HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/18/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING MAY 18. 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Gil Sparks, Linda Countryman, Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Jerry Litt. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, May 4, 1992. 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers required audited and certified by by RCW 42.24.080, and those the auditing officer as expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 10925 through 19966 in the total amount of $68,888.13, paid May 05, 1992 for the month of April, 1992. As of this date. May 18 1992. payment voucher numbers 12784 through 12827. in the amount of $19,171.49. are submitted to Council for approval. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. The motion carried 5-0. CITY HALL REPORT Councilmember Lacy made the following motion to amend and expand the duties of the City Hall Committee: 1. That the Committee previously selected by the Council and presently engaged in deliberations relative to recommendations concerning a new East ' Wenatchee City Hall be made a standing committee for the duration of all phases of the City Hall project with the authority to work directly with any professionals chosen by Council to render services in connection with that project subject to actual negotiation and hiring following Council selection. - 1 - I•meal a se KsoM of ssaauTbua pue 9I0alT40ae so; TaOTdd1 asap suOTIVOTTdde 1TMIad pTes 13TZ ds3ar sauueTd dlTO •saglabol paKsoM dTsnoTnasd aneq pTnOM palOaTas meal a741 'ual;o !meal a Be XJOM of sSaauTbuo pue 9l09lTg338 30; aOTlovad uommo0 a gem IT pTes 'salETOossy pus suasbssog 'samgea qos 'Idaouoo meal saouTbua/IoalTgOse 8141 ;o d1TTTgTledmoo aq1 buTpsebas 'a8llTmmO3 TTeq d1TO aql 3o sagmam e OsTe 'uempoo0 IuopualuTsadns mos; uOTlsanb a o1 asuodsas ui •ssaauT6va ;o uOTIOaTas 91T ylTn msT; TejngO81Tg03e ue buTsn gem IOTsIsTP asT; agy •uOTlels asT; Mau aql ;0 uOTlonslsuoo aql uTbaq of ssaoosd awes aq1 g6nosgl buT06 dTluasasd gem 4zT2lsTP asT; aql pTes OH •ldoouoo meal loa(osd aql gITA paasbe 'aallTmmOO TTeq dITO 0q1 ;o sagmam a 4z1TTM saOT;;O aoueTTdmoO apoo •suOTleOT;TTenb ;o ssallaT Mau ITmgnsas sTesodosd pallTmgns aneq gOTgn 963T; palsabbns doe-1 •sH •meal loaGosd a loajas 01 dITTTgTsuodsas s,TTounoo aq uagl pTnon II •suOTleOT;TTenb ;o ssallaT aql mos; TTounoO o1 suoTlepuammooas aKe■ pTnon aallTmmoO TTeq dITO aq1 Pies doeZ sagmamTTounoa •panTaoas ueaq dpeasTe peg MOTMM sTesodosd ;o uOTITsodsTp aq1 lnoge paxse osle aqs •meal paT;TTenb a bolas of aOTlsadxa aql aneq lou dem ;;els pue TTounoO legl usaouoo e pappe sbuTTT03 sodeH •suOTleOT;TTenb aq1 mos3 lueoTTdde ue buTsoogO so; OTgTsuodsas aq pTnon oqn paKse sbuTTToO TOAeH •suOTleOT;TTenb ;o ssallOT ITmgns 01 A1Tunl3oddo aq-4 uaeTb aq pTnoM smsT; palsasaluT TTe pTes doeZ saqueETTounoo 1oa�osd TTeq d1TO aql uo msT; buTsaauTbua luasasd 9,dlT3 aql asn of OTgTsea; aq PTnoM IT ;T paKse snglsvoH sagmamTTounoo •sTgl gsTTdm000e of pasTnbas aq pTnon meal TeuOTssa;osd a pue IuTsdanTq 01 dTlOasTp ob pTnoM 1eg1 Tenosdde TeuT; s,TTounoo so; suOTleOT;Toads 1Tmgns of pTnoM aallTmmoO aqy •ssaoosd 8141 UT panTonuT dels 01 pagsTM aallTmmOO aql eaallTmmoO aql 19Tsse 01 meal Tesn2OalTgO1e/buTsaauTbua ue buTsTq papuammooas doeZ •sH dTaq TeuOTssa;osd so; amTl aql pag0POI peq IT ITa; Mou aallTmmoO aql •a1Ts I9a319 gIuTH aql uo buTlesluaOuOO gem pue sazTs UT 1aa; asenbs puesnogl dluaMl of uaal;T; buTPTTnq a 6uTsapT9uOD seM aallTmmOO aql pTes doeZ sagmamTTOunoo •aoTlou pTes 10 uOT1e0TTgnd buTMOTTO; buTlaam TTOunoD puooas aq1 le auOT1eOT;TTenb ;o sluemalels uallTsn ;o TellTmgns uo dTuo paseq suOTleluasasd Teso 1noglTn TTounoo dq uasogo aq 01 sTeuoTssa;osd ;o meal pTes 'IoalTgOse ue Pule saauTbua ue ;o buTlsTsuoo meal 1Oa�osd a ;o uOTlOaTas aq1 so; 90Tlou ;o uOTIEOTTgnd aq1 azTsoglne TTounoo legy z F, In answer to a question from Mayor Collings, Councilmember Lacy said the project team chosen would be expected to remain with the City throughout the city hall project. This would be subject to terms of cost and contract negotiations. Councilmember Lacy added the committee would not have authority regarding contracts. This would be the Mayor's responsibility. The city hall committee would only act in an advisory roll. Council Actions A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to amend and expand the duties of the city hall committee. The motion carried, 5-0. PRESENTATION Skillings and Chamberlain - Stormwater Drainage Steve Chamberlain and Perry Shea, of Skillings and Chamberlain, Inc., made a presentation on stormwater drainage and transportation. Mr. Shea described his firm's transportation consulting services. Skillings and Chamberlain assist agencies, which do not have the necessary staff or expertise. The company works on a retainer contract basis. ' Mr. Chamberlain described stormwater and utilities drainage concerns. He said stormwater drainage was less of a concern on the east side of Washington state, however, state and federal laws were demanding municipalities begin dealing with the problem on both the management level and the control level. Stormwater drainage becomes a utility like water and sewer. Hr. Chamberlain said the next step for the City of East Wenatchee should be public education. City Planner Jerry Litt said the City had begun public education; an extensive study of stormwater drainage systems was completed with the Department of Ecology in 1981. However, the public had not shown a lot of support at this time. Douglas County also had designs for stormwater drainage qualifications. ORDINANCE In response to Council questions regarding the Resource Lands Ordinances, City Planner Litt said the ordinances were designed to comply with the state mandated Growth Management Act. The ordinances were essentially the same as SEPA; the City would have a policy and criteria to follow the ordinance. 92-04-03 Second reading of and ordinance adopting a Resource Lands and Critical Areas Policy Plan ' Council Actions A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the ordinance adopting a Resource Lands and Critical Areas Policy Plan as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. 3 - iI '0-9 'PaT33eo uoTgom agy •ATuo Z66T 3eaA agg 309 4Z66T '0E AeH og 'sAep AWTgg auTTpeap u0Tge0TTdde puegs sx30M93TJ aq-4 puagxa og sx0T3pu0H 3agm9mTTounoO Aq puooas 'AoeZ 3agmamTTounoO Aq apem seM uoTgom V IuoTIDV TToun03 •apoo agg ;o uoTleuTm3agap sTq uo poseq apem aq pjnoo uoTgdaoxa up 3ananoq 'gueg3odmT AaaA aq pTnoM sdno3b 3ag4o ggTn AouagsTsuoo pTes sK3edg AouzoggV AITO 'auTTpeap 0£ TT3dV agg aneb 40T4A apoo TedToTunH aagogeuaM g9e3 aq-4 903; apoo puegs sx3ona3T; agg panaTAa3 goTa3gsa0 K3aT0 '0E TT3dV ;o auTTpeap aqg aao;aq paATaoa3 you seM U0Tge0TTdde Z66T 9,u0TgezTue630 aqg '3ananoH •goT 6uTX3ed s,Aa3ggng agg uT s3eaA Te3an09 3o; spuegs peg seg uoTgeToossV AaxooH 3nagemV aagogeuaM agy •ssaoo3d puegs 93[3ona3T; aqg og uoTgdaoxa ue 3o; TTounoO paHse 'uoTgeToossV AaX30H 3nagemV aagogeuaM agg ;o 'megbuTuunO TITS SLKZHH03 KSZILI3 ' '3ZVa 3AI133d33 NV ONISS3S aNV 3snvgD AZIZIgVH3A3S V ONINIVSN00 'Vd3S H3aN❑ ASIHOHInV 3AISNVSSgnS 3aIAOHd OS 30NVNIQHO Vd3S ASIO 3HZ ONIQNSHV 'SV3HV ZVOIIIHO SO NOI133101dd 3HZ H03 'VOL'9E H3SdVH0 'Lay ZN3H3OVNVH HSMOHO 3HS H3aNn SZx3H3HIn83H 3HZ SSN3H3ZdHI H3HSHn3 H3IHM aNV 33HDIVN3M SSV3 30 AZIO 3HZ NIHSIM SV3HV ZV3I1IHO d0 HOIIVZnO3H aNV SN3H30VHVH HIUSINI 3HZ H03 3a00 ZVdI3INRH 33H3SVN3M ZSV3 3HS OS ZT'ST H3SdVH3 M3H V ONIZdoaV 'NOSONIHSVM '33HOSVN3M ISVE 30 ASIO 3HZ 30 30NVNIQHO xV S-Z6 'ON 3ONVNIOHO '0-S 'paT33eo uoTgom aqy •paguasaad se aagogeuaM gse3 UTg1TM sea3V TeoTIT30 ;o uoTgetnba3 pup guamabeuem 3o; ZT'ST 3agdego Mau a buTgdope aoveuTp=o aqg anoadde og AoeZ 3agm8mTTounoO Aq puooas 'MoKTH 3agmamTTouno3 Aq apem seM uoTgom V luOT40V TTounoo aagogeuaM gse3 uTggTM sea3V TeoTgT30 ;o uoTgeTn5a3 pup guamabeuem 30; ZT•ST 3agdego Mau a buTgdope aoueuTp3o up 30 6uTpea3 PU009S to-40-Z6 'SNOIZVZnoau ZN3HdOZ3A3a - SV3HV IVOIZIHO ' aNV SQNVZ 30Hnossa ZVHnSVN '090'V0L'9£ Mou 'ZOV SN3H3OVHVH HIMOHO 31VIS NOZONIHSVM 3HL OZ ZNVnSHnd 'NVZd AOIZOd SV3HV ZVOILIHO aNV SONVZ 308nOS3H V ONIidOaV NOZONIHSVM '33H3ZVN3M SSV3 30 &IIO 3HS 30 30NVNIQHO NV 4-Z6 'ON 33NVNIaHO F_ Susan Barker, Wenatchee Area Visitor and Convention Bureau, reported on the Bureau's first quarter for 1992. The Bureau had ' increases each month of the quarter; meeting and event bookings were over thirty-two compared to this time last year. She added the 1992 visitor guide would be available June 1 and statewide distribution of Wenatchee area tourist information would begin soon. Hs. Barker said plans for the Super Salmon Barbeque on June 20 were going well; radio station KBA would be promoting the event, and Jennifer Olsen, Douglas County Parks, would be in charge of games. The location for the barbeque was Douglas County Park and the time it a.m. to 4 P.M. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Hendricks reminded Council of the hazardous waste drop-off program at Lee School June 13. Mr. Hendricks also updated Council on his recycling research noting a grant for a large recycling bin was available from SWAC for sixty-five percent of the bin's cost. The City's portion could be as much as fifteen hundred dollars. Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said this expense was unbudgeted and suggested including the cost of recycling in the 1993 budget process. ' Council agreed by consensus for Councilmember Hendricks to continue gathering further information regarding recycling ideas. ADJOURNMENT - Bs15 p.m. V_irgi6la E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - 5 -