HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/6/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Oct. 6, 1986 Council Members present Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, Attorneys, Bob Kiesz and Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain. Brian Taylor and Dick McGraw. Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk Minutes of the previous meeting and special meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Brian Taylor, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman advised the Council that 9th St. should be finished by Oct. 13. He stated that an extra retaining wall had to be included that was not in the original plans. He said the wall would mean extra money not included in the original contract but that the City has the extra meney in its current budget to cover it. Mayor Crain said he had asked Bob Goodman to include in his 1987 budget, money to landscape the entrances to the City when the highway is built and also to budget for a left hand turn signal at Grant and Valley Mall Parkway. The Council gave Lennie Breckenridge permission to attend a two day pesticide applicator's school in Yakima next month. 'The Council granted permission to Nick Wiltz to become a member of I. C.B.O. Nick Wiltz said he would like to have Ordinance 107 amended under Chapter 10.28.010- Obstruction of Visibility at Intersections to include business or private entrances. He said it would not apply to those businesses or private entrances that are already in existance. Paul Cassel said some Contractors appeared to be concerned about delays if plans are sent to I.C.B.O. Nick said only large commercial and complicated plans would be sent out. Mayor Crain said he would like to know more about Ord. 107 & suggested that Nick get together with Dick McGraw and review the Codes and discuss it further at the next meeting. A group from the Washington Together Against Pornography asked if the issue of the Bookstore was going to be discussed. Bob Kiesz said if the issue was discussed, he would first like to go into executive session. Paul Cassel said he would work with the Attorneys and would at least have a progress report at the next meeting and he informed the group that the Attorneys had put in considerable hours researching the matter. 'The Council advised the group that the Chelan Douglas Health Department would be the place to contact if they felt there was a health problem at the bookstore. Reta Simpson said there is a group available that would work with the Attorneyjrs. Bob Kiesz told her that he would discuss that with her after the meeting. A Public Hearing on waiving the permit fee for the East Wenatchee Water Dist was heard. Charlie Johnston, Manager, said the fee would be approximately $1,800.00 and he felt 44 L 0 r ' •L'LsnoWluuun passed PUP AOLXPi UPLJq L'q papuooas 'pauanoCpe aq 6ut ayg ge Lgow a pew McJ93W JOLO 'ssauLsnq Aaggunj ou 6uLaq a.aayl 'W'd OO:L gP uuI's uos�as Anod 4� �P ay aq 04 `986L `9L uago3o0 JOS ueLd 2nLSuayaadwo0 SAo ayg 6uLssnosLp puP 6uLialnaa ;o asodAnd ayg JOS 6uLga9w OLLgnd p gas LLounoO ayl •UOLgP,Aap[SUOD JLayg JOS SJDUOLSSLWWOO A'guno0 sPL6no0 ayg og UOLgnLosab ayg PUBS og pagoaJLp SPM JaaLO k4 Q ayl •L'LsnOWLueun passed pup me,agoW JOLO fiq papuooas 'aaNDw L'ual A'q apew seM UOL40W •,Cguno3 SPL6no0 pup aay0geuaM gSP3 ;o RI Q ayg ,AO; UOLgnLosad 3uLOr V 'b-98 UOLgnLosaa gdope og pagoPua LLounoO ayl 'kLsnOWLupun passed PUP uoLL'Pl UPLJO Rq papuooas 'LasseO LnPd A'q apew SPM UOL40W (JPaA LPOSLj JOS saxPl LPuauag ayg 6ULFAaj) 60ti aoueuLPJO gdopp og pagoPua LLounoO ayl 'daLgo auLj ayg 44LM gL ssnoSLp PUP uaggPW ayg oguL TOOL pLnom aOLLOd ;o ;aLgO aqg PUP ay gPyg A'LLeuunN •,aW painsse u.LPJ3 aoA'PW •asuaOLL a panssL aq pLnoo A'uedwoo yoea PUP A'4L0 ayg uLygLM ssauLsnq 6uLop saLuedwoo ;o Wayg wou; gsLL P ULeggo A'gL0 ayg gPyg `kLLenuup •4da0 aaLj ayg Lq pagoadsUL aAP S.Aa4sLn6UL4xa LLe gPyg pup gda0 auLj L'4uno0 seLbno0 ygLM saoLAuas a.AL; SgOPAgUOO XqQ ayg aoUls 'gpyg pa4sa66ns A'LLeunN •aW •,fgl0 ayg JOS saagSLnBULgxa @JL; saoLAuas ay asnpoaq gno WLy POL6ULs 413 ayg gLa; ay PCPs aH ' sasuaoLL ssauLsnq aAPy og k4Q ay; uLygLM ssauLsnq 6uLop saLuedwoo guawdLnba aJL; LLe auLnbaa 0; paLLP; RI Q ayg Fym paJsP 'dLnb3 aaLj uog644sPM ;o uaumo 'XLLeunN wJON *kLsnowLupun passed PUP uoLFej UPLJ9 L'q papuooas SPM UOLgOW 'SULSPq gOgeO JLRyg 6ULULP4UIPw PUP 6uLuPaLO JOS aLglsuodsau aq SJaumO ayg gPyg pup sasod.and aoueuaguLPW JOS A'g,Aado,Ad ayg og ssaooe ;o g46LA UOAL6 aq ,fgl0 ayg gPyg PUP ULPup WJ04S 6UL4sLx9 ayg 04UL aLg og UOLgonugsuo0 Sawed mOLLP og uoLgoW a appw LasseO LnPd 'uoLssnosLp algeAaplsuoo uag;y gL ygLM waLgoud ou aas pLnoo pup agenbapp aq og pa,Aeadde BULL ayg PCPs Z;ILM JOLN pup upwpoo0 qoq •any 4uowgsP3 ;;o aWLl ooej og gxau ULPup WJ04S s,44Q ayg oguL aLg og UOLSSLw,Aad JOS palsp •gsuo3 L'awea •AO; upwsalods 'sL;o L'uua0 '6UL4aaw LLounoO gxau ayg LLgun anssL aq-1 aLgeg og paa,a6P LLounoO ayj •apew 6uLaq Rip SUPLd gPgm mou4 PLnom s,aagwaw LLounoO ayg os p,aeo8 UOLgeauoaa 9 SIJPd ayg uo aq og pa,AapLsuoo aq PLnoys 413 ayg wou; auoawos 446n044 ay geyg osLR PUP guBwgLwwoo a 6ULIPW auo;aq s4au.ao44y kjLo ayg wou; aoLAPP awns JOBS og p84SLM ay PUP ;L gnoge Ju Lyg og aWLg aJOw @l U pLnom ay pLps meigoW IOLO 'L86L JOS SAOOL 4a6pnq s.R4g 3 ayg moy aas PUP glPm og alU 4SJL; pLnom ay pLps as)IoW L'.Aal •A'Aa3 UOLgPauoab g sluPd L86L ayg ;o aueys s,guaplsau ayg do joLd pLnom LLounoO R4L3 ayg ;L pup eauy aoLAuaS UOLgeauoab 4uowgsP3 ayg ;o gued awooaq og sdags L'uessaoau ayg ale; pLnom LLounoO R463 ayg dL palsp gda0 s3uPd 44uno0 SPL6no0 ayg ;o Aa6PUeW 'J@JJ P9 WLV •L'LsnowLupun passed pup aalloW 4aaj L'q papuooas 'MPU90W JOLO A'q apew SPM UOL40W '/iemlJPd LLeW L'aLLPA uo UOL4PULwnM uo; LLegsuL A'ew Fayg 4Lnpuoo jo' j gouaug ayg asn og ySLM RPW 44Q ayg gegg °LLegsUL LLCM •gsLO uagPM ayg sgUPupL'y 146La JOS saa; UOLgPLLPgSUL gupupkq uad 00.009 XLagewLxoudde RAPS M m 44L0 ayg gPyg 'sgup.APRq a.ALS LPUOLgLppP 04 anp UOLgoagoud auL; appAdn Mm gL geyg '.punou6 uapun o6 0g SaLgLLlgn uaygo AO; 6UL4euLpaooO sL goL.A;SLO uagPM ayg geyg :s6ULPUL; uLayg uo paspq aa; glw.Aad ayg aALeM og pagoPua LLounoO ayg '4suLe6P JOS gnduL oLLgnd ou pue UOLssnosLp awns Jag;y •goafoud ayg wo,A; gL;auaq PLnoM RIg 3 ayg geyg it u 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT OCT. 6, 1986 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young 2. Paul Cassel 3. Tery McKee 4. Brian Taylor 5. Richard McGraw 6. Emp. Security Dept. 7. Emp. Security Dept. 8. Cascade A-1 Janitorial 9. W. V. Humane Society 10. Radio Shack 11. WA. St. University 12. Nick R. Wilts 13. Nelson Office Machines 14. The Keyhole Security Center 15. General Telephone 16. Dept. of Labor & Industries 17. Eastmont Development Co. 18. The Wenatchee World 19. In Print 20. ICBO 21. Emp. Security Dept. 22. Chelan Co., Treasurer 23. Ma Cristina Buak 24. Bret Stone 25. Grant Road Hardware 26. Petty Cash 27. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace STREET 1. Emp. Security Dept. 2. WA. St. University 3. Emp. Security Dept. 4. General Telephone 5. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 6. Harrison Auto Parts 7. Cascade Gas 8. Southpark Industries 9. Reid Pump & Supply 10. Grant Road Hardware 11. The Wenatchee World 12. Petty Cash Sept. Per -diem Sept. Per -diem Sept. Per -diem Sept. Per -diem Sept. Per -diem Sept. Social Security 3rd Quarter Unemployment Sept. Janitorial Service Oct. Dog Control Cassette Recorder Bldg., Officials' School Certification Exam Toner for Copier Key 1 Months Service 3rd Quarter Ind. Ins. Landfill Charges 2 Publications Office Supplies 1 years dues Administrative Expense OASI 3rd Quarter Liquor Tax Translator Fees (2) Translator Fee Supplies for Repairs & Maintenance Cash Expenditures Postage Legal Services through 8/31/86 3rd Quarter Unemployment Registration St. Supervisors' School Sept. Social Security 1 Months Service 3rd Quarter Ind. Insurance Parts for Repair & Maintenance 1 Months Service Brooms for Sweeper Cutting Line for Weedeater Bolt, Nut & Springs for Sweeper Legal Notice - St. Cut Fee Postage 55.71 55.71 55.71 55.71 55.71 108.04 058.90 45.00 300.00 155.77 195.00 60.00 109.65 5.38 349.69 206.12 2.69 20.69 15.58 70.00 17.60 88.09 30.00 15.00 21.40 100.97 764.49 11 018.61 274.24 120.00 688.02 50.84 689.92 28.23 2.40 367.79 13.86 3.48 10.00 22.00 2 270.78 1 1 £ L' ZO L 99'OZO L OZ'ZLZ Sb'6L 08' LE L LL'88 69'6b 68'LZ 66'8 SL'Zb Sb'6b L£'L8 bZ'SLL 9£'ELE 00'Ob ZL' 6 00'OL a9441uw03 JUL2 PuZ) P94S ,aauuL41 3uLed g ABWLud .4uLed ,Aaw LA d JUL2 PuooaS ao} sLUpa3ew m aa;ua3 6uL3eJooa0 sJe8 aoLn.aaS g saLl `sI-AL4S .A[edaa Aepea (8) apo3 'VM o4 apLng s,AaOLI10 aaead a3ueua4ULew B saLedai s3ued aaueaL3 B PLnLj 6uLAaa4S .AaMod 6uLgSLuL10404d B 4j (uoL3oaLLo3 aouaPlna) LLaso.MW Z sasuadx3 LeOLPaw swoj g 4ound aLoH aLnb s.Ae3 aoLLod Aogeq ..4daa "qS •ussV su03e6L;s9nuI oL3ooueN " 3S 'VM uL34e3 W ao4 aaj uoL;ea3sL6aa I san0 a6eaLLW sa4seM Ae3 aoLLod •4daS Laa3S P.aepue;S 'b 3uLpd eLgwnLo3 'E uosLO )oLd 'Z •jqq s,uouue3 'L SONnj wlI0V1S 3uawdLnb3 g swu0}LuO Lvgquawnl8 '£L 0uI sOLuo.a30aL3 wo;sn)i 'ZL ssa,Ad swa' S aoL3snp LL s4uPd o3nV uoswaeH 0L 4suu3 '6 semawe3 SgLN •8 'o'J 3uLAADPuL� 'L ugPH P,Ao14t LO ' 9 •03 Meagow a41 '9 aa43geu8M Ise3 ;o 93L3 'b UL33e3 Lae40LW 'E 4seN aon,a8 • Z 4seM ,Ae3 s,oL'eN • L 33IlOd