HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/6/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED ' MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING APRIL 6, 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) f:Ti)AIt�7:\Q�l Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Lacy excused as absent. Staff Present: Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Chuck Zimmerman, Linda Countryman, John Flinner, Virginia Oestreich, Gil Sparks, Bruce Nash. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Department Chief Flinner asked Council to approve the replacement of his vehicle. He said the car was having problems, such as dying in ' the middle of the road. He added the transmission may have to be replaced. Chief Flinner said he had a quote on a vehicle from Valley Chrysler Dodge which could be paid with Criminal Justice Funds. Clerk Oestreich said Criminal Justice Funds revenues had been budgeted, however, no expenditures had been allocated for 1992 and the funds could be used for the vehicle. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McArthur, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the request to replace the Chief's vehicle with Criminal Justice Funds. The motion carried 4-0. Code Compliance Code Compliance Officer Wiltz said the department had completed its' move to the shops; he invited Council to come and visit; and said new signs should be in place soon. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, March 16, 1992. 2. Consideration of Bills and March, 1992 payroll. Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as ' required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. - 1 - - Z - •os Op oq paseaTd aq pTnoM aq TTOunOO pToq aH •aaggTwwoO ITeH hgTO aqq uo anus oq ADvj .TagwawTTounoO Aq paxse uaaq pEq ag PTps 'auuV 0 T V T 'aagOW Aiay •uoTgengTs aqq 6uTpzebaJ 'zauupTd dgTO 'gbnpgweqs uof gOpquoo pTnogs uosTzeO TH pTes upwzawwTZ I.au.zoggV Al TO :uOTgsanb uT Aliadozd aqq og uoTIPT@J uT uOTgEoTTdde quawdoTanap ITun pauupTd E paggTwgns pEq aTEH NOef PTe9 zgTTM 3H •quaquT TeuTbTzo aqg you spM gegq ROUTS IUOWJTe3 ;o uOTsuagxa aqq JapTsuO0aJ og TTounoo paxsp 'gsp3 gaszawoS 'uoslaeO •,I •g 3 T SSNSHHOD N3ZIIIO •0-t, paTzzpo uoTgow aqy •buTgaaw TTOunOD Z66T 'OZ TTidV aqg ge aaueuTpao pazTnbai aqq ;o buTPpai gsaT; quasaad pup uoTgexauuE papuawwoaai aqq ano-TddE og MONTH aagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 's%DTJPuaH .zagwawTTounoO Aq appw spM uoTgow V :uOTIOV TTounoo 'w'd £6'9 qe 6uT.Tp9q OTTgnd aqq PasOTO sbuTTTOD JOAPH •appw a.TaM sguawwoO uazTgTO ON •w•d Zb'9 qe buT.zeaq OTTgnd aqq pauado sbuTTTOD zOLE14 ,Agsadold aqq ;o ❑OTgexauue aqq buTp.Tebaz pagsTTgnd uaaq ppq SDOTgou pup panOJdde uaaq ppq buTzEaq oTTgnd aqq qas oq uoTgnTosa.z aqg pTes zgTTM *JH quowgsE3 OS£T qp pagpooT lgjadozd ;o uoTgpxauuE aqq buTpzpbal 6uTaPRq OTTgnd V £0-£0-Z6 5NI'dV3H OI'IHfld 'asNnoD SV'IOf1OQ 30 NOIlOWOHd 3HZ 01 GUIVOI03Q NOISVZINVDHO NV JNIHHOJ NI S3IZIIN3 ALNf100 SV'IONOQ HSHIO HLIM NIOf 01 'NOZONIHSVM '33HDLVN3M ZSV3 30 AlIO SHL 30 Noiin'TOS3il V £-Z6 'ON NOIlnq OSaE •0-V PaTizpo uoTgow aqy paquasaad se zppuaTEO guasuo0 aqg anoidde og gseN .zagwawTTOunoO Aq puooas 'MOXTK zagwawTTounoO Aq apew spM uoTgow V :uoTgoV TTounoo quawdoTanap OTwouooa pup wsTsnoq og sp.Tpbai uT Aquno0 spTbnoQ agowoid oq uoTgezTueb.zo up buTwzO; uOTgnTosaJ V TO-b0-Z6 '£ •Teno.Tddp 10; TTOunoo g og pagTuwgns ajL 'Z66T gOieH ;o gguow q aq JO3 'Z66T '£ TTudV PTpd '££'8T8'89S ;o qunowE aqq uT bZ60T gbno.Tgq £880T ssagwnu 3agOnon TTo.zled pup T8't6L6'ZLS ;o qunowe aqq uT 1669ZT gbnoagq £Z9ZT ssagwnu Tagonon quawtpd 'Z66T 19 TT-TdV 'ageP sTgg ;o sV 21.7 Mr. McKee expressed his concern regarding flood control and storm water in East Wenatchee. Mr. McKee wanted to know if the City had done anything about the formation of a Stormwater Utility. Mayor Collings said the issue had been discussed at the retreat and Council hoped to work with the County regarding the storm water concerns. 3. Kirby Waller, 632 Sheri Court, said on April 1, 1992 the Police Department had informed him that his dump truck must be moved. Mr. Waller said after he had read the ordinance he did comply. However, Mr. Waller said vehicles in the cul-de-sac were parking on the sidewalks and if it was illegal to do that why wasn't everything enforced. Chief Flinner said Mr. Waller had not been cited, but had been warned repeatedly. At this point Mr. Waller said he probably would talk to an attorney and the City Attorney recommended no further discussion. 4. Dan Barr, Center Investments and representing the Wenatchee Valley Mall, expressed his concern regarding the possible rezone of shoreline and property at the intersection of Highway 2 and SR 28. Mr. Barr said the Comprehensive Plan's intent was to support this area for commercial enterprises catering to the traveling public. Mr. Barr said the size of the rezone was over eighty acres; he felt there was a ' conflict of interest with Douglas County in regards to the Comprehensive Plan since they were also the city planners; and he asked for support from the city in regards to the rezone. After discussing the Comprehensive Plan and the commercial core of the city, Councilmembers agreed by consensus to support Mr. Barr's request. City Attorney Zimmerman was asked to attend the Shoreline Committee meeting to be held at the Douglas County Planning Commission meeting on April 8 since he had been involved with the process of the 1988 Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Zimmerman is to support and state the City's position at the meeting. 5. Skip Johnson, representing the Complete the Loop Coalition, advised Council on the status of the concert to be held after the Classy Chassis Parade on May 1, 1992. Mr. Johnson said the concert would be held at the Eastmont High School ballfield at 8:30 p.m; tickets would be approximately fifteen dollars; it would be family oriented music; Champs de Brionne Winery would be doing the lighting and security; and if all went well an estimated twenty five thousand dollars could be made after expenses. Council endorsed the project by consensus. - 3 - -t,- sa=nseasy/XiaTO AgTD gOTajgsa0 •a UTbziA •w'd sz:a - INaWNHfi0rON 0-� paz.zzeo uocgow aqy •aaggtwwoo butpTTng TTeH A4t0 agq uo aq og Agtunwwoo ssautsnq pue letguaptsaz agq woz; geeH A-TseH pue bie.zo uuaTO gutodde og 1ngglyoH aagwawTiauno0 Aq puooas 9sXot.zpuaH zagwawTTouno0 Aq apew seM Uoigow pue UotgeuiwoU y :uoigoy ITouno0 w•d 9z:g - paaanuoaaH 'IIONnOD ASIJ w'd 6E'L - pauanuo0 suotgeigobaN - NOISSRS HAISfl0aXa '0-b PaT33eo Uotgow agy AqunoD sel5no0 ggtM gUaWaa35e TeooTzagui agq buTPzebas gsanbai agg og aa.zbe og sXoIIPu9H jagwawTiaunoo Aq puooas 'ingq.zyoW .zagwawTT0unOD Aq apew seM uocgow y :uoigoy TTouno0 ' •TTouno0 Aq Pat;tgeJ aq pinogs pue papuawe uaaq peg gaa[o.zd UOTaeuiwnITT peog quez0 agg butpxebaz Aqunoo aqq gg2M guawaasbe TeoOTzaqut agg pees sbuiTToo JOAeW '0-t, PaTJIeO Uoigow aqS 'zITTM XOTN qq?M 4uawa9z5e quawAOTdwa aq-4 oq quawpuawe agq anoidde oq snggsVoH jagwawTiaunoo Aq puooas 'sXotzpuaH aagwawTzounoa Aq apew seM uocgow y :Uoigoy ITouno0 •pawjo;zad XzoM go sznoq buip.zebaj papuawe uaaq peq goe.zquoo s,zgTTAS 3a3?330 aouetldwo0 apoo peas sbutlToo JOAPH luodau S I HO.IHH •UOissaS aAlgnoaXS UT squeoildde agg MaTAa3 oq paptoap ITouno0 agy •gsiT agq og pappe seM osle aaxoW Asay •bteJD UUaTO pue AIAaH auen0 'geeH Ai.zeH 'aaj pai3 asaM Aagy aaggzwwoo TIeH AITD agq uo uotge.zapisuoo so; Aoe7 ,zagwawTTounoo Aq paggiwgns uaaq peg saweu ano; pees sXatipuaH aagwawTiaunoo S3lVadn QNV SIHOdSH =NROJ •Xsed Aqunoo seT6no0 ge AeMe UaAtb aq pinoM saajq aa.z; pees pue g TTady uo AeQ zogsV 90 TtOunoo papuzwal osTe saJJBH •sW •dnueaTO aqg oq joc.zd do ubis ' og papaau sjaaqunTOA 'AgiltgPTT oq anp pies sa.TJaH •sW 'Sz US uo ggST oq peog guez0 wos3 aq PTnoM •w•e OE's le butgiegs gj TTjdy uo dnueaTO 103 pagdope ease aqy •AeMgbiq a bUTgdOPe seM iagwego aqq 'wexbo.zd e0TIawy UT aptsd aXey agg ;o gzed se pies 'aoiawwo0 ;o Zagweg0 aagageuaM gsea 'sal.zaH ?gged '9