HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/1986 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 �I City of East Wenatchee Council Meeting Oct. 20, 1986 Council Members present: Tery McKee, Brian Taylor, Paul Cassel, Les Young and Dick McGraw. Attorney, Bob Kiesz and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Pro Tem, Paul Cassel. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Brian Taylor, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Chief Harold Kirby said he had purchased a small refrigerator and microwave for the police department. Bob Goodman said Basin Asphalt would be paving 9th Street Tuesday and some of the holes on Valley Mall Parkway would also be patched. It was the unanimous decision of the Council, not to allow parking on 9th Street from Baker to Valley Mall Parkway. Bob Kiesz was asked to review the parking ordinances and if necessary, draft an amended Ordinance for parking on 9th. The Council set Hearing dates for the Story et al annexation to be heard, Nov. 3rd and Dec. 15th. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. Nick Wiltz said he would be gone the first week in November attending a building official's seminar at Pullman. Reviewing Ordinance 107 in reference to obstruction of visibility at intersection was tabled until the Nov. 3rd meeting. Joining the Douglas County Eastmont Recreation Service Area was postponed until the Nov. 3rd Meeting at the request of Parks Manager, Jim Barker who was ill. Paul Cassel asked that each Council member give some thought to the issue so they can give Mr. Barker an answer at the next meeting. Attorney Bob Kiesz was asked to get the infomation he has on joining the Service Area to the City Clerk so she can send out memos to the Council prior to the Nov. meeting. Paul Cassel said he had spent time with the City Attorney and gave the following report on the adult bookstore. "One alternative would be a felony statute, which jurisdiction lies with the Douglas County Prosecutor and she does not wish to bring any felony charges t this time against the bookstore owners or principles, which leaves the City with alternative of proceeding if it chooses under the Civil Obscenity Statute. The State Attorney General's Office both in Seattle and Spokane have apparently, for 'some time, been proceeding with plans to take action, apparently, targeted action pursuant to this Civil pornography statute. There have been no jurisdiction in the State of Wash. that has taken action under that Civil Statute and for reasons I will explain. Owners and backers of adult stores, with the type of stores we have here, its common knowledge that they have substantial backing, that if you challange one local book 'pua;;e suagwaW 6ULuueLd pup Llouno0 LLe ;ey; ;ue;aodwL sem ;l plps pue suoseas anoj ay; ;p 'W'd OO L `986L `6Z 'AoN 'ueLd s,4L0 ay; uo aline ig LLauuO33W Rq UOL;e;uasaud paLle;ap p aq pLnom aua4; ;ey; paounouue MeugoW 13LO 11 ;e4; ;noge auop aq ueo 4e4; s6uL4; awns aae allay; pue swaLgoad awes ay; pey aney OqM sat;t0 aay;o woa; saoueulpao 6u1;;a6 Dip am 'aao;slooq ay; UL Dap ;eq; sy;ooq ay; 6ULssauppy '6uLUoz8a 94ewL4L681 46nou4; swaLgoUd aso4; 41Lm Leap ueo am sde4ead 'swaLgoad 44Lp94 ay; o; 'F;Lunuwoo ay; UL s;Lnpp o; pup k;Lunwwoo uno ul uauP1L4o ay; o; aansodxa SL waLgoad ay; dl ';nq ;Ua;UL ay; ;ou s;ey; asnpoaq UMop aoeLd ay; 6uL44nys aq (Liessa3au ;ou pLnoM ;I •6uluoz o; spae6aa y;lm swaLgoad ay; ;o awos a;eLAOLLe 04 ;a6 sdeyaad pue 6uLuoz uno ;e looL a ale; o; uay; pup un6eq aney gay; ;ey; 4;ed ay; UL paaooad SUOL;oLPSLanC aa6aeL ay; 40L pLnoys am pue Fie;auoW •ane6 I ;py; suoseaa om; ao; a;n;p;s LLnLO ay; Uapun 6uLpaaooud o; spap6au y;LM awL; SL44 ;e UOL;Oe Rue aje; ;ou 'SL Llouno0 ay; o; SUOL;epuawwooaa SaeuLWLLaud SW 'SaOUEULPaO aso4; ;e IOOL p DIP; LLLM pue waLgoad awes SL44 y;LM ;Leap aney Oqm saL;LO a9440 wou; S90UPULPJO 6uLuoz pa;sanbaa aney skauuo;;y F;LO '6uLwo344ao; SL UOL;ewao;uL auoW '6uLuoz uno ;e AOOL a 6ULIe1 £ swaLgoUd awos Sey g3LyM a;n;e;s Ll^l0 ay; Uapun 6ULp9a3oud z 'uaddeq o; 6UL06 SL ;py; ;p4; apedde ;,usaop ;l pue uoL;noasoud kuOLaj •L ' °aney nog os •ssauLsnq ;ey; uo; 6uLuoz ay; ;e )001 pue4 p006 a aIe; kLgeL;l;snC ueo am os 's;Op; ;o ;as p doLanap 'SLSpq a doLanap UPO aM ;ey; OS s6ULuea4oLLgnd awos saaLnbaa ;l pue ;nduL oLeyLgnd awos 'UOL;e6L;SanUL awos sauLnbau ;ey; 'pa;eoLpuL aney I sy 'umop way; ;nys pup Fu; 04 ;; op ;,ueo noA 's6ULuoz 6uL;sLxa a6uey3 o; suoseau aq ;snw aua41 •a4ewL4L6aL aq o; spy ;I •6uL4eaado woa; ssauLsnq ay; ;uanaad ao ssauLsnq ay; anowaa 04 ;Ua;uL y;Lm kilo ay; 4q auop aq ;ouupo '6uluoz 6uL6ue43 04 ;oadsau UL auop SL ;ey; 6UL44kUe asanoo 10 'paue ;uaua;;lp a 04 panoWaa aq o; 'ssauLsnq ;ey; 'aalnbaa o; se awaa;xa os aq pLnoo ley; so6ueyo ao UOL;eooL ;uasaad s;L 4e sa6Ue40 LeuaD;UL aa44t3 'ssauLsnq 6uL4SLxa ay; UL Sa6Upyo auLnbau pLnoM 43L4M S;uawaaLnbau 6uLuoz uno puawp sdp4aad pue ssauLsnq ;o ad4; sly; ao; aney kL;uasaud am ;py; 6uLuoz ay; Malnaa 'UOL4e6L4SanuL umo ano Aa4;p ;ndUL oLLgnd leas pue MaLAaa o; aq pLnoM and;euua;Le aay;ouy „•;uapaoaud a ;as LLLM 41 'OSOL pue s;ano0 ay; 446noay; 6UL44 sL44 aMe; nog ;l 'asnpoaq ;y6La auop SL ;l ;e44 os BULy; sLy; DLpue4 sgoq 6Lq ay; ;aq„ '6UL;eOLPUL We gay; 'Swua; sU*RMRPL uI '6uLy; SL44 o;uL ;nd RpeauLe aney Rao; 4e4; 4uo;;0 pup RauOW 'awL; ay; 04 uoL;p;sanaP aq pLnoo ;l 'uLM o; paaedaud 6ULaq kLuadoad ;noy;lm pup 6uLjoeq LeLoueuL; aadoad ;noy;lm UOL43P aje; 0; aaaM san0 se yons X410 e ;l 4e44 pa;eoLpUL anpy Ray; ;nq ;;o �opq o; �poq�ue PLO; ;,UDAey Rao; 'a;n;e;S Lt^l0 ay; Uapun uol;op aje; o; ;ou 4410 aay;o Rue uo 9410 SL44 PLO; ;oU aney ka41 'UOL;oe 6ULuueLd XL;uaaedde aup oym 'DOL;;O S,Leuauag 4auao;4d a;e;s ay; 6ULaq ;ey; 'Op am ueo; saoanosaa ;UeOL;LU6LS aaow yonw aney OyM aaay; ;no suamod Due away; ;ey; 43e; ay; SL DSe0 SLy; ul ansSL Rauow ay; se ;up;aodwL sp ;snC uo 'aanamo4 ';ue;uodwL auoW JUL4; I 'SLg4 91lL 6U1419wos 04 sawoo ;l ua4M anssL RLuo ay; SL Fauow ;ey; Res 04 ;oU SL 4e41 •azLs ano ;o 9;10 a AO; 9nL4lgl4oad aq ueo ;Las s;L UL 4e41 •a;e;S sLy; 10 4uno0 awaadns ay; y6noj4; 'ueaw pLnoM yolym 'UOL48 0woo o; uOL40e up ssaooad o; ;dwa;;e o; UOL;oLpSLunC auo Rue uo; 00'000109$ o; do ;soo pLnoM 4l ;ey; anaLLaq sXauao;;y R'M an0 •aoue;sLsaa LeLDUBUL} 6Uoa;S y;lm law aq o; 6UL06 sL'pa6uaLLeyo uaaq ;ou Sey yoLyM 'a;n;e;s LLnLO ay; Uapun uoL;op aIe; o; asoo43 pLnoM ;ey; 4uawuuano6 LeooL Xuy '4u9wuuano6 LEJOL Sue Rq a6uaLLe43 Sue ;e ;;o �oeq o; 6UL06 IOU aae Xay; OS sa;e;s pa;lun ay; 4no4y6noay; pue a;e;s SL4; UL xa;snpUL anL;eaonL a aae Ray; ;nq 'SL4; ;aoddns o; 6UL;laM UL 6uL44SUe anpy ;,uop I pup LLe o; a6uaLLeyo e SL auo 04 a6uaLLeyo a asnpoaq aoUP4SLs9u y;LM ;aaw o; 6ULo6 aae nog 'eaae auo UL aa04s Brian Taylor made a motion to accept the Findings and Conditions of Waiver of East Wenatchee Water District's Permit Fee, Seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Les Young asked Bob Goodman and Nick Wiltz to check with the Contractor working on 13th Street and see how much longer the street will be closed. There being no further business, Dick McGraw made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Brian Taylor and passed unanimously. / V, Paul Cassel, M or Pro Tem Peggy McArthur, City Clerk 1 1 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT OCT. 20, 1986 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Donnell Crain 2. Peggy McArthur 3. Dannie Kinzel 4. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy 5. Jeffrey C. Barker 6. Len Breckenridge 7. Ron Lannoye 8. Nick Wiltz 9. Pedco Credit Union 10. Do. Co. Dist. Ct. 11. Chelan -Douglas Health 12. AWC Employee Benefits 13. Security Bank of WA. 14. Ora Mae Wright 15. Joyce E. Mooney 16. Max Singleton 17. Newell McGaha 18. Elda M. Nickles 19. Sylvester A. Neigel 20. Robert Patrick 21. Eleanor Smith 22. Leonard Regehr 23. Josephine Reyes 24. Stanley E. Walker 25. Ronald Smith 26. General Telephone Co. 27. The Wenatchee World 28. In Print 29. P. U. D. 30. WA. Council/A.I.A. 31. Leticia Finley Oct. Salary Oct. Salary Oct. Salary & Wallace Oct. Legal Retainer Oct. Public Defender Retainer Oct. Salary Oct. Salary Oct. Salary Oct. Payment Oct. District Ct., Services Dist. 4th Quarter Services Trust Nov. Medical Insurance Oct. Withholding Deposit Jury Fee & Mileage Jury Fee & Mileage Jury Fee & Mileage Jury Fee & Mileage Jury Fee & Mileage Jury Fee & Mileage Jury Fee & Mileage Jury Fee & Mileage Jury Fee & Mileage Jury Fee & Mileage Jury Fee & Mileage Jury Fee & Mileage 1 Months Service Publication Ord. 409 Gen. Taxes Office Supplies 2 Months Service City Hall Barrier -Free Design St. Regulations Translator Fees STREET DEPARTMENT 1. Len Breckenridge 2. Ron Lannove 3. Robert W. Goodman 4. AWC Employee Benefits 5. Security Bank of WA. 6. Pedco Credit Union 7. Advance Travel Expense 8. Bowman Distribution 9. General Telephone 10. WA. St. Weed Assn. 11. P. U. D. Oct. Salary Oct. Salary Oct. Salary Trust Nov. Medical Insurance Oct. Withholding Deposit Oct. Payment Revolving F.Expenses Pullman School Parts & Supplies 1 Months Service Registration for Convention 2 Months Service 308.90 242.85 026.18 844.00 499.92 525.07 506.07 437.50 900.00 614.62 498.50 628.33 480.70 15.61 15.82 15.61 15.41 16.02 15.41 16.64 15.61 15.82 15.82 15.41 15.61 305.98 45.80 33.82 91.00 24.74 60.00 17 262.77 1 050.15 877.54 1 471.30 371.36 625.30 300.00 93.72 83.74 50.84 45.00 1 740.00 8VOl£ bl £0'8Z auLoLPaW 85'ZbZ LLN 6uLueaLO 'ldaS 081LL s.AeO aOLLOd uo Aoge3 '4da0 'lS 9b'VL saLLddnS 6uL4e.aad0 W SEZ auLLOseg E6'8Z Aolen4z)y OL' Lb 6ULgSLULd0404d g wM E£'bZ s96ae40 p.aeO 4IPa-43 LL' SZ uoL4 pnwwy ZO'8SL aeO papunodwl OS' 9 L fiqu LEI P LOueH - LpO LPaW S9'EZ 446LLPeaH 9 pOU 6uLaaa4S Jamod 00'Eb aoLn.aaS auogdaLLgoW 'l00 ZE'OLS L 4UawL'ed '400 00'69L 6UL403edsLO '4oO ZE'LOL 4uawaaa6y ''luLeW '400 OS'S6L L'ueLIPS '400 LZ' 06S L Lae LeS '400 S9'909 L A-1eLeS '100 LZ'£LL L RaeLES '400 SL'S69 L FUeLeS '400 LL'LL6 L XUeLeS '400 bL'Lb9 L RJPLeS '400 u4eH p-AO-41M '£Z s.aasueaLO alelS-NW '33 a9434euaM 4se3 10 A Q 'LZ lsu,a3 'OZ '03 L'LddnS a6ueag '6L '03 laLo,ana40 ape0se0 '8L se,a9we0 s,-40 'LL o0exal '9L sung ;o asnOH s,SrOo 'SL ,aLedaa 9 6ULmo1 s,jOLO 'bL 'O'W 'suOkI Lned 'EL o0exal 4uow4se3 s,nu0 'ZL isam4l.aoN au04aLMW 'LL swalSkS luawa,ALlaa 40 '4da0 'OL 'ldaO s,ddLUa4S '03 '00 '6 OUI 'suoLleOLunwwo0 Le.a4ua0 '8 R@sLLM uouue4S 'L z Ln4OS L9e4o LW ' 9 4seN eanU8 'S UosL.a.aeH UgOP 'ti 6LUJLA la4O '£ ULl4e3 Lae43LW 'Z Fqa LEI P LOPH *L 33 I lOd