HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/2/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCity of East Wenatchee Council Meeting June 2, 1986 Councilmen present: Les Young, Paul Cassel, Tery McKee, Dick McGraw and Brian Taylor. Attorney Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. City Clerk was asked to send council members copies of the Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace billing and it will be discussed at the next meeting if any of the expenditures appear to be questionable. Chief Harold Kirby said the position for Sergeant will be posted, with testing to be June 17th and later that week someone should be appointed to that position he stated. Mayor Crain said he would have no objection to the police looking into some lighter weight uniforms and discussing the cost with the Council. Bob Goodman said he talked with the State Aid Engineer and the plans for 9th street ' have been accepted by the Olympia office. The project is to be advertised June 9th. Construction should start after July 4th if the bids come in within the Engineer's estimate and hopefully, Bob said, the project will be completed by Sept. Bob Hughes said the Eastside Highway Hearing before the Planning Commission will be Monday, June 9th at 6:30 P.M. and advised the Council that they are not to attend that meeting. He said a Public Hearing before the City Council will be in July and the Planning Staff would be happy to meet with the Mayor and any Council member to explain the Shoreline Management Act if anyone was interested. Bob also cautioned that the Mayor and Council are to remain neutral. Chuck Zimmerman said he had not received any response to their letter of April 7, 1986 to Nora Stevens and Ed Dillon concerning a business located at 397 N.E. 9th Street so will proceed with litigation. Hamilton Street dead end was discussed and Tery McKee asked if anyone had discussed the dead end with the fire Department. Bob Kiesz said,that issue had not been covered but they would discuss the issue with Chief Ron Combs. The Ken Story et al Petition for Annexation was discussed and the 75% petition will come before the Council at their next meeting for consideration. The Council will decide if they wish to accept the proposed annexation, whether it will require the simultaneous adoption of a proposed zoning regulation and whether it will require the assumption of all or of any portion of existing City indebtedness by the area ' to annexed. Sidewalks on Valley Mall Parkway were discussed. Dick McGraw said prehaps Brian Taylor should address the subject as he (Dick) has a business on the West side of Valley Mall Parkway. 1 LJ w� cLsnow.1 n passed PUP .aoLL'el ueLaB Lq papuooas 'pauanoppe aq 6uL4aaw a44 4p44 P aPPW MPJgOW JOLO 'ssauLsnq Aa44.Anj ou 6ULaq a.aa41 •L'LsnOWLueun passed pup aalloW L',aal Rq papuooas 'uoLssas JuLn6aU OJUL joeq auaAUODaJ LLounoo a44 4P44 UOL40W a apew Lassen Lned '.ano4 jLP4-9uO .aa4jy •.ano4 jLp4-auo 4o se4nuLw oZ 4SPL pLnom uoLssas a44 4e44 paounouue Pup LPLOLSSO OLLgnd P 4SULe6e UOL4esnoOe up ssnOSLp 04 uoLssas aAL4noaxe up ,aoj palse aalloW Ri al UOL4e.aaptsuO3 pue MaLAW s, LLounoo a44 JO_4Waoj.aeLLWLs P 41e.ap 04 paa,a6p ULeao AOReW pup passnosLp SPM UUOJ UOL4POLLddy UOL4eOOLLV xel 6uL6poq s,44a0MUaAeal 4o Rdoo y •aang1Puadxe 941 pano,adde LLounoo a41 -00.00Z ,aapun aq pLnom 4L pa4e4s a4 4nq 4OaJLP paL M aq pLnom R4L3 a41 jL jo woo,a a44 Uoj Red pLnom a�,an8 pup LLauuO3OW jL MOUI 4,upLp a4 PCPs JOLO 'W'd OO:L 4P 44b aunp 'uuI suospaS .anoj 944 4e pLa4 aq o4 ueLd aALsuaga,adwoo aa4O4euaM 4sP3 a4j ssnosLp 04 6uL49aw OLLgnd P jo LLounoo a44 pasLApe MB,a90W JOLO 'L'LsnOWLueun passed pue Me,agOW JOLO Rq papuooas 'LassPO LnPd Rq apew sPM UO140W '„asq PUP UOLssassod SJOU LW 04 .aonbLI 6uLgSLu,anj„ paL414ua UOL4oas Mau P 6ULppP °9po3 LpdLOLunW aa4o4puaM 4sP3 a43 jo OLO'83'6 SUO143aS 6uLLpadaa gob aOUPULpUo 4dope o4 pa4opue LLounoo a4l •uoLssnosLp .aa44an4 ,aoj LLounoo a43 a.aojaq lopq awoO pup sa.an6Lj ;SOO awns 4a6 04 ,a06ULJgPq 'ao paAsP LLounoo a4l •L'auow xe4 wnLpe4S 44LM su6Ls a43 .aoj Red P OOM R4L0 944 jL pajSP OSLP 84 pue Aa4Ua3 UOL4ewaojUI aO,aawwoo jo .aagwe43 Spea.a 4P44 LLPH kM uo u6Ls P sde4a,ad PUP LLPH k4Lo o4UL aOUPJjUa a44 4e paoeLd su6Ls 8ne4 pLnoo ao,aawwoo jo .aagwP43 a43 jL PBJSP Ua6UL.age9 U40p 'jo '00'000'0£ nano 4Lq BML P aq 04 4sOO a41 sdogs L'4Lo a43 04 Pa.aaALLap aq pLnom pue 4OL,a4sLO aaIeM a44 Xq pa,aap,ao uaaq pe4 s4ue.APR4 aaLj a43 Nes JOLL'Pl ueLJG 'L'LsnOWLupun passed Pup .aOLRPl ueL.a8..6A.PaPUoaas<SeM.UQ140W. _LQOL4md se 44;aoN .aej.se;UO•aPLs 4saM a44 uo '0'q'd 04 4aaa4S 446 wo.aj PUP aN s 4sP3 a44 uO 4aaa4S 449L 04 4a9-44S 446 wO,aj sMmapLs .aoj ueLd L'4Lo a41 4p44 uoL4ow P appw as)IoW R.aal 'UOL4e,aagLLap 4onw Aa44V '83 2S joj SueLd a44 44LM UL pa�aoM aq ue�-11 os s4uem LLounoo a44 4e4m moul 04 allL pLnom UOL4P4jodsupal jo 4uaw4,aed@G a44 PCPs JOLL'PJ UPL.AG 1 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JUNE 2, 1986 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young 2. Paul Cassel 3. Terence McKee 4. J. Brian Taylor 5. Richard McGraw 6. General Telephone 7. Emp. Security Dept. 8. Appleland Spray 9. W. V. Humane Society 10. Cascade Janitorial Service 11. City of Wenatchee 12. McArthur Fire Equipment 13. In Print 14. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 15. The Wenatchee World 16. Grant Road Hardware 17. Postmaster STREET 1. WA. State Treasurer 2. Emp. Security Dept. 3. General Telephone 4. Cascade Natural Gas Corp 5. Traffic Safety Supply Co 6. Grant Road Hardware POLICE 1. Kayo's Car Wash 2. Blumenthal Uniforms 3. Grange Supply Co. 4. Data Print Inc. 5. Kit's Cameras STADIUM FUND 1. The Cascade Loop Assn May Per -diem 55.71 May Per -diem 55.71 May Per -diem 55.71 May Per -diem 55.71 May Per -diem 55.71 1 Months Service 362.83 May Social Security 2 815.23 Spraying Park Area 170.00 June Dog Control 300.00 May Janitorial Services 45.00 Planning & Bldg. Inspection Services 1 742.39 Fire Extinguisher 38.65 Office Supplies & Copy Paper 59.14 Legal Services through April 30th. 5 023.86 Publication Ord. #402 79.79 Parts & Supplies for Part Maint. 52.12 6 Months P.O.Box Rental 26.50 10 994.06 Fed. Aid Project (Engineering) 384.81 May Social Security 688.02 1 Months Service 43.95 1 Months Service 26.68 2 Detour Arrows 99.94 Parts & Supplies repairing Sewer Line 75.65 1 319.05 May Police Car Washes 70.00 Uniforms for Michael Schulz 323.80 Gasoline 243.20 1000 Uniform Citations 233.97 Film & Photofinishing 13.73 884.70 Promotion of Tourism 3 837.37