HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/21/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING JANUARY 21, 1992 , 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Charles Zimmerman, Bob Goodman, Ray Yarnell, Bruce Nash, Doug Chase, John Flinner, Jon Shambaugh. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, January 6, 1992. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Mikow to approve the minutes as amended. The motion carried, 4-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as , required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, January 21, 1992, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 12391 through 12447 in the amount of $38,703.11. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McArthur, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the bills as presented subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 4-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Street Department Superintendent Goodman received a consensus from Council on his request to begin the purchase of some of his budgeted capital outlay items such as a chipper -shredder. Mr. Goodman asked to reopen the Grant Road illumination project again for bid. 195 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the request for the Grant t Road illumination project and go to bid. The motion carried, 4-0. Mr. Goodman updated Council on the Eastmont Avenue project. He said the county intended to do the improvements from Grant Road to 19th on Eastmont. This would include widening, curbs, sidewalks, gutters and a bike lane. Mr. Goodman said the city's share of the match on the funding would be approximately $340,000. He added a letter of intent had been submitted to the County by the Mayor for the grant funding request. Ll Chamber of Commerce Patti Herres, East Wenatchee Chamber Director, gave an update on the Classy Chassis Parade. She said the parade would assemble and start from the Douglas County Park on Grant Road. This would give better accessibility for viewing and restroom availability. Ms. Herres added the parade was May 1, would start at 7 p.m. and the Cascade Loop Association was planning a concert at the park after the parade. PRESENTATION Mike Lyons, representing the Ferris Company, made a presentation to Council regarding his firm's experience in assisting the city toward a new city hall. Several questions from Councilmembers included the following: budget and cost, size of project, fees of the study, timeframes, and the architectural work. To answer the Council's questions, Mr. Lyons said his firm provides theses services which are all part of the process from the beginning to completion of a project such as a city hall. Mr. Lyons submitted a prospectus to council and will compile a cost proposal for their review. Councilmember McArthur asked Mayor Collings if the selection of the new council position could be made at this time, due to the subjects on the agenda. COUNCIL POSITION SELECTION 92-01-06 Selection of one of the applications to fill the vacant council position Three of the applicants were present and introduced themselves. They were Steve Lacy, Duane Hevly and Glen Craig. - 2 - - E - •SUOTIdo oMq aqq ;o u6Tsap agq UT ssogOe; se SMOT3 o?33eiq wnwTxew pup Aga;es qe paNOOT pPq wsT; sTg pTPs 'sageTOossy pup u9l6siog 'iawgea gsagod •pagoassoo aq oq paau pTnoM quowgses Uo gopoidde apesb aqq PUP ITT; aTgpzapTsuoO 'sTTeM bUTUTPga-T aiTnbai pTnoM e iopTii00 'Mot; OT;;esq PUP aOUPgsTp agTs Jo; za;Ps aq pTnoM IT pup 'Mot; aagPM ,slT oq ssaooe jaggaq aneq pTnoo gOTJJSTp UOTIeBT33T aqq 'pagsTTowap PUP pasegoznd aq pTnOM bUTpTTnq agq :gOT3gsT(I jageM aqq ;o agTs quasaid aqq gbnozgg MoT; pTnoM y TOPTisoZ) •uoTgdo qsaq aqq se y sopTouoD papuawwOOaJ UOTSSTwwoO aqg PUP UO'SSTwwOD 6UTuUeTd aqq oq uaATb uaaq pPq huowTgsag OTTgnd pTes aH •g iopTzzoD PUP y JopTzioD 'paggTwgns supTd oMq agq paMaTA@J gbnpgwegS •=H •abegUOs; gaa2gs pup AITTTgTSTA saggaq ggTM seaap pagoedwT gbnosgq OT33e3q buTAow PUP peog guesg oq 3axP8 ;o uoTsuagxa agq azaM ueTd aATsuagaidwoo agg UT sueTd iogOauuoO aq-4 ;o awos pTPs aH •eaJP aagogPuaM gses sagpaio agq ;o ggnosb aqq ggTM ATgesapTsuoO pasPasOUT pPg SPase TPTqu9pTs9J aqq wo3; 6UTMoT; sTPTiagzP UTPM aqg oq bUTAow oT;;PJI szopliioo aagogPuaM gses agg UT OT;;PJq ;o suzaouoO agq ;o UOTgPUeTdxa ' UP aneb gegq sapTTS peagJanO paMogs aH •SUOTsTAaz oT;;eiq zo; paau aq-4 pauTPTdxa pup ueTd aqq paMaTAaO gbnegwegS sauueTd AgTO •squawwoa uazTgTa so; pauado aq pTnoM bUTseag OTTgnd aqq pTes sbuTTTOD ioAeH uOTgOauuOD nopTaaOD gaalgS gguTN pup ggqbTs aqq buTpiebai buT3eaq OTTgnd y 10-T0-Z6 9NIUVEH JIZHnd •UOTgTsod TTaunoD agg oquT AOPZ anagS asoMs 'aOT;;O 3O ggeo aqg ggTM 'sbuTTTOD aOAeH •O-y ATsnowTupun paSSPd UOTgeuTwou agy •TTounoo ;o uoTgTsod gUPOPA agq og hop7 anagS pageuTwou inggzyaH sagwawTTounoo •uoTgTsod aqq 3o; haej anagS gsoddns pTnoM ag pTPS mONTH iagwawTTaunoD •dop7 anagS asiopua pTnoM aqs pup gsoddns paMogs sagepTpUPO agq io; sagoA ;o jagwnu Uana agq pTPs jnggjvoH aagwawTTounoD •ATAaH auenQ passopua aqs pup gsoddns AgTunwwoo aqq ggTM paaibe gspN sagwawTTounoo •AOPI anagS aq pTnOM eDTogO sTH •qzo;;a pup gsasaquT ;o Tpap geaib P paMogs aoei s,JOAPw aqq gPgq 'quaTTaOxa asaM sagepTpueo agq ;o TIP qTa; aH •uoTgTsod guPOPA aqq JO; sagPpTpueO xTs peg AITO aqq paseaTd A3aA seM aq pTPs sXDTupuaH iagmawTTaunoa 961 197 Superintendent Goodman noted for the record these plans were not part of the City's Six Year Transportation Street Plan and were not budgeted items. Councilmembers expressed concern relating to Corridor B as to the grade approach from Eastmont, how traffic would be controlled such as stop lights, the timeframe of the plan in relation to the school being built on Eighth, other streets connecting to the corridor and accessibility of current property owners. Mayor Collings said Council's decision would show the intent of choice of one of the corridors for future development. Mayor Collings opened the public hearing at 7:28 p.m. Several residents spoke against Corridor A, not totally in favor of Corridor B. Several of them added the following concerns: at the time of purchase of their property they were told the area would remain residential; they did not want any more commercial zoning in the area; and they recognized the traffic was a growing problem in relation to pedestrian traffic and accidents in the area. The following residents spoke against Corridor A: Bruce Nash, 909 North Gale, East Wenatchee, Denise Herz, 600 Cindy Court, East Wenatchee, Dave Bernstein, 612 Cindy Court, East Wenatchee, ' Don Skinner, 604 Cindy Court, East Wenatchee, Doug Morgan, 608 Marcie Court, East Wenatchee, Joyce Morgan, 608 Marcie Court, East Wenatchee. Jack Hale, resident from Tenth Street NE and a developer, said he was concerned that Corridor A would take most of the prime orchard property owned by Mr. Loepp. Mr. Hale said he had an option on the property and was hoping to develop it, however, if Corridor A was chosen, it would possibly have to be a planned unit development instead of residential. He expressed concern regarding the price that would be paid for the property, based on the market value of property at the present time. Council discussed several issues such as purchase of the water district, fair market value of property, maintenance of Eastmont, concern with traffic and other possible options. Superintendent Goodman, in answer to some of the questions, said the plan intended to end Seventh Street and raise it for a flat intersection; if B was chosen gabian walls could be constructed instead of retaining walls to avoid additional cost; and there would be no additional cost to the community. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Nash, second ' by Councilmember Mikow to select Corridor B for future traffic revision and connection to the Eighth Street corridor. The motion carried, 5-0. - 4 - =-= ' jainseaal/Nialo AgTJ goTaigsap •3 e�%`cb3TA w•d SV:q - SNSHNUnOfaV paiaoveo - NOISSSS 3AIMID US •agoA you pTp 'quawquTodde aqq oq anp 'sxoijpuaH jagwamTTounop 0-p pallavo uoTgow agy •Z66T .To; way o.Td ioAe}y se sKoTipueH iagwawlTounop quiodde oq doe7 sagwawlTounop Aq puooas 'jngq.zyoH zagwawTTounOD Iq appw seM aoTgow y :uoTgoy ITounop way oad soAPH e ;o uoTgoaias p jo; ITounoo paKse sbuTTTOD soleH •algTssod se woos se saggalsMau aqq aOl aloTq.ze up gTwgns oq ITounop papuTwai sbuTjZop JOAVH •zabuoi gonw oog a3o;aq aoeid uT abpubTs sadoid aAeq og padoq aqs pTes sbuTTTop JOAPH •quTodMaTA peog quesp agg qp subTs io; abTsap e paggTwqns peg MespoH p.TegoTg pTes sbuTiloJ JOAPIJ ' IHOdaH S,HOAVH abpTH uoTssTH wo.z; pagounei svooiipq jTe qog apnlouT pinoM goTgM Aj pnjga3 uT gsad uns aaguTM aqq aq oq bvTob seM svoTgoun; aqq ;o auo pTes iaXJ?2 •sH sweaboad pup sueid s,npaing aqq uo agepdn up aneb 'neaing uoTquanuoJ pue sogTsTA '.zax.zeg upsnS SIN3HHOp NazISIp •SIVM uT MoxTH jagwawlTounop pup guawabeueH ggMOJD ❑T pagsaoaguT aae ADPq pue MONTH saagwawUounop •awTq quasaid aqq qe pieog AaaToos aupwnH A9TTV A aagogeueM aqq uo sT aqs XNI'I UT gsasaquT passajdxa inggiyoH-TagwawlTaunOD •(SIVM) paeog uoTgegzodsuejL agq uT pagsa.zaquT seM pup p-Teoq XNI'I aqq uo aq pinoo aq pTes sxoTapuaH-TagwawlTounop •p.zeog hzosTApy agseM pTTOS aqq pup npazng ❑oTquanuop Pule sogTsTA aqq -io; pasaagunTOA gseN TagwawlTounop gaaw saaggTwwoo qua.ia;;Tp aqq uagM gno puT3 TTTM aqs pTes sbuTTTOD ioheH •saaggTwwoo IgTunwwoa oq squawquTodde buTgdaooe passnosTp ssagwawlTounoo SZN3HSxI0dav 3911IHHOD •snsuasuoo dq paa.xbe ITaunop •buTgaaw ITounop Z66I 'E Azpnzga3 aqq ITgun pauodgsod ' aq buTzeag agq pagsanbei peg queoTTdde aqq pTes goTa.zgsap xiaTO asuaaTT s,JeAT.Ip gpoTxeg e ;o IeTuap aqg buTp3e59s buTieaq Ieadde uy ZO-TO-Z6 JNIHVSH 'Ivadav 861