HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/21/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1986 Council Members present: Les Young, Brian Taylor, Paul Cassel, Tery McKee and Dick McGraw. City Attorneys, Robert Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Chief Harold Kirby advised the Council that Kelli Virnig had taken a job at District Court and the new Records Clerk, Shannon Wilsey had started work. Bob Goodman said he had talked with the Department of Transportation personnel concerning the sidewalk plans and said they may be able to eliminate a couple of retaining walls which would save t� City approximately 35,000.00. Bob also said that some provisions will have to ade for street lighting after the P.U.D. bury their lines. Bob said he will get some costs from the State. Bob Goodman said that the plans for Valley Mall Parkway did not allow for on street parking and the State needs to know what the City wants. After some discussion, Brian Taylor made a motion that between 9th and llth streets on Valley Mall Parkway, there be "on street' parking without a left turn lane and 'from approximately, llth street North, there be left turn lane without "on street" parking, seconded by Dick McGraw. Brian Taylor, Dick McGraw, Tery McKee and Paul Cassel voted yes, Les Young voted no. Motion carried. The Council enacted to adopt Ordinance 407 (Changing the time of Council meetings) Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. SR/2 SR/28 Shoreline permit was again addressed for reconsideration. As the location of an overpass is not within the 200 feet of Shoreline the matter was brought back before the Council. Bob Kiesz said the Council would have to come to some conclusion and findings. Brian Taylor made a motion to reconsider the City Planning Commission's recommendations that the State Department of Transportation be given the Shoreline Permit necessary for SR/2 - SR/28, seconded Les Young. Paul Cassel said he agreed that the Council should reconsider the permit but he was still concerned about traffic problems for pedistrians and bikers and felt the Council should go beyond the 200 feet of shoreline. Tery McKee made a motion to discuss the issue outside of the shoreline, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Dick McGraw said he had received a letter from McConnell and Burke and they stated the City does have an interest in the entire project and he concurred with their thoughts on the project. Mayor Crain advised Mr. McGraw that the Planning Consultants were not hired to decide the Highway issue. •RLsnowLueun passed pup aaNOW Raal Rq papuooas 'swuL3 6uLuaauL6u3 wou} sLesodoad a4LAUL o; UOL40W a apew Lasse3 Lned •R;LO ay} Rq pauLe;aa aq ue0 waL; 6uLaaauL6ua ue aaolaq pa;da0oe aq oq aney geyg saunpaooad uLegaaO aae aaayq pLes ZsaLN qo8 ' •papaau aue saOLnaas ayg ge44 401 aq Pup •Oqa 's4Lwaad gaaugs anssL 'sueLd MaLnaa pLnoo waL4 6uLuaauL6u3 ayq pLes upwpoo9 qo8 •„aaauL6u3 94 0,. 30 RgLOpdeo ayq uL saOLnaas aLayq 6uLaa}jo waL} 6uLuaauL6u3 suLIaad - uaa6suo3 woa; panLaOau aaq;aL a passnosLp LLouno3 ayl •RLsnowLupun passed pue Mea90W JOLO Rq papuooas 61assp3 Lned Rq apew seM UOL40W •padp; qou seM 6uLueaH gsaL; ayq se ;sanbau 6uLuoZ s,puo;Lal uo0 Aea49a oq ;as sem y481 4sn6ny }o agep 6uLueaH y 'L86L ueaR ayq uo} RnaL ssauLsnq pue ;uapLsau ayq 6uLRed AaplsuoO uayq pLnom Ray; 'eaay aOLnaaS ayq }o lied a awooaq o; ysLM 'a;on uL944 Rq sguapLsaa 4113 ayq dL geyq 'paaa6e LLouno9 ayl •RLsnowLueun passed pue Mea9OW JOLO Rq papuooas 'eaay aOLnaaS uoLgeauOad 4uowgse3 ayq ;o lied a aq og paysLM R844 4L s;uaptSau RgLO ayq 6uLIse 'smOLLe awLq bb '40LLP9 Ruewtud •gdaS ayq uo gnd o; 6unoA sal Rq apew sem uoLgow a 'uoLssnOSLp aaow as;}y •pauy aOLnuaS ayq }o lied a aq og ysLM Ray; uay;ayM agon og a3ueg3 a aLdoad ayq anL6 og ajLL pLnom aq pLes Mea9oW 13LO 'L86L uo; s;uapLsaa ayq a01 00'LLZ'99 R4uno3 aq; Red 41L9 ayq gpyq paay aoLnuaS ayq uLoC oq ysLM qou saop 9419 ayq }L geyq 6uL;sa6bns upw;plwgoS MG 'uauoLSSLWWOO R;unoO wou; ua44aL a paLpn;s LLounoo ayl ' •eaay aOLnaaS LeuoL;eaaOad 4uow4se3 ayq uLoC 44 Q ayq geyq 6uLIse RgunoO seL6no0 wou} ;sanbaa aqg pamaLnau uLe6e LLounoO ayl •RLsnowLupun passed pup Mea9oW JOLO Rq papuoaas 'aa)lOW Rual Rq apew seM uoLgoW •aOuesLnu a aq og y;mou6 gnags pue aaug ' paaM uLeguaO 6uLueL38p) 80y aOueuLpuO ;dope o; pagOeua LLouno9 ayl -upq S�JOMaaL} a uL pauLOC s9L;uno3 pue saL4 Q aay;o }L suoLgepuawwoOau SLq gdaoop pLnom Rayg geyq sgwo3 ;aL43 pasLnpe LLouno9 ayl •sjaomaaLJ ;o Loa4uO3 ua4y6L4 ;uawquedap auLI ay; anL6 pLnom ;e44 pLes aH •paOeLd aaaym Reqs g,uop geyq SIUOMauLJ asoy; RLuo 'upq Le401 a aq og paau qou pLnom 4L pLes sgwo9 •sjaoMaaL; So a Les ayq uo upq eaae ue 6uLuLOC aapLsuoo pLnom LL:WOO k4 Q ayq fL pa�sp sgwo0 3aL40 •RLsnowLupun passed pup Mea9OW IOLO Rq papuooas •s6uLpuL4 yons gdope oq paLLeo aq pLnom 6UL499w LeLoads a pup S6ULpuLj s,LLOunoO ayg g;eup Skauuoggy RgLO ayg geyq uoL;ow a apew Lasse3 Lned pup ;Lwaad ayq ;o aoupnssL 4suLe6e pagon suagawaw LLounOO LLd •uoLSSLwwoO 6uLuueLd ay; Rq papuawwooau se gLwaad auLLauogs ayg ;o crone} uL a;on ayg ao; paJsp uLeu3 aoReW •uageL uaddey ;,uom 4L 'mou Rga}es ao; apew qou aue suoLSLnoud dL pue JLPM ueLu;sapad pup y;pd ajLq a ;a6 RgunoO pup R4L3 ayg 'Rpmy6Ly ayg ao; a6ue40xa uL pLes Lasse9 Lned -awes ay; utewau RLgegoud pLnom pup ydw Ob SL 4 M L peads quasaud ay; geyq bunoA sal pasLnpe )000 •uW •aaayMRuana pasn acre SLeu6Ls pa;eaado uogqnq ysnd ayq pagegs aH •awLq 6uLSsouO aa6uOL a uana anL6 oq pagsnCpe aq upo gL pue 446LL Leu6LS ayq ueyg awLq auow wayq anL6 SL44 '6pM46C4ayq ssou0 og uogqnq ayq saysnd auo awos }L pLes 'uoL;egaodsueul }o quaw4aeda0 ayq 44Lm 11003 •uW •sspduano up aq pLnoys auay; lgbnoyq pue OLg}eug ueLagsapad pup ajLq ayq ;noge pauaaOuOD M 4s osLe sem ay pLps 6unoA Sal There being no further business, Les Young adjourned. Seconded by Paul Cassel and pa aotio t� meeting be na usly. CitVIEW `-` 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 21, 1986 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Don Crain July Salary 2. Peggy McArthur July Salary 3. Dannie Kinzel July Salary 4. Ron Lannoye July Salary 5. Lennie Breckenridge July Salary 6. Jeffrey Baker July Public Defender Retainer 7. Do. Co. Dist. Court July Payment 8. Do. Co. Sewer District 2 Months Service 9. AWC Employees Benefit Trust Aug. Medical Insurance 10. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace July Legal Retainer 11. Assn. of WA. Cities Convention Registration (Richard 12. Chelan -Douglas Health Dist. 3rd Quarter Health Services 13. Pedco Credit Union July Payment 14. Do. Co. Boundary Review Bd. Notice of Intention -Annexation 15. General Telephone 1 Months Service 16. Security Bank of WA. July Withholding Deposit 17. Wells & Wade Parts for Sprinkling System 18. In Print Office Supplies & Printing STREET 1. Ron Lannoye 2. Len Breckenridge 3. Robert Goodman 4. AWC Emp. Trust 5. Pedco Credit Union 6. Security Bank of WA. 7. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 8. Do. Co. Public Works 9. Morrill Asphalt 10. E. W. Water District 11. General Telephone 12. Consolidated Supply 13. WA. State Treasurer 14. Modern Machinery 15. Traffic Control Signs July Salary July Salary July Salary August Medical Insurance July Payment July Withholding 2 Months Service Street Signs Hot Mix & Solvent 2 Months Service 1 Months Service Fittings for Fire Hydrants Preliminary Engineering Kit repair of Sweeper Sign McGraw) 308.90 242.85 013.63 506.07 525.07 499.92 614.62 22.06 628.33 844.00 125.00 498.50 500.00 25.00 340.85 147.70 41 .85 126.36 16 010.71 877.54 050.15 471.30 371.36 300.00 625.30 14.00 103.00 52.12 39.65 50.83 951.40 176.49 82.31 46.15 13 211.60 POLICE 1. Harold Kirby July Salary 1 647.74 2. Mike Cattin July Salary 1 627.49 3. Chet Virnig July Salary 1 452.39 4. John Harrison July Salary 1 826.48 5. Bruce Nash July Salary 1 519.35 6. Mike Schulz July Salary 1 493.23 7. City of E. Wenatchee St. Dept. Labor for Police Dept. 1 206.16 8. Orv's Eastmont Texaco Supplies & Repairs Police Cars 12.91 VS'ZLZ SL 00'98 (sloo.a8) A'deaa4l 00'bb ;uawA'ed LeotpaW 9Z•6 su0ana43 •46S '-Ad b 98'08b Q eLPS RLnC AaULES LLnC £LSLL'££ZEZZS R:Hill (L'qaL)I) •suI 44; LigesaiQLs4;uo� 6 66'69L 6ui4:);edsi0 kLnp 98'LSS L aaj 6uLsnOH aauoSL-Ad aunP 00'£b aoLnaaS Xpe 6L'8L s6na0 U0L;dLa3s0ad LL•6S L# ae3 ao; kAa44e8 W 88£ ;uawaaa6y •;uLeW g saLeded Sb'8 SOLLddnS 6ULZeaad0 O'ASd `9saa3 uaL9 'ZZ A'gaLN PLOaeH LZ sw.AOA Lu8 Le4;uawn L8 OZ 6Lu,ALA Ma)l •6L A'asLLM uouue4S '8L ;uawaapab ;o •;da0 'LL •03 suI a;bj URLPaeng •9L *;dap sj3LaagS '03 '00 'SL aaanseaal •o3 ueLag3 'bL •M •N auodaL!goW '£L ugeH PaOddLLO 'ZL •o3 1 longaoa °saeaS •LL SUOL4POLunwwo3 Lea4ua3 •0L 4 uno3 gewou;LnW •6 '1.NO3 33I10d