HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/7/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutesr CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING JUNE 7, 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Lacy, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Nash arrived at 6:35 p.m. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Stuart Campbell, Linda Countryman, Chuck Zimmerman, Rick Walk. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE REQUEST Rob Mauch, 715 Valley Mall Pkwy, requested the use of the city park for square dancing on Sunday afternoons. Mr. Mauch said he would pay a ten dollar fee for the use of electricity and submit a certificate of insurance listing the City of East Wenatchee as the additional insured. Councilmember Hendricks asked if there would be any traffic or crowd control problems. Chief Flinner said he did not anticipate any such problems. Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said the square dancing would bring more families into the city park. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the request to use the city park for square dancing on Sunday afternoons. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Department Chief Flinner said the East Wenatchee Police Department had received its accreditation at the meeting of the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs. Chief Flinner, Mayor Collings and Lieutenant Harrison were in attendance and accepted the plaque with Chief Flinner showed to Council. - 1 - - Z - ' sloa(ozd laazls aqg azilizoTzd 01 TTounoo paxse uewpooE) IN sagewTgsa ISOO Mau glTM gspd aq1 woz; pieMso3 patzzeo uaaq peq swalt 9q1 ;o AUEm pies aH T ATnf Aq uoTgpgzodsupzy 3o guawlzedaa aqg of pall?wgns aq pTnogs ISTT AgT30Tzd p pies Upmp005 *IN •TpAoidde TTounoo zo3 upTd uozlEl=odsue.TL z129A XTS aqg paguasazd uewpoog guapualuizadnS la ails 9NIUVSH OI78na 'E66T 'AeH 3o gguom aql zo; 'E66T IS aunf peed 'Z8'SLS48LS 30 lunome Telol aqI ut 6L69TT gbnoigl 009TT szagwnu sagonoA TTozAed anoidde saop TiounoD •papioA seM L09Z zagwnu zagonoA guamAed •TeAoiddE zo3 TTounoo 0g p91l?mgns azp 4S9.6T9'S£S 3o Iunowp aql ui 'TS9Z gbnoigl 409Z szagwnu sagonoA 1uamAed 'E66T 'L aunf 'agep stgl 3o sV •TTaunoj of aTgeTTPAe appm uaaq spq gDTgM bUTISIT a uo papzooaz uaaq anpq 4060'6Z'Zb Mali Aq paT3tliao swTETo guawaszngwtaz asuadxa asogl pup 1080'6Z'Z5 mou Aq pazinbaz Sp zaot;;o bUTgTpne aqg Aq paTjTgaao pup paaTpne szagonOA ueTd uotgegzodsupzy zeaA xiS 866T-E66T guasazd aqg buipuawe buipzebaz butzpaq OTTgnd agl 109 alep sp E66T 'TZ aunf IaS '£ SITTe 3o uoTlpzaplsuoa •Z E66T 'LT AeH 'uoissaS zeTnbau - salnuiH 3o uoilpzapisuoD •T '0-S 'ATsnowTupun paTzzpo u01g0m aq1 pagsTT azaM swalT 5UTMoTTo; 9q1 se pup 'paguasazd SIR zppuaTpO guasuo0 aqg anozddp 01 mOXTH zagwawlTounoD Aq puooes 'Aoei zagwawTTounoD Aq appw seM uotlow y iuoFgoy TTounoz) •iTEg AITo Mau aqg zo3 aouptzeA pup gTwzad asn TeuoigTpuoo aql panozddp ppq luamisn�py ;o pzpoe aagogeuaM ISeg aqg pies TTagdwe0 . IN '4661 30 butzdS aqg aq pTnoo loalozd aq1 3o alep butlzegs aqg pees TTagdweo zH •szeTTop puesnogg aAT;-AIUaAaS pazpunq auo ATalpwtxozddp aq pTnoM loalozd aqg zo; uotgzod s,AITD aqy •butpun; dlS aql woz; saaupTeq guejb agg ;o uotlzod p zo3 Apd of paazbp ppq Agunoo seTbnoQ pup sialewpzed luezb uo uotgplzodsupzy ;o guawlzEdea alelS uogbuTgseM aqg g1TM butxzoM uaaq spq aH luezb guplzodwT gaazgS gJUTN 9q1 ;o ssazbozd aqg uo pagzodaz TTagdmeo zauueTd AITO guamgzpdap buiuueTa In response to questions from Councilmember Hendricks, Mr. Goodman said the Eastmont project could be worked on this year ' and there was enough room for bike lanes without purchasing additional right-of-way property. In response to a question from Councilmember Lacy, Mr. Goodman said the following projects were budgeted for 1993: Eastmont Avenue, Eleventh Street storm drain extension. Ninth and Valley Mall Parkway Signal, Devon Street, and Third Street to Eastmont Avenue. The approximate cost of the projects is five hundred thousand dollars. Councilmember Lacy asked if there had been any storm damage to Third Street that would affect the developer's progress. Mr. Goodman said there had only been minimal damage to Third Street, however most of the storm damage was on Tenth, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Streets. Mayor Collings opened the public hearing at 6:52 p.m. Neil Slaughter, East Wenatchee, asked what the City's plans were regarding storm damage to the area of Tenth Street and James Avenue. Mr. Goodman said that the location was outside the city limits and referred Mr. Slaughter to Douglas County. Dan Barr, Wenatchee Valley Mall, asked for clarification on the ' ranking projects. Mr. Goodman said the projects were prioritized by urgency. Mayor Collings closed the public hearing at 6:55 p.m. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to accept the Six Year Transportation Plan as presented and prioritized. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. PRESENTATIONS Eastern Washington University Urban and Regional Department The results of a study of the Greater East Wenatchee Area were presented by Eastern Washington University students. Graduate Student Dave Forte said the project included a draft comprehensive plan for the Greater East Wenatchee region. Mr. Forte said the study included such elements as current land use; the redevelopment and current land use; traffic circulation; and commercial and economic viability. Several undergraduate students spoke on areas of the study: Megan Hein reported on environmental concerns, such as depth of bedrock, shrink swell, septic tanks, and slopes. Ms. Hein said any new major housing developments should have sewer lines instead of septic tanks. she said a large number of the septic tanks could run a high risk of affecting the aquafirm and the Columbia River. - 3 - pup passaappp aq pTnom swaTgoid abpuTpzp TeTlualod pTes TTOJQ •=W •baT14TTds pup 6uTTTT=P gbno.zgl panowai aq of anpq pTnom siapinoq abTpl pup ainlonils palenaTa ue aq pTnoM TTP31 T9ATJ agl ;o 1.Ted pTes TToi4 1W •paaooid 01 19PJO UT gIPTM TTeSI aql Uo UOTST09p a papaau aq pup SIVTTop pussnogl Aluaml ATalewTxojdde aq pTnoM aoua.Ta;;Tp lsoo aqy •papnTOUT Diem g1pTM TTp=1 100; aATaM1 pup ual a gloq .TO; salewTlsa IsOO pTes TTo a •ayt •MaTAai s,TTounoo .To; salewTlsa lsoo paingTilsTp 'salpTOossy pue UTejaagwpga •S 'TTOaG qog 'IT AeW Uo paATDOaJ uaaq peg a3upOT;TU6TsuOU ;o UOTleuTUlJalap p pue pallTwgns ueaq ppq luawalpls loedwT Teluawao.TTAaa aq1 pTes aqs •,zagwaldaS uT uTbaq pTnogs uoTlonzlsuoo pup ATnr UT Apeaz aq pTnogs S10e31uo0 3aAamOH •putgaq sgluow Oml ATalewTxoadde SEM 13aCoid aq1 pTes UasTp -ski •Aliadoid suoseas .Tnog aq1 go luawdoTanap aq1 bUTp.Tebai SUTKUar anea g1Tm UOTssnOSTp SeM azagl pTes aqs •UOT1e1.Todsue.zy ;o luawliedea pup suoseas ino3 aql g1Tm pazealo aq 01 papaau TTT19 Aem-;o-lgbTi aql pup palnoaxa aq of peq TTT1s Alunoa pup AITJ ag1 ueemlaq luawaea5p up pTes agS •0E sagwaldaS Aq palebTTgo aq of ppq spun; aql pTes uasTp •sH •TTounoo of uoTlpWJo;uT alppdn TTp31 PaingT3lsTP laoleuTpj000 1DaCoid 'uasTp Ja;Tuuar alepdfl TTPJI 19ATE aagDleUaM lspg •5UTlaaw Apnls aq1 go 11115 lxau Dql slTneei aql aapgs 01 UOTSSTwzad s,TTounoa paxsp 1e pup ' uoTleluasaid 3Tagl iO; sluapnls agl paxuegl TTagdmPD sauupTd AITD •laasls g3ua.T3 sp gOns A1TO 9q1 ;o SUOTJOas JapTO zo; sluawaouequa pup sluawaouegua ssauTsnq umolumop ao; suoTlsa66ns g1Tm TTounoo ao; Apnls aq1 paddpoa.T %popped •iW pup uTaH •sH •buTNTq pup 'buTbboC 45UTNTPM zo; eaJv JuTndod p Aa9A sT 1I 'walsAs Teueo aq1 3o luawdoTanap JO; TeTlualod snopuawail spm aiagl pTes paag 3W •ea.Ty aag0leUaM 1sp3 aql zo; sluawaOuequa TVUOTlpa.TDai pagTJOsap paag ppiS •passnosTp seM ❑OTsuedxa Aemgbtq pasodozd SUOT1eliodsuleal ;o luawlledaQ aq-4 ;o loedwT agy •pagaodai osTe Diem saT1TTT1n pup uoTleTnozTD •sealp TeTluapTsaj pup Tulo.Tawwoo Mau Jo; 1no pasegd aq sp.Tegoao glmoib .TapTo palsab6ns aH gBTq Allunsnun TIP Diem 4(%6) pueT lueDen pup '(%T) DDT;;O •(%ET) TpTolawwoo jo; asn ;o sabeluaojad aql pTes KDopppd JR •TeinlTnOT.zbe pup 1eTOlaww00 se qons sasn PULT paliegD KDopped aaq •ainln; aql UT pa.Tp aagaleuaM lies aq1 UT JaMas pup 'samod '.Talem sp gDns saDTAsas OTTgnd buTsnoq .To; paau aalpa.z6 p aq pTnom ajagl palsab6ns sOTlsTlpls uoTleTndod ' pTes aH •aan1n; aq1 so; u.Talled glmoib p 1DTpaad pup 'umoib ppq 1T MOq lUOTSTAD3 aql a30;aq SeM UOTlejndod ag1 legM gSTTg21Sa o1 aq pTnom 'uoTsTAaT UPId aATsuaga.Tdwoo a .To; luTod 6UT1.Tels OTspq agl pTes aH 'UOTlewso;UT snsuao lnoge sapTTs pamogs STndjnS uoser resolved in the final trail design. Gabian walls would probably be used to promote drainage. ' Mr Droll said security under the Columbia River Bridge had been discussed. A chain link fence=against the abutment to deter climbing had been suggested, however, the cost of the fence was not included in the cost estimate. Ms. Olsen reviewed the funding amount for Council. Three hundred fifty thousand dollars had been received from the Department of Transportation and ninety-three thousand from the Transportation Improvement Board for a total of four hundred forty-three thousand dollars in grant monies. The City's portion would be approximately ninety-five thousand dollars. Council briefly discussed the trail width options. Council Actiont A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve a twelve foot paved trail width with one foot shoulders for the East Wenatchee Riverfront Trail. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Hendricks said LINK would be meeting June 8 to review a telephone survey and he would report back to Council on the results. He said the SWAG committee had been dissolved ' because of the county split, however, the regional committee would continue to meet. Councilmember Mikow asked that storm water treatment be put on the June 21 agenda for discussion and possible Council action. He would like to see the City become involved in the storm drainage study being conducted by the County. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Collings said information on nominations and resolution updates for the Association of Washington Cities was included with Council packets. She asked Council to review and let her know of any concerns or suggestions. Mayor Collings said the annual Eastside Funfest would be held June 19 from 5:00-9:00 p.m. at Eastmont County Park. The en=vent is co -sponsored by the City of East Wenatchee, the East Wenatchee Chamber, and the Wenatchee Area Visitor and Convention Bureau. She said food would be provided by the Kiwanis and entertainment would include the East Wenatchee D.A.R.E. officer and the K-9 unit. Mayor Collings said final bid information for the new city hall would be completed June 15 and the project would go to bid the end of the month. Groundbreaking would be in August. - 5 - - 9 - a9ansea2y/XaQT3 AIT3 MOT934990 •3 vTu =TA 'm'd 40°6 - LKZNNNRorav '0-5 'ATsnomTueun paTaaeo uoTlom aqy 'AITO aq1 Aq pauMo sT goFgM AeMKied TTeH AaTTeA uo 401 buTXjed aq1 aTes ao; 'asTlIanpe 01 gseN aagmamTTounoo Aq puooas 'sxoTipuaH 3agmawlTouno0 Aq apem gem uoTlom V IUOTIOV TTounoo 'm'd 05°8 - pauanuooad 'm'd 04°8 - PavanuoD ' •A13adoid bvipiebaa uoiSsaS aATjnoax3 alnuTm vat a paovnouue sbuiTTOD aOAeH Agjadoid - NOISS3S 3AIInJ3%3 I"