HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/6/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1ST
JANUARY 6, 1992
6:30 P.M.
(This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for
a period of six years from the date of the meeting.)
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember
Nash, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor
Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Gil Sparks, Charles Zimmerman,
Bob Goodman, Ray Yarnell, Bruce Nash, Nick Wiltz, Jerry Litt,
Doug Chase, John Flinner, Linda Countryman, Darin Bender.
Mayor Collings welcomed
Councilmember Nash and
Mikow to the Council.
Regular Session, December
16. 1991.
Council Action: A motion
was made by Councilmember
second by Councilmember Nash to approve the minutes
as read. The
motion carried, 4-0.
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as
required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims
certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a
listing which has been made available to Council.
As of this date, January 6, 1992, the Council does approve for
payment voucher numbers 12361 through 12390 in the amount of
$21,169.07. Voucher number 12376 was voided.
Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 10752 through 10798
in the total amount of $66,783.40, paid January 3, 1992 for the
month of December, 1991.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks,
second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the bills as
presented subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 4-0.
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Finance Department
City Clerk Oestreich reminded Council of the Newly Elected
Officials seminar being presented by the Association of
Washington Cities. She said new councilmembers should attend and
registration and reservations would be made by her office.
She asked Council to authorize the new Mayor to sign the
contracts for the city for 1992. The contracts are with agencies
such as the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce, Douglas County
Planning, and Chelan Douglas County Health Department.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McArthur,
second by Councilmember Nash to authorize the Mayor to sign the
city's contracts for 1992. The motion carried, 4-0.
Police Department
Chief Flinner introduced Doug Shay, Attorney for the Columbia
River Drug Task Force. Mr. Shay gave a report on the status of
the Task Force and how successful it has been in the valley. He
said a large amount of drugs had been seized; several arrests had
been made and overall the program was working in the continuing
control of drug trafficking in the area.
92-01-01 Set January 21, 1992 as the date for a public
hearing regarding the Eighth and Ninth Street
corridor connection
92-01-02 Set a date for an appeal regarding the denial of a
taxicab business license
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks,
second by Councilmember McArthur to set January 21, 1992 as the
date for the public hearing regarding the Eighth and Ninth Street
Corridor connection and January 21, 1992 as the date for the
appeal regarding the taxicab business license. The motion
carried, 4-0.
92-01-03 Appointment of Councilmembers to certain committees
within the community
Clerk Oestreich said there were several vacancies on different
committees in the community that require participation of
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pjnoM wiT; y •IsOo pue 'azTs og se spaau 'uoTgeooT aqq auTwiagap
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Ssivadn QNv SSdOd3N ZIoNnoo
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Aqunoo sejbno0 aqq ageubTsap oq MoKTH jagwawTTounoo hq puooas
'sXDTJpuaH sagwawTTounoo Aq apew seM ❑oTgow V :uoTgoy jTounoo
•ssa.Td aiTdwg Aqunoo seTbnoa aqg ggTM buTnuTguoa
papuawwooai aqs pTes gaTazgsaO sH •pTioM aagogeuaM agq
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pagea6Tsap quasaid ino seM jadedsMau aqq :JappTq Moj seM ssasd
azTdwg aqq pTes aqg •ssasd aJTdwg Agunoo seTbnoO aq-4 pue pTioM
aagogeuaM aqq woz; panTaaai uaaq peg spTq pTes goTaigsa0 x=aTO
aadedsMau jeToT;;o s,AITa agq buTgeubTsaO 60-TO-Z6
•puagge og aNTT pjnoM Aagq saaggTwwoo goTgM
sapTsuoa TTTM siagwawjTounoo •uaKeq seM auoN :uoTgoy jTounoo
•pagoaTas aq og papaau ageuzagTe ue ygyd ggTM anTgeguasa=dai
e ggTM buoTe geqq pappe uewiawwTZ Aauioggy sbuTuado
quasar;Tp aqq passnosTP TTounoo •eaiy qT;auag uoTgeq-Todsuezy
oTTgnd PUP aaggTwwoo AJOSTnpy agseM pTToS 'buTuueTd
TeuoTbag guaw96eueH g3Mo10 'ApngS uoTgegiodsueiy eajy aagogeuaM
'neaing uoTquanuoo pue =ogTsTn agq asaM saaggTwwoo agg ;o awoS
' Mayor Collings said she would like to start the newsletter again;
possibly two times this year. She asked Council to submit
something about each of themselves by the next meeting to have in
the first issue.
Mayor Collings said she would like to have a retreat as soon as
possible. Her idea would be to meet on February 29, 1992 at
Nendels from 8 to 12 noon for goal setting and discussion of
items of council concern. Lunch would follow. Council agreed it
was a very good idea and to go ahead with plans.
Mayor Collings said her election to mayor left a vacant council
position. The position needed to be filled by an applicant
approved by Council within thirty days. Two applicants had been
received, Tana Wood and Steve Lacy. Councilmember McArthur asked
Ms. Wood, who was in attendance, if she had resided in the city
for one year, a requirement of a council position. Ms. Wood said
she had not and would withdraw her application if it was
Mayor Collings said a Mayor Pro Tem needed to be appointed by
Council. A Mayor Pro Tem chairs the Council meeting in the
absence of the Mayor. No action was taken on an appointment.
Virginia E. Oestreich
City Clerk/Treasurer
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