HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/2/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Sept. 2, 1986 Council Members present: Tery McKee, Dick McGraw, Les Young, Brian Taylor and Paul Cassel. Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Pro Tem, Paul Cassel. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Brian Taylor, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Brian Tayor and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman said he had talked with John Baker with the Department of Transportation and the cycle on the light at 9th and SR/28 will be set this week to give pedestrians a longer time to cross the highway and the State will consider all of the other requests of the Council that were brought before them. The Council authorized Bob Goodman to purchase radios for their vehicles and a base station t $laced in City Hall through State of Washington Contract No. 61C-85, in the amount of $3,698.42. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Brain Taylor and passed unanimously. ' Bob Goodman was given permission to attend the 24th supervisor's school at Pullman, October 1st through annual road and street maintenance 3rd. The cost will be $115.00 for registration plus lodging. Bob Goodman said he had received from the Department of Transportation, an estimate and layout of the illumination for Valley Mall Parkway from Ninth Street to 15th Street and the department needs an answer by Sept. 5th. The estimated cost for 23 luminaries would be $84,848.74. The design to be based on a level of 0.6 ft/candle. After some discusion, the Council agreed that Bob contact the Department of Transporta- tion and advise them, that the City Council wants to add illumination to Valley Mall Parkway but may want 0.9 ft/candle illumination which can be modified at a later date. Bob Goodman said the P.U.D. went underground on the 9th Street project and there were two options for the Council to consider. (1) Wooden power pole with hardware. (2) A box like cabinet. The metal cabinet would cost about 2,000.00 more than the pole. Motion maw made by Dick McGraw to install the metal cabinet, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman was asked to advise the persons concerned. Bob said the 9th Street project should be finished by October 30, 1986. The Council enacted to adopt a contract between the City and the East Wenatchee ' Chamber of Commerce and to increase public liability Insurance from 500,000. to One Million and that Dodge Insurance provide the City with a certificate evidencing its liability insurance. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Les Young. Dick McGraw, Les Young, Brian Taylor and Tery McKee voted yes. Paul Cassel, abstained. Motion carried Four to One. Lori Griffith, President of the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce thanked the Council for their support. 1 1 •AcLsnOWLueun passed pup 6unoA sal 4q papuooas 'pauunofpp aq 6UL482W a44 jegj UOL40W a apeW MPJDOW JOLO 'ssauLsnq jag4jn4 ou 6uLaq a.Aa41 •6uLjaOW a of uoL.Ad epue6e aqq 44LM 6uOLe LLounoo a44 of salnuLW a44 jo saLdoo puas 01 paa,A6p �JB LO a4l •LLounoo aqj o} saLdoo lab of juaLO a43 ,Aoj algLssodWL aq pLnoM 3L 's6uL4aaW a44 jo Sep agj of do pajagonon a,Ae sLLLq sy •s6uL4a9W Bq4 ajojaq LLouno3 aq; o; juas aq pLnoo salnuLW pue SUN jo gsLL aqj jo saLdoo jL pajse aalloW F.Aal •zllLM JDLN °aaoLjjp aoueLLdwoo apoo pup R4L3 a44 uaaMgaq 4oaa4uo3 e u6Ls oj'X4} o a4j jo jLe4aq uo'LLounoo agj Rq paloaaLp seM LasseO Lnpd wal OJd JORPW •aup oq Anoj paL.A.Aeo uOL-oW •pauLejsgp MeigoW Jotp sad pajon Lasses Lned pup aalloW fiAal 'AoLRel ueLAB 16uno/ sal aOLf'el ueLJO papuooas 16unoA sal f'q apeW seM uoLJOW •auozad paojLal a44 se uMOul f'Luowwoo jsanbai allOZBJ a43 jo JOnpj uL uoLsLoap pue suoLsnLouOD 's6uLpuLj }dope of paloeua LLounoo agl •aup of .Anoj paL,A.Apo uoLJOW •ou paJon 6unoA sal 'Safi pajon LassPO Lned pue MPJOOW IJLa 'JOLRel ueLAB 'aalloW klal •-AOLACel ueL.AB fq papuooas 'aa)IoW .foal fq appw seM uoLlow •s2 bs ,Aoj uoL;ej.aodsuPjj jo 4uaw4jpe as u016uL4seM jo ajejS a44 jo }sanbai }Lwjad 4uawdOLan8p LeLqupzsgns allLLaa04s of ;oadsa.A gjLM aonej uL uoLsLoaQ pue suoLsnLouOO 's6uLpuLj a44 }dope of pagoeua LLounoo agl CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young 2. Paul Cassel 3. Tery McKee 4. Brian Taylor 5. Richard McGraw 6. Richard McGraw 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20 21 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT SEPT. 2, 1986 Nick Wiltz City of Wenatchee Cascade A 1 Janitorial Emp. Security Dept. Dept. of Gen. Adm. General Telephone Int. Con. of Bldg. Officials Wm. Frankline E. W. Water District W. V. H. Society In Print Petty Cash The Wenatchee World WA. Courthouse Supply Wells & Wade STREET 1. Emp. Security Dept. 2. WA. St., Treasurer 3. WA. St., Treasurer 4. General Telephone 5. Sahlberg 6. P.U.D. 7. Pacific Water Workds 8. Kar Products Inc. 9. Grant Road Hardware 10. Cascade Natural Gas POLICE 1. Kayo's Car Wash 2. Cascade Chevrolet Company 3. Ted Finkbeiner Motors ' 4. Grange Supply 5. Michael L. Mullen, D.C. 6. Clifford Hahn 7. Sign's Such 8. Kits Cameras 9. Grant Road Hardware 10. Blumenthal Uniforms & Equip August Per -diem August Per -diem August Per -diem August Per -diem August Per -diem Lunches, Richard McGraw, Bob and Tery McKee August Salary Planning & Building Services August Janitorial Services August Social Security Dues Contract Participation 1 Months Service 1973-1985 Certification Rost Translator Fee 2 Months Service to City Hall Sept. Dog Control Payment Printing & Office Supplies Cash Expenditures: Postage, Tapes Publications 1,000 Minute Book Sheets Belt for Lawnmower Burke Program e r Landfill & August Social Security July Traffic Signal Maintenance Fed. Aid Project: Preliminary Eng. 1 Months Service Shovel, Broom Head & Broom Handle 2 Months Service to Shop & Garage 14 Fire Hydrants Replacement Supplies Parts for Sweeper 1 Months Service August Car Washes Parts for Car Repairs Motor Mount Gasoline Treatments Wm. Brooks Prescription Drugs 2 000 Evidence Tags Film Wax & Armorall Police Cars 1 Pr. Uniform Pants 55.71 55.71 55.71 55.71 55.71 15.10 441.25 4 143.73 45.00 3 073.25 50.00 400.76 14.59 15.00 14.00 300.00 260.03 166.44 56.14 158.08 8.11 9 440.03 688.02 255.98 16.41 63.76 41.22 34.00 813.73 12.17 3.48 1.20 9 929.97 70.00 50.26 20.36 273.57 22.00 20.27 103.20 4.83 10.84 47.90 623.23