HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/7/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1986 Councilmembers present: Brian Taylor, Les Young, Dick McGraw and Paul Cassel. City Attorneys, Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. In the absence of Mayor Crain, meeting was called to Order by Paul Cassel, Mayor Pro Tem. Chief Harold Kirby said only one complaint was received about fire crackers over the 4th of July holiday. He said it was rather quiet. Bob Goodman said the bid was awarded to Basin Asphalt for the 9th Street project and was well under the Engineer's estimate. He stated that 9th Street, from Valley Mall Parkway to Baker would be closed during construction. Traffic would be routed to llth St. Bob Goodman said the sidewalk on Grant Road had been repaired and the person had done a good job. Chuck Zimmerman said that the Fire Chief was satisfied with the dead end on Hamilton Street as the turn around appeared to be adequate. If there are any changes in the future at the end of the street the problems would have to be addressed at that time. The Eastmont Recreation Service Area Advisory Ballot was discussed. Bob Kiesz said the advisory vote in the past was not binding today and the Council could approve or reject it at this point. 'Bob Kiesz also said the City could pay the Bond Levy out of the general fund if they so wished. Brian Taylor said he felt the people should have a chance to vote again on the issue. Jim Barker said the City residents would be charged extra for the use of the pool and for using the parks if the City does not join. After more discussion, Brian Taylor made a motion that the matter be tabled for two weeks. Seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. The Council agreed that all retaining walls placed on Valley Mall Parkway to 15th that are needed, should be aggregate. Brian said he would pass that on to the Dept. of Transportation and he also stated that the P.U.D. plans to underground all power along the project. Bill Millett said he had attended the Boundary Review Board's Hearing concerning the Gordon Giesen annexation. He said the County Engineer felt the annexation should include 3rd St. and the Group Home. Bob Goodman said the City already maintains that portion of 3rd Street. Bob Hughes suggested that the Council wait until the Boundary Review Board arrives at their conclusion before anyone from the City contacts them with a proposal. Paul 'Cassel and the other Council Members concurred. The SR/2 - SR/28 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit application was brought before the Council. Dick McGraw stated that he would have to disqualify himself as he is a Board member of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber took a stand on the issue. aaL; asno4 auo ;o asnpoeq aq pLnoo gP41 qnq 'aeaA SL44 swaLgoad ssaL aaam aa944 ge41 pageqs aH •SjaoM aaL} ;o aLPS aqq gaoddns qou pLnoo ay pies sgwo0 uob '}aL40 aaLJ . •spuegs 4 844 aSOL sdnoa6 qL}oad uON a44 aas oq agey pLnom ay pies 'ossy XalooH ygnoA aayogPuaM aq; ;o quaptsaad 'wpy6uLuunO LLN •passnoSLp SPM sgtwLL AiO ayq UL4gLM Spuegs sjaOM aaL} ;0 6ULUUP9 •aaUMO Fgaadoad aqq LLLq pue aoueSLnu aq-4 ;o aaeo aleq pLnoo k4i3 ayq gegg 'eaae ayq do uPaLo q,usaop PUP paL;Lgou St aaumo kgaadoad ay} ;L geyq 'apnLOUL pLnoys aoueULpaO ayq 4e4g gLa; osLe 6unoA sal aagganj qt uo 6ULgoe aao;aq LLounoO Lin} P aney aaygpa pLnom kayq ;La} LLOunoo ayg 'aouepuagge uL qou Sem aaAaW kaaj SP pue aoueuLpaO ayg uo eaa6e qou pLnoo LL0unoO ayg SP 6uL4aaW gxaU ayg Ltgun paLgpq SPM aoueSinu a aq og 44moa6 gna4s pup aaaq 'paaM uLegaao 6uLaPLo9p aoueuLpaO UV 'kLsnOWLueun passed pup 6unoA Sal Rq papuooas 'MPagOW JOLO Sq aPPW SPM UOLgOW (wea60ad quawanoadwI UOLgPgaodsupaj aPaA xLS y) Z-98 UOLgnLosab gdope oq pagopue Ltouno0 a4j 'kLsnOWLueun passed pue aOLfiPj ueLaB fiq papuooas 'gaaagS 06 SSOaOP oL;;Paq uptagsoped ao; ssaooP aaggaq aaptsuooaa og 6uLaeaH OLLgnd a ao} UOLSSLwwoO 6utuueLd ayq oq joeq o6 aaggew ayq IPyg UOL40W a appw 6unoA sal 'uoLgow SUeLJG oq puooas a ;o IOPL P oq ano •suoggnq g4im panaaS aaggaq aq pLnom qL 446noy4 ay pup pasn qou aap sassedaano pies AOLRPI ULPJ9 •sspdaano UPLagsaped P aas oq aM ' pLnom ay pies pue OL;;eag LeUOLgtppe •gtwaad aULL9a04S ayg gdaooe ayq gnoge oq uoLgow a apPW suaaouoo awos pey ay pies 6unoA sal aoLRPj UPLJ9 'Uotssn3SLp aaoW aag}y 'OL}}Paq UPLagsapad ao} LPu6Ls a 4ons sP4 FpeaaLe g4ULu ;o goo} ayq PUP uaq;o pasn aae SLeu6Ls pageaado uoggnq pies a9aut6u3 UOLgegaodsueaj ;o quawgapdoo 'uuaS uoo '46noua pooh q,uaap ALPMSSOaO uPLagsapad PUP 446LL dogs a pips aH •waLgoad a agpaao pLnoo styq gLa; ay pup aptS x4uno0 SPL6noO aq4 UO oL;;eag aSPaaouL pLnom RPM46Lq ayq pips ggaLLtW LLLB •Ssautsnq anoadwL qou LLLm OL;;eaq eagxa 4P44 'pappP aH 'aangn; aq; UL qL aLpuey q,uPO Pup fiepoq awnLon OL}}eaq aLpuey q,upo gaaags yq6 pies aa44iUUO3 quoa;aanLa ayq aAPs ayq }o sa4e8 };tLO •gnduL oLLgnd anPy 01LL pLnom ay pies pup gaepunoq s,kgLO ayq puokaq ReMy6L4 ayq aaptsuoo you og aoaaa up aq pLnom qL gy6noy4 ay pies Lasseo LnPd •gtwaad ayg Fuap ao gdope oq 6ULaea4 oLLgnd e UP4q aaggea bULgaaw aeLn6aa P 6ULPLo4 spM LLounoo ayg geyq 'LLounoo ayq pasLApe qo8 •gtwaad ayq uanL6 aq UOLgpgaodsuPaj ;o 4uaw4aeda0 agpgS ayg gpgj papuawwooaa Ra44 pup 986L '6 aunp pLa4 spm 6uLaea4 aLayj •UOLgepuaUwooaa UOLSSLWWOO butuuPLd ayg pPaa saybnH qo8 4oaload ayq ;o aoAP; UL saan;PU6LS 009`£ MOS 6uLULPguoo SUOLgLgad pup goaCoad aq; 6utsoddo saaggaL 6L ;o aLL} a 'Ltouno0 ayg oq paggtwqns osLP aH •Ltouno0 a44 oq wea60ad a94SPW al"aa04S PUP goy auLLaa04S ayg pauLeLdxa say6nH qo8 •aoLpnCaad ao LeLgaedwL Aag4i9U aaaM Xayq PUP 040A ALagg uo qoa;}e ou anp4 pLnom qL gPyq pageqs 6unoA sal pup MeagoW JOLo 4409 •agon JLa44 uo goedWL UP anPy pLnom gL }L pup sanssL asoyg fiq pagoa;;e aq pLnom fiayq ;t saagwaW LLouno3 ygoq pajSP zsaL)l qo8 'XPM46L4 044 04 guaoeCP SSauLsnq a sey ay se 4LaswL4 44LLpnbsLp og aney pLnom ay pies 6unoA sal caused by fireworks and the cool weather over the weekend. Dick McGraw said the problems are not the fault of the seller. After more discussion, Dick McGraw made a motion to con 'nue the three non profit fireworks stand permits within the City, seconded b es oung and passed unanimously. There being no further business, Dick McGraw ma a motio that the maeting'be adjourned, seconded by Les Young and passed un nimously. j N 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 7, 1986 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young June Per -diem 55.71 2. Paul Cassel June Per -diem 55.71 3. Tery McKee June Per -diem 55.71 4. Brian Taylor June Per -diem 55.71 5. Dick McGraw June Per -diem 55.71 6. Wen Valley Humane Society July Dog Control 300.00 7. Cascade A-1 Janitorial Service June Janitorial Service 45.00 8. Employment Security Dept. 2nd Quarter Unemployement Comp. 965.55 9. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Parts for Lawnmower 82.73 10. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 2nd Quarter Ind. Insurance 1,829.58 11. In -Print Office supplies & printing 79.13 12. East Wenatchee Water Dist. 2 months service - City Hall 14.00 13. General Telephone 1 month service 355.19 14. Richard McGraw Meeting at Chelan (meal) 15.05 15. Employment Security Dept. June Social Security 2,949.72 16. City of Wenatchee Planning Services & Permit fees 1,010.85 17. Ma Cristine Buak Translator Fee 15.00 18. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Credit Card Charge 28.68 19. Advance Travel Expense Fund Richard McGraw - Conference in Tacoma 168.19 20. Chelan County Treasurer 2nd Quarter liquor tax 101.64 21. Grant Road Hardware Supplies - Police - Park - City Hall 75.66 22. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Legal Services 3,402.66 23. Nelson Office Machines 1 box of toner for copier 109.65 11 826.83 STREET T. Harrions Auto Parts, Inc. Parts for street flusher 6.28 2. Cascade Natural Gas 1 month service to shop 5.57 3. Douglas County P.U.D. 2 months service shop 35.00 4. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 2nd Quarter Ind. Ins. 692.68 5. Employment Security 2nd Quarter Unemployment Comp. 275.66 6. General Telephone Co. 1 Month Service 50.73 7. Employment Security June Social Security 688.02 8. Forsgren-Perkins Eng. Revised Billing for April 4,151.35 9. The Wenatchee World Publication- Street Plan 19.20 10. Sears Paint - Shop building 58.02 11. Grant Road Hardware Misc. supplies 6.16 12. Dale's Cement Finishing Sidewalks & Driveway Grant Road 282.51 6 271.18 POLICE 1. Kits Cameras Developing, film & flash cubes 15.04 ' 2. 3. Dick's Service Floor Factory Repairing air conditioner Car #6 Carpet - police dept. 131.83 51.60 4. Wells & Wade Locks & stain - police dept. 36.38 5. Wheel Graphics Northwest 200 targets, freight 70.41 6. Knutson Lumber Materials for Cabinets - Police dept. 121.81 7. Cascade Chevrolet Parts for police car 62.92 8. Harrison Auto Parts Parts for police car 134.63 9. Kayo's Car Wash June Car washes 70.00 10. Piston Service Ine. Oil Filters - Police cars 42.55 1 WSEL 6ULup9LO uuo_4tun aun£ s,AaupaL3 04P4S-NW'bl LL'££ 6uppaLo ung Aoj sLUL.A84% sung;o asnoH s,L' DWEL Lb' L9 s;aL4S Z 4uawdLnb3 I swao}Lufl Lp4;uawnLB'ZL 66'bL s6n,Ap uoL3dL,aasa.Ad uPH ISILg'LL •Juoo aoLLod