HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/20/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutesr zx0* CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED ' MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING APRIL 20, 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Lacy excused as absent. Staff Present: Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Chuck Zimmerman, Linda Countryman, Virginia Oestreich, Gil Sparks, Bruce Nash. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE EXECUTIVE SESSION - Negotiations Convened - 6:35 p.m. CITY COUNCIL Reconvened - 6:45 p.m. ' DEPARTMENT REPORTS Finance Department Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich gave Council a list of items the Departments would like to surplus for the annual auction to be held by Northwest Auction Services on June 27. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McArthur, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the list of items for surplus for the annual auction held by Northwest Auction Services on June 27. The motion carried 4-0. Street Department Street Superintendent Goodman gave an update on current street projects. The Eleventh Street project is waiting for a reply from the Chelan County PUD regarding the removal of a power pole. The removal cost would be approximately fifteen thousand dollars. Mr. Goodman anticipated going to bid on the project in approximately five weeks. - 1 - -z- 'goaCoid TTe3g aqg buFpSaba3 uoige9309H .ioopgn0 so; aalgiwmo0 Ai uabeaagul agg oq guas uaaq peq guaqui penuTluoo ;o saggaT y •sgoaCozd shied snoTaeA aqq uo TTouno0 oq aqepdn ue aneb '4u9mgJRd90 sXjed Aqunoo seTbnoQ 'uasTO za;Tuuar NOISVSx3s3Hd iJ3rou sxuva aaxnoo Sv'IOnoa •gsej%ea3q ATsagsenb „aagogeuaM 4se3 butuioH poo0„ a bUTZZueb3o osTe sF sagmeg0 aqy •AgT3 aqq oq saoueil ua aqq butuzeguFem pue do 6uTueaTa Aq goaEojd „aagogeuaM gse3 UT apiid axey sqT anuiquoo og sueTd sagmeg0 aqy •g3odsty Tet3owaH ujogbueg qe xsoix a padoTeAap og sueTd peq iagmetyo aqy •8pe3ed sisseg0 dsseTO agq io; suotgesedaid pue 'uoTgeigaTaa de❑ SOH punoig agq 'ganbueg Tenuuy 90iammo0 ;o aagmeg0 aagogeuaM gse3 Z66T agq papnTouT aag.xenb gs:tig aqq ;o sgoaCoad 'ueTd ssauTsnq pue g3odej jagienb gs3T; Z661 s,iagmegO agg ggTM ITounoo paguasaad 'aoiammo0 ;o iagmeg0 aagogeuaM g9e3 's9JJ9H iggad 30H3HH00 30 H3HH`iHO *O-p paTaaRD uoigom aqy paquasead se iepuaTeO quasuoD agq anosdde oq sxoTjpuaH i9gmamTTouno3 Aq puooas 'mOXTH aagmamTTounoo Aq apem sem uotgom V :uoTgoy TTounoo •Tenoidde jo; TFounoo oq paggTwgns aie '69'00L'EZS ;o qunome aqq uz 'TSLZT g6noagq 00LZT szagmnu iagonoA quamAed 'Z66T 'OZ IT-Tdy 'agep stgq ;o sy •Tiouno0 oq aTgeTTene apem uaaq seq goTgM buTgGTT e uo papiooaa uaaq aneq '060'VZ•Z4 MJH Aq paiTnboi se pai;TgJao swTeTa quamasjngwiai asuadxa asogq pue 1090'6Z'Z6 Mail Aq paiinbai se iaoi;;o butgipne aqq Aq paTJTIJao pue pagipne siagonoA sTTTS ;o uoTgesapisuOD •Z Z661 '9 T?3dV 'uozssaS-Talnbad - sagnutH ;o uoiga39pisuo0 •T HVQN3'vo ZH3SNOJ 'pTq oq ob oq Apea3 aq uoos pTnom dgTO aqq ;o puagg3ou agq ao3 sgoaCosd buTAed agq pTes aH •T aunr Aq goaEoid aqg ui6aq og padoq •ouI 'buTggbTrI uoTgngTa4sTa puno.zbiapun TRAFgsag mossoTg aTddy aqq Jaq;e Tigun uTSaq qou pTnom goaCosd uoigeuTmnTTT paoH que10 agq pFas uampoo0 •iH Qy�,e, 221 Ms. Olsen said she had been responsible for the development of a Douglas County Comprehensive Plan for Recreation. She suggested ' a similar plan for the City be implemented and she encouraged the Council's active participation by forming a committee of councilmembers, Douglas County Parks Department staff, and a professional consultant, if necessary. Council took no action at this time. UNION CONTRACT Mayor Collings said the Council was prepared to make a decision regarding the union contract with the City of East Wenatchee Police Department and Teamsters Local #760. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McArthur to ratify the contract between the City of East Wenatchee Police Department and Teamsters Union, Local No. 760. The motion carried, 4-0. CITIZEN COMMENTS Jennifer Olsen, Douglas County Parks and Skip Johnson, representing the Complete the Loop Coalition, spoke to the Council about the concert to be held at the Eastmont High School football field following the Classy Chassis Parade on May 1, 1992. Ms. Olsen and Mr. Johnson requested five thousand dollars for promotional expenses. Ms. Olsen said the project had a ten thousand dollars promotional budget; the County was contributing five thousand dollars in administrative services and security; and the other five thousand dollars needed was for cash. Councilmember Hendricks said his concerns were the amount of police overtime and Stadium Funds running short if unbudgeted funds were allocated. Ms. Olsen said there would not be a big impact on the City regarding security. Councilmembers Mikow and McArthur said they felt the City had not received enough notice to allocate Stadium Funds. Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said she had contacted the State Auditor's office and the concert did fall within accepted uses of Stadium Funds; however, a large amount of funds had already been allocated for the year. Councilmember McArthur said the City would feel a security impact and she asked how much Douglas County was contributing. Ms. Olsen said Douglas County's contribution was the five thousand dollars in administrative services and security. In response to a question from Councilmember Nash, Mr. Johnson said plans for a concert had begun in September. - 3 - �I -ales jog aq pTnon buTpTTnq auTTaads aqq pauoTguam OSTe ayS •pauangaa ay uagn aaggTmwoO TTeH AITO aqq ggTn gaaw pagueM Aovq iagw9wTTouno0 pTes sbuTTTo0 aoARN SHIVadn aNV SSNOd3H U OKnOO '30NVNIaH0 3HZ d0 AHVHHRS 3HZ SV 3ZZIS SIHZ ONIAOHddV aNV 60NINOZ SOINSSIa 000`n - ZVIZN3aIs3H NVexnens SV V3dV 3HS 30 ONINOZ 3HZ ONISVNOIS3a '30NVNIaHO SIHS OS ,.V. 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The City had budgeted fifteen thousand dollars toward the trail project and Douglas County was asking for a letter confirming the City's continued support and share of the cost. Council agreed by consensus to show continued support for this project with a letter signed by the mayor. ADJOURNMENT - 7:41 P.M. Virginia/E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - 5 -