sprinkler system was completed at the school site, at a cost of approximately 600.00. He also stated on Apple Blossom banner had been pur- loined during the festival celebration. Bob said he had talked to a gentlemen from the Douglas County P.U.D., and was told nothing could be assembled on the poles located on Grant Road. This being the case there are thirty poles on Valley Mall Parkway for decorating purposes. Mayor Crain said he had been approached by Mrs. McRae of 909 North Baker Avenue, regarding a price being set on the property owned by the City located just South of her property. Brian Taylor told the Council that if the City Granted the necessary variances the lot could qualify as a building site and that the valuation would be approximately 12,000.00. If the variances were not granted the value would be much less. Mayor Crain suggested all inquiries on the subject be referred to Brian Taylor and he in turn would present them to the Council. Chief Harold Kirby reported Apple Blossom went smoothly for the police department and that approximately fifty cars took part in the "Classey Chassis" parade. Chief Kirby informed the Council he had submitted a letter to the Civil Service Commission requesting an examination be given for the position of sargeant. Said letter was hand delivered to Dennis Mengelos, Chairman of the Civil Service Commission. A test will be given and the top three names will be submitted to Chief Kirby. Ordinance No. 402 (Gackstetter Rezone) was again discussed. Following this discussion motion was made by Brian Taylor to adopt Ordinance No. 402 as written, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. City Attorney Charles Zimmerman reported a new ordinance was on the drawing board regarding the assessment of fines for misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors. As it stands now the State and the County can levy a much higher fine for the same offenses. The new ordinance would bring the City more in line with the State and the County. This will be brought up at a later date. 'Robert Kiesz City Attorney discussed the City Council accepting the 75% petition of Gordon Giesen for annexation of his property into the City. Motion was made by Tery McKee to accept the petition, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. 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Richard McGraw April Per -diem 55.71 2. J. Brian Taylor April Per -diem 55.71 3. Terence McKee April Per -diem 55.71 4. Paul Cassel April Per -diem 55.71 5. Leslie V. Young, Jr. April Per -diem 55.71 6. Wen. V. Humane Society May Dog Control 300.00 7. Cascade Janitorial Service April Janitorial Service 45.00 8. E. W. Water District 2 Months Service to City Hall 14.00 9. City of Wenatchee Planning Services for 1/2 of April 250.00 10. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Legal Services through 3/3/1986 3 232.52 11. Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc. Insurance 19 168.65 12. In -Print Office Supplies & Printing 65.82 13. Int. Conference of Bldg. Officials Code Books Amount Owing 5.11 14. Emp. Security Dept. April Social Security 2 728.29 15. Miller Supply Sprinkler System for School Site Park 629.70 16. The Wenatchee World Ordinances Published & Fliers Delivered 262.11 17. Grant Road Hardware Parts, Supplies (Park) & Paper Towels 74.26 27 054.01 STREET 1. Emp. Security Dept. 2. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 3. Zellerbach Paper Co. 4. Cascade Natural Gas 5. Grange Supply Co. 6. P. U. D. POLICE 1. Kayo's Car Wash 2. Robert Lundeen, M. D. 3. Kit's Cameras 4. Grange Supply 5. Blumenthal 6. LEIRA 7. Glen Frese, PSy. D. STADIUM FUND 1. W A V & Convention Bureau April Social Security 698.71 Insurance 7 479.60 Paper Towels for Shop 62.57 1 Months Service to Shop & Garage 49.32 Gasoline 308.80 2 Months Service to Shop & Garage 34.00 =,mac c7IiIf April Police Car Washes 70.00 Clifford Hahn's Medical 23.00 Film &'Photofinishing 20.63 Gasoline 195.02 2 Flashlights & 1 pr. Uniform Pants 247.20 Annual Dues (Kelli Keefe) 25.00 Brooks Therapy 180.00 760.85 Promotion for Tourism 2 000.00