HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/18/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Aug. 18, 1986 Council Members present: Paul Cassel, Dick McGraw, Les Young, Brian Taylor and Tery McKee. City Attorneys, John Wallace and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the last regular meeting and special meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Chief Harold Kirby said the Humane Society purchased the two light bars and the City has been paid. He also said the Auction was a success bringing in a total of $511.00 and bikes sold. Chief Kirby also asked permission to purchase a small microwave and refrigerator for the office. He said the cost would be approximately $200.00 and said he would have some firm figures by the next meeting. Chief Kirby said Mike Murphy was appointed to the Civil Service Commission. Mr. Murphy replaces Dennis Mengelos who resigned. Bob Goodman said Basin Asphalt is working on 9th Street from Valley Mall Parkway to 'Baker at this time and are now replacing utilities. Retaining walls, curbs and gutters should be next. Don Telford's application for a rezone of his property located on First & McGee Streets was again heard by the Council. Attorney John Wallace said the Hearing would be held as if no Planning meetings were held as Don Telford said the Council did not give adequate reason for denying the rezone at their first Hearing on May 19, 1986 and that the Hearing was not recorded. Nick Wiltz, City Planner read letters of the Planning Commission's recommendations on meetings held August 12, 1985 and April 14 and 28, 1986 for the record. Don Telford said he hoped to sell the property to the State to be used as a Department of Social Health Service Complex. The Plans called for a 30,000 sq. ft. building, single story. Mr. Telford said it would be a low profile building with plenty of parking and if the State did not purchase the land it would revert back to residential. Brian Taylor said he was not convinced that the City lacks commercial property. Other Council members concurred and asked Mr. Telford if he could provide the Council with data showing that there is a lack of commercial property within the City limits. Mr. Telford said he was not prepared as he did not know in advance that the Hearing was being held for the first time before the Council. 'The Council asked Mr. Telford if he would like to have the meeting continued so he would be better prepared. Mr. Telford said he would not ask that the Hearing be continued as he did not want to put the residents in the area through another Hearing. Marsha Harris, a resident living on First Street said'she thought the rezone was out of character in an area of growth and much potential and presented the Council with ayg Rq papapMp }L paLeaddp aq f'Lgegoad pLnoM glwaad ayg PCPs aH •gLwaad ayg allLLOaP og ILounoO ayg pe61n pup a}psun SPM 6uLSsoa3 ayg PIPS guauoddo fiPM46L4 P canes uqop ' • L I AW uMo alayg aney Pug glwaad autLaayg oyS aduap Llouno0 ayg geyg passe ggaLLIW •aW •uaaa6 pauang pey 446LL ayg pug SSOaOP RPM }Ley sPM aqS •f'epuOW •W•d 00:5 yp UOLgOasaagUL gaaags 446 ge f'PMy6Ly ayg 6ULssoaO aa4s6unOR LLPws aaygoue PUP aaLLOags P ul pLH O a ygLM RPP L 6unok P So ogoyd a pagglwgns ggaLLLW LLLB •waLgo.Ad X'ga;es P agPaaO pLnoo geyg `pa9a6e aaNOW Vaal •Lpu6LS uang 446Lw aaaj P Mou SL aaayg aaagm laed k4 Q ayg og aano ssoao og gueM Rew aLdoad pLes 6unoA Sal •OLSIPag uMop MOLs 146Lw UOLgoasaaguL ayg aao;aq SU6LS 6ULUaPM 6ULSSoao uPLagsapad pagsa66ns pup dLay 4y6Lw OL}}eag uMop 6uLMoLS geyg pa4s866ns LasspO LnPd •aa-4es ALPMssoao ayg alew 446Lw gPyg SUOLgdo LeaanaS pa4sa66ns PUP anLgoeagge aq you pLnoM ALeMSsOaO ayg So ;no SUPLagsapad deal og SaOUaj a0 SaPPOLaaPq pLes aH •o6 og RPM LP3L6OL ayg SeM lleMSSoaO ayg PIPS alang qog •SUaaouoO 44a;Ps ALayg passnOSLP ppy kaq4 pup alang qog ygLM uoouaag;p ayg guads pey ay pLes MPaDOW )OLO •dLay 446Lw PaaaMOL 6ULaq gLwLL peads aq; gegg `Lned 4m pa9a6P PUP ALPMSSOaO ayg pagaoddns pup ssedaapun up pasoddo aPRLO PCPs Lned •UOLgOasaagUI 'IS y46 ayg uo sg46noyg sLy 6uLS'PLaa PaeLLPg ap D wOJJ LLPO auoydaLag P PDAL939a pPy ay pLes LassPO LnPd I ayg ao; uol4epuawwo09a s,uoLssLwwoO 6uLuueLd ayg peaa `aauueLd •paooaa 94L3 `zglLM �IoLN passaappP SUM 6ULaPaH 4Lwaad allLLBJ04S 8Z 'dS •auozaa ayg g SULP6P auo og Ano4 PaLaaPO UOL40W •PauLPgsgp MeagoW loLO •auozaa ayg 4suLe6e pagon 6unoA Sag pup aoLXPl UPLag `LasSPO LnPd `aaNOW Vaal •agon ayg AO4 pajSP uLPaO JOkPW Rjaadoad LPLOaawwoO aaow 30 paau ao} looad So uapanq ou seM aaayg OSLP pue RPM geyg uLewaa pLnoys gL gLa; ay PUP awLg 6uOL p ao} LPLguaPLsaa uaaq pey eaap aq; gpgg pips LOSSRO Lned •kgaadoad LPLOaaww00 uL guaLOL}ap SUM k4[0 ayg geyg wLy og uanoad uaaq you ppy gI geyg PagPgS aoLkPi UPLag •LPLOaawwoO pauoz seM 44aadoad ayg ;I PaaP ayg UL swaLgoad OL}JPag LPUOLgLPPP ygLM PauaaOUOO SPM ay PIPS MPa00W JOLO •6ULPLLnq e yons col paau a LLounoO ayg og Panoad ppy paolLal •aW Laa; g,uPlP aq pLes 6unoA Sal •4gaadoad LPLOaawwo0 aaow JOJ paau a you seM aaayg gLal ay pup pagoadsaa aq pLnoys saauMo R'gaadoad ayg SO Sgy6La ayg gPyg PUP LPLguaPLsaa 44Llwe} aL6uls uLPwaa pLnoys gL gLaJ ay se auozaa ayg 3o aonP4 uL IOU SPM ay pLes aBNOW Vaal •aoLFPl UPLag Sq papuooas seM UOL40W •SUOLsnLouOO PUP S6uLpuLJ aq; aaedaad skauaoggy kgLo ayg gPyg pue UOLgPO*LLdde auozaa ayg Fuap og uOLgow P apew LassP3 LnPd pug PasOLO SPM 6uLaPaH oLLgnd a41 •6UL44RUP JOS pasn aq pLnoo gI `LgLOaawwo0 pauoz SUM gl aouo pup LULguapLsaa og lopq gaanaa you pLnoM 6uLUoz ayg gPyg LLounoO ayg PePuLwaa ggaLLLW LLLB •saangeU6Ls snLd g£ 6ULUL24000 uoLgLgad P Council and if there was any doubt at all in the minds of the Council, they should deny the permit. Speaking in favor of the Highway was Bob Sumbardo, State Senator George Sellar and Mrs. Dick, representing the East Wenatchee Grange. Roland Cook, with the Department of Transportation, said advanced warning signals might be helpful. He said restricting the speed limit is easy to put on paper, but would take very entense law enforcement. He said they would be willing to work with the Council on that issue however. The Public Hearing closed and Tery McKee made a motion to accept the Planning Commission's recommendations of June 16 and August 12, 1986 with the following additions: Remove the guardrail at the N.E. Quadrant. 2. Install sidewalks eight feet in width where possible on both sides of 9th Street from Valley Mall Parkway to SR 28 and install pedestrian crosswalk on the South side of 9th. 3. Adjust signal to allow adequate time to cross at both crosswalks. 4. Control free right turn from SR 28 to 9th when pedestrians activate crossing. 5. Prepare detailed landscape plans for the intersection and adjoining lands at the end of the pedestrian bridge to create reast area which is highly landscaped, with benches overlooking the Columbia River. '6. Department of Transportation cooperate with City Council in regard to speed limit and additional warning signs before arriving at intersection to warn vehicular traffic of pedestrian crossings. Motion was seconded by Brian Taylor. Les Young said his main concern was safety and he was still in favor of an underpass. He said "Highways are made for vehicle traffic, not for pedestrians". Tery McKee amended his motion to include that Nick Wiltz, City Planner, be authorized to sign the permit and requested that the City Attorneys prepare Findings and Conclusions. Seconded by Paul Cassel. Mayor Crain asked for the vote. Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, Brian Taylor and Dick McGraw voted Yes. Les Young against the permit. Motion carried. A contract between the City and Code Compliance Officer, Nick Wiltz was not accepted as drafted as it was agreed by the Council that Mr. Wiltz be given two weeks annual leave and 1/2 day per month sick leave. The City Attorneys will have the contract ready for the next meeting. The position will be four hours per day and a salary of $1,000.00 per month. A request from the East Wenatchee Chamber Festival Task Force for Stadium funds in 'the amount of $6,025.00 for a Christmas Lighting Festival was reviewed. Mayor Crain said he felt the cash prizes should be limited to City residents. Tery McKee said he was excited about the Festival and said it should include the urban area. He stated that there was too much conflict during the summer months to have the Fun Festival and he thought the City should support the efforts of 1 1 •A'LsnowLueun passed pup LasseO Lned A'q papuooas °pauanoCpe aq 6UL49aw 941 4e44 UOLgow a appw aaNOW A'aal 'ssauLsnq aa44anj ou 6uLaq aja41 •paLa.aeo UOL40W •pauLegsge aoLA'el UPLJO 'ou pagon Lasses Lned saA pagon 6unoA sal 'MeagoW JoLO Rq papuooas seM uoLgoW Lenigsaj 6UL446LI sew4sLa40 a a04 aoaoj Jsel LenLgsaj aagwe40 aa40geuaM 4se3 a44 oq 00'SZ0`9$ ageuop oq uoLgow a appw aalloW A'aal •UoLgow p ao; pajse uLea0 JORPW '„ueo A'ayq saA„ Pies aoeLLpM u40p A'auaoggy LenLgsa; a 4ons aol pasn aq Woo spun] wn[pegS d� skauaoggy 44q o a4q pa�sp 6unoA sal •sassaULsnq a4q woaJ pagoaLLoo spun] 6UL404PW waLgoad ou ane4 Knoll a4 pies aH 'R4Q a4q woa; A'auow 40 qoL a 6UL;sanbaa spM aagwe40 a4q gLaS aq sp pa4opoaddp aq pLno4s sassauLsnq aa4go pup LLeW a4q g46nogq 84 pLes aoLA'el UPLJq 'A'gi0 344 UL44tM qda� aq pLno4s j� 4p44 UL2J3 aoA'eW 44Lm paaa6e a4 pLes aoLA'el ueLa8 •A'iL0 a44 ap�sgno auoawos aq LLaM 446Lw sazLad 6UL446LL aoLaagxa LeLquap�saa a44 os S4LWLJ 44Q a44 UL44LM p94POOL aaaM sassauisnq a4q qo gsow pies MeagoW Joi0 pap[ gpaa6 a seM LpnLgsa; aa4ULM a44 446nog4 pup aagwego aa4ogeuaM gsp3 a4q 7 u 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT AUGUST 18, 1986 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Don Crain 2. Peggy McArthur 3. Virginia Kinzel 4. Ron Lannoye 5. Len Breckenridge 6. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & 7. Jeffrey C. Barker 8. Do. Co. Dist. Court 9. Pedco Credit Union 10. AWC Emp. Benefits Trust 11. Security Bank of WA. 12. Book Publishing Co. 13. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 14. Petty Cash 15. P. U. D. Aug. Salary Aug. Salary Aug. Salary Aug. Salary Aug. Salary Wallace August Legal Retainer August Public Defender Retainer August Court Payment August Payment Sept. Medical Insurance August Withholding Deposit 1986 Supplement Revised Code of WA. Credit Card Gasoline Charges Postage, Supplies, Landfill & Travel 2 Months Service to City Hall STREET 1. Ron Lannoye 2. Len Breckenridge 3. Bob Goodman 4. Pedco Credit Union 5. Grant Road Hardware 6. Kar Products, Inc. 7. AWC Employee Benefits Trust 8. Traffic Control Signs Co. 9. Security Bank of WA. 10. Harrison Auto Parts 11. The Wenatchee World 12. P. U. D. #1 of Do. Co. POLICE 1. Harold Kirby 2. Michael Cattin 3. Chet Virnig 4. John Harrison 5. Bruce Nash 6. Michael Schu'z 7. Shannon Wilsey 8. City of E. Wenatchee 9. Mobilefone Northwest 10. Mid -State Cleaners 11. Chelan Co. Treasurer 12. Harrison Auto Parts 13. Dept. of Retirement Systems 14. Security Equipment, Inc. 15. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept. 16. Central Communications, Inc 17. Cascade ChevroletCo. August Salary August Salary August Salary August Payment Parts & Supplies Nuts & Bolts Sept. Medical Insurance Sign & Tools for installation August Withholding Deposit Parts & Supplies Call for Bids llth St. N. E. 2 Months Service August Salary August Salary August Salary August Salary August Salary August Salary August Salary St. Dept. Labor for Police Dept. Mobilephone Service for August July Cleaning (Uniforms) July Prisoner Housing Fee Parts & Supplies August Police Retirement Operating Supplies August Dispatching August Maint., Agreement Parts 308.90 1 242.85 1 013.63 506.07 525.07 1 844.00 499.92 2 614.62 500.00 1 628.33 3 209.70 32.27 22.25 170.02 75.00 14 192.6'3 877.54 1 050.15 1 471.30 300.00 26.79 177.44 371.36 281.88 625.30 41.56 35.46 1 735.00 6 993.78 1 647.74 1 633.24 1 516.54 1 798.72 1 530.36 1 535.58 792.00 201.04 43.00 165.08 3 028.00 63.74 336.83 46.27 758.01 101.32 67.96 1 00'000 £ wsLanol nea,ang uoLjuanuo0 g ao}LSLA ea,ay 09401euaM 'L ONni wniavls Z9'SSZ 9L 00'SZ6 uPH PJO;J} LO ao; kdeaay,oy0ksd •O•W 'spues •3 jaagob LZ 66'SL 6uL4sLuL10404d q wLH se,aawe0 S-4p •OZ 89'Z£ saLLddns a0L},}0 4uLad uI 6L ZS'9l saLLddns Isu.a3 '8L '1,NOO 30IlOd