HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/16/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING June 16, 1986 Council members present: Paul Cassel, Tery McKee, Les Young, Brian Taylor and Dick McGraw. City Attorneys, Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Brian Taylor, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Chief Harold Kirby said the exam for Sergeant would be given on Tuesday and the position should be filled by the end of the week. Chief Kirby was given permission by the Council to have the Street Department employees build a wall between the evidence room in order to keep it seperate from other property and also to build a cabinet for evidence. He estimated the two projects to cost approsimately $300.00. Bob Goodman said he met with Fire Chief, Ron Combs and Ron said he had no problem with a dead end on Hamilton Street as long as the driveways remained so they have adequate turn around. After some discussion, the Attorneys were asked to get something in writing from Mr. Combs so the Council would have something on record of what is needed to satisfy the Fire Department and then obtain, in writing, letters from the two property owners that in case of an emergency or fire, the Fire Department can turn around on their property. The Council granted Bob Goodman permission to have the sidewalk replaced in front of the One Stop on Grant Road. The sidewalk apparently buckled from the heat. Bob said the cost would be approximately $300.00. A Call For Bids for the paving of two streets, Grant Road SR 28 to West City Limits and llth Street N.E. from Canal to Eastmont was authorized by the Council. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Bids to be opened August 4th. Bob Goodman said the parking lot by City Hall needs a sealcoat and he would like it done before striping the lot. The Council said they would like to hold off on that project at this time. Bob Hughes said they had a good meeting before the Planning Commission, Monday June 9th, concerning the SR 28 Shoreline Permit and advised the Council that a Public Hearing on the Permit before the Council would be July 7th. The 75% Petition for Annexation submitted by Michael K. Story et al was discussed by the Council. The Council expressed concern about possible drainage problems in the area. Bob Hughes advised the Council that they had plenty of time to look into any possible problems in the area as they would only be accepting the petition. It will then go before the Boundary Review Board and then come back before the Council for their consideration and final action. 1 -kLsnowLueun passed pup Lasseo Lned L'q papuooas `pau,anoCpe aq 6uL40aw ay; IP41 UOL40W P apPw Mp,agoW JOLO `SSaU[snq Uayq,any ou 6ULaq a,aayl •UO[4nLosaa P yons asiopue oq LUpssaoauun 4L gLaJ aJO.4@aa44 pue UOLgngLqsuoO ayq pageadaU XLdwLs UOLgnLosaU ay} gegq pup uawLLounoO sp aoL}}O 40 44PO ayq 6uLIP4 uaym 44PO up yons ualeq pey Rayq qLa} s.aagwaw LLounoo qnq UOLgnLosaa aq; 6uLU61s 40 UonpJ uL yonw sum ULPUO JORPW •UOLgnLosed LZPN oaN L3uy P goeua LLounoo ay} geyq pagsenbaU SUOLgPLaa uewnH uo ao,aoj Ispl R4 unoo LeuagooA ayl •6uLgaaw 44L XLnC UL04-4 qe uLP6P anssL ayq SSa,appe oq allL pLnom 'ayq paau6e LLounoO ayq `UOLssnosLp a.aow ua4jv •anssL ayq 9ge6L4sanuL Oq awLq a,aom ' aM pLnom pup }Uaw4Lwwoo geyq apew oq paquPM ay a,ans Sou sum ay PCPs UoLL'P1 UPLUg •Ueak auo Uo; squapLsaa R4Lo ayq woU4 anuanaU L£'080`9£$ aonpoud pLnom PUP UOLgpnLen passassp pupsnoyq Uad squao gL• aq pLnom L'naL ay} `pauLOC RgLO a4q }I •40LLPq •gdaS ay; uo SAal P qnd oq UPLd 'ayq pLes Z4Uol UaUOLSSLWWOO '186L Uo} aLgeLLenP aq qou Mm SpuL4 OS044 pup 4a6pnq japd a44 quaweLddns oq spun3 anuanaa p9.ae4S LPUapa3 6uLsn uaaq anPy L'ayq se dLay paau La43 PCPs zquol UauoLssLwwoO •43L.A4SLa LPUOLgea,aoaa ayq }o gUed se kjg o a4q aJR Loap pup 040A RJOS Lnpy ayq JOU04 oq s.aagwew LLounoO pa�sp UalUeg wLC pup zquol uyoC •bULULOC JO Uone; uL a,aaM squapLsaU klq O }O XIq JOCew ayq paMoys 6M uL agon L'UOSLnpe up qnq `goLUgSLp LPUL6Luo ayq uL papnLOUL q,ua,aaM S4LWLJ 94 Q 9a434euaM gse3 ayq uL squapLsaa geyq pagpgs UajUpg wLC ea.ay aoLn.aaS UOL4 MAOad 4uow4SP3 ayq ;o q.aed P 6uLwooaq kjLo ayq UapLsuoo LLounoO ayq gpyq pagsanbaU UaIUPS wLC Uo}oa.ALO �UPd pue zquol uyoC UauoLssLwwoO LqunoO wej60Ud gaaJ4S UPaL xLS ayq ueaH oq 44L 4 0C do agep a qaS LLounoO a41 ayq 6ULUJaoUoo sat n Ua ,an Lue o anaL aU a a uoLgLsod q P 4q d ; p L q y geyq palsp pup sawpu aaU4q gseaL qe pa44Lwgns pey ay ptes JOLO •saoLoyo uaygo oMq alLL pLnom ay pLes uLeUO uoLeW •paaU6e aOLkPi ueLUg •UOL;LSueJ4 a4q uL gSLsse oq p,apog uO M4s sL aayogeuaM }o k4g 3 04q a1L4M auoawos aULy pLnoys k4g 3 ayq qLa; ay PIPS aH •UaoL}JO aOUPLLdwoO apo0 e ;o uoL4Lsod ayq Uol UOLgeJaptSUOO s,uLPUO UOkPW Uoq awPU P pa4jLwgns Mp.agoW JOLO *spun] gsenbaU UOLgPZLue6Uo uaym wJOJ ayq asn oq PapL pooh e sum 4L paaU6e LLounoo ayq pup passnosLp sum UUo} UOLgPOLLddy UOLgPOOLLy xel 6uL6pol 'kLsnowLueun passpd pup bunoA sal L'q papuooas `l-a ;0 6uLuoz quasaad sqL ygLM uocgLgad %5L 0yq gdaoop oq UOL40W P apew MRJDOW JJLO BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JUNE 16, 1986 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Jeffrey C. Barker June Public Defender Retainer 499.92 2. Donnell L. Crain June Salary 308.90 3. Peggy McArthur June Salary 1 242.85 4. Dannie Kinzel June Salary 1 013.63 5. Ronald W. Lannoye June Salary 506.07 6. Lenueal W. Breckenridge June Salary 525.07 7. Grange Supply Co. Grass Seed For Park & Gasoline 519.35 8. Do. Co. Dist. Court June Payment for Services 2 614.62 9. Lupy Valverde Translator Fees 30.00 10. L. B. Stone Translator Fee 15.00 11. Peter Adelsohn Translator Fee 15.00 12. Pedco Credit Union June Payment 500.00 13. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace June Legal Retainer 1 844.00 14. AWC Employee Benefits Trust July Medical Insurance 1 628.33 15. McConnell/Burke Comprehensive Plan 8 175.62 16. Security Bank of WA. June Withholding Deposit 3 067.70 17. R. L. Polk & Co. 1986 City Directory 75.25 18. WA. Finance Officers Assn. Annual Dues (Treasurer/Clerk) 40.00 19. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures 148.29 20. P. U. D. No 1 of Douglas County 2 Months Service to City Hall 102.00 22 871.60 STREET 1. Robert Goodman June Salary 1 471.30 2. Ronald W. Lannoye June Salary 877.54 3. Lenueal W. Breckenridge June Salary 1 050.15 4. Pedco Credit Union June Payment 300.00 5. AWC Employee Benefits Trust July Medical Insurance 371.36 6. Platt Electric Supply, Inc. Traffic Signal Lamps 58.04 7. Security Bank of WA. June Withholding Deposit 625.30 8. Harrison Auto Parts, Inc. Miscellaneous Parts for Repairs 104.80 9. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co., Inc. 4.09 Tons Hot Mix 111.60 10. Grange Supply Gasoline 137.39 11. P. U. D. No. 1 of Douglas County 2 Months Service 1 733.00 6 840.48 POLICE 1. Harold Kirby June Salary 1 647.74 2. Michael D. Cattin June Salary 1 590.68 3. Chet G. Virnig June Salary 1 481.54 4. John Harrison June Salary 1 629.91 5. Bruce W. Nash June Salary 1 586.64 6. Michael G. Schulz June Salary 1 475.80 7. Kelli S. Keefe June Salary 893.14 ' 8. Chelan Co., Treasurer May Prisoners Housing 1 551.85 9. Harrison Auto Parts, Inc. Parts for Police Car Repairs 114.10 10. Michael D. Cattin 1 Day Seminar 15.00 11. Harold Kirby 1 Day Seminar 15.00 12. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept. June Dispatching 759.00 13. Haglund's Trophies & Billiards 15 First Aid Pins 24.19 14. Dennis Automotive Electric, Inc. Parts for Police Car Repairs 46.04 1 00'S£ s3soo j o :LuawasangwLaa 00'OOb ZL 43e.a3uoO WLA s4luOW 9 IsL OL'9Z8 Ob 00'99L UPH PJ01MO ,ao} Rde,a04;Ogz)4sd We 6n.a0 UOL4dLJOsa.ad 00,0E (sIoo,ag) A'de.aa41 00'bb (sAoo,ae) s;u8w4ea.a1 OLloeado,aL40 00'9L (uL41Q) san0 Lenuuy 00'0bL bZ Joea3uOO a.ALA s44uOW 9 3sL b0'ZL wLLJ 8 6uL4sLUL10404d 69'LOZ saOueuLPJO t 10 6uL4sLLgnd 02'L8Z aOLLod uo Aogel •,4da0 ;aa,a4S 80'8LL 6uLueaLO wo-4m sew 60'OLL 3Ued g •aa.a6y " 4ULeW 09'6LS L luawaapaa aun0 00'Eb aunp aOLA,aaS auo4daLLgoW 00' 9£ san0 JPOA L 09'906 ZZ 00'SE 09' LL8 ZZ 'PMJ Le8 asuadx3 3ua.a.anO Lelol s.aoL'eW jo LLOunoO 'O •N '6Z 3SN3dX3 1N321 nJ Z# }OL,aISLO aaLj A'3uno0 seL6no0 -L MN311321 03UHS 1V2 303j 'O'W 'sPUeS '3 3jagoa 83 U4eH PUOddLLO 'LZ 'O'ASd 'asaaj uaL9 '92 OLULLO OL4oead(ML40 ls.anH '9Z •ussy UOLguana.ad awLUO 'lS 'VM bZ Z# '3sL0 a-ALJ '00 '00 '£Z se.aaweO slL)l 'ZZ P LJOM 09404euaM 841 ' LZ a8404euOM 4se3 }o A'ILO '03 s,aaueaLO EKLInS PLW '61 ouI °suoLleOLunwwoO Le,alu83 '8L swa4SRS }uawa,aLgaa ;o ';da0 ' L L 3saM4:L,aoN auo;aLNOW '9L •ussy 4uawa3-AOJu3 Mel '3S 'VM 'SL