HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/6/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PRO TEM DENNIS HENDRICKS PRESIDING JULY 6, 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Mayor Pro Tem Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember McArthur. Mayor Collings excused as absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman, Charles Zimmerman. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Maintenance Superintendent Goodman reported to Council on the status of the street projects ongoing in the city at the present time. He said the preparation for the Eleventh Street alignment project was continuing. The Grant Road illumination project was going very well, although a few additional weeks were being required to complete the illumination. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the Consent Calendar as presented and as the following items were listed. The motion carried 5-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, June 15, 1992. 2. Consideration of Minutes - Special Session, June 25, 1992. 3. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date. July 6, 1992, payment voucher numbers 12923 through 12963, in the amount of $33,605.24, are submitted to Council for approval. - 1 - - Z - ;;ouna a paleaao peq sTgl •buTdeospueT Aq Agaadoad aqq panomaa pue pabuego 'paaanoa 'paoua; 'uT paTTT; peq saauMo Alaadoad aqq 'aanaMoH •1sTxa lou pTnoM maTgoid ay1 ATaadoad PauTequTem ' uaaq peq ssaooad Tenomaa aaleM TeuTbTao aqg ;T pTes aH *halls g1ZT '3'N uo waTgoad abeuTeaP aqq paMaTAaa zamge(I aaauTbu3 AIT;) gaaagS g1ZT '3'N uo uoTgenlTs abeuTeap waogs aqq buTpaebaa gaodaa buTaaauTbua pue uoTssnosTa CO-LO-Z6 NOISsflosIa •epua6e Z66T '0Z Ainf aql uo TeAo3dde TTounoa ao; Apeaa aq TTTM meaboad uoTgegaodsueal aeaA-xTS aq-4 ao; 1sTT aqg pue uoTgnTosaa aqy •gsTT aqq uo aAT3 dog aqg uTggTM magl panow pue sanssT TeoTlTao atom aqq ;o amos pazTgTaoTad uoTssnosTP TTounoa aaggan3 •Alunoa aqq uT suTbaq maTgoad aqq aouTs ATTeToadsa 'Aqunoa seTbnoa ggTM aao;;a quTo[ e aq pTnogs lT gegl pappe aH •gsed aqq uT uMop pagoA uaaq peq goa[gns aq1 buTpaebaa puoq a PTes aawgea aaauTbu3 AlTJ •loy luamabeueH g1Mo3a aqq gbnoagq waTgoad aqq aATos oq pagepuem aq pTnoM AgTo 9141 pagou aH aingn; aleTpammT aqq UT aagogeuaM gse3 ao; AITaoTad gbTq e aq of spaau sTgl Moq pue uoTlengTs aagvm maogs aqg uo TTounoa oq aXods MoXTH aagmamTTounoo ' •ueTd aea)�-xTS agq uo AgTaoTad gbTq e aq pTnogs ge we3 gguTN puluolse uoTgoasaaluT aql palels aauuTT3 ;aTga •aangn; aql uT aoloe; a aq pTnoo gguTN pue auowgsLS le goa[oad Aue buTop aouTs passnosTp seM anssT aopTaaoa aqy •aoeTd uT aq pTnoM IOTTdogs e ATTenguana Idols Avm aaagq a Pue saueT uanl g3aT papuamwooaa uempoog •aye •guomgse3 pue gguTN le maTgoad aqg of uoTgnTos a se TTaM se 'A1TaoTad lsagbTq s,TTounoa seM guomgse3 •spaau aql ;o quamssasse s,TTounoo uo paseq gsTT AgtaoTad e uT paoeTd aaaM sanssT TenpTATpuT aqq ;o aauegaodmT aqq pue ueTd gaaagS aeaA-xTS aqy •w•d 6E:9 le pasoTo seM buTaeaq oTTgnd aqy m•d 9E:9 qe buTaeaq oTTgnd aqq pauado SNDTapuaH may old aoAPH •AgTo aqq ao; papun; aq PTnoo legg sgoeload laaags ;o buTgsTT papuamwooaa s14 PaMaTAaa ❑ewpooa luapuaquTaadnS ueTd uoTgegaodsueay ae9A xTS s,AlTa aqq baTPaebaa buTaeaq oTTgnd y ZO-90-Z6 aNIvv3H oivand 'Z66T 'aunf ;o gluow aql ao; Z66T 'Z ATnf pTed '£S'9T8'89S ;o lunome Teg01 a141 uT '690TT gbnoagq EZOTT aagonoA TToaAed anoadde saop TTounoD r and drainage problem. Also, indiscriminate draining of fluids into the system added an additional hazard. Mr. Dahmer's letter, from Forsgren Associates, P.A., to Council is as follows: "As requested by the East Wenatchee City Council, we are writing the following report on our findings of a drainage problem that exists within the Highland Hills Subdivision. BACKGROUND Highland Hills was plated in June of 1986 by Gary Noyd. The subdivision consists of 33 residential lots fronting both sides of the east end of 12th Street in East Wenatchee. The subdivision is bordered on the east by a producing orchard, the west and south by developed residential area and on the north by vacant property. All of the lots are currently developed with very attractive single family housing. The majority of the residences and lots are very well cared for. As part of the platting process, a drainage report was prepared ' by Munson Engineers which predicted the storm water runoff for a 20 year storm with a 30 minute duration. Using this data, a dry basin drainage system was designed to retain the predicted storm water runoff for said design storm. This system consisted of a series of swales constructed in a 25' drainage easement along the south side of the subdivision which would retain and slow down runoff water allowing seepage and evaporation to dispose of the water. Water generated from roof tops and driveways were to be retained on site. Runoff water from the street is collected in catch basins that discharge into the dry basin system. Each of the drainage swales were expected to hold approximately 2000 gallons of water and be designed to overflow form one to another along the drainage easement. It is our opinion that had the system been built and maintained as designed, the dry basin system would have worked effectively. However, our inspection revealed that many of the basins have not been maintained, structures have been constructed within the easement, side fences have been built which basically create small dams that do not allow the water to distribute along the basin. The four catch basins from 12th Street discharge all of the street's drainage to the rear of Lots 9 and 23 which can be a considerable amount of water. Since the basins do not flow from one to another, these two lots are heavily impacted. In short, the system was not constructed properly in many cases and has not been adequately maintained by many of the residences. - 3 - -t, - ' 'a 'N laallS g1ZT ZE8'uem?aTS aTggaa •8 •N laaslS glZT 806 'uosugor AlVW 'S 'N laalgS glZT 806 'uosagor uea0 '3'N IaailS gIZT S08 'PTaT;auag xneasanaQ •amTI a le sylbuaT 30; eaJe ay1 UT padels 3aleM aql uagM uaipTTyo 01 XsT= pue spiezeg glTeag buTpiebal suzaauoo IeuoTlTPpe passaadxa dayy •maTgoid aql 01 uoTlnTos a buTlsanbai TT0uno0 01 axods panTonuT eaie aq1 woi; suazTlTo 6uTMoTTo; ayy •paaooid 01 uagM pue Moy of se uoTIOaJTp pue uoTsToap znod ITvme TTTM aM •yloq zo dITO eql io szauMoamoy ag1 saylTa of dTlsoo aq TTTM sanTleuialTe iaglo ayl do duy 'ITam Mous pTdez pup miols e 3al;e pup buTinp ssaumO IoT 9q1 01 aOuaTuanuoouT aq sdeMTs TTTM 9Jay1 'ianaMoH '3;ouni aql aTpueq TTTM Iegl uoTlonzlsuooai amos gITM pauTeluTew dT3adoid aq ueo maisds buTlsTxa aq-4 'dsemmns uI •suoTinTos anoge eq1 ;o anTsuadxa Isom aql osTe Inq isaq ayl ie3 dq sT uoTlnTos sTgs •sanTJ aq1 01 d1TUToTn STITH pueTg6TH mio; walsds a6euTelp Maols a Ionzlsuoo of sT 'anTsuadxa Isom Inq uoTlnTos Isaq aqy •y ' •dITJ aql dq papun; dlTeTl3ed io QIZ up ybnoigl auop aq pTnoo buToueui3 •buT3(e1=apun anTsuadxa AI-TTe; le aq pinoo stool; ;;ouns ubTsap ayl aTpuey o1 qbnoua abzel s119MAJP laazls UT 6uTlonilsuo0 IuamaAed Pup xTenapTs 6uTlsTxa do buTseel alTnbai pTnoM sTgy •laazls aq-4 UT sTIaM dip 6uTl0nslsuoo dq pa0eldai aq pTnoo malsds uTseq dsp aql E •aoueualuTew panuTluoo alTnbai osTe pTnoM sTyy •uoTlonilsuoo uTeJp agl 3o Isoo ayl puels pinogs days 'oT3eu909 sTgl mos; IT;auaq pTnoM saouapTsai IenpTnTpuT ag1 aOuTS spipANoeq aTay1 azTTTln dTTn; atom of saouapTs93 MoTTe pTnoM legl adTd abeuTeap pale3o;iad 'abzeT dq paaeldai aq pTnoo suTseq abeuTeSp dip agy z •dITO ayl dq luamaozo;ua asTnbai pTnon Inq AaTO aq1 0l uoTlnTos dTlsoo IseaT ay-4 sT sTgy •aoueualuTew pue uoTlOnilsuooai aql aoio3ua of dITTTge s,dITJ aq-4 01 se daujolle s,dITO aql wo3; Iqbnos aq pTnoys uoTuTdo uy pauTeluTew dliadoad aie dagl leyl ainsse pue pau6Tsap se saleMs a6euTelp all-4 lonslsuooai saouapTsai TenpTnTpuT agl legl IsTsul T SNOIlnZOS ' Molaq palsTl se walgoid abeuTesp ay1 0l suoTlnTos Ieianas ale aiagy ' The question of who legally was obligated to resolve the problem was discussed. Councilmember Mikow said if it was the city's problem then it needed to be taken care of. Councilmember Lacy agreed, however stressed before any unnecessary legal fees were incurred, answers could be obtained through Municipal Research. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to have staff employees, Nick Wiltz and Bob Goodman, gather the supporting documents regarding the problem, give them to Councilmember Lacy. He will contact Municipal Research for a legal determination and report back to Council. The residents in the area of concern will be notified when the issue is returned to the agenda. The motion carried 5-0. RESOLUTION 92-07-01 A resolution approving a request for deferred compensation for employees of East Wenatchee Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the resolution for deferred compensation for some of East Wenatchee employees. The motion carried 5-0. RESOLUTION N0. 92-6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE APPROVING DEFERRED COMPENSATION FOR ITS EMPLOYEES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE WASHINGTON STATE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN. ORDINANCE 92-07-02 First reading of an ordinance granting a franchise to TCI Cablevision, Inc for service to the City of East Wenatchee City Attorney Zimmerman said the ordinance needed to be passed to approve the new agreement with TCI Cable. The present agreement will expire. Mayor Pro Tem read first reading. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Lacy said he had been reviewing the proposals submitted for architecture/engineering services regarding the new city hall. He said there would be a meeting of the committee and a short list should be available for Council sometime in August. ' ADJOURNMENT - 8:23 p.m. Virg is E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - 5 -