HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/24/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE SPECIAL MEETING 5:00 P.M. July 24, 1986 Special meeting was called to consider Findings regarding SR/2 SR/28 Shoreline Permit. Council members present: Les Young, Tery McKee, Paul Cassel and Dick McGraw. City Attorney, Robert Kiesz and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain. The Council asked Mr. Roland Cook, with the Department of Transportation if he had any input. Mr. Cook said the Department of Transportation has every bit as much concern about the intersection of 9th and the Highway and they feel it is a safe intersection. He said there has been only 13 accidents in the last five years. Mr. Cook said the Department would not remove a system that has been working well. He also said, studies prove that people will use the quicker, easier way and won't walk a half block if there is a more convenient way of crossing. Mr. Cook said the Department feels the push button is safer as drivers of vehicles are watching for foot traffic. If there is an overpass or underpass, the driver of a vehicle is not looking for a pedestrian or bike. ' Tery McKee said he felt the bike and pedestrian path would have a large volume of use response and as time passes, the reclamation bridge will be used more and he said he did not agree with Mr. Cook that the button control is the safest way to go. Paul Cassel said he would like to see the studies done by the Department of Transportation concerning overpass vs. push buttons at intersection. He said he did not want to act as a Planner so suggested the Planning Commission review the Department's studies, look at the speed limit and discuss some of the data that was not presented to them at their first Hearing. Dick McGraw said he was just interested in making the intersection more secure so people don't have to push the button and then run heck. There being no further input, the City Council having reviewed the request of the State of Washington State Department of Transportation for issuance of a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit within the municipal boundaries of the City and having reviewed the report and recommendation of the East Wenatchee Planning Commission and received input from the public and having discussed the matter among themselves, made the following findings: 1. That as a part of the construction of proposed SR 28 within the corporate boundaries of the City of East Wenatchee, there is to be constructed a ' bicycle path and pedestrian walkway, which path and walkway will parallel the highway on the river side and will connect into the walking bridge across the Columbia River between East Wenatchee and Wenatchee. •x'Ls wtupun Ossed pup LasSPD Lned Sq papuoaas 'pauanoCpe aq 6uL aaw ayl leyl uoL ow a as)13W 4,191 'SSaULsnq Aay;anj ou 6uLaq aaagl •g'LsnowLueun passed SUM UOL40W '8Z 2S SSOJO P O[jjea; aLOkDLq pup looj a;es ao} SOAL; -euaa;Le auLwaa;ap o; aaya;PuaM 4SP3 ut hails 446 44LM UOLlaasaa;uL slt jo luLod ay; Aeau 8Z bS 30 6ULssoaa aLOkOLq pue UeLJ4sapad aoj p04;aw ay; J0 uoL;PaaPLSUoaaa JOS UOLSSLwwOO 6uLUURLd aa404PuaM 4SP3 ayl of pauan;aa aq 4Lwaad ;uawdOLanaa LPL4UP4sgnS auLLaaoyS ay; JOI uoL;plaodsupal jo luaw;apdaa aql }o uoL;eaLLdde ayl leyl :MP.aaOW paPgOLa Rq papuooas pup Lassen LnPd Xq apPW SUM UOL;OW 6uLMoLLo; 044 's6uLPUL} 6ULo6aao4 ayl paaapLSUOO 6ULAPH 'aaAL8 PLgwnLoo 844 6ULssoaO PUP FeM46Lq ayl 6uLLaLLeaed SkPMlLeM a44 0; PUP Paae BULL@J04s a4; o; ssaaop aLgeuoseaa aptnoad pue k4a;PS aano suaaouoa ay; ;o awoS a426LJLw LLLM Sa44 dL PUP a Mseaj* kLLPOLwouooa @UP S'agj SL allLwaa;ap o; UOLSSLwwoa 6uLuuPLd ayl kq paaoLdxa aq pLnogs sassed -aapun ao sasspdaano se vans kemy6L4 ay; SULssoaO 30 SUPaw anL3euaa;Ly •g '8Z aS aoj ;aaCoad SPMy6Ly ay; jo lied sp padoLanap s;UawanoadwL SUP pue Paae BULLaa04S aql 30 asn a;es ao; aLgp -uoseaa PUP SJ PSSaaaU sL aaALa PLgwnLo3 ay; ssoaae a6pLaq pup yled a3Lq ayl 0; pue PaaP aULLaaoyS 944 0; SsaaaP aLgeuoseaa SanaLLaq LLaunoa ayl •g46LL OL;;Pal PatLOaluoa-UPLalsapad a sL Loaluoa OL;;Pal }o SUPaw RLuo ay; dL saalLq pup suPLalsapad }o 449jes a4; ;noge uaaauoo snOLaas sey LLounoa ay; '8Z SS 6ULssoaa aLdoad LeuoL4LPPP 44LM •;uawanoadwL ay; ;o UOLlanalsuoo Aa4je 8Z 2S 6UOLe aL;}Pa; aPLnOLyaA FUO L4LPPP aq LLLM away; 1pq; pa;edLaL;ue sL 4I asn s;L 6uLpae69a SUOLlonalsuL puagaadwoo ao 446LL aL;;Pal paLLoa;uoa -ueLa;sapad a ;o UOLleaado ay; puelsiepun of aLgP aq lou Sew oqM uaaPLL4a LLews apnLauL pLnoM OL}JPa; OLa,CaLq pup looj •;aaalS 446 glLm uOLlaas -aaluL s;L ;P XPM46L4 pasodoad aql ss0aa LLLM OLJIPa; aL3k3Lq pup looj paseaaaUL '8Z dS jo luawdoLanaP a44 jo lied se 4Pyl pa4edL3L4UP sL ;I