HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/7/1992 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR DAWN COLLINGS PRESIDING DECEMBER 7, 1992 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Nash, Mayor Collings, Councilmember Lacy arrived at 6:35 p.m. Councilmember Mikow excised as absent. Staff Present: Virginia Oestreich, Charles Zimmerman, Bob Goodman, John Flinner, Linda Countryman, Nick Wiltz. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPARTMENT REPORTS Councilmember Hendricks thanked Street Superintendent Goodman for the fine job the Street Department had done clearing the snow from the sidewalks. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember Nash to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, and as the following items were listed. The motion carried unanimously, 4-0. 1. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Session, November 16, 1992. Special Session, November 30, 1992. 2. Consideration of Bills Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080. and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090. have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, December 7, 1992. payment voucher numbers 13358 through 13401, in the amount of $132.636.24. are submitted to Council for approval. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 11261 through 11310, in the total amount of $73,094.15, paid December 5, 1992 for the month of November, 1992. - 1 - -z- 1 'ZIVHy 1KOH3H3AIH a3HO1VN3M ISVa ally H03 ONIQNn3 HVH00Hd 1X3HZONVHN3 NOI1V1HOdSHVH1 ally 9NIQHVOaH NouviuOdSNVHy 30 yNsHiuvdau aIVIS NOyONIHSVM HHy HIIM INZHSaHOV NV 9NIydOOV 'NOyaNIHSVM 4aaHD1VN3M ISVa 30 AyIJ ally 30 NOI1nZOS3H V OT-Z6 NOIlMOS3H •guawaaibe aqj sgdope uoTgnTosai aqy •papiemu saiuow Iusi6 aq1 oI gogew guaosad aAT;-AIuaMI a apiAoid TTTm AITO aqy •buipun; goa[osd aq1 3o; uoigeliodsueiy ;o guawlaeda0 agegS uogbuTgSVM aqg glTm paiTnbas seM guawaaibe ue TTounoO pawJo;uz 'IoaCoad TTeJ1 4Uo3;iaATd aagogeuaM gse3 aqg Jo; iogeuipiooJ Ioaloid 'uasTO iaJTuuar •6uipund weibosd guawaouequa uoTgegzodsuesy aqg 5utpie6as uoigegjodsuezy ' ;o guawgiedaa agegs uog6utgseM aqg ggTm uoTinTosas V TO-ZT-Z6 NOIynZOs3H •(sngliVoH 'gseN 'Aoe7) s-T 'paTTE; uoigow aqy -sasnq Aq paotAJas TaIOW aagogeuaM Ise3 goea JO; peed aq pTnoM sieTTop paipunq &AT; puesnogg oMy 'abptH uotssiH oI sasnq 90TA39S Tetoads 3o; XNI7 og spung wntpegS C66T UT sieTTop puesnogg aATJ agg p3eMe og gseN zagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'sNoispuaH 3agwawTTounoo Aq apew seM uozlow V !UOTIOV ITounoJ 'aaiAaas ;o gno seM snq aaggoue ssaTun asn ieTnbas ogui Ind aq you pTnoM pue sagnoa 3eTn5aa s,gNIZ uo pasn asogg uegg guaaa;;Tp aze sasnq aqy •sguana aotAJas iaggo ao; pasn aq pTnoM sasnq agg pies 'NNIZ 'wooTg-STAeO sivaaQ •uossas INS aqg ;o pua aqg ge law aq pTnoM sasuadxa Teuoileiado Moq paNse gseN iagwawTTounoJ •aOTAsas ;o adAl sigg aO; sasnq so; Aed og pasn aq pTnogs saiuow xeg Tea; you pip aH •aie; a siapTj aBiego pTnogs gNIZ 'eapi pooh a seM a5PTH uoissZH og snq a ITa; aq g6noggTe 'pies AoeZ iagwawTTounoJ •agnoH abpTH uOTssTH aqg agepowwooae oI sasnq sno; asegoand pTnoM XNI7 'a5PTd uotsstw og sasnq Tetoads io; sasuadxe Teuoigeiado ' paeMog aagogeuaM Isea ;o AIZJ aqI woz; guawgtwwoo zeaA aalgl e pagueM osTe Aagy •sseTTop puesnogq RAT; ;o Iunowe aqg UT AaUOw pun3 wnZpegS pagsanbea uoileioossV TaIOW/TaIoH ealV aagogeuaM aqy NOIyVH30ISN0o Z66T 'L HESHRO20 SgIaNIH ZIJNnOJ a3HOLVN3M ISV3 30 AIIJ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 7, 1992 RECOMMENDATION ' 92-11-05 A public meeting regarding the Cooper Subdivision and the Hale and Sutton Planned Unit Development Doug Chase, City Planner, reported the Planning Commission recommendations for the Cooper Subdivision on Tenth Street NE. Fifteen of the subdivision lots will be within the city limits. The average lot size will be eight thousand eight hundred square feet. The zoning for the subdivision will be residential single. Recommended conditions are as follows: D CONDITIONS 1. The developer shall provide a complete, approved, engineered set of plans for drainage, street profiles, and utility improvements prior to plat finalization with an estimate of costs for said improvements. 2. Roadway improvements on Tenth Street NE and on the interior road shall be in substantial conformance with the road profiles submitted, which include pavement, curbs, gutters, a grassed landscaped strip (on interior road), and sidewalks. Improvements shall be as follows: A. Widening and paving out to eighteen feet from the monumented centerline of Tenth Street NE, with curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, and a seven foot ' utility easement running adjacent to the sidewalk along Tenth Street NE. B. Fifty foot right-of-way dedication with thirty-six feet of pavement and curbs, gutters, grassed landscaped strip, and sidewalks on the interior roadway. A five foot utility easement shall run adjacent to the sidewalks on either side within the interior roadway. C. Twenty-five foot radius returns are required at the intersection on Tenth Street NE and the interior roadway. 3. Construction standards of streets, curbs, and sidewalks shall be approved by the City of East Wenatchee Engineer. Said, roadway improvements shall be completed prior to finalization of the plat, or adequate surety be posted in an amount acceptable to the City of East Wenatchee Attorney. 4. Maintenance of the landscaping strip shall be the responsibility of the property owners and shall be stated in the private covenants of the subdivision. 5. The interior Roadway shall be named, and constructed simultaneously with the Applicants proposed subdivision located adjacent to this proposal within the City of East Wenatchee. - 3 - -v- •sluawaztnbaz apoo buTplTng wzo;Tun 9q1 laaw goTgM savoy zpinpow UTeluOO IITM UOTSTATpgns 9141 pTVS 1 ase740 •zyi 'znglavoH zagwawTTounoo woz; uoTlsanb a of asuodsaz uI •UOTSTATpgns aq1 ;o spate A1uno0 Pup A1TO gloq o1 Aldde TITM spzppuels awes 8141 pTEs aspg0 z{; •zaauTbug aagoleuaM lseg ;o A1TO aq1 Aq p9nO3ddp Pup o1 pallTwgns aq TTegs ueTd UOTleutwnllT uy uoTsTAipgns agl ;o sauT;uoo aql buTleuTwnTTT 'butlybTT laazls ;o uOT12TTe1SUT aq1 zo; aTgTsuodsaz aq Ileys 1ueoTldde aqy 'ST •Aluo sznoq 40TTAep 01 p81TwTT aq TTpgs saT1TAT1ae uotlonzlsuoo 'ATIeuOTITPPV 'spzppuels TeTluapTsaz 1gbTu pup Aep paa0xa gOTyM sTanaT asTou of 1aa[gns aq 1ou Tlpys saTlzadozd BUTAT9091 TeTluapTSaz 'UOTlanzlsuoo buTinQ *VT •slsad zo; luawabeupw zadozdwT Aq spzp140zo IeTOJ9=100 butpunozzns ;0 UOTloa;aT 1SUTebe aznsuT 01 saouapTsaz ;o UOTlonzlsuoo 01 aOTzd panowaz aq lsnw saazl 1Tnz; ITV •£T •1pId aq1 ;o IpAOzdde TEUT; 01 zotzd zaauTbug aayolpuaM lseg ;o A1T0 ayl Aq panoidde pup paMatnaz aq ITeys ueTd abeuTezp pTes •splaT; UOTlualaz pue 'suTseq goleo 'szallnb se sbutgl yons 401 pa1TMTT 1ou 1nq 'butpnlOUT 'ueTd abeuTezp e gbnozgl alTs uo pauTelaz aq TTTM Tesodozd sTy1 woz; palezauab ;;O-unz TTy •ZT •zoloazTa butuueTd aagaleuaM lseg ;o A1To aq1 Aq pan0zddp pup g1TM palT; aq lsnw spoglaw asagl buTUTeTdxa ueld luawalegp lsnp y •UOTlonzlsuoo butznp paAoTdwa aq lsnw 'papeau se butzaleM pue baTppzb IpwTUTw se qons 'Spoglaw Tozluoo lsnp alpTzdozddy *TT •sloedwT aszanpe algTssod aq-4 91e5TlTw 01 wnwtutw e 1p 1da3l aq TTegs SalTsawoq pup SAeM-;o-lgbTz zo; buTpezo •0T •punozbzapun paaeTd aq TTegs buTlgbTT laazls pup 'suoTleotunwwoo 'A1ToTz109Ta zo; asogl butpnTOUT 'sautl A1TIT1n TIK •6 •Aouabp/zoAanznd alpTzdozdde ay1 of algeldaooe lunowe aql UT pup g1TM palsod aq Alazns alenbape ue zo 'AOUabe/zoAanznd antloadsaz eq1 3o SUOTleoT;Toads pup sauTlaptnb ay1 0l aouppz000e ut lupotTddy aq1 Aq paTTElsut aq TTegs 'swalsAs UOTlebTzzT pup 'SMol; pup sluezpAq eJT; 'euogdalal 'zaMOd '391sm butpnTOut 'S9T1TTT1n TIC' •8 •swalsAs uoTingTzlsTP zaaeM pup TpsodsTp abeMas OTlsawop zo; panozddp slol TIE ' g1TM '1OTz1STa g1leaH spl5noa-uelag0 aq1 ;0 SUOTleaT;Toads pup spzppuels aq1 g1TM aouppzooOe UT aq llpgs luawdoTanap aqy L •dew TpuT; aql uo uMOgs aq lleys sluawaspa uoTleAzasuoo pup 'abeuTezp 'A1TTT1n TTy '9 1-66T 'L HESI-I333a salaNIN 'IIaNnoo 33H3,LeN314 ISV3 30 ASIJ CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL IiINUTES DECEMBER 7, 1992 Councilmember Lacy asked if the City could legally impose covenants on the subdivision. Jon Shambaugh, City Planner, said ' covenants could be imposed by the developer. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McArthur to accept the findings of fact of the East Wenatchee Planning Commission and to approve the Cooper Subdivision application. The motion carried, 4-0. Mr. Chase requested a preliminary final approval for the Hale and Sutton Planned Unit Development on Eastmont Avenue. The development will be multi -family condominiums catering to the fifty-five and older age group. The development will include sixteen to twenty buildings for a total of sixty-four condominiums. Mr. Chase said a traffic analysis had been completed; detailed information on site improvements such as sidewalks and street lighting had been received; and he said the Planning Commission recommended approval of the development. Councilmember Hendricks asked if consideration might be given to a bus pull-out since he felt this would be worthwhile. Mr. Hale said a bus pull-out would be included in the development. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Lacy, second by Councilmember McArthur to accept the findings of fact of the East Wenatchee Planning Commission and to approve the Hale and ' Sutton Planned Unit Development application. The motion carried, 4-0. ORDINANCES 92-11-06 An ordinance setting the salaries for the employees and the Council for 1993 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Nash to pass the 1993 salary ordinance for East Wenatchee employees and the Council. The motion carried, 4-0. ORDINANCE 92-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON. AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 91-14 AND FIXING AND CONFIRMING THE SALARIES AND COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO CERTAIN OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DURING THE YEAR 1993. - 5 - 1 1 iaanseaJy/xiaTO A1i3 goiaagsaO •3 e(TtbltA w•d OZ'S - INHHKunOrav w•d 6T:g - pauanuoaad w'd Oq:L - pauanuoO suoiletgobaN - N0ISS3S 3AISnDHX3 •paATeZ8J uaaq peq asuodsa.z ou 'alep og pies sbuiTTo3 zoAeH 'TTEq Agio Mau aq1 UT aoeds buiAeq satgiqua aqq ssnosip 01 sz 5UTl99w aqy •qI jagwaoaa zo; palnpagos 5uig9aw ITouno3 Ietoads 9y1 5utp3e5al gotlgstQ zaleM aayoleuaM gse3 ayg io gozllstQ saMaS Aqunoo selbnoa aqq wos; paATaoa.z uaaq pey asuodsai Aue ;i paxse Aoel jagwawTTounoO suvadn ONY siuoa3u aioKnoO NOIIVDI'Tand Hoi AHVHNns 30MYNIOHO N'd ONIA0UddV aN6' ' £66T ' T AUVflKVr ONIONaNNOO 2 VaA 'I6'OSI3 3HS HOa A,LIO 3HS d0 laDang gVNI3 3HS ONISdOQK 'NO,LONIHSVM '33H3lVN3M SSV3 d0 ASI3 3HS 30 3ONHNIGHO XV LT-Z6 3ONVNIOHO 'O-6 'PaTaJPO uoilow ayy •aayogeuaM ISSa ;o A1?O aqq ' io; aaueuipJO gabpnq £66T aqq ssed 01 sxoizpuaH =agwawTTouno3 Aq puooas 'Aosq 3agwawTiounoO Aq epees seM uoTgow y iuoFgoy TTounoo £66T io; labpnq aagoleuapj 1se3 ;o AITO ayg buigdope aoueuipio uy LO-TT-Z6 Z66T 'L U38143O30 S31flNIIl 'IIONnOD 33HOIHN314 SStl3 20 .LLI0