HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/16/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON ' REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING MARCH 16, 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Renee Ainardi, Randy Harrison, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Chuck Zimmerman, Linda Countryman, Bruce Nash, Gil Sparks, Jerry Litt, Ray Yarnell. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, March 2, 1992. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the minutes as presented. ' The motion carried, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080. and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date. March 16. 1992, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 12570 through 12622, in the amount of $23,819.50. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 10842 through 10882, in the total amount of $72,427.01, paid March 03, 1992, for the month of February 1992. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the bills as presented subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING ' 92-03-03 A public hearing regarding the 8th and 9th Street Corridor connection as recommended by the Planning Commission Mayor Collings read the following statement for the record: "The City Council on February 3, 1992, decided to remand this matter back to the Planning Commission for additional public hearings so that notice could be provided to the interested parties. It was staff's understanding that notice would be provided to people living in the vicinity of the proposed corridors. According to staff, specific notice was mailed to the area residents prior to the February 24, 1992 Planning Commission Public Hearing, however, no additional notice was mailed notifying the area residents of this public hearing this evening. Because specific notice was not sent out as staff had previously indicated would be sent, I suggest this matter be postponed and a new public hearing date of April 6, 1992, beginning at 6:30 p.m. be established by the Council. Specific notices as are being sent out in this situation are not required to be sent by law for the proposed amendment to the City Comprehensive Plan, but I believe based on staff's comments that a commitment has been made to area residents to provide them with ' specific notice on this matter and I believe the City should follow through with that commitment and reschedule the public hearing." Councilmember Hendricks said since there was good citizen turn -out at the council meeting he felt the public hearing should be held as scheduled. City Attorney Zimmerman said delaying the public hearing would not have an impact on the land developer. Jack Hale had submitted an application for a planned unit development and he would be bound to the existing ordinances at the time of his vested interest. Councilmember Lacy said a decision on this issue would require an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. He felt this would require an ordinance; and he also felt a decision at this time could have a negative impact on Mr. Hale's interest in the property. Mr. Lacy said the question of the appearance of fairness had been raised in regards to the corridor issue. Because of these concerns, Mr. Lacy felt the Council should delay any decision concerning the corridor until an ordinance was drafted and other concerns resolved. City Attorney required only a a statement of This would not Act. Zimmerman said initially the corridor issue legislative act; Council's action would have been intent to eliminate one of the corridor choices. have been subject to the Appearance of Fairness - 2 - r -£- ' 'alva 3AISo3333 NV 9NIZZ3S aNV '3SnVU3 ASIgISVH3A3S V 9NINIVSN00 !AIIO 3HZ A8 aIVd 38 UUIM S33A0'IdN3 UMV S7VIOI330 ALIO SSNIVOV SHIV'IO HOIHM HaaNn SNONVSSHfIDUI0 3HS JNIA3I03dS NOISVOI3INH3aNI GMV NOIZVZN3SaHJR i HOnS HOHJ SNOISd3JX3 aNV SNOISIaNO3 'SHUSI 3HS HOa JNIQIAOUd !SN3HA0'IdH3 HO 30IAHN S HISHI 30 3dOJS 3HZ NIHLIM' AZIO 3HS 30 agVH38 NO SNOISSIHO aNV SZOV 'ionaN00 HO3 NOISVSNssaudau 'IVJ3'I Hoa 9NIQIAOad 4 s33A0'IdH3 aNV S'IVIJI330 ASI0 SSNIVDV ZHOnOUS SNOIZOV UV93Z OS JNISVgaU S33AOgdH3 30 NOISVOI3INH3aNI bZ'T HZIdVH0 MSM V ONIHSIgSVZS3 'NOSJNIHSVM '33HOZVN3M SSV3 30 AZIO 3HZ 30 3JNVNIGHO NV Z-Z6 'ON 3ONVNIGHO '0-S 'pat33eo uotgow aqy •paqu9sa3d se saadoTdwa ;o uotgeot;tumaput oq butgeTa3 93ueutp30 aqq anoadde og MoXtH 3agwawTTouno0 dq puooas 'doeZ 3agmamTtauno0 dq apew seM uotgow V :uotgoV Ttouno0 saadoTdwa ;o uotgeot;tuwaput oq butgeTa3 aoueutp3o ue ;o butpea3 puooas £0-£0-Z6 ' 30NVNIaiIO •3opt33o0 aqq butATonuT u0tgew30;uT qab og TTeH AITO TTeo oq otTgnd aqq pabeanooua uemaamwTZ .JR •aotogo 3opt33oo s,TTounoO ;o uotssnostp a aATonut qou pTnoM stgq peztsegdma aH •ansst 3opt33oo aqq ;o saTITTebaT aqq ssnostp oq uotssas antgnoaxa ue papuammooa3 uewaammtz dauzoggV dgt0 •5uT3eaq otTgnd a aq pinogs butgaam gxau aqq qTa; aqs pees gseN 3agmawTtouno0 •3opT33o0 aqq 30; buTaeaq otjgnd e aq pTnoM butgaam Ttounoo gxau aqq ;t paxse MoKTH 3agwamTtouno0 '0-9 'P9t33eo uotgow aqy •butgaaw Ttounoo gxau aq-4 aao;aq 3opt33o0 gaasgS q46 pue qqg aqq butpaeba3 aoueutp3o ue g;eap oq dauzoggV dgt0 aqg 30; m0XTH 3agm8mTTouno0 dq puooas 'doeZ 3agmawTTouno0 dq apew seM uotgow V '0-5 'pat33eo uotgow aqs 'Z66T 89 TT3dV Ttqun anssT 3opt33o0 4993gS 14g6 Pue q48 aqq anutguoo oq 3ngg3VoH 3agmawTTounoo Aq puooas 'doeZ 3agmamTtouno0 dq apem seM uOTgow V :uotgoV Ttounoo 'ATTebaT PaTPueq uaaq Peq ansst 3opt33oo aqq 39ggaqM butKse ut pat;tgsn[ aq pTnoM suaztgto 'paaoo3d oq paptoap TtounoO 3t qTa; aq ptes doeZ 39gw9wTTouno0 ' •ansst 3opT33oo aqq butTgeg pagsabbns uew3amwiz •3H 'Tetotpn[-tsenb aq pTnoM TTounoO aqq dq Mou uaXeq uotgoe due aoutS •ueTd 9ntsuaga3dmoO aqg UT abuego butuoz a aaTnba3 pTnoM sTgg pue uotgeoTjdde quamdoTanap gtun pauueTd stq apew Peq 91PH '3H 'obe sdep AIJTgq awns '39AamOH 213 RESOLUTION ' 92-03-05 A resolution setting a public hearing for April 6, 1992 for annexation of 1350 Eastmont Code Compliance Officer Wiltz said the property owner had been notified of tonight's council meeting. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the resolution setting a public hearing for April 6, 1992 for the annexation of 1350 Eastmont as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. RESOLUTION NO. 92-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, COMMENCING ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS FOR AN AREA 80 PERCENT OF THE BOUNDARIES OF WHICH ARE CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY AND GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS THAT PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1350 EASTMONT AVENUE. 92-03-06 A resolution to form a Regional Transportation Planning Organization within Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan Counties Councilmember Nash asked if the Regional Transportation Planning ' Organization worked with the Wenatchee Area Transportation Study. Mayor Collings said WATS had sponsored the first meeting of the RTPO, however, the RTPO was different as it involved three counties. Jerry Litt, City Planner, said the purpose of the RTPO was to link state and local arterials. WATS, however, was a more localized program. He added Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan Counties were the last three counties in Washington to adopt a Regional Transportation Planning Organization. The Counties would ask the Washington State Department of Transportation to be the lead agency in the RTPO; and a transportation policy board would be formed. Mr. Litt said the deadline for forming the RTPO was March 31, 1992. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the resolution and form a Regional Transportation Planning Organization within Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan Counties. The motion carried, 5-0. RESOLUTION NO. 92-2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, ' TO FORM A REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION WITHIN THE AREA OF CHELAN, DOUGLAS AND OKANOGAN COUNTIES. - 4 - r - 9 - quegsTssy �3ajo AgTo uemAiqun •r a uTq m•d Zs:S - IKHHNHnoraw •AITo aqq aso;aq butpuad Mou ssaoo.xd TRTOTpnC-Tsenb aqq buTgoedmT ;o aoueseadde aqq aneq pZnoM gegq uoTsToap aATgeTstbaT a buTXem Atone oq aq pZnoM uoTsToap STyy •pzeay uaaq peq uoTgeOTTdde quamdoTanap ITun pauuejd baTpuad s,ajeH Xoer sage TTqun apem aq qou pjnogs uoTsToap p pauTm.Tagap seM qI •ueTd aATsuayaidmoo aqq buTpuame Aejap oq Pup buTgaam TTounoo gxau ayq qe zopTJJOD gaa=gS y46 Pup q3S aqq buTp.tpbaa 90UPUTPZO ue ;o uoTgequasaid aqq iapTsuooaa oq TTounoo go snsuasuoo Aq passed pup apem seM uotgoui y :uoT-40V TTounoo •m•d 6y:g - pavanuooag ' ZIJNnOo ASIo •m•d LT-L - pauanuoo uoTgebTITU suOTgeTgobaN - NOISS3S 3AISno3R3 '0Z aunr .to; paTnpagos Ajantgequaq sT anbagzeg uomjeS aadnS aqq PaPPe agS •uoTgenpezo 3 g y Q joogoS aaq aqq pup ajjTAaageM UT pTaq asinoo W014S buTuupjd aqq papnTOuT goTgM papuagqe ATqu9D93 ppq aqs sbuTgaam aqq vo AT;aTjq paq.Todaa sbuTTToo ioAeH lHOdffH S, HOAYH •pessedmooua IT pale .iab-TeT ayq goaj;a.x Og ameu sqT buTbuvgO J9PTsuoo pZnoM votgeztuebio aqq uoTgsabbns stg qy szTp;;y OTupdsTH uO jTounoo s,3oAeH ayq ;o buTgaam a papuagqe AaeZ xagmamjTounoo 'osjy •auTjpeap -T aunr aqq Aq uoTsToap a so; 9WTq ;o Aquajd MOTje pZnoM sTyq pup aaggTmmOo TTEH AITO ayq 3o s.tagmam zo; AgTunmmoo aq-4 ;o suazTgTo oMq So; buTgaam TTounoo Z66T 49 TT:rdy aqq qe gTmgns oq sameu ;o gsTT a aney pZnoM ay pies Aopq .zagmamTTounoo ' •AgTunmmoo aqq do-ueaTo og sAem uo seapT uazTgTo Aue amoOT9m pZnoM TTounoo ayg pappp sXoTapuaH iH •aayogpuaM gse3 UT amTl do-upaTo buTsdS se ST TT3dy oq 9 TTa dy mTejooad pZnoM sbuTTTOD IOARH Pees sXOTJpuaH 3agmamTTounoo S3ZyQdn QNy SS2IOdav ui oNnoo