HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/18/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes203 1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING FEBRUARY 18, 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Charles Zimmerman, Robert Goodman, Nick Wiltz, John Flinner, Jerry Litt, Linda Countryman, Darin Bender, Bruce Nash. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PROCLAMATION Mayor Collings read a proclamation of the City of East Wenatchee supporting the 1992 Washington State Special Olympics Winter Games. Mayor Collings also proclaimed the week of February 15 through February 22, 1992 as Future Farmers of America Week. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, February 3, 1992. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date. February 18. 1992, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 12475 through 12520 in the amount of $24,977.77. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 10799 through 10841 in the total amount of $69,564.63, paid February 4, 1992 for the month of January, 1992. Payroll voucher number 10803 was voided. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the bills as presented subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 5-0. - 1 - - Z - 1 •suoTgelnbas guawabpusH ggmosO aqg gdope og ST gospH aso;aq play aq buTgaaw aTTgnd a papuamwooas ggTj •SH -space gegTgeq a3TTPTTM pue gsT; pup 'sease snopsezpy �TleaTboloab spuplgaM ale asagg aagageuaM gse3 ;o AgTO agg uTygTM pappe aH •asngn; spau aq-4 uT pagdope aq og paeu pTnoM AoTlod guawabeupH ggmosO e Pup 'spueT aosnosas uo bu2xzoM uaaq ppq guawgsedaQ 6uTuueTd aqg TTounoO pawso;uT aH spuel aoinosai 6uTpsebas TTaunoO og uoTgewso;uT pagngTagsTp 44TZ •aH •goH guawa6pupH ggMosg aqg ;o snlugs ayg uo pagsodas 'sauueTd hguno0 seTbnoQ 'ggTq Assaf guawgsedaQ buTuueTd •buTges guapTooe AsnCuT snoTsaS gbTq e ppy guowgseg pup psTyy ge uoTgoassaguT aqg 'sanaMoy :sguapToop Ma; pey guowgseH pup gguTN gp uoTgoassaguT ayg pies sauuTT3 3aTyO aoTlod •guowgsp3 Pup psTgy pup guowgspa pup gguTN ;o svoTgoassaguT aqg ge spsooas guapTooe gnogp paxse MoxTH sagwawlTounoO buipunj yons so; ATdde og eapT pooh e aq pTnoM IT paasbe ZTounoO AemNied ZZpH AaTlpn pup peoli gupsE) se Bons suoTgoassaguT qu buTggbTT oT;;esg so; sseTlop puesnogg peapuny auo og do spun; so; hldde PTnoo hgTO ayg PTes aH •sguapToop ;o ages OTy e ggTM saTgTo so; 6uTpun; guesb ;o AgTTTgTssod ayg ;o TTaunoO pawso;uT upwp000 •aH •buTTapowas ayg uTbaq og gsanbas aq-4og snsuasuoo Aq paazbp TTounoO •guawgsedaQ gaasgs aqg so; AgTsnoas TsuoTgTppe apTnosd pTnoM IT pappe pup uoTgsabbns aq-4 ggTM paas6p SxoTapuaH sagwawTTounoO •aTgTssaooe asow aq pTnoM uoTgeaoT Mau agg gTa; pup goeluOD OTTgnd ganw pey ag pies zgTTM saoT;;o aoueTTdwoO apo0 •uoTgpooT guawgsedaQ gaasgs agg ge oTTgnd ayg so; AgTTTgTsTn pup dgTTTgTssaaae gnoge usaouoa passasdxa AaeZ sagwawlTounoO •SbuTTToO sohpH so; TTeq hgTo gp aoeds aoT;;o apTnosd pTnoM STgl •uoTgpool guawgsedaQ gaasgS ay-4 og aoT;;o aoueTldwoO apo0 ay-4 6uTnow panTonuT gI Tley hgTo ge buTpMososano so; uoTgnlos aoeds a papuawwooas vewp000 •sH „•STew?uy eqs Paa3 ION oQ assaTdw ppas subTs aqy quTodmeTA peod gues0 aqg gp paoeTd aq og subTs ayg ;o auo TTounoo paMogs uewpoo0 guapuaguTsadnS gaasgS guawgsedaQ gaasgS •snsuasuoo Aq paasbe TTounoo •uoTgnTosas Aq auop eq pTnoo ❑oTgexauue STgg pies zgTTM 'SH •saop sauMo guasasd ayg sanaMoq 'AITO ayg uT aq og gSTM you pTp sauMo dgsadosd snoTnasd ayg pies aH sgTwTI AgTa ayg uT you seM pup uoTgexauue aqg UT papnlauT uaaq go❑ pey guowgseg o5£T ge hgsadosd aq-4 'ggbTssano algTssOd p gbnosgg 'ZTounoO pawso;uT zgTTM saoT;;O aoueTldwoO apo0 guawgsedaQ aoupTTdwoO apo0 sZNodaH SNSHSNvd3Q Councilmember Mikow asked Mr. Litt about a recent article in the paper about Growth Management. The article was regarding a bill Senator Seller had introduced to the State Legislature giving counties the option of being in or out of the Growth Management Plan. Mr. Litt advised Council counties would only be able to opt out of the planning of growth management; consistency requirements would still be necessary. City Attorney Zimmerman said the City and County were working on the implementation of a subdivision ordinance which would be consistent for both the City's and County's use. PROJECT REPORT Jennifer Olsen, Douglas County Parks and Recreation Department, gave a status report on the trail. Ms. Olsen has been working on grant application possibilities. She suggested Council send a letter of continued intent to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation by March 1. Ms. Olsen suggested pursuing a grant application with the Department of Natural Resources and taking advantage of The Complete the Loop Coalition's offer of additional funding toward the trail project. She added estimated beginning costs could be $50,000. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember McArthur authorizing Ms. Olsen to propose a letter of intent regarding continued support for funding to the IAC for the trail project. The motion carried, 5-0. BID RECOMMENDATION 92-02-01 Bid results and recommendation regarding the Grant Road illumination project The City's consulting engineer, Bob Dahmer of Forsgrens and Associates, reported on the bid opening for the Grant Road Illumination project. Mr. Dahmer said nine firms had submitted bids. The low bidder, at $174,790. was Underground Distribution Lighting, Inc. from Woodinville, WA. He added the engineer's estimate was $156,147. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to accept the bid from Underground Distribution Lighting, Inc. subject to verification of qualifications and references by Mr. Dahmer's office. The motion carried, 5-0. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember Lacy said he had contacted Municipal Research regarding Council liability ordinances. Mr. Lacy said he had received sample ordinances and he will work with the city attorney on a draft ordinance for the City of East Wenatchee. - 3 - - t - j9jnseaay/XJa10 AITO gotazlsaO •g 12utb.ztA w•d 9Z'L - INaKffunorav •5utpitnq Iieq AITO Mau a pue sieob ItounoD a -Tie uotssnostp jog pe-laptsuoo sotdoy •uuI suoseas znog ag1 Ile6Z liienigag lea-TIal agq 3o Itauno0 paputwai sbutllo0 IOAPH •s9we0 iagutM BIP4S uo15utgseM aqJ ut lzoddns panutluoa s,AITD ag-4 jog gsanbaj sbuillo0 joAP;q of snsuasuoo Aq paasbe Itouno0 ' •=auuti3 3atgo ggTm TZ hzeniga3 uo ailieas ut dogsXloM toy satitltgest0 ggtM sueotiawy ue BUTPU911P aq pinoM ags pue :0Z AaP nagag uo alltn.za-4eM ut but-4aaw wstznoy A-4unoo seibnoa e 5utpua-4-4e aq pinoM ags pees sbutliOO JOAPK luodaH S,2i0.t`dH