HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/15/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON
JUNE 15. 1992
6:30 P.M.
(This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for
a period of six years from the date of the meeting.)
Councilmembers Present: Mayor Pro Tem Hendricks, Councilmember
Nash, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember
McArthur. Mayor Collings excused as absent.
Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Bob Goodman,
Nick Wiltz, Linda Countryman, Gil Sparks.
Superintendent Goodman advised Council on the status of the
underground storage tanks. He said the city was required to
remove them. there were four, two in the park and two at the
shops; they were now empty; and the staff could do most of the
required digging in preparation of the removal. Hr. Goodman said
this would require some engineering as the project needed to be
certified correct with documentation. He added a local firm
could do the work. He anticipated the costs to be approximately
sixty-seven hundred dollars. Council agreed by consensus to the
removal of the gasoline storage tanks.
Mr. Goodman reported on the Eleventh Street alignment project.
He said the engineering portion was complete; the intent was to
bury some perforated pipe to help with water runoff which could
also help some of the problem on Twelfth Street. He added the
P.U.D. pole would cost about fifteen thousand and drainage thirty
thousand. The entire project would be about eighty nine thousand
and budgeted.
Council Action: A motion was made
second by Councilmember Mikow to
alignment project. The motion carried
by Councilmember McArthur,
approve the llth Street
- 1 -
'TTounoO of aa11aT
buTMoTTO; aql pe93 aagoleuaM lse3 '19 g1ZT 806 'uosugor uea0
ueTd uOTlelaodsuea,y aeaA
xTS aagoleuaM lse3 30 A1TO aql buTpiebai buTaeaq
OTTgnd a ao; aleP aq1 se Z661 49 ATnr buT110S '6 ZO-90-Z6
S-Z6 'ON HOIlnrlOS2H
loV luamabeueH 41no10
aq1 of luensind 'sueTd aATsuagaadmoo ;o luamdOTanaP
aql 01 buTleTaa saToTTod buTldope u0TlnTosaa V '£ TO-90-Z6
'68'LSO'9S 30 lunome
aq1 uT Z66T IS aunr pTed LL60T gbnoagl 0L60T saagmnu iagonOA
TToiAed OATloeoalaa 4uamliedea aoTTod sanoadde osTe TTounoO
aaaM 1+L601 pue '6960T 48960T saagmnu aagonOA TToaAed 'Z66T AuR
;o gluOu aq1 so; Z66T IS aunr pTed 484'LZ8'0LS 3o lunome Telol
aq1 uT 1900TI gbnoagl SL60T aagonoA TToaAed anoadde saop TTounoO
'TeAoadde ao; TTounoO
Ol pallTmgns aae '69'6Z9'STS ;o lunome aql uT 'ZZ6ZT gbnoagl
LL8ZT saagmnu a9gon0A 4uawAed 'Z66T 'ST aunr 'alep sTgl 3o sV
'TTounoo o1 aTgeTTene opera uaaq seq goTgM buT19TT
e uo papaooaa uaaq aneq 4060'4Z'ZV MOH Aq peaTnbea Be P0T;T1aa0
smTeTo luamasangmTea asuadxa asogl pue '090*VZ,Zt Moll Aq PaaTnbaa
se aaOT;;o buTlTPne aq1 Aq PaT;Tlaao pue palTpne saagonOA
sTTT9 3o u0Tlea0PTsU0O 'Z
Z66T IT aunr 'uoTssaS aeTnbaH - salnuTH ;o uoTlsaaPTsuoO •T
'0-9 PaTaaeo
uoTlom 041 'P81sTT aaaM 9291T buTMOTTo; aql Be pus paluasaad
Be aepuaTeO 1ua9uoJ aql anoadde of AoeZ aagmamTTounoO Aq
' puooas 'MoKTH aagmamTTounoO Aq ape® seM uOTlom V IuoTloV TT3un0O
Hv(lK3'IV3 iN3SH0O
"We are concerned about the street drainage on the upper part of
12th Street NE. All of the houses on the south side of the
street were developed with backyard easements that contain
drainage ditches. There are, in conjunction with the
aforementioned ditches, seven street gutters that feed into
certain of the backyards on the south side. It is our contention
that these ditches are a health hazard, difficult at best, if
even possible to maintain.
The homes that have the water diverted into the back yards have
long periods of standing water two to three feet deep. It
becomes like a magnet, an attractive nuisance, to not only the
many neighborhood children, but to their visitors as well. It is
impossible to baby sit back yards to the extend of avoiding
accidental drownings. It can be a tragic situation, as well as
one of liability, ours and the City of East Wenatchee's.
Furthermore, oil, anti -freeze, paint, perhaps even pesticides
have bee piped into several backyards. Every time these ditches
fill, these toxic chemicals surface, even after two to three
years. At this point, it may have to be pursued by the Federal
Environmental Protection Agency.
' We are concerned that to consistently monitor and consequently
clean up foreign chemicals, etc., being dumped into these
backyard ditches is not possible.
This problem isn't confined to 12th Street NE. In times of high
water fill, certain residences on llth Street NE also have been
flooded out.
We, therefore, propose that the water be curbed at the street as
it is in the lower half of 12th Street NE. Both Bob Goodman and
Nick Wiltz with the Planning Department have been contacted
regarding this.
We request to be put on the agenda at the next City Council
meeting, June 15th."
The letter was signed by the following residents,
Devereaux and Priscilla Benefield, 808 12th Street NE
Chris and Belinda Hartmann, 824 12th Street NE
Samir and Debbie Sleiman, 832 12th Street NE
Greg and Karen Bruggman, 900 12th Street NE
Dean and Hary Johnson, 908 12th Street NE
' Debbie Sleiman, 832 12th Street NE, addressed her concerns
because of deep water frequently standing in her backyard.
- 3 -
- 4 -
aaanseaay/Kaaio AITo
goTaalsao '3 eTuftbaTA
m' d £Z' L - ZNEKKu bray
'paaapTsuoo 6uTaq gem ST
ATnr ;o aleP aql 'saTTTma; pue TTounoo ';;els 41TM oTuoTd A1To
aTgTssod a pauoTluam peg sbuTTToo aoAeH 1e41 PaPPe 9XDTapuaH 'aH
'gZ aunr uo xaed Alunoo luomises le 'm'd q of 'm'e TT moa; P104
aq of Ogg uomTeS aadns aagoleuaM Iseg aq1 lnoge auoAaana papuTmaa
osTe aH 'aoaaamoo ;o aagmego a41 gbnoagl 0Z aunr ao; paTnpegos
dnueeTo AengbT4 ag1 ;o TTounoo papuTmaa sXDTapuaH may oad aoAeH
•A1Tunmmoo a41 uT spaau
TenbuTTTq buTZTubooaa pue 'sluapn1s uo buTanoo; spaemOl sdals
aATITsod :maeTsnglua se gong sbuTgl poob no4s sbuTlaem aql Pies
aH 'TTounoo saTe;;y oTuedsTH agl uo palaodaa AoeZ aagmamTTounoo
'ATTeToueuT; 6uTpnTouT
' 'paATonuT amooaq o1 aAe4 pTnon AITo ag1 aanln; a41 uT amTlamos
pue uoTleooT a ao; uoTleaapTsuoo a gem laaIIS 416T uo Alaadoad
Alunoo a41 pappe aH '9191e9g1 9T11TT pue aaluao slae 6uTmao;sad
e ao; Apeaa gem AaTTEA aql pies aH •passaappe buTaq lou pue Teaa
aaan spaau asagl legl ua90uo0 sT4 passaadxa mOXTH 'aH AgTunmmoo
841 uT spaau le buTxooT aallTmmoo a44 vo sem a4 le41 buTlou
TTounoo slay paTTTy aql uo laodaa a aneb mOXTH aagmaWITounoo
szzvaa1 QNy sisodsu ZIONnoo
'baTlaam TTounoo Ixau aql of 'buTaaauTbua
44Tm buTlinsu00 sal;e 'suoTlnTos aTgTssod buTaq uempoog
•aH ane4 of snsuasuoo Aq paaabe TTounoo •slueuTmeluoo ajgTssod
941 buTpaebaa AboToog ;o luamlaeda4 e41 loeluoo of BU92TITo
a41 p99TApe sKOTapuaH may oad aoAeH 'anssT 941 01 uoTlnTosaa
e 4ITm dTaq buTaaauTbua buTAeg palsabbns pue paeZeg TeTlualod
e aq of paaeadde 4T pies aH •uoTlnTos a ;o paouTAuoo lou
gem 41an9no4 'maTgoad agl paZTuboaaa aq pies AoeZ aagmamTTounoo
'Iegmamos dTaq pTnogs laaals
g1TT le buTdTd aql lTa; aH maTgoad AITo a Mou gem maTgoad
ag1 pue anssT 041 41Tm 90uelsTsse ao; aaauTbua a41 paloeluoo pe4
AITo a41 legl pauTeTdxa 'juapuajuTaadnS 90ueu9luTeH 'uemp000 •aH
' 'maTgoad aq1 aATosaa pTnogs AITo a41 Moq pue :pa65nTd buTaq sadTd pue suTeap a41 :sagolTP a41 o1uT buTdaas pue podmnp 6uTaq
slueuTmeluoo pue ITo a41 buTlou uoTlenlTs a41 pQssno9TP TTounoo