HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/25/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesF� CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING JUNE 25. 1992 1:37 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: John Flinner, Linda Countryman. COUNCIL DISCUSSION 92-06-03 To discuss the setting of limitations on the sales and use of fireworks; and, the possible passage of emergency ordinance. Ron Coombs, Douglas County Fire District #2 Fire Chief addressed the special session regarding the ban of fireworks within the East Wenatchee city limits. He said 1992 has been unseasonably dry creating a potential fire danger resulting from fireworks. Chief Coombs said an emergency ordinance could outlaw the use of fireworks within the city limits for the 1992 season. The ordinance would only prohibit the use of fireworks; the sale of fireworks would still be allowed. Douglas County had not yet made a commitment to an emergency policy on fireworks; however, Chief Coombs hoped with the City's lead, the County would follow suit. City Attorney Zimmerman said the ordinance would be a good idea due to the dry conditions. He said two permits to sell fireworks had been issued; however, the ordinance would not prohibit the sale of fireworks. Mr. Zimmerman said the ordinance would allow the ban to be lifted, at the discretion of the fire chief, if the present fire danger subside. Mr. Zimmerman explained Council had the authority to pass an emergency ordinance effective immediately. Usual effective dates and publishing times would not apply. Fireworks ordinances are normally required to be passed a year in advance. ' In response to Council questions regarding lawsuits, Mr. Zimmerman said there had been no legal action with this type of ordinance in the past. Council discussed concerns regarding fireworks from past years and agreed this year was unusual, posing greater fire dangers than in years past. - 1 - -z- X=aTO AITO Alndaa uewA3; t O •l epui'T *m, d Z0'Z - IMSHNxnOfaV •piooa.z oiTgnd 01u1 aoueuipzo ag1 ;o algTq agl pe;)J sbuzTloO soAeH SIVa 3AIZ03dd3 3SVIa3HHI NV ONIHSIgeV1S3 aNV 'Z66T Hod NOSU S A'Inr d0 Hsi 3HI Hod SHHOMaHId d0 30dVHOSIa 3HI ZI9IHOdd OZ 3a0O 'IVdIOINRH 33HObVN3M SSV3 3HI d0 06T'91'9 NOIZO3S ONION3HV A3H30HaHa AZ3dVS allia V EmidV'IO3a 'NOSONIHSVM 433HO1VN3M SSV3 30 ASIO alll 30 3ONVNIGHO NV 9-Z6 'ON 3ONVNIGHO '0-£ 'PaTJJED uotlow agy •uoseas ATnr ;o g1anod Z66T aq1 Jo; sltwil Alto agl uigliM sXioMast; ;o asn aq1 buiuueq 'aagoleuaM 1se3 ;o A1TO aq1 so; aoueuipio Aouabiawa up ssed o1 gseN iagwawliounoo Aq puooes 'ingliVoH TagwawliounoO Aq apew seM uoilow V TuoZloV TiounoO •saapua;;o alpueg of alge aq pTnoM 1uawlzedaa aoilod aq1 'siaoi;;o aAiasaz ;o aouelsTsse aq1 gITM pies .zauuiTd ;algO •aoueuip3o aq1 ;0 luawaoio;ua ag1 lnoge paxse gseN sagwauwliounoO •suozssnoiadai algissod ;o aieMe seM ITounoo se buol se aoueuzpao ag1 ;o zone; UT seM ag ptes MOXTH 'zH •sAeldsip oTlgnd jo; ldaoxa uolbuxgseM ;o alels aq1 uz sagla60lTe sxzoMaii; buiuueq pa3one; suozuid0 a3uajajuoD OMV aq1 wos; sxaoMazt; 5uEpse6ai uoilewao;ut paJugs MoXZH aagwawTtounoO •panssi uaaq peq goTgM sgTwzad oM1 aql ;o asneoeq IT 1SUTe6e pa1oA aneq pTnoM aqs 'sXjomajT3 ;o ales aq1 pauueq osle aoueuiplo aql peq 'ianaMoq !aousuipso a141 go lone; UT seM ags pies 1ngliVoH 3agwawlzounoO Z66T 'SZ 3Nnf ONIS33H 'IIONnOO 'IVI03dS 33HOIN3M ISV3 30 7,113