HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/19/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting May 19, 1986 Councilmembers present: Paul Cassel, Dick McGraw, Les Young, Tery McKee and Brian Taylor. City Attorneys, Bob Kiesz, Chuck Zimmerman, & Chris Washington. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman said the State Aid Engineer has been out of Town so he had nothing to report on the 9th Street Project. Chief of Police, Harold Kirby said he hired a new officer Friday and introduced Mike Schulz to the Council. Chief Kirby said the test for a Sergeant had not been given as the City Attorneys are still working on the Civil Service Rules. Chuck Zimmerman said the Attorneys need some direction as to what the Council wants. He said they have heard three options but it was not made clear which option the Council wanted. He said the Council may want to consider revamping the Civil Service Rules. Mayor Crain said he would like to leave it up to what the Chief wants and keep the ' testing in house. After more discussion, Les Young made a mtoion to keep the test process in house for Sergeant and Lieutenant positions if there were three qualified officers to take the test and that an officer would not be eligible until after his or her probationary period and that the testing procedure not apply to the position of Chief. The motion was seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. The City Attorneys were asked to amend the necessary ordinances. Bob Hughes explained the Planning Commission's recommendations on the requested Telford rezone petition from residential to C-M. He stated that the Planning Commission first met in August of 1985 and in April of 1986 Mr. Telford came back with a use plan as the surrounding neighbors opposed the zone change. Mr. Hughes read the recommendations submitted by the Commission asking that the Mayor and Council approve the C-M rezone subject to the conditions outlined in their letter dated April 29, 1986 for a planned development for construction of an office building. Paul Cassel asked if the offices would be open in the evening. Bob said that question was not addressed at the planning meeting. Bob Hughes said the property owners in the area were concerned about traffic on a sub standard street, property value and character of the neighborhood. Bob said the rezone would be more lucrative to Mr. Telford but was not practical and lacked common sense and stated, he was against the zone change. Marsha Harris, spokeswomen for the group, showed slides of homes in the area as it now exists. Leonard French also talked against the rezone. Tery McKee made a motion to deny the Telford rezone, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. 1 k snowLupun ssed PUP AOIRL)i UPL.AB Xq papuooas 'pau.AnoCpP ;ey; uoL;ow a ap^ MeugoW r LO 'SsauLsnq Aa4gAnj ou 6ULaq a,aayj •6UL4aaw 4}au ay; passnosLp aq anssL 944 ;Py; Pup ueLd pasodo.Ad sLy pue;suapun pLnoo DUORaana ;e uaded uo umop spapl sLy and o; IOLO p91SP ULPJO ,a0k;w •passnosLp aq pLno4s RpmA.Aed LLPW SBLLPA UO SlLemaVs 446noy; ay pLes mPagoW JOLO •S;uo}}a 10 UOL;POLLdnp P aq Sou pLnom a,Aa44 os LaSSPO *S-AW y;Lm U e; PLnoM ay pLes .AORPJ UeL.AB •aa;;Lwwoo a uo 6uLaq UL pa;saua;UL auORUP awOo Lam PLnom pup ;oa Coud aq; UO a;P;S ay; y;LM 6ULIJOM SL OSLP a}LM SLq pLes LasSPO Lned o;a 'sgnAys 'saa,A; UL Sind X43 j ay; }L eaue ay; uLP4ULew pLnom a;p;S a4l pLes aH •a6pL,aq a44 }o aPLs 4SP3 ay; Uo eaue }eaL AaAOLO 844 uL RPM }o 4y6LH a;P;S Uo UOL;P01jL4neaq ;nogg uoL;e;,aodsupuj }o ;uaw4,aeda0 ay; 0; paILe; pey ay pLes AOLRei UPLAB ' puZ aunp noo' aaw .aeLn6a,a ;xau ay; ;e uoL;t;ad uoL;Pxauuy ;uao.aad c,L ay; MaLna,a LLLm LLounoO ayj •,CLsnowLupun passed pup MP•AgoW Iota Rq papuooas 'JOLRPj UPLJ9 A'q aPPw SPM UOL;OW 'LLounoO ay} Rq pa;daooe seRj a ;a kf04S uLnaN Rq UOL;L;ad uoL;Pxauuy ;Uaouad OL y -kLsnowLupun passed pue 6unoA Sal afq papuooas 'aaNOW XJaj Rq apew SUM UOL40W •gnLO J04SOOO ;POPLLM Pup RaVOH y;noA aayo;puaM 'weaj wLMS 4uow4sP3 uO} s4LLw ad pup;s slaom aaL} panoadde LLounoO ayj *RPO LPL.AowaW Aoj do ;nd aq Woo Ray; os do way; JOLd o; puPL4JOd o; aALup pLnom ay pue A'epsAn41 Fpea.A aq pLnom suauupq ay; pLes ULPJO JORPW •afLsnowLupun passed pup MPJ90W JDLO Rq papuooas '6unoA sal Xq apew sum uoLjoW •punj wnLpe;S ay; }o ;no awoo o; saun;Lpuadxa q;oq y;Lm Rgdou; P .ao} 88•9Z$ SPUPLLLN Pup saLydo.aj spunL6PH Red 0; PUP •OUI 'UOL;onpo,ad pue u6Lsa0 aaS woa} 05'LLb`L$ }o ;unowe ay; UL suauueq 0L;OLu;Pd aseyoind o; ULPJO JORPW mOLLP o; LLounoO ay; Rq uanL6 SUM UOL;PZLaoy;ny *4LsnowtuPun passed PUP MP.agoW JOLO 4q papuooas ILasspO LnPd 4q appw sem UOL;oW ( uOUeawapsLw PUP JOUPOwapsLw sso.A6 a 40 UOLSSLwwoo J04 (4LPuad wnwLxPw ay; aSPa,AOUL o; „SaWL.Ao }o UOL; pOL}LSSpLO„ PUP aOUPULPJO OL}}e,Aj LapoW a4; UL PaULP4UOO SUOLs Lnoud A';LPuad - sapo0 LedLounW aayo;euaM ;sea 6uLPUawtl) bOb PUP COb S93UPULPJO ;dope o; pa;oPua LLounoO ayj •PeZLLPuL} ueLd aALsua4audwo0 ay; pue PaysLUL} sL ;oaCOJd ;aa4S 446 a44 LL;un anssL ay; aLgP; o; LLounoO ay; kq paaU6e sem ;I •a;Ls 6ULpLLnq P .ao} pLos }L 00'009'ZL RLa;ewLxoudde }o anLPn P pey 40L ,OOLx,SL ay; PEPS AOLkei UPL.Aq pup passnosLp SUM JajPB g 446 }o aau.Aoo ay; uo '44Uadoid A';LO •ewooej UL y;LZ - y;tZ aunp 'UOL;UanuoO UOL4PLoossy ay; Pua;;e o; 6ULuuPLd SUM ay 'saL;LO }0 UOL;PLoossy ay; uo} uosLeLL sP PEPS MPJODW J3t0 •uoLssas uPLn6a.a 04UL Pauanuooaa LLounoO ayj •;LnsmeL Pe;sLA'AS ay; 6ULssnosLp }o asod,and ay; JO_4 uoLssas anL;noaxa a;nuLw Uaa;}L} P 04UL 06 LLounoO ay; ;py; palsP skauuo;;y A';LO BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MAY 19, 1986 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Jeffrey C. Barker 2. Don Crain 3. Peggy McArthur 4. Dannie Kinzel 5. Ron Lannoye 6. Lennie Breckenridge 7. Pedco Credit Union 8. Do. Co. Dist. Court 9. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 10. Sears, Roebuck 11. Do. Co. Sewer District 12. Standard Steel & Tube Supply 13. AWC Employee Benefit Trust 14. Security Bank of WA. 15. Petty Cash STREET 1. Bob Goodman 2. Ron Lannoye 3. Lennie Breckenridge 4. Pedco Credit Union 5. AWC Employee Benefit Trust 6. Morrill Asphalt & Paving Co. 7. E. W. Water District 8. Do. Co. Sewer District 9. Security Bank of WA. 10. Petty Cash 11. Pacemaker Ind., Inc. POLICE 1. Harold Kirby 2. Michael Cattin 3. Chet Virnig 4. John Harrison 5. Bruce Nash 6. Michael Schulz 7. Kelli Keefe 8. Mobilefone NW 9. Orv's Texaco 10. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept. 11. Central Communications 12. Mid State Cleaners 13. City of East Wenatchee 14. Piston Service of Wenatchee 15. Miller's Camera 16. Dept. of Retirement Systems May Public Defender Retainer May Salary May Salary May Salary May Salary May Salary May Salary May Court Payment May Legal Retainer Comp Deck Lawnmower 2 Months Service to City Hall Scrap Plate Steel for Repairs June Medical Insurance May Withholding Deposit Cash Expenditures (Postage & Light May Salary May Salary May Salary May Payment June Medical Insurance 3.04 Tons Cold Mix 2 Months Service to Shop 2 Months Service to Shop May Withholding Deposit Cash Expenditure (1 gal. Paint) 2 Stop Signs May Salary May Salary & April Overtime May Salary & April Overtime May Salary & April Overtime May Salary & April Overtime May Salary May Salary May Mobilephone Service Gasoline Charges May Dispatching May Maintenance Agreement April Cleaning St., Dept., Labor on Police Cars Auto Repair Manual -Buick Police Car Passport Photo May Retirement Payment 499.92 308.90 1 242.85 1 013.63 506.07 525.07 500.00 2 614.62 1 844.00 558.61 22.06 10.64 1 628.33 3 088.70 Bulbs) 162.01 14 525.41 471 .30 877.54 085.15 300.00 371.36 109.70 14.00 14.00 590.30 19.34 71.05 4 923.74 647.74 599.29 516.78 688.84 632.41 707.35 893.14 43.00 47.85 759.00 101.32 204.99 157.96 11.92 12.79 399.07 1 1 8£`b09 L OS'LLb L SAauue8 ;Poyl 6eLj }uauuCed WK (sLsseyO RsseLO) 44do,Ai aLddy Q Ae0 anbL3uy WESS £L W Z£ sado[anu3 99'L60 L Lpdy aaj 6uLsnoH s.AauosL.Ad ouI 'uoLlonpo.Ad I u6Lsa0 aaS •Z sP-1e11LL8 B saL4doq s,punL6eH • L ONnj wnfa lis ZUbad uI '8L jainsea.Ai L'4uno0 ueLa40 'LL 'i.N00 30I10d