HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/15/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Sept. 15, 1986 Council Members present: Tery McKee, Richard McGraw, Les Young, Brian Taylor and Paul Cassel. Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. Deputy City Clerk, Dannie Kinzel Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Donnell Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were submitted. Robert E. Sand, M.D., bill for psychotherapy for Clifford Hahn in the amount of $755.00, was discussed. It was decided the City Attorneys would check the authenticity of the charges and report their findings. Motion was made by Dick McGraw to approve bill as submitted, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Dick McGraw reported Bob Burke of McConnell/Burke had ask for a meeting Monday Sept. 29, 1986, to report on the progress of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of East Wenatchee. The Council decided the date, time 6:30 P.M., place City Hall was agreeable to everyone. The Planning Commission for the City of East Wenatchee would also be asked to attend. City Code Compliance Officer Nick Wiltz reported the DOT had contacted him and the timing device on the signal light at the intersection of SR 28 and 9th street had been changed to give pedestrians ample time to cross the highway. He also stated he and Bob Goodman had met with the Highway Department represent- ative to discuss landscaping just north of the bike path. Graveling the small plateau, a bench or two plus some shrubs to blend with the existing sagebrush. Mr. Wiltz asked if the City of East Wenatchee would consider joining the International Conference of Building Officials? The membership is $70.00 per year. Included with the membership is a plan check service for commercial buildings. Mr. Wiltz was asked if there was a charge for this service and he stated there was, but it was passed on the the contractor when the building permit was issued. Mr. Wiltz was asked when the membership year began and he stated he would inquire. Mr. Wiltz asked the Councils permission to attend the International Building Officials school to be held Nov. 3, to the 7, at Washington State University. Cost of the course he thought was $220.00, but would check to be sure. He stated he had made arrangements with the City of Wenatchee and Douglas County Building Officials to handle his work load if the necessity should arise. Dick McGraw made a motion to pay for the tuition, test fee and per -diem ex- penses, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Charlie Johnston, Manager of the East Wenatchee Water District had requested ' by letter to have the street cut fee waived from 9th and Valley Mall Parkway to 13th street. He stated they would install eight fire hydrants at no charge to the City. City attorney Charles Zimmerman said the Council would have to advertise a public hearing for the Oct. 6, 1986 Council meeting as stated in Ordinance 354, before action could be taken. Bill Hucks, advertising sales representative for Washington, the Evergreen •RLsn0WLueun passed pup Lassp3 Lned !w MUJE)OW JOLa SSaULsnq Aag4.Anj ou 6uLaq aaaLLL •pLos 6uLaq asLpupyOaaw ayq 6ULUaaOUOO apeo.ay ayg }o goadse Le69L ayq 40aeasaa 04 skaua044y k4L3 ayg paIse UawLLouno3 pup AoivW ayg awLq SLyq qp seM qI 'UOLq Oe aIeq 0q aayogeuaM gse3 }o A L3 aq; og do spm qL pageadea uosdwLS *SW 'mpL ayg }o UOLq,Aod aOUesLnN aLeaoW ayq aapun fi'gl3 ayq jo uOLgoLpSLanC 3SaL3 ay} spM gL gpyg UOLULdo s,RaLne3oW sW sum qI ' •awlq geyq qe pauLLOap ppy qnq apeoay ayq 4suLe6e UOLg0e aWOS ajeq oq dnoa6 ayq S'q payouoadde uaaq ppy kaLnp3oW RpnC aognoasoad Rquno3 geyg pageqs Aaygan,[ sum gI •Obe sham omq gnoqu apuoay aqq jo anoq a apew pey paeLLee apRL3 anLgpquasaadab pup ay pageqs aagwaw aaggoue SMaapuy JDLG •Oldoq ayq uo aLgea6paLm0ul R'aan aq oq paaeadde pue sauLze6ew ayq UL pag4ad saLa03S pue saangOLd °saLOLgae ayq ;o MaLnaa e aneg •UOL40unj pup aweu oq se aLOlgae yoea 6ULgLaosap sagnULW 9Z 04 pZ gxaU ayq quads LISmOLzON aW •uaas aq pLnoys 494q qLa} ay 'saLoLgae ayq 6ULpae6aa 6ULLna e anew oq aney pLnom LLouno3 ayq uaym awoo pLnoys awLq ayq dL qnq °swag[ ayq qe 6UL100L 40 aonp} UL qou sum ay ples as)IoW Vaal •pamaLnaa wayq aney og qou paaaagaad pup pageqs se aaaM MOPS ayq UL SWagt ayq geyq goej a sp gdaooe oq 6ULLLLm ueyq aaow aaam SN4 pageqs uawLLouno3 ayq 10 gsoW •SaLOLgae ayq M04S og S'apssaoau you sum gL sasodand boys ao} sum aanpaooad e yons jL pageqs Lasse3 Lnpd •quasaad asoyg oq umoys aq pagSLSUL ay yOLym MOPS Aadpd a UL aaam saLOLgae ayl 'apeOay ayq woa; sauLze6ew pup saLOLgae gLOLLdxa SLLexas Leaanas paspyoand pey ay o6p sanoy om1 gsnC geyq pageqs °dnoa6 ayq q0 anLgequasaadaa aaygoue Ljsm0Lz0)I k'aaeq •UOLgOe guns }o Aq Le6aL a14 pauotgsonb ULea3 a0X'eW •apeOay ayq UMOp gnys oq sdags S'aessaoau aq; a3eq og saagwagL ouno3 s,aayOgeuaM 4se3 �O 440 ayq oq do SeM qL gpll} UOLULdo Aaq Sum qI 'R'emlaed LLeW SaLLeA Egg ge pageooL appOay apLS4se3 ayq qe pLos 6uLaq asLpupyOaaw ayq ygLm uaaouoo aLayg 6uLpae6aa LLOuno3 ayq possaappp kgdea6ouaod 4sULe6y aayga6ol uo46UL4seM AO_4 upwomsajods uosdwLS egla •paULegsgp oym mpagoW )OLa }o UOLgdaoxe ayg ygLm °ao} pa40n uawLLoun03 LLV •aOLkel UPLag k'q papuooas °Z9•ppSS,Z$ 3o agonb ayq 4da00p oq UOLgOe saayOgpuaM }o k; Q ayq UO 4ua6UL4u0O UOLgOW a apew Lasse3 Lned •aayOgeuaM 40 4 Q ayq AO} `Z9•ZSS`ZL$ pup aayOgeuaM 4se3 qo 4 Q ayg AOJ ZS•OOS`Z$ sum pe ayq io; pagonb aOLLd ayl aagogeuaM jo k4L3 ayg ygLM UoLqunC -UOO UL pe Aaygoue azLaoygne oq LLOuno3 ayq Aol Sum UOLgeguasaad ayg 4o asodand •oqa °sansSL ;o aseaaoUL °UOLgeLnoaLo Uo UOLgegaasslp a ane6 aULze6PW agegS CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Don Crain 2. Peggy McArthur 3. Virginia Kinzel 4. Ron Lannoye 5. Len Breckenridge 6. Nick R. Wiltz 7. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & 8. Jeffrey C. Barker 9. AWC Employee Venefits 10. Pedco Credit Union 11. Security Bank of WA. 12. IBM Corp. 13. Columbia Block 14. L. B. Stone 15. Do. Co. Dist. Ct. 16. Grant Road Hardware 17. WA. Courthouse Supply 18. The Wenatchee World 19. In Print 20. McConnell/Burke 21. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & 22. Douglas Co. Sewer Dist BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT SEPT. 15, 1986 Wallace Trust Wallace STREET 1. Robert Goodman 2. Len Breckenridge 3. Ron Lannoye 4. AWC Employees Beneit Trust 5. Pedco Credit Union 6. Security Bank of WA. 7. Gascade Natural Gas 8. East Wenatchee Water Dist. 9. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co. 10. Norris Paint Co. 11. Grant Road Hardware 12. Basin Paving Co. 13. Harrison Auto Parts 14. Pacific Water Works Supply Co 15. Grange Supply Co. 16. N. Central Petroleum 17. Do. Co. Sewer District Sept. Salary Sept. Salary Sept. Salary Sept. Salary Sept. Salary Sept. Salary Sept. Legal Retainer Sept. Public Defender Retainer Oct. Medical Insurance Sept. Payment Sept. Withholding Deposit Typewriter Ribbons (12) Blocks for repairing Restrooms Park Translator Fees (2) Sept. Services Supplies Treasurers Monthly Report Book Publication Annex. (Story) Supplies & Printing Comprehensive Plan Legal Services for July 1986 2 Months Service City Hall Sept. Salary Sept. Salary Sept. Salary Oct. Medical Insurance Sept. Payment Sept. Withholding Deposit 1 Months Service 2 Months Service 1.94 Tons Hot Mix Paint for Striping Streets Parts for small paint machine llth St., Paving Less 15% Retainage Part for Shop 15 Fire Hydrants Gasoline Solvent 51-L 2 Months Service 308.90 242.85 013.63 506.07 525.07 437.50 844.00 499.92 628.33 900.00 277.70 54.83 26.23 30.00 614.62 55.45 104.91 53.93 211.39 690.00 966.79 22.06 20 014.18 1 471 .30 1 050.15 877.54 371.36 300.00 625.30 1.20 37.85 52.93 1 491 .02 5.86 7 383.95 16.07 9 669.66 259.41 164.96 14.00 23 792.56 POLICE 1. Harold Kirby Sept. Salary 1 647.74 2. Bruce Nash Sept. Salary & Aug. Overtime 1 424.37 3. Michael Cattin Sept. Salary & Aug. Overtime 1 599.29 4. Chet Virnig Sept. Salary & Aug. Overtime 1 663.56 5. John Harrison Sept. Salary & Aug. Overtime 1 849.63 6. Michael Schulz Sept. Salary & Aug. Overtime 1 513.05 7. Shannon Wilsey Sept. Salary 799.00 8. Glen Frese, PSY.D. Wm. Brooks Therapy 35.00 11, I 00'9Z0 9 Lent3sa3 sew SL.A43 VS'9L0 9L SO'SLE auLLOseg SS'OL sP0,a9 •wM Ao} LeotpaW bb'6Z ALedab Ae0 Ao; ;.aed 06'£6L 6nV 6utueaLD sA83t4}0 BOLLod £9'b88 luawL'ed 3uawa.AL4aa •}daS S8'89Z Z •6nV aaj 6utsnoH s.Aauostad 00' 99L u4eH AOJJ t L9 Rde.Aa4404:)Xsd VL'6 La94M 6utoueLee g 6UL4unoW LE'ZS Jtedab Ae9 .ao; s3.Aed £L'SL 6UL4stut40404d q wlt3 Ob'bOZ Juawaa.A6V '•JuteW I euu84V 'RA913e8 00'69L 6uL4o3edsL0 •gdaS 00'£b '4daS Ao3 aotn.AaS auo4da MoW a3.Ao3 Isel Lent3sa3 •0 'M •3 -L ONAJ W(IIOVIS L'LddnS a6ue.Ag LZ otutLO L'alLell aa4o4euaM 'OZ 03 4@Lo.Ana4g ape3se0 •6L s.Aasue9L3 94e4S-PtW '8L swa;SRS qua WL'4ab 30 •3da0 'LL je.Anseaii "00 uela40 '9L 'O'W `sPUeS '3 3-Aagoli ' 9 L oOexal s,n-AO 'bL s4-Aed o;nV uost.A-1eH 'EL e,AauweO s,lt)l 'ZL uot3eotunuwog LeA4uaO •LL •4da0 s,4dtua4S "o3 "o0 'OL •M 'N auodaLtgoW '6 'I,N00 30I10d