HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/4/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes224 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING MAY 4, 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Charles Zimmerman, Linda Countryman, Virginia Oestreich, John Flinner, Jerry Litt. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Department Police Chief Flinner reported on the events of the Apple Blossom festival. He said it had been quiet for Apple Blossom; like a typical week -end; Chief Flinner added seven Washington State Patrol officers had volunteered to assist with the Classy Chassis Parade. Mayor Collings and the Council thanked Chief Flinner and the Police Department for a job well done. Councilmember Hendricks complimented the department for its fine teamwork. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, April 20, 1992. 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, May 4 1992, payment voucher numbers 12752 through 12783, in the amount of $134,742.88, are submitted -to Council for approval. 1 1 - 1 - 225 3. 92-04-03 A resolution appointing a member to the Chelan ' Douglas Solid Waste Advisory Committee 4. 92-04-02 Fireworks stand application for United Pentecostal Church Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. The motion carried 5-0. RESOLUTION 92-4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CHELAN-DOUGLAS SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ORDINANCE 92-04-03 5. First reading of an ordinance adopting a Resource Lands and Critical Areas Policy Plan 92-04-04 6. First reading of an ordinance adopting a new chapter 18.12 for management and regulation of Critical Areas within East Wenatchee City Planner Jerry Litt spoke to Council regarding the two ' ordinances. The ordinance adopting a Resource Lands and Critical Areas Policy Plan addresses mineral resource lands and critical areas such as wildlife habitats and flood plains. Mr. Litt said the policy plan was the result of a citizens' advisory committee. Tery McKee had represented the City of East Wenatchee as a councilmember. The ordinance adopting a new chapter 18.12 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code implements the policy plan. Council asked several questions of Mr. Litt including the location of geographic hazard areas such as slopes and earthquake fault areas within the City limits. Mr. Litt said there were no hazard areas located within the City at this time. Mayor Collings read first reading of each ordinance. CITIZEN COMMENTS Kathy Brawley, representing the AWARE Recycling Group spoke to Council regarding the Waste Reduction Recycling Act. The act had been adopted by Douglas County and statewide. The act mandated a fifty percent reduction in waste by 1995. Ms. Brawley suggested to Council that the City of East Wenatchee set an example by becoming one the first cities in Douglas County to "Go Green." This would involve utilization of recycling bins and separating trash for curbside pick-up. - 2 - 3a3nst,a3S/X39TO ALTO goTaigsa0 •$ eTOTbzTA m'd 9Z'L - SNZHNUf]OfQV •L AEN 3O; paTnpagos seM buTgaaw 3aggouy 'Tea9uab uT uoTleTndod agq pup ';;egs TTeg AITO 'zOAem aqq 'speaq quaw43edap ggTM gaaw pTnoM aaggTwwoo agq ;o s3agwaH •buTgaaw a9llTmmO3 TTeH AITO aqq uo pagiodas Aoej 3agmawTTouno3 Salvain QKV sluodsu gIONn00 ' •buTgaaw TTounoO gxau aqg qe 43oda3 pup 3944em aqg gO3easa3 TTTM sbuTTToO IOAeH '38n9MOq 'spun; ;o uoTgeooZte ;o =one; UT seM TTaunoO •spun3 wnTpegs ;o asn pagdaooe up seM guava up gons paT;T3an aoT;;o ,sJ@uTmex9 agegs aqg pTes gOT9alsa0 X3aTO •squpdToTgaed goe3gge oq sueam a se 'amtq sTq s3aaqunTon oqM '3anTpAXs a paubTs seg guomgseg •3a;;o oq squana a3ow aneq saTITunmmoo 3a63pq •algTssOd gaam Xoe3g AITTenb Isom aqg aptnoad oq Teob s,guowgseg sT IT pauTeTdxa sbuTwmnO •3H •asuadxa sTgg ggTM dTaq oq aagogpuaM Iseg ;o AITO aqg wo3; saeTTop paapunq oMI oq do pagsenba3 sbuTmmnO •.zH •gaam gxau aqq JO; IuamuTe43agua TeToads jog papaau seM saeTTop pa3punq anTd •slUedToTg3ed oq .ia;;o oq 83om aneq saTITunwwoo 3aggo 3T gaaw Xoe3I aqq asooT pTnoo quowgses gegq sT u3aouoO sTq pTes sbuTwwnO .3H •guava aqq jog saTgTunwmoo 3a5jpT '3ag40 ggTM uoTlTgadwoo sT alagl '39naM09 :gaaH Xoe3y gy aqq sgsoq ToogOS gbTH quomgsvS 'OE AeH saTuoma3ao buTuado aqq ;o gsed aq oI sbuTTToO 3oAeH paXse sbuTmmnO 3H •gaaH Xoe3y gy aqq uo A3ogsTq ;aT3q e aneb 'ToogoS gbTH guowgseg 30; 30g093TQ 0Tg9Tggy 'sbuTmmnO a)[I '0-9 'PaTiaeo uoTIOM agy •aagogpuaM Iseg ;o AITO aqg 10; me3bOld BUTTOAD91 a uo g3oda3 pup go3easa3 oq SNOT3puaH 39gwamU ounoO azT3oggne og MoXTH 3agw9mTTounoO Aq puooas 'Aoel 39gmawTTounoO Aq apew seM uoTlow y :uoTIzV TTounoo ' •s3ogoe; AITTTgTspa; pup gsoo apnTOuT pTnoM sTgy •aagogeuaM gseg ;o AITO aqq jog we3boad 5uTToAoa3 a uo g3oda3 put, go3easa3 oq s313T3puaH 3agm9wTTounoO quTodde og papToap TTounoO 'uoTssnosTp awos 3agJV 997+