HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/3/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutesf" CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING FEBRUARY 3, 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Councilmember Lacy, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Charles Zimmerman, Robert Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Jerry Litt, Linda Countryman, Darin Bender. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, January 21, 1992. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date. February 3, 1992, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 12448 through 12474 in the amount of $19,238.11. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Lacy to approve the bills as presented subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 5-0. PRESENTATION Jerry Litt, Douglas County Planner, reported on Growth Management. Mr. Litt said March 1, 1992 was the deadline for the designation of resource lands. He added the deadline would be close, however should not be a problem. Mr. Litt distributed information to Council regarding resource lands. He said a population forecast of thirty-six thousand by 2010 was estimated; and hopefully this was not a conservative figure. Mr. Litt added a short course in planning was scheduled for March 3, 1992, at 7 p.m. in Waterville. Kitsap County Deputy Prosecutor Pete Philly would be a speaker. Mr. Litt hoped to arrange for a LINK bus to accommodate those wishing to attend. - 1 - -z- gaasgS gguTN aqq papuawwoOaJ sbuTITOO JOAPW •buTgaaw TTounoO aqq 'saggoU? PUP buTgaaw UOTSSTwwOO buTUUPTa aqq papuagqe suazlgTo ;o ' dnozb auO •ITounoo oq algeTTene uaaq qou ppq sagnuTw UOTSSTwwoO bUTuueTd aqq 'buTgaaw TTounoO gseT agq le 'pappe aqS •paiaMsueun pauTPwaj goTgM saoTogo JOpTzzoo agq buTpiPbai SUOTgsanb IPJanas aiaM aiagg pTP9 aqS •UOTSTaap JOPTJJO0 gaazgS gguTN aqq buTpjebaz suzaouoo peq aqs ITounoO pawzo;uT sbuTITOD JOAPw •snsuasuoo Aq pa9lbe TTounoo •z66T jog gsa3 un3 uowTeS 3adnS aqg buTgPUTpzooO anuTquoo oq axTT pTnoM aqs pTes sbuTITOD JOAeH •Asensga3 uT awTgawos paTTew aq TTTM zaggaTsMau aqy •5 Aienjga3 Aq JaggaTsnau agg 10; gdpzbPzpd uoTgewio;UT UP gTwgns og TTounoO papuTwai sbuTTTOO soAeW •w•d 9 gp buTgaaw ITounoa qxau aqq oq soT.Td sajngoTd TTounoo buTxeq aq pinoM ;;ouTwPg anagS pTes sbUTITOD JOAPW •aUop TTaM qoC a jog aoiawuwo0 ;o sagweg0 aagogeuaM gsPa aqq wOi; sa.TiaH Tiled paquawTTdwoo aqS •wSTjnoq buTpzebas AgunoO selbno0 ;o gzOd aqg PUP a0sawwo0 ;o sagweg0 aagogeuaM gseg aqq Aq pazosuods buTgaaw a papuagqe peq aqs pTes sbuTTTOO ioAeN •pagsTTdw000e sPM TPap geazb P pue szoAPw aqg uaaMgaq uoTgOPlaquT poob gem aaagg qTa; sbuTTTOO JoAPly •sawe0 jaquTM s,zeaA gxau buTpiPbas buTgaaw SJOAPw P papuagqe aqs pTes sbUTTTOD soAPW ' •dogsx.zoM SIeTOT3;O p9409TS ATMaN saTITO UOgbuTgseM ;o UOTgPTOOSSy agg papuagqe OsTP ags pTes sbUTITOD ioAeN sxoda'd S,'dOA'dH •suoTgae s,ITounoo buTpua;ap so; spun; buTpTnosd aOUPUTpio UP 6UTpie5aJ saTIT O uogbuTgspM ;o UoTgPTOossy agq q OegUOD ITTM AaP'I JagwawTTounoo *TTounoo jog AgTTTgpTT sUOTssTwo PUP Sjoisa gem uiaouoO auO •TTounoO go saTgTTTgTsuodsaz aqq puegszapun og wagq padlaq pup anTgPWJOJUT gem gT paalbP TIP Aagy •ewTxPA uT dogsxloM STeTOT330 pagOalg AIMaN saTITO uogbuTgsPM ;o UOTgeTOossy aqg uo pag30das qs?N pup 'AOel 'MONTH ssagwawTTounoO salvadn axe saxodaa zlaxnoo •a.zawgsPO pup aagageUaM uT alsaado osTe pTnoM gaxiew aq,L Agjadojd TapTadS aqq qP 'sAepuns uo aq pTnoM gax.zew aqy •gaxiew aawwns z66T agg buTpaebas ITounoo oq axods 'ga%avJj sJaw1PJ AaTlen aagogeuem 'auogTdTd AaJar •saTgTnTgoP gsa3 unS saguTM iaggo pup ggbTT; uooTIPq aqq buTpiebaa uoTgPwzOgUT buTUTPgUoo sasngoojq pagngTJlsTp xaOTUzag SH aagogeuaM uT xjed x=PI0 pup sTMaq aq pinoM agTs gaunpl aqy „•aspg0 Uoollpg zTy uo goH aagogeuaM gPasg aqS„ aq pTnoM qI •6 gsa3 unS saguTM aqq bUTIosuods aq pTnoM neaing pup S Aaeniga3 uoTguanuo0 pue zOgTSTA easy aagOgeuaM aqq ITounoO paw.xo;UT 'aosawwo0 ;o JagwPgO eaiv aagogeuaM agq buTquasaidal xaOTUzaH AoueN SSNNHHOD Nazilio Corridor issue be returned to the Planning Department for additional information. Mayor Collings asked for a motion to rescind the motion in favor of Corridor B, which was passed at the last council meeting. Councilmember Lacy informed Council he had spoken with Calvin White regarding Mr. White's concerns about the selection of Corridor B. City Attorney Zimmerman mentioned that Ogden, Murphy, Wallace also represented Mr. White's business. However, he added this issue had not been discussed with Mr. White. Councilmember Mikow said he felt Council had made its decision without enough information regarding the Corridor choices. Mr. Mikow recommended rescinding the original motion which was in favor of Corridor B. Ed Barnhart, representing the Eastmont School District, informed Council on the school district's position regarding the Ninth Street Corridor, adding the school district would support either corridor. He said the athletic fields were presently used by Eastmont Junior High. Until the passage of a school bond issue and construction of a new junior high the school would continue such use. City Attorney Zimmerman added Ogden, Murphy, Wallace also represented the Eastmont School District. Councilmember Lacy said condemnation was not an issue at this time. He said the motion passed by Council was only a ' declaration of intent; the City's plans and needs could change at any time. Councilmember McArthur said Corridor B had been the only choice as citizens in favor of Corridor B were the only ones present at the Council meeting. She agreed to rescind the original Council action. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Mikow to rescind the decision regarding the Ninth Street Corridor made by Council at the January 21, 1992 Council meeting and return the issue to the Planning Commission. The motion carried, 4-1. (Hendricks) Mayor Collings gave a status report regarding the city hall proposal. She said she had contacted Douglas County Commissioners and the water and sewer districts; to date she had received no response. She also plans on contacting the school district. Mayor Collings said one option would be to work with a firm, such as the Ferris Company, to help the city work through all of the phases to the completion of a city hall. She asked for Council discussion. Council discussed two options, hiring a firm to do the study and hiring an engineer and architect. Councilmember Lacy supported the second option. Mr. Lacy said he felt confident Council had the ability to make decisions without - 3 - -v- .zaanspaiy/xzaTO AgTO goTasgsaO •3 e TbsTA w•d OZ'8 - ZN3NNHnofav w d OZ'g - pauanuooaN •w•d OS'L - pauanuo0 suoTIETgobaN - NOISS3S 3AI,L1103x3 •Azpssaoau aq ATTenquana pTnoM Auedwo0 sTaJa3 ayg ?XTT wiz; e ;o aouegsTssp aq-4 gTa3 ay pees zgTTM iaoT;;O aoupTTdwoO apo0 'WOOS 6uTgaaw J96zeT a asn pTnoa AgTO aqg 'ewTq quasaid aqq ge quaiedde sum se 'pappe ggTZ '1N 'asn OTTgnd ao; woo.x buTgaaw e sp an.zas osTe pup woosganoo a sp pasn aq pTnoo s.zagwpgo TTounoo pies ggTZ 1N •sTgg buTp.zebaa uoTuTdo sTq jo; ggTT Assaf JauuuTa AgTO pa%se Mo)[TH •1W •TTeq AgTo Mau t' uT gzno0 TedTaiunN e .zo; paeu a sum asayq u.Taouoo passa.zdxa MoxTH .zagwawTTaunoO •TTaM se uoTgeOoT ;o uoTsToap ayg apnTouT pTnoys ueTd ayq pazTseydwa Aoe7 *IN •ainpaooid oq se papaau sum ueTd a pagsabbns Aop7 .zagwawTTounoO •agep AT.zea sTyq qp pseM=o; anow oq Apr, gseq aqq aq qou Aew guawq.zpdaa buTuueTd ayg put' ;;egs ygTM buTgaaw e gpyq ujaouoo pessaIdxa sbuTTToO soAPN -spaau pagedToTqup allTwiagap og Apngs AgTTTgTsea; a paione; aqs pTes sbuTTToO aOAPH 'o-S 'paTzapo ❑oTgom aqy •yguow auo uT TTounoO oq giodai oq pup TTeq AgTo ;o spaau ssnosTp og gaaw oq quawgzedaa buTuueTd aqq pup speaq quawgzedap aqq .zo; anygzyoH .xagwawTTaunoO Aq puooas 'MoxTW sagwawTTounoO Aq appw seM uoTgow y luoTgoy TTounoO •spapT pup spaau aTTdmoo og quawgsedaa baTuueTd aqq pup 33egs uaaMgaq buTgaaw a pagsabbns ggT2 A.T.zar .zauueTd AgTO qaA you pt'y sTesodo.zd ITayg sTpsodosd panTaoaz pey AgTO 'awcq sTgq oq ssaooid pTq Aue •paMaTnaz uaaq ybnoggTe 'swig TeangoagTgoie w03; ayq pips yoTasgsap saznseazy/xzaTO 6uTpaebal uoTgsanb a og .zaMsup uI •goagTyo.zp up oq buTob aio;aq Asesseoau sum sTyq buTpspbas uoTgewzo;uT qTa; pup gzno0 TedTOTunN e ;o AgTTTgTssod aq-4 pauoTgsanb aH •TTeq AgTo Mau a io; spaau pagedToTgue aTTdwoo ;;egs pagsabbns MoxTW •zN •w1T; buTSaaUT6Ua quagadwoo e ;o saoTn.zas ayq ygTM gTTnq aq pTnoo TTeq AITo e panaTTaq ay pTes MoKTW sagwawTTounoO •=aauTbua TeooT e 9JTy og uoTgdo aq-4 pasone; yseN pup jnggzyoW siagwawTTounoO w1T; buTuueTd e ;o gnduT aqq