HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/21/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON _ REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING DECEMBER 21, 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Mikow, Mayor Collings. Councilmember Lacy and Councilmember Nash excused as absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Nick Wiltz, Bob Goodman, John Flinner, Legal Counsel Gil Sparks. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich asked for Council's approval to extend the expiration date on the taxicabs licensed in the city to January 31. 1993. She said this was due to the new ordinance and taxicab licensing procedure that would be submitted to Council ' for thier approval in January. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McArthur, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the request to allow time to have the new ordinance and procedure in place prior to renewing the taxicab licenses. The motion carried, 3-0. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Mikow, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the Consent Calendar as presented and as the following items were listed. The motion carried 3-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, December 21. 1992. 2. Consideration of Bills 92-12-03 3. Setting January 4, 1993 as the date for a public hearing amending the City's Six Year Transportation Plan Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a ' listing which has been made available to Council. - 1 - -z- iainsveil/Xialo AlTo gotasgsap •g ei b�i� 'w' 00:L - ZNSHNHn fQV •awiq sigg qp IwooTiaguT aqq gdope oq Appea you seM TTounoo qeqq pawii;uoo aqs 'aeTd quawabeueH Toiguo0 pooTd anisuagaidwo0 aqq bei gp S uipsbauawaazbe TeooTsaqui q;sap o; sXsoM OTTgnd Aqunop spTbnop woz; ITouno0 oq jaggaT a pea3 sbuTlloO ioApH ZHod3H s,HOAVH 'ZOV 3JNVSSISSV 30ISSnr ZVNIHIHO 3HS dO 9NIONnd 3nNISN00 OS 3HnsVzsI93Z 31VIS NOZONIHSVM 3HZ 9NIIS3na3H NOSONIHSVM '33HOZVN3M SSV3 d0 dZIO 3HZ d0 xoisnzos3H V ZT-Z6 'ON NOIZnZOS3H '0-£ 'paTJJV0 uotgow aqy •buipun; aotgsnr Teuiwiip ;o uotgenutquoo Jo; satgiO uogbuigseM ;o uotgeloossV agg Aq pagsanba-T se uotgnTosaJ agg anozdde oq MoXTH jagwawTTouno0 Aq puooas 'sXoiipuaH jagwawTTounoo Aq apew seM uotgow V :uoigoV TTounop •saigiqua quaia33ip aqq buOwe saoinsas paipgs 'anigezad000 Mogs oq spuaqut aaggtwwoo aqy •butpun; ani9083 gpgq satouabe saggo ggiM aaggtwwoo a uo spM aq pies JauutTd ;atg0 •uotquanaid awi3o uo; aoanosai iaggo ou aneg gegg saiqunoo pup satgZo padTag seq we-Tboad aqq pies aH 'E66T ;o agep qasuns agq auodaq panuiquoo aq 6uipun3 aotgsnr TeuZwZip aqq buigsanbai aie saTITTpdioTunw pup satqunoo pees sauuTla ;aig0 weiboad buipun; aouegsisse aoigsnr TRUTUTJp agq anuiquoo og asngeTsiba? agegs uogbuigseM aqq buTIsanbea uoignTosai V DO-ZT-Z6 'Z66T dO SMVZ 'bb H31dVH0 AS 03HInb3H SV S MLOZdH3 dSIO HOd A3IZOd NOIS03SOHd H3MOZfl3ZSSIH14 V ONIZdOQV HOZONIHSVM '33H3ZVN3M ISV3 30 XZIO 3HZ d0 NOIZnZOSSH V TT-Z6 'ON NoiZnZos3H '0-E 'patujeo uotgow aqy •uoignTosaz aqq ssed pup weiboad iaMoTgaTgsigM aqq anoadde oq anggaVoH jagwamlTounop Aq puooas 'sXotipuaH aagwawTTounop Aq apew seM uotgow V :UOTIDV TTounop MeT Aq pagepupw se weiboid uotgoagoid iaMoTgaTgsiqM agq butgdope uotgnTosai V EO-ZT-Z6 NOISnZOS3H •Tenosddp io; TTouno0 oq paggiwgns aie '9S'00b'E95 ;o qunowe aqq ut 'LS6ET gbnoigg Z04ET siagwnu zagonon quawAed 'Z661 'TZ sagwaoaQ 'agep sigq ;o sV